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首页 > 论文问答 > 图书馆允许读者可以借阅这本杂志两个月英语

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The library
343 评论


292 评论


图书馆规则英语10条:1、The reading room is a civilized learning Readers should consciously keep the reading room clean and 阅览室是文明的学习场所,读者应自觉保持阅览室的整洁、安静。2、Readers are not allowed to eat, throw paper scraps or make loud noises 读者不得在室内吃东西、乱丢纸屑、大声喧哗,不准抢占座位及随意搬动桌椅,不得在阅览室内拨打或接听手机。 3、When the reader takes a book, must the substitute book board into the newly taken book's position, after reading, voluntarily returns to the 读者取书时,必须将代书板插入新取图书的位置,阅览后自觉归架。4、No smoking 不要在这里吸烟。 5、Don't tear the  不要撕书。6、Readers should return the book on  读者应该按时把借的图书还给图书馆。7、You should put the book back on the right shelf when you finish  当你看完的时候,你应该把书放回正确的书架上。8、To ensure the safety of the library, no smoking is allowed in the reading 为确保图书馆的安全,禁止在阅览室内任何地点吸烟。9、Inflammable and explosive materials are prohibited in the reading 严禁携带易燃、易爆物品入阅览室。10、Readers who enter the reading room shall hold the library (room) reading card and verify by the staff on duty before entering the reading 凡进入阅览室的读者,须持图书馆(室)阅览证且经值班人员验证后,方可进入阅览室阅览,包、书籍、书夹不得带入。

246 评论


Library borrower card is not transferable Members are responsible for any damage caused by them to the books or any other property belonging to the library and shall be required to pay the penalty imposed upon them by the Librarian Members leaving the library should stop at the exit so that the material borrowed or taken out of the library by them may be checked Upon any infringement of the library rules members shall forfeit the privileges of admission and membership of the library The Librarian reserves the right to suspend the membership of any member found misbehaving, abusing the library staff or behaving in an indecent manner The members caught tearing pages/stealing of books will be suspended forthwith from using the library facilities and further disciplinary action will be initiated against them by the University 微笑past╱/ 希望可以帮到您,祝您愉快!Y(^_^)Y 谢谢你,o(∩_∩)o 欢迎采纳,~(⊙_⊙;) 祝你早日把问题解决!↖(^ω^)↗加油!`~

202 评论


Keep quiet,please!请保持安静!you should return the book on 你应该按时把借的图书还给图书馆。You should put the book back on the right shelf when you finish 当你看完的时候,你应该放回正确的书架上。Take care of the 要爱护书籍。Don't draw or write anything on the 不要在书上乱涂乱画。

293 评论


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