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简单地说明一下文章的内容(创新与特色之处可以强调)和声明无一稿两投即可!Dear Editor: Here within enclosed is our paper for consideration to be published on “***" This study aims to our results show that, indicating The authors claim that none of the material in the paper has been published or is under consideration for publication Sincerely Yours, ***


简单地说明一下文章的内容(创新与特色之处可以强调)和声明无一稿两投即可!Dear Editor: Here within enclosed is our paper for consideration to be published on “***" This study aims to our results show that, indicating The authors claim that none of the material in the paper has been published or is under consideration for publication Sincerely Yours, ***




具体问题具体回复,SCI常见的问题优助医学来说一下。编辑们一般会在decisionletter中阐述清楚他们是否认为稿件经修改后足够发表。如果你不确定编辑在信里说的是什么意见,那么不妨回信询问。编辑的工作就是与读者沟通,说明怎样的修改会使文章足够发表(如果他们认为该文章有机会发表到该期刊上),或者为什么作者的文章无法发表(如果他们认为文章没有机会发表)。如果编辑或审稿人认为你的文章当前无法发表,他们其实会指出了你的研究中还有什么需要补充的(或者如果你的文章是理论性的,还有哪些问题你需要阐述得更清楚)。如果你是向实证性期刊投稿,那么只要你增加了足够的数据,便可以再次投稿。当然,当你这样做的时候,最好直接能解决decision letter和审稿意见中的建议和问题。在大多数情况下,写一封Cover Letter来说明之前decision letter和审稿意见中提出了哪些问题,并说明新修改的稿件是如何解决这些问题的,会很有帮助(或者如果你没有解决这些问题,阐述清楚为什么这些问题不是阻碍文章发表的原因)。


简单地说明一下文章的内容(创新与特色之处可以强调)和声明无一稿两投即可!Dear Editor: Here within enclosed is our paper for consideration to be published on “***" This study aims to our results show that, indicating The authors claim that none of the material in the paper has been published or is under consideration for publication Sincerely Yours, ***

engdu, capital of S


简单地说明一下文章的内容(创新与特色之处可以强调)和声明无一稿两投即可!Dear Editor: Here within enclosed is our paper for consideration to be published on “***" This study aims to our results show that, indicating The authors claim that none of the material in the paper has been published or is under consideration for publication Sincerely Yours, ***

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