1半导体学报 2北京体育大学学报 3材料研究学报(材料科学进展) 4财贸经济 5地球科学 6大学图书馆学报 7低温工程 8低温物理学报 9地质学报 10地球物理学报 11地震学报 12地质科学 13电子科学学刊 14电工技术学报 15电子学报 16电信科学 17动力工程 18动物学报 19法学研究 20分析化学 21复合材料学报 22钢铁 23高等工程教育研究 24高分子学报(中英) 25高能物理与核物理 26高等学校化工学报 27高等学校化学学报 28国际问题研究 29光电工程 30工程热物理学报 31固体力学学报 32管理世界 33国际贸易 34光学学报 35光子学报 36硅酸盐学报 37航空学报 38环境科学学报 39海洋学报 40海洋与湖沼 41化学学报 42红外与毫米波学报 43化工学报(中英) 44化学物理学报 45会计研究 46计量学报 47经济研究 48机械工程学报 49计算力学学报(计算结构力学及其应用) 50计算机辅助设计与图形学学报 51计算机科学与技术学报(英文版) 52教育研究(中央教育研究所) 53计算机研究与发展 54计算机学报 55计算数学 56建筑结构学报 57金属学报 58近代史研究 59金融研究 60建筑学报 61经济理论与经济管理 62科学学研究 63科学通报 64科研管理 65矿物学报 66空气动力学学报 67控制理论与应用 68历史研究 69力学学报 70马克思主义研究 71模式识别与人工智能 72煤炭学报 73磨擦学学报 74内燃机学报 75内燃机工程 76汽车工程 77情报学报 78软件学报 79热力发电 80燃料化学学报 81日语学习与研究 82社会学研究 83社会科学战线 84水力发电学报 85声学学报 86生物化学与生物物理学报 87生物工程学报 88生物化学杂志 89生物物理学报 90生理学报 91实验生物学报 92数量经济技术经济研究 93世界经济 94世界历史 95世界宗教研究 96水利学报 97石油学报 98数学年刊(A、B辑) 99数学学报 100数学进展 101太阳能学报 102体育科学 103天文学报 104通信学报 105土木工程学报 106外国文学研究 107外国语 108外语界 109外国文学评论 110外语教学与研究 111文学评论 112文艺理论研究 113文艺研究 114文艺遗产 115物理学报 116物理化学学报 117微波学报 118微生物学报 119无机化学学报 120无机材料学报 121现代外语 122系统工程理论与实践 123细胞生物学杂志 124心理学报 125学术月刊 126应用数学学报 127仪器仪表学报 128遗传学报 129有机化学 130岩土工程学报 131哲学研究 132自动化学报 133振动工程学报 134植物学报 135自然科学进展 136真空科学与技术学报 137中国物理快报(英文版) 138植物生态学报(植物生态学与地植物学报) 139新华文献收录主要内容的文章 140中国高教研究 141中国电机工程学报 142中国法学 143中国翻译 144中国机械工程 145中国工业经济研究 146中国公路学报 147中国环境科学 148中国农村经济 149中国激光 150中国科学(A~E辑) 151中国劳动学 152中国体育科技 153中国社会科学 154中国生物医学工程学报 155中共党史研究 156中国史研究 157中国有色金属学报 158中国图书馆学报 159政治学研究 160中国音乐 161中华医学杂志(中英) 162中国语文 163中华放射学杂志 164中华心血管病杂志 165自然辩证法研究 166中央音乐学院学报可以自己看着找需要的文章
国家自然科学基金委员会管理科学部推荐114种管理类外文期刊1 Academy Of Management Journal2 Academy Of Management Review3 Accounting Review4 ACM Transactions on information Systems5 Administrative Science Quarterly6 Annals of Operations Research7 Asia―Pacific Journal of Operational Research 3 Business Histories 9 California Management Review10 Concurrent Engineering―Research and Applications11 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery12 Decision Sciences13 Engineering Optimization14 European Journal of Operational Research15 Finance and Stochastic16 Financial Management .17 Fiscal Studies18 Forbes19 Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory20 Geneva Papers Oil Risk and Insurance―Issues and Practice21 Governance-an International journal Of Policy and Administration22 Harvard Business Review23 Human Factors24 Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing25 Human Relations26 Human Resource Management27 IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management28 IEEE Transactions on information Theory29 IIE Transactions30 Information & Management .31 Information Systems Journal32 Information Technology and Libraries33 International Journals of Finance & Economics34 International Journal of Human―Computer Studies35 International Journal of Product on Research36 International Journal of Technology Management37 1Ssues in Science and TeChn010gY38 Journals of Accounting Economics39 Journal of Accounting Research40 Journal of Business4l Journal of Business and Psychology42 Journals of Business Ethics43 Journal of Consumer Research44 Journals of Engineering and Technology Management45 Journals of Environmental Economics and Management46 Journal of Finance47 Journal of Financial and Quantities Analysis48 Journal of Global Option49 Journal of Information Science50 Journals of International Business Studies5l Journal of Management52 Journals of Management Studies53 Journals of Manufacturing Systems[54 Journal Of marketing[55 Journal of Marketing Research[56 Journal of Money Credit and Banking57 JOurn2l of Operations Management58 journals Of Optimization Theory and Applications59 Journal of Organizational Behavior Management60 Journals of Policy Analysis and Management 61 Journal of Product innovation Management ?62 Journal of Productivity Analysis63 Journal of Quality TechB010gy64 Journals of Real Estate Finance and Economics65 Journals of Risk and Uncertainty66 Journal of Scheduling67 Journal Of SocialP01icy ,68 Journal of the Operational Research Society69 Leadership Quarterly70 Long Range Planning71 Management Science72 Marketing letters 73 Marketing Science74 Mathematical Finance75 Mathematical Programming76 Mathematical Programming77 Mathematics of Operations Research78 MIS Quarterly79 MIT Sloan Management Renew80 National Tax Journals81 Naval Research Logistics82 Networks83 Operation Research84 Operators Research Letters85 Optimal Contr01 Applications & Methods86 Organization Science87 Organization Studies88 Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes89 Organizational Dynamics90 Public Administrations91 Public Administrations Review92 Quality & Quantity 93 Qualities and Reliability Engineering International94 Quantitative Finance95 Queuing Systems96 R&D Management97 Ramiro-Operations Research98 Real Estate Economics99 Real Estate Taxation100 Reliability Engineering L System Safety101 ResearchP01icy102 Research―Techn010gyMariagement103 Review of Financial Studies104 Safety Science105 Scientometrics106 Strategic Management journal107 Systems & Contr01Letters108 Technological Forecasting and Social Changes109 Technimetrics110 Technovation111Transportation Research part B-Methodological112 Transportation Science113 World Bank Economic Review114 Would Economy
在这里介绍一下国际知名的一些学术期刊出版商和会议组织者,供各位研究人员和学生参考。IEEEThe Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE, 要读作I-Triple-E,文盲才读I—E—E---E)电子工程师协会喽,最大的;也涉及到其他领域比如计算机,金融,经济,数学等等。IEEE的数据库贵的出名,每年接受大量期刊和会议文章。IISTEThe International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE),国际科技与教育协会,美国优秀的出版商,快速审稿、快速发表的英文杂志;特点是审稿人可以通过审稿赚钱,以此来提升审稿速度。同时也举办一些国际会议。SpringerInternational Publisher Science, Technology, Medicine,德国优秀的出版商,德国人做事情严禁,科学出版物的质量自然也不差。同时也举办一些国际会议。Elsevier爱思唯尔(ELSEVIER)简介 爱思唯尔是一家经营科学、技术和医学信息产品及出版服务的大型出版集团。总公司是英国的Reed Elsevier,SciencDirect是国内知名大学必备产品。Wiley-BlackwellWiley -Blackwell 出版公司是全球最大的学协会出版商,与世界上550 多个学术和专业学会合作,出版国际性期刊700 余种。
国家自然科学基金委员会管理科学部推荐114种管理类外文期刊1 Academy Of Management Journal2 Academy Of Management Review3 Accounting Review4 ACM Transactions on information Systems5 Administrative Science Quarterly6 Annals of Operations Research7 Asia―Pacific Journal of Operational Research 3 Business Histories 9 California Management Review10 Concurrent Engineering―Research and Applications11 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery12 Decision Sciences13 Engineering Optimization14 European Journal of Operational Research15 Finance and Stochastic16 Financial Management .17 Fiscal Studies18 Forbes19 Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory20 Geneva Papers Oil Risk and Insurance―Issues and Practice21 Governance-an International journal Of Policy and Administration22 Harvard Business Review23 Human Factors24 Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing25 Human Relations26 Human Resource Management27 IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management28 IEEE Transactions on information Theory29 IIE Transactions30 Information & Management .31 Information Systems Journal32 Information Technology and Libraries33 International Journals of Finance & Economics34 International Journal of Human―Computer Studies35 International Journal of Product on Research36 International Journal of Technology Management37 1Ssues in Science and TeChn010gY38 Journals of Accounting Economics39 Journal of Accounting Research40 Journal of Business4l Journal of Business and Psychology42 Journals of Business Ethics43 Journal of Consumer Research44 Journals of Engineering and Technology Management45 Journals of Environmental Economics and Management46 Journal of Finance47 Journal of Financial and Quantities Analysis48 Journal of Global Option49 Journal of Information Science50 Journals of International Business Studies5l Journal of Management52 Journals of Management Studies53 Journals of Manufacturing Systems[54 Journal Of marketing[55 Journal of Marketing Research[56 Journal of Money Credit and Banking57 JOurn2l of Operations Management58 journals Of Optimization Theory and Applications59 Journal of Organizational Behavior Management60 Journals of Policy Analysis and Management 61 Journal of Product innovation Management ?62 Journal of Productivity Analysis63 Journal of Quality TechB010gy64 Journals of Real Estate Finance and Economics65 Journals of Risk and Uncertainty66 Journal of Scheduling67 Journal Of SocialP01icy ,68 Journal of the Operational Research Society69 Leadership Quarterly70 Long Range Planning71 Management Science72 Marketing letters 73 Marketing Science74 Mathematical Finance75 Mathematical Programming76 Mathematical Programming77 Mathematics of Operations Research78 MIS Quarterly79 MIT Sloan Management Renew80 National Tax Journals81 Naval Research Logistics82 Networks83 Operation Research84 Operators Research Letters85 Optimal Contr01 Applications & Methods86 Organization Science87 Organization Studies88 Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes89 Organizational Dynamics90 Public Administrations91 Public Administrations Review92 Quality & Quantity 93 Qualities and Reliability Engineering International94 Quantitative Finance95 Queuing Systems96 R&D Management97 Ramiro-Operations Research98 Real Estate Economics99 Real Estate Taxation100 Reliability Engineering L System Safety101 ResearchP01icy102 Research―Techn010gyMariagement103 Review of Financial Studies104 Safety Science105 Scientometrics106 Strategic Management journal107 Systems & Contr01Letters108 Technological Forecasting and Social Changes109 Technimetrics110 Technovation111Transportation Research part B-Methodological112 Transportation Science113 World Bank Economic Review114 Would Economy
在这里介绍一下国际知名的一些学术期刊出版商和会议组织者,供各位研究人员和学生参考。IEEEThe Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE, 要读作I-Triple-E,文盲才读I—E—E---E)电子工程师协会喽,最大的;也涉及到其他领域比如计算机,金融,经济,数学等等。IEEE的数据库贵的出名,每年接受大量期刊和会议文章。IISTEThe International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE),国际科技与教育协会,美国优秀的出版商,快速审稿、快速发表的英文杂志;特点是审稿人可以通过审稿赚钱,以此来提升审稿速度。同时也举办一些国际会议。SpringerInternational Publisher Science, Technology, Medicine,德国优秀的出版商,德国人做事情严禁,科学出版物的质量自然也不差。同时也举办一些国际会议。Elsevier爱思唯尔(ELSEVIER)简介 爱思唯尔是一家经营科学、技术和医学信息产品及出版服务的大型出版集团。总公司是英国的Reed Elsevier,SciencDirect是国内知名大学必备产品。Wiley-BlackwellWiley -Blackwell 出版公司是全球最大的学协会出版商,与世界上550 多个学术和专业学会合作,出版国际性期刊700 余种。