一楼说的对,是contribute 例句:You can contribute articles about health discoveries you have 另一个用法是submit articles,不过还是没上一个用法那样“热门”。例句:Authors may submit their best quality original articles to gain global exposure
contribute 他经常向一家物理杂志投稿。He contribute regularly to a physics
deadline最后期限 Next week is the deadline for sending in your 呈递申请书的截止日期是下星期。
deadline due 也有差不多的意思 sth is due就是快到截止时间了的意思
deadline最后期限 Next week is the deadline for sending in your 呈递申请书的截止日期是下星期。
deadline due 也有差不多的意思 sth is due就是快到截止时间了的意思
deadline最后期限 Next week is the deadline for sending in your 呈递申请书的截止日期是下星期。
submission date=提交日期
截止日期: 商业中和书面语中常用 due date 到期日, 而不是 deadline 最后期限。
[deadline;time-limit] 最后时刻[close;by a specified time;up to] 截止到某个时候
[deadline;time-limit] 最后时刻[close;by a specified time;up to] 截止到某个时候
contribute 他经常向一家物理杂志投稿。He contribute regularly to a physics
deadline最后期限 Next week is the deadline for sending in your 呈递申请书的截止日期是下星期。
最近听说这个瑞士的刊Sensors(1424-8220)好中一点,想投投看 投稿的时候,貌似还需要推荐5个审稿人 其中有这么句话:Coverletter: Check in your cover letter whether you supplied at least 5 1、是不是说如果有cover letter就不用推荐审稿人了?2、如果还要推荐审稿人,大家都是推荐的哪些人(关系到审稿通过的几率) 希望有投过的朋友指点:)SENSORS ISSN: 1424-8220 Index: SCI For Sensors (ISSN 1424-8220), authors are asked to pay a fee of 1600 CHF (Swiss Francs) per processed paper, but only if the article is accepted for publication in this journal after peer-review and possible revision of the Note that many national and private research funding organizations and universities explicitly cover such fees for articles originated in funded research 最近它们有一系列的 special issues~里面有很多华人当 guest editor~争取投稿进去看看~