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Red: In Chinese means "a warm, happy, happy, revolution", etc,This American writer Edgar - Snow's Red Star Over China ("red inState ") where we can see the figurative In this special program, such as weddings, birthdays, major sectionsJapan, the inevitable thing to use red rice festive Such as red silk, red paper,Safflower, the red The red eyes of the West ^, executive associate bullfighting cultureRed writing on the wall, in English there is "war, bloodshed, terror, anger, TianEnvironment, sensuality, "and other To irritate cattle red cloth (md Ⅱ Zhao, red-rag)Been called "々 people angry " Red has become a "political radical" see r sweet (make angry, angry), cut one faced (sorry), to p and inttheBa town (referring to cover in the raw night merrymaking, drinking research ) Lord u the r sweet (loss brake JHave become commonly used English words flutter NIE metaphor Yellow: Yellow comes to the Chinese people will immediately think of sex-related"Low-level dirty," "obscene vulgar" words, or books associated with unhealthyPeriodicals, works, songs, pictures, video and so But the English yellow (yellow) completelyDo not have this "Yellow" from 19th century A There were two profit-Figure newspaper capitalists, in order to solicit business in their own race to run a newspaper publishedBad taste in comics, including one called the "yellow children" (Ye / / owK / d), theIt will be such a newspaper is called the "yellow " Since then, the "yellow" to becomeSynonymous with corruption and NIE】 In Pakistan, from yellow to associate BrahminYellow robe worn immediately aversion In Syrian eyes, yellow deadDeath; in the United States, yellow reminiscent of the thoughts and Brazilians from yellow toTo despair, from purple to think of Blue: Chinese blue reminiscent of the blue sky and sea,Inspire hope for the future and the infinite In Western culture,blue (blue) has said that "depression, frustration, bad luck," and so If in a blue mood (worryYu), 【o "is blue (that love is ) Blue social status can also be expressedHigh, powerful, or from a noble or royal family, down as He has a blue blood (heJing was born in your family); Blue k (Blue Book) is a book published in prominent Such as the Anglo-American co-edition of "Who's Who of English-speaking "In addition, the green of the significance of the associations are If the Arabs from greenColor think to Islam and religion are linked to the green; TurksMay soon see the green blue triangles and "free goods" Secondly, the same word may have the same color or different associative Black, for example, linguists Mazu Li (MazLlri) Significance of the Black LegendClassified into three categories: black and evil contact; black and nothing links; black and deathLenovo o L41 death of Western psychologists have been tested in London, 20,000 studentsColor hobbies, hobby colors found in the average male help section for the red, green, yellow, black, theThey do not like the tiny color is 【50 Black in the UK, are a symbol of Chinese cultureDeath, evil, corrupt, dirty and so Such as the black m cho bt (black market), bheklist (blackList), hhek sIIeep (Prodigal to), quiet ck rr · and il (extortion) and so SpeakingBlack box (black b bait), we will immediately think of it is black, in fact, it is yellowOr orange color, and covered with reflective stripe bright, easy to Called"Black box" because the black symbol of a "disaster" and "unfortunate", the meaning of the cited leaf {Non- Astronomical "black hole" may think "black hole", in fact,N It refers to the bundle of stellar evolution, star of nuclear energy consumed within the post, such asIf quality is still more than two solar masses, stars have continued to collapse, the volume increasinglyThe smaller, the density will When you reach a certain critical point, its strong gravitationalEnough to make all the material and degree of convergence can not spill, and the material and energy near theVolume was completely sucked into it, like the hole in general, so the image of stars to call this"Black "




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