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[3] Tomas U G Social Capital and Career Success of Civil Engineers towards Designing Career Paths[J] [4] Doug SWorking as aMechanic Was Good Preparation For a Career as a Civil Engineer[J] 84(2):14- 以上两篇参考文献的类型属于期刊论文,第[3]篇缺少出处信息:刊名,年,卷(期):起止页码。第[4]篇缺少刊名和出版年的信息。请使用数据库检索到这两篇文献,补齐缺少的信息。期刊的参考文献格式(GB 7714-2015 信息和文献 参考文献著录规则)是: [序号]作者论文题名[J]刊名,年,卷(期):起止页码 注意,欧美作者的要求是:姓在前,署全称,字母全大写,名在后,可缩写,多作者之间用“,”隔开,最多署3个作者,三个以上的作者省略,用“et ”。


reference literature

(1)独着  [1]Mackendric,PThe Greek Stones Speak:The Story of Archaeology in Greek L New York:SMartin's Press,  此种格式中,作者的姓在前、名在后,姓与名之间用逗号分开,后面加点号。论着标题必须完整无缺,后面也加点号。接下来是出版地点、出版商和出版日期。  (2)合着(两到三名作者)  [2]Meltzer,Milton and Walter HA Thoreau PNewYork:Crowell,  此种格式中,只把第一作者的名与姓颠倒,其余作者姓名保持不变。  (3)合着(三名以上作者)  [3]Scott,FS,et English Grammar:A Linguistic Study of Its Classes and SLondon:Heinemann,  (4)合着  (a)以单位名称开始  [4]United States Capitol SWe,the People:The Story of the United States CWashington DC:National Geographic Society,  (b)以标题开始  [5]We,the People:The Story of the United States CBy the United States Capitol SWashington DC:National Geographic Society,  (5)着作(一卷以上)  [6]Graves,RThe Greek M2 Baltimore,M:Penguin,  如果你引用的资料分别来自着作的两卷,则采用这种办法;如果只来自其中一卷,则把卷数列在该书目的末尾。如:  [7]Graves,RThe Greek MBaltimore,M:Penguin,V  (6)编着  [8]Dreiser,TSister CEKenneth SLNewYork:Rinehart,  如果引用的资料来自编着中的某一作者,则把该作者的姓名放在开头。如:  [9]Lynn,Kenneth S,Sister CBy Theodore DNew York:Rinehart,  (7)引用同一作者在一本书中的内容  [10]Thomas,L “The Long H” In the Lives of a Cell:Notes of a Biology WNew York:Viking,1974,47-  (8)引用多名作者在一本书中的内容  [11] Dimock,George E,J “The Name of O” In Essays on the Odyssey:Selected Modern C E Charles H,T Blooming:Indiana University Press,1963,54-  (9)再版  [12]Orstein,Robert EThe Psychology of CNew York:Harcourt,  (10)系列出版物  [13]Downer,Alan SRecent American D University of Minnesota Pamphlets on American W  (11)译着  [14]Freud,S (1950)。Totem and TTHames SNew York:N  如果译者的内容在论文中被引用,译者的姓名则要放在目录条的开始:  [15]Strachey,J, (1950)。Totem and TBy Sigmund FNew York:N  (12)援引百科全书中的某篇文章  [16]Spilhaus,A&Jane JS(1974)。 Pollution C Encyclopedia Britannica:M  如果文章作者姓名不详细,就可以把文章名放在前面。  [17]P(1963)。The Columbia E  (13)编页码的报刊或杂志中的一篇文章  [18]Delbruck ,M(1978)Mind from Matter?The American Scholar,47 339-  (14)报纸上的一篇文章  [19]Strout,RL (1978,N10)。Another B Christian Science Monitor,C   (15)编着中的文章或章节  [20]Burghardt,GM (1984)。On the Origin of Pln PKSmith(E),Play in Animals and Humans (5-42)。Oxford:Basil B  即使当文章作者和编着者是同一个人时,作者名和编者名都要列在其相应的位置,例如:  [21]Olney,J (1980)。Autobiography and the Cultural Moment:A Thematic,Historical,and Bibliographical I In JOlney (E),Autobiography:Essays Theoretical and Critical (3-27)。Princeton:Princeton University P  (16)网络上的文章  [22]Taylor,C (1992,August 10)。Reflections on Windows Word P Buffer:The Newsjournal of Computing at the University of Denver [on-line]Available Internet:… N Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press,  必须特别指出的是,英语专业学生写毕业论文时,“参考书目”中应该包括英语和汉语两种资料。先列英文参考书目,后列中文参考书目,最后是网络参考书目。英文按作者姓的字母顺序排序,中文按作者姓名拼音的字母顺序排序。



翻译如下:英文:Our country establishes tax accounting's necessity Is unceasingly thorough along with the socialist economy organizational reform and the socialism enterprise system's establishment, the new enterprise system of ownership emerges unceasingly, specially the accounting system reform and the tax revenue system's reform, urgent need tax accounting mounts the modern business finance management by the independence posture the stage, but present when the enterprise handles the declaration and so on fords the tax matters concerned, generally is by business finance accountant or management accounting holds a concurrent post, supposes tax accounting to undertake specially fords the tax matters concerned also not to 中文:我国建立税务会计的必要性 随着社会主义经济体制改革的不断深入和社会主义企业制度的建立,新型的企业所有制不断涌现,特别是会计制度改革和税收制度的改革,迫切要求税务会计以独立的姿态登上现代企业财务管理的舞台,但目前在企业办理申报等涉税事宜时,一般都是由企业财务会计或管理会计兼任,专设税务会计承办涉税事宜的还不多见。


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