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这要看是给校报还是学校网站供稿了,同时,看哪一类的稿件。 一般说来,首先是消息类:在报纸刊发稿件,应该是本报讯(作者姓名)加新闻正文这样的格式,或者把名字署在最后,用(作者姓名)这种格式。 如果是给网站供稿,一般署名在稿件右下角,隔一行即可。其次是通讯类,例如人物通讯、事件通讯,一般在标题下面居中即可。 如果是以编辑部发布的各种公示、通知之类的稿件,则在右下角隔一行署名某某校报编辑部就可以了。


万能的用法是:Yours sincerely, 或 Sincerely yours, 最方便,什么信件都适用哦。私人信件中可以用:Best wishes, Best regards, Best, Regards, Warmesr regards, Yours ever, Yours, C一些很亲密的亲人或者朋友可以用:Affectionately, Yours affectionately, Love, Lovely, Cheers, Your devoted friend, Your loving father (mother, )公务信件的话,一般可以用:Yours faithfully, Yours trully, Yours respectfully, Yours gratefully, Yours cordially

一般:(Sincely) Yours, XX 或DC XX




音乐和我(Music and Me)i like listening tu music,when i am happy,loud rock music make me excited andactive ,but when i am unhappy,loud music makes me feel bored and angry,so when i am unhappy,i also listen to soft music,it makes me feel relak and calm down,popular music is my favorite,it's a kind of strong music,popular music always makes me want to


暑假期间,我们村庄里发起了一项“关爱空巢老人”的公益活动,为了丰富我的课余生活,我也积极地加入了这次活动。  我的关爱对象是王爷爷。听别人说,他是一位退伍的老兵。他将自己最美好的青春年华都献给了祖国,但是祖国母亲却没有给这个“儿子”像平常老人一样的晚年幸福。他的老伴儿早早的便离他而去,他的子女都嫌弃他是个累赘,纷纷弃他不顾。可是祸不单行。因参军而体魄强壮的他却意外患上了老年痴呆症,时而糊涂,时而清醒。听邻居说,他一个人的时候,总会坐在书桌前,呆呆地盯着那张仅有的全家福,嘴里还不停地念叨着:“他们会来接我的,一定会的。”这不禁更加坚定了我要好好照顾王爷爷的决心。


音乐和我(Music and Me)i like listening tu music,when i am happy,loud rock music make me excited andactive ,but when i am unhappy,loud music makes me feel bored and angry,so when i am unhappy,i also listen to soft music,it makes me feel relak and calm down,popular music is my favorite,it's a kind of strong music,popular music always makes me want to


My School My school is Jijiang hua qiao This is a quite butiful Let me tell you about There are 8 blocks in our You can see MeiYing road and many bealtiful flowers as soon as you come in our I like the school life in the There are 7 subjects in our school,they are Chinese,English,Information and so I like Miss Yu She(He)teach us Chinese,he's class is always

回答 您好,您的问题看到了,现在为你查答案,打字需要时间,请耐心等待一下,马上回复您。 您好,很高兴为您解答。my school 英语作文 I am studying in a beautiful school, the school covers a large area, there are a few tall teaching There have many excellent The school environment is also very good, a lot of flowers with the next, make school more beautiful, the school gave me such a good environment, So I must study hard! I love my school! 希望上面的回答能够帮助到您哈,如果您愿意的话,麻烦您给个赞支持下我的工作哈,谢谢您,祝您生活愉快,家庭幸福美满。 更多2条 

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