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[1]A Dose of Reality:Current World Economic Prospects[J]China International Studies,2012,01:25-摘要:<正>Since 2011, the recovery of the world economy has beenthwarted while "the South overmatching the North" hascontinued The slowdown of Western economieshas increased numerous risk factors: the sluggishness of USeconomy, intensified European debt crisis, and the negative【遇到这种问题,在你搜索论文的页面上有个“导出 / 参考文献” 点这个选项就可以看到啦,很简单,附图片,你一眼就明白啦。】


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这是电子期刊,只有文献号(简写为 )没有纸质期刊的卷、期、页码。 下面是从英国物理学会IOP的author guidelines里摘录的一段: =============== References to electronic-only Article numbers are usually given with no page ranges as most electronic-only journals start each article on page For New Journal of Physics (article number may have from one to three digits) see , for SISSA journals the volume is divided into monthly issues and these form part of the article number, as in and Fischer R 2004 Bayesian group analysis of plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition data N JP 6 25 Horowitz G T and Maldacena J 2004 The black hole final state J High Energy P JHEP02(2004)008

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Estimation Of The Cutting Force After the output torque of the AC spindle motor is calculated, the estimation procedure to obtain the cutting force is identical to the previous method [4] Because the detailed description of the procedure is given in Huh et [4], a brief explanation is shown here for reader's A model of the AC spindle-drive is composed of the mechanical parts (the spindle drive) and the electrical parts (the AC Induction motor) The rotational equation of motion for the The above equation is discretized with the zero-order-hold sampler and can be expressed in the following form to obtain the estimation of the total external where h is the sampling period (= 05 second) and b is the model parameter () The equivalent damping coefficient is known to be sensitive to temperature changes, thus updated automatically right before the tool contacts the workpiece [4] The estimated total external torque includes not only the cutting torque applied to the workpiece, but also the nonlinear friction torque occurred in the spindle Coulombic friction torque b1 at idling can be determined from a family of steady-state power test with no In order to extract the normal cutting torque from the estimated total external torque, detailed information of the nonlinear friction torque increase is Under the assumption that there is no dynamic relation between b7, and, T the nonlinear friction torque is modeled wherefto) and g(WM) are the functions of the motor speed and depends on a batch of The estimated cutting force using the relations in Eq (I) through Eq (8) is illustrated in F I Contrary to the previous method [4], the estimated cutting force shows little time lag at the transient but very oscillatory at the steady-3Synthesized Cutting Force Monitor The previous method [4] needs to measure only two signals (output power and motor speed) from the motor driver in order to estimate the cutting force, but its performance has a critical time lag at the transient



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