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Philip, his restless mind avid for new things, became very He heard

The aim of research was confirmed by literatures searched, investigation of questionnaire and practical It was recorded that the conditions of taekwondo block applied in competition for the players that were to be observed in the research; the all information was integrated and Based on the analytical results suggestion and method for the block used in taekwondo competition were Key words:taekwondo,taekwondo block,competition


翻译是:consult for information on the Internet。解释:consult 英[kənˈsʌlt] 美[kənˈsʌlt] 查阅;咨询; 商议,商量; [医] 会诊; 充当顾问; 请教; 翻阅; 求教于; 顾及; [例句]Consult your doctor about how much exercise you should attempt咨询一下医生你需要多大的运动量。information 英[ˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃn] 美[ˌɪnfərˈmeɪʃn] 消息; 信息,数据; 通知; 知识; [例句]Pat refused to give her any information about Sarah帕特拒绝向她提供任何关于萨拉的消息。internet 互联网; interconnection network, internetwork 互联网; internetwork 互联网网; [例句]You can use a directory service to search for people on the I你可以利用因特网的目录服务搜索人名。

look up the 这个对。

look up information on the internet

look up the material查找材料;查找资料例句:We may on-line relax, may on-line reading, look up the material, may on-line understanding more friends, but may also on-line gain more  我们可以在网上放松一下,可以在网上阅读、查资料,可以在网上认识更多的朋友,还可以在网上获取更多的信息。单词解析:1、look up 读音:英 [luk ʌp]   美 [lʊk ʌp]  查找;向上看;改善;拜访(某人)2、material 读音:英 [məˈtɪəriəl]   美 [məˈtɪriəl]  素材;材料,原料;布,织物;适当人选物质的;肉体的;重要的,决定性的;辩证的,推论的复数: materials扩展资料:同义词consult 读音:英 [kən'sʌlt] 美 [kən'sʌlt]     查阅;请教;商讨;就诊例句:I will have to consult the plane time table 我得先查阅飞机时刻表。用法:1、consult的基本意思是为了作出一项决定、取得一项解决办法而进行对话或讨论。可以是单向的,即“请教”“咨询”; 也可以是双向的,即“商议”“商量”。无论是“咨询”还是“商量”,双方地位都是平等的。引申可以表示向书本咨询,即“翻阅”“查考”资料,也可以表示向自己咨询,即“考虑”“顾及”。2、consult可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。作“请教”解时多接人作宾语; 作“翻阅”解时常接书、词典、地图等作宾语; 作“考虑”解时其宾语多为抽象名词。表示“与…商量”可接介词with; 表示请教或商议的一般内容可接介词about,重大或特殊内容则接介词on; 而接介词for时则表示“为…当顾问”。3、consult极少用于被动结构。4、consult sb表示“向某人请教”,这里的sb也可换成sth,如书本。例:consult the book(向书请教);5、consult with sb表示“同某人商量”,这里对象只能是人,因其他物体如书不会说话;6、注意consult the dictionary和consult the word的区别:前者表示“在词典里查某个词”,后者表示“在词典里查某个词,再以那个词为基础去研究另一个词”;7、被人consult的职业有consulting physician(顾问医生),consulting engineer(顾问工程师)等。


Philip, his restless mind avid for new things, became very He heard

先到百度文库,找一篇此类文档中文的,然后用有道翻译,或是谷歌在线翻译翻成英 文,然后把英文放上面,中文放下面。希望可以帮到你。如果要找标准的PDF格式外文文 献,可以在谷歌,用英文文献名+空格+PDF 这样比较容易找到。 第一是Google搜索


[表达形式]document survey;literature survey; literature search; [例句]我的学习研究包括广泛的文献调查和与首席专家的通讯联系。My study has included an extensive literature search plus correspondence with leading



[表达形式]document survey;literature survey; literature search; [例句]我的学习研究包括广泛的文献调查和与首席专家的通讯联系。My study has included an extensive literature search plus correspondence with leading


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