My favorite season is When spring Snakes wake They find their tasty White rabbits run on the Many fish are in the Spring is beautiful and In spring, the air is fresh, the sky is blue, the clouds are I often wear a red sweater and blue I can fly kites on the green In March we can plant In spring, the weather is always sunny and warm, usually I go Sometimes I go hiking and climb I like My Favorite Book My Favorite Book is called *******(书的名字)I love it very It is a book of *******(书的类型)I love it,(just) because of it's *******(书的特点)***********(然后具体介绍一下特点)After reading it,I've got many So I love it very Well,this is my favorite book ********(书的名字)I hope everybody can have a chance to enjoy it,just like to enjoy a great cup of 希望会对你有帮助!不过最好要自己构思,那样写出的作文才会是你心目中最完美的~~
Star英语星报,shanghai daily
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My favorite season is When spring Snakes wake They find their tasty White rabbits run on the Many fish are in the Spring is beautiful and In spring, the air is fresh, the sky is blue, the clouds are I often wear a red sweater and blue I can fly kites on the green In March we can plant In spring, the weather is always sunny and warm, usually I go Sometimes I go hiking and climb I like My Favorite Book My Favorite Book is called *******(书的名字)I love it very It is a book of *******(书的类型)I love it,(just) because of it's *******(书的特点)***********(然后具体介绍一下特点)After reading it,I've got many So I love it very Well,this is my favorite book ********(书的名字)I hope everybody can have a chance to enjoy it,just like to enjoy a great cup of 希望会对你有帮助!不过最好要自己构思,那样写出的作文才会是你心目中最完美的~~
网上找到一篇:21st Century is my favorite It is an English language newspaper which is published in Beijing each It has sections of different kinds, including News of the week, the World Today, Language Class, Sports and Music and Students R There are plenty of beautiful pictures and interesting articles in I enjoy reading the I read it to improve my E I have learnt a lot of new words and useful Besides, I can get information about different things, from politics to sports and 21st Century is very popular with students and English I do love
《南方周末》时事政治类报纸,有很多鲜为人知的事情,而且观点也很新很激烈。比如四川地震时所有报纸都在报道正面事情,只有《南方周末》刊载了映秀没有子弟兵进去时的真实情况。如果你没有时间看新闻,或者想知道 更多的知识积累知识,训练思维,建议你看此报纸
国外杂志首推当然是《经济学人》,这杂志的特点在网上介绍超多,没必要重复介绍了。值得一提的是《经济学人》是国内考研英语真题的主要来源,出题几率最高。在国内可以直接订阅。再一个就是大名鼎鼎的《时代周刊》了,《时代周刊》创办在1923年,内容以时政为主。《时代周刊》评选的风云人物更是各历史时期的重要人物。堪称时政权威。国内可以合法订阅亚洲版《时代周刊》。同时《时代周刊》亦是国内考研英语真题的主要来源之一。《读者文摘》,一个比巴掌大不了多少的杂志。人们在其中分享自己在生活中的各种经历。有开心、有感动,也有烦恼。没有时政财经那么多高大上的东西,只有烟火气的生活。时而让人捧腹,时而让人泪目。拿在手里感觉真不错。《国家地理》这个杂志在国内应该是街知巷闻,如雷贯耳。它我最有名的就是高质量的照片,称其为在业界执牛耳者丝毫不为过。主办者是美国地理协会,创刊于19世纪末期,在科学界久负盛名。想要知道地球有多美,就去看《国家地理》。《科学美国人》是创刊于19世纪末期的科普类杂志。人类跨越19到21世纪的百余年来,大规模的战争,人们思维模式的变化,生活方式的进步,信息时代的到来,科学技术成了人类改变自我的重要手段。 《生活大爆炸》第8季,谢耳朵和莱纳德就为了谁该是《科学美国人》刊登的论文主创而闹矛盾。以上是我能想到的比较值得推荐的外国杂志。其实还有《美国新闻周刊》《彭博商业周刊》《卫报周报》《人物周刊》等优秀的杂志,不过最有代表性的应该就是上面我详细介绍过的杂志了。
My favorite season is When spring Snakes wake They find their tasty White rabbits run on the Many fish are in the Spring is beautiful and In spring, the air is fresh, the sky is blue, the clouds are I often wear a red sweater and blue I can fly kites on the green In March we can plant In spring, the weather is always sunny and warm, usually I go Sometimes I go hiking and climb I like My Favorite Book My Favorite Book is called *******(书的名字)I love it very It is a book of *******(书的类型)I love it,(just) because of it's *******(书的特点)***********(然后具体介绍一下特点)After reading it,I've got many So I love it very Well,this is my favorite book ********(书的名字)I hope everybody can have a chance to enjoy it,just like to enjoy a great cup of 希望会对你有帮助!不过最好要自己构思,那样写出的作文才会是你心目中最完美的~~