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International Scholarly Journal

an improved version of the minute paper一分钟书面报告的改良the information content of share repurchase programs股票回购方案的信息含量

Academic Journal

International academic journals


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在2010版的word内就有这个功能。(选中要翻译的文字,点击鼠标右键弹出任务栏中就有“翻译”选项,点击“翻译”,选择英文翻译,再把光标置于要插入文本点点击插入就ok啦。另外还可以下载翻译小工具,直接进行翻译就搞定了。我帮你翻:The relationship between accounting regulation and tax law issues is a complex issue, market-oriented economic development in the course of the difference between the two will gradually have an adverse impact on economic development, how to better deal with the differences between the two has become China's economy reform process of the outstanding 。Differences in accounting standards and tax laws, and in the accounting and property tax measures taken by the different accounting and tax law, "the authenticity of the principle of" different, accounting "sound principle" and tax "payments to determine" the difference in accounting "importance of the principles "and tax" legal principle "and the accounting and tax 。differences on the" substance over form "understanding and implementation differen。Differences between accounting and tax accounting exist mainly due to the legislative goals and purposes of various tax, corporate accounting must adhere to the "accrual" basis, the enterprise must consider the International Accounting Standards, and economic Tax laws should be based on the provisions of this tax

英文摘要:AbstractA new methodology is designed in this It consists of three parts that …






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中文核心期刊 Chinese core periodicals

core journals

核心期刊(core journals)是指刊载某学科文献密度大,文摘率、引文率、及利用率相对较高,代表该学科现有水平和发展方向的期刊。


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