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根据GB3469-83《文献类型与文献载体代码》规定,以单字母标识: M——专著(含古籍中的史、志论著) C——论文集 N——报纸文章 J——期刊文章 D——学位论文 R——研究报告 S——标准 P——专利 A——专著、论文集中的析出文献 Z——其他未说明的文献类型 电子文献类型以双字母作为标识: DB——数据库 CP——计算机程序 EB——电子公告 非纸张型载体电子文献,在参考文献标识中同时标明其载体类型: DB/OL——联机网上的数据库 DB/MT——磁带数据库 M/CD——光盘图书 CP/DK——磁盘软件 J/OL——网上期刊 EB/OL——网上电子公告 一、参考文献著录格式 1 、期刊作者.题名〔J〕.刊名,出版年,卷(期)∶起止页码 2、 专著作者.书名〔M〕.版本(第一版不著录).出版地∶出版者,出版年∶起止页码 3、 论文集作者.题名〔C〕.编者.论文集名,出版地∶出版者,出版年∶起止页码 4 、学位论文作者.题名〔D〕.保存地点.保存单位.年份 5 、专利文献题名〔P〕.国别.专利文献种类.专利号.出版日期 6、 标准编号.标准名称〔S〕 7、 报纸作者.题名〔N〕.报纸名.出版日期(版次) 8 、报告作者.题名〔R〕.保存地点.年份 9 、电子文献作者.题名〔电子文献及载体类型标识〕.文献出处,日期 二、文献类型及其标识 1、根据GB3469 规定,各类常用文献标识如下: ①期刊〔J〕 ②专著〔M〕 ③论文集〔C〕 ④学位论文〔D〕 ⑤专利〔P〕 ⑥标准〔S〕 ⑦报纸〔N〕 ⑧技术报告〔R〕 2、电子文献载体类型用双字母标识,具体如下: ①磁带〔MT〕 ②磁盘〔DK〕 ③光盘〔CD〕 ④联机网络〔OL〕 3、电子文献载体类型的参考文献类型标识方法为:〔文献类型标识/载体类型标识〕。例如: ①联机网上数据库〔DB/OL〕 ②磁带数据库〔DB/MT〕 ③光盘图书〔M/CD〕 ④磁盘软件〔CP/DK〕 ⑤网上期刊〔J/OL〕 ⑥网上电子公告〔EB/OL〕参考:







[2] [美]Bruce EC++编程思想[M]刘综田,等,译北京:机械工业出版社,[3] [美]William Ford,等 数据结构C++语言描述(第2版)[M]陈君,译北京:清华大学出版社,

电子商务安全技术的分析与研究2007-10-12 With the network technology and the rapid development of information technology, e-commerce has been growing a wide range of applications, more and more businesses and individuals rely on e-commerce users quick and It appears not only to the development and expansion of Internet has provided a new opportunity, but also to the business community into a great But e-commerce is based on vector-based computer network and a large number of important status information, accounting information, transaction information needed to carry out in-line transmission, in such circumstances, security issues become a priority Second, the current e-commerce security issues Network protocol security issue: At present, TCP / IP protocol is the most widely used network protocol, but TCP / IP itself, characterized by openness, enterprise and users of electronic transactions in the course of the data is the form of packet transmission, malicious attackers can easily launch an e-commerce site to a packet interception, or even modify the data packets and Users of information security issues: At present, the most important form of e-commerce is based on B / S (Browser / Server) structure of the e-commerce sites, users log on using the browser network transactions, as a result of the user in the registry may be used in public computer, such as Internet cafes, offices, computers, , then if they have a malicious Trojan horse computer program or virus, the user's login information such as user names, passwords may be the risk of E-commerce Web site security issue: that there are some companies established themselves in the design of e-commerce site will have a number of production security, server operating system itself, there will be loopholes, unscrupulous attackers to enter the e-commerce site if a large number of user information and transaction information will be stolen, enterprises and users to incalculable C, e-commerce security requirements The effectiveness of service requirements: e-commerce system should be able to prevent the occurrence of service failures to prevent failure due to network attacks and viruses and other system factors such as suspension of services to ensure that transaction data can be transmitted quickly and Trading requirements of the confidentiality of information: e-commerce systems to deal with the information sent by users of encryption to effectively prevent the interception of information to decipher, at the same time to prevent unauthorized access to Data integrity requirements: the number refers to the integrity of data processing, the original data and existing data is fully consistent In order to safeguard the seriousness of business dealings and fair, the transaction documents is not being modified, there will be damage to the commercial interests of the The requirements of authentication: e-commerce systems should provide safe and effective authentication mechanism to ensure that transaction information between the two sides are legitimate and effective in order to avoid trade disputes, to provide a legal D, e-commerce security measures Data encryption Data encryption is the most basic e-commerce information system security The principle is that information on the use of encryption algorithm will be converted into explicit rules according to a certain encryption ciphertext generated after the transmission, thus ensuring the confidentiality of The use of data encryption technology can solve the information requirements of the confidentiality of its Data encryption technology can be divided into symmetric key encryption and asymmetric key (1) symmetric key encryption (SecretKeyEncryption) Symmetric key encryption also known as secret / Private key encryption, that is, send and receive data between the parties must use the same key for encryption and decryption explicitly Its advantage is encryption, decryption speed, suitable for large amount of data encryption, to ensure data confidentiality and integrity; drawback is that when the large number of users, distribution and management is very difficult to key (2) non-symmetric key encryption (PublicKeyEncryption) Non-symmetric-key encryption also known as public key encryption, it mainly refers to each person only has a pair of corresponding keys: public key (the public key) and private key (the private key) public key public, private saved by the personal secret, a key used to encrypt them, they can only use the other to decrypt the Asymmetric key encryption algorithm is the advantage of easy distribution and management, the shortcomings of the algorithm complexity, encryption (3) the complexity of encryption As a result of these two types of encryption technology, each the length of the relatively common practice is to integrate the two For example, the use of information to send the information symmetric key encryption, ciphertext generated after the recipient's public key to use symmetric key encryption to generate the number of envelopes, then the number of ciphertext envelope and sent to the receiver at the same time, the receiving party by the opposite clear direction after Digital signature Digital signature is generated through specific password computing the composition of a series of symbols and codes for a signature key, to replace the written signature or seal, this electronic signature technology can also be carried out to verify, verify the accuracy of its general manual signature and verification seal Digital signature technology to ensure the integrity of information transfer and non- Accreditation agencies as well as digital E-commerce transactions due to the general users will not have face to face, so the two sides of the transaction identification is to protect the safety of the premise of e-commerce Certification body is a public and credible third party to confirm the identity of both parties, the digital certificate is signed by the certification body, including the identity of the owner of public key information as well as the public key of the Paid in the transaction process, participants must use the Certification Center of the digital certificate issued to prove his The use of Secure Electronic Transaction protocol (SET: Secure Electronic Transactions) By two major credit cards VISA and MasterCard standards SET for the division of e-commerce activities and to define the rights and obligations of the parties to the relationship between a given transaction information transmission process SET protocol guarantees the confidentiality of e-commerce systems, integrity, non-repudiation of the legitimacy and


电子文献,广泛指电子书、电子报、电子公告(EB),是文献的"类型"。联机文献(OL),指"电子文献载体"的某一种型态。 您的问题,是电子公告(EB)和联机(OL),理应是同时发生的事,为何赘语? 就国标GB/T7714-2005而言,目的是标注文献"类型/载体"。因此,可看到著录中,有J/OL,M/OL,N/OL,P/OL等标注方式。那么,问题分两部份:一、有没有EB,但不连着OL呢?二、譬如EB/CD,EB/DK,还算不算电子公告呢? 第一个问题,是电子化的公告,是不是一定"联网"?譬如“纸质文献”、“声音”的电子版,是不是严格意义的“电子文献”笔者个人查询史料馆、博物馆等资料时,有些资料用计算机公告出来,但无法下载、复制、照相,最多只能手录笔记。从资料的角度,多个内网机器都可以看得到,是联网的(联网,即非单机)。但与互联网的OL,显有差距。在没有拿到复制许可前,它既无法以“类型”记载,但更说不上是广义的OL这阶段的情形,笔者认为最多也只能标注EB。 第二种情形,是用CD或DK传送的电子资料,算不算电子"公告"?这又回到了对于"公告"的定义。重大公告,会以报刊、广播、电视、张贴等形式发表。笔者以某项工程招标为例,公告后,有兴趣的厂商,都可领取电子标单(每个地区,每个项目公告、付费等方式都不一样)。若:在新疆某地的老板,收到一份职员从浙江寄来的电子公告加上电子标单的CD,请问是否有效? 就我们所在的城市,大多生活中的情形,EB的确常连着OL。但EB与OL,应当都有独立和其他项目组合的权利。2005版《文后参考文献著录规则》的讨论文章很多,“纸质文件”电子化(便于推广与阅读),与“电子文件”纸质化(自始不存在纸质的问题),相信是实施多年后,下一版修正时须面对的定义。 浅见如上,附入GB/T7714-2005的附录B(文献类型和电子文献载体标志代码)供参。


一般他们是写在一起的[EB/OL],如满意,还望采纳一、联网OLOL是在线的英语缩写,即online二、联机网上数据(database online)OL是在线的英语缩写,DB为数据库英文缩写,即database。 通常是在参考文献中,指在互联网数据库(也就是通常意义上的上网搜索)上搜集到的文献。参考文献中完整写法为:[DB/OL]三、网上电子公告即[EB/OL]——网上电子公告(electronic bulletin board online),一般的理解就是从论坛(BBS)等交流平台上搜集到的信息。



电子商务网络信息安全问题来源:中国论文网 _html【内容提要】构筑安全电子商务信息环境是网络时代发展到一定阶段的“瓶颈”性课题。本文侧重讨论了其中的信息安全技术、数字认证、信息安全协议、信息安全对策等核心问题。【摘 要 题】信息法学【关 键 词】电子商务/网络/信息安全/信息安全技术/数字认证/信息安全协议/信息安全对策  美国著名未来学家阿尔温·托夫勒说:“电脑网络的建立和普及将彻底改变人类生存及生活的模式,控制与掌握网络的人就是未来命运的主宰。谁掌握了信息,控制了网络,谁就拥有整个世界。”的确,网络的国际化、社会化、开放化、个人化诱发出无限的商机,电子商务的迅速崛起,使网络成为国际竞争的新战场。然而,由于网络技术本身的缺陷,使得网络社会的脆性大大增加,一旦计算机网络受到攻击不能正常运作时,整个社会就会陷入危机。所以,构筑安全的电子商务信息环境,就成为了网络时代发展到一定阶段而不可逾越的“瓶颈”性问题,愈来愈受到国际社会的高度关注。      电子商务中的信息安全技术  电子商务的信息安全在很大程度上依赖于技术的完善,这些技术包括:密码技术、鉴别技术、访问控制技术、信息流控制技术、数据保护技术、软件保护技术、病毒检测及清除技术、内容分类识别和过滤技术、网络隐患扫描技术、系统安全监测报警与审计技术等。  防火墙技术。防火墙(Firewall)是近年来发展的最重要的安全技术,它的主要功能是加强网络之间的访问控制,防止外部网络用户以非法手段通过外部网络进入内部网络(被保护网络)。它对两个或多个网络之间传输的数据包和链接方式按照一定的安全策略对其进行检查,来决定网络之间的通信是否被允许,并监视网络运行状态。简单防火墙技术可以在路由器上实现,而专用防火墙提供更加可靠的网络安全控制方法。  防火墙的安全策略有两条。一是“凡是未被准许的就是禁止的”。防火墙先是封闭所有信息流,然后审查要求通过的信息,符合条件的就让通过;二是“凡是未被禁止的就是允许的”,防火墙先是转发所有的信息,然后再逐项剔除有害的内容,被禁止的内容越多,防火墙的作用就越大。网络是动态发展的,安全策略的制定不应建立在静态的基础之上。在制定防火墙安全规则时,应符合“可适应性的安全管理”模型的原则,即:安全=风险分析+执行策略+系统实施+漏洞监测+实时响应。防火墙技术主要有以下三类:  ●包过滤技术(Packct Filtering)。它一般用在网络层,主要根据防火墙系统所收到的每个数据包的源IP地址、目的IP地址、TCP/UDP源端口号、TCP/UDP目的端口号及数据包中的各种标志位来进行判定,根据系统设定的安全策略来决定是否让数据包通过,其核心就是安全策略,即过滤算法的设计。  ●代理(Proxy)服务技术。它用来提供应用层服务的控制,起到外部网络向内部网络申请服务时的中间转接作用。内部网络只接受代理提出的服务请求,拒绝外部网络其它节点的直接请求。运行代理服务的主机被称为应用机关。代理服务还可以用于实施较强的数据流监控、过滤、记录等功能。  ●状态监控(Statc Innspection)技术。它是一种新的防火墙技术。在网络层完成所有必要的防火墙功能——包过滤与网络服务代理。目前最有效的实现方法是采用 Check Point)提出的虚拟机方式(Inspect Virtual Machine)。  防火墙技术的优点很多,一是通过过滤不安全的服务,极大地提高网络安全和减少子网中主机的风险;二是可以提供对系统的访问控制;三是可以阻击攻击者获取攻击网络系统的有用信息;四是防火墙还可以记录与统计通过它的网络通信,提供关于网络使用的统计数据,根据统计数据来判断可能的攻击和探测;五是防火墙提供制定与执行网络安全策略的手段,它可以对企业内部网实现集中的安全管理。  防火墙技术的不足有三。一是防火墙不能防止绕过防火墙的攻击;二是防火墙经不起人为因素的攻击。由于防火墙对网络安全实施单点控制,因此可能受到黑客的攻击;三是防火墙不能保证数据的秘密性,不能对数据进行鉴别,也不能保证网络不受病毒的攻击。  加密技术。数据加密被认为是最可靠的安全保障形式,它可以从根本上满足信息完整性的要求,是一种主动安全防范策略。数据加密就是按照确定的密码算法将敏感的明文数据变换成难以识别的密文数据。通过使用不同的密钥,可用同一加密算法,将同一明文加密成不同的密文。当需要时可使用密钥将密文数据还原成明文数据,称为解密。  密钥加密技术分为对称密钥加密和非对称密钥加密两类。

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