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1:彩云小译适用场景:长篇文献很简洁干净的界面,让人看起来一目了然,直接将文档上传到网站,就可完成翻译。彩云小译翻译的结果有一个很大的特点:翻译结果直接嵌在英文下方!阅读非常方便!2:搜狗翻译适用场景:长篇文献这是搜狗出品的翻译工具。翻译结果可实现左右两边同步中英对照。惊喜的是,可直接下载Word格式的翻译结果,而且免费!意味着不满意的地方可以二次修改~还能选择输出格式,既可以是pdf格式也可以是word格式。3:百度翻译适用场景:长 / 短文献其实百度翻译的翻译结果还是很不错的,在做数学建模美赛的时候感觉这里的翻译还是很不错的,很多英文文献需要快速阅读就来这里翻译翻译。4:谷歌翻译谷歌翻译类似于百度翻译,都是很不错的翻译软件5:网页翻译适用场景:网页端英文翻译搜英文文献时网页全是英文,看着是不是很头疼?其实很多浏览器自带翻译功能,比如谷歌浏览器。只要点击网页右上角的「翻译此页」,立马就能得到中文页面~




是的,必须要标注引用来源。从他处复制过来的文字必须要使用引号引用需注明页码如果您要投稿的话,查看期刊给作者的要求中关于“引用风格”的相关规定,将引用的格式根据期刊的要求调整 引用资料:正确的引用文献:引用来源为书籍时该如何处理?(中文为网址的一部分,请完全复制)





可以使用Google翻译,但是这种翻译准确度取决于句式 结构简单的句子准确度高一些 翻译之后,还是需要通篇检查,并将对应的术语\否定\疑问等句子仔细检查,并校对,确保译出语与原文保持同样的意思

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1:彩云小译适用场景:长篇文献很简洁干净的界面,让人看起来一目了然,直接将文档上传到网站,就可完成翻译。彩云小译翻译的结果有一个很大的特点:翻译结果直接嵌在英文下方!阅读非常方便!2:搜狗翻译适用场景:长篇文献这是搜狗出品的翻译工具。翻译结果可实现左右两边同步中英对照。惊喜的是,可直接下载Word格式的翻译结果,而且免费!意味着不满意的地方可以二次修改~还能选择输出格式,既可以是pdf格式也可以是word格式。3:百度翻译适用场景:长 / 短文献其实百度翻译的翻译结果还是很不错的,在做数学建模美赛的时候感觉这里的翻译还是很不错的,很多英文文献需要快速阅读就来这里翻译翻译。4:谷歌翻译谷歌翻译类似于百度翻译,都是很不错的翻译软件5:网页翻译适用场景:网页端英文翻译搜英文文献时网页全是英文,看着是不是很头疼?其实很多浏览器自带翻译功能,比如谷歌浏览器。只要点击网页右上角的「翻译此页」,立马就能得到中文页面~



From 9188 emergency occurrences, after puppet Manchuria regime establishes, Northeast falls into hand of the J Japan to Northeast area's plundering has been a hot topic which east Beishi In many about the puppet Manchukuo government time east in Beishi's research subject, Northeast's electric power industrial history research were still blank, never some people step in this Therefore, the Northeast area puppet Manchukuo government time's electric power industry research may say that is the Japanese aggression history research new breakthrough the this article author utilizes the system analytic method as well as the measurement research technique, through carries on to the historical evidence logical relation combs, simultaneously carries on the analysis to the correlation data, by the time more accurate return to original state history, enables the reader really to have one to this time Northeast electric power industry, the accurate impression, and induces certain experience, supplies the social development to use the full text is divided four The first part elaborated 9188 emergency former Northeast area electric power development survey; The second part introduced Manchu electrical industry joint-stock company's creation and the structure and the operation in detail; The third part was was established after Man Dian has made the concrete elaboration to the Northeast electric power industry monopoly management; The fourth part has analyzed Man Dian the influence which and the practical significance creates to Northeast's management, and put forward the concrete proposal and the

Since 9 • 18 Incident, after the establishment of Manchukuo, the Northeast fell into Japanese Northeast Japan Northeast History of looting has been a hot Manchukuo period of the Northeast in various research topics in history, the history of the Northeast Electric Power Industry is still blank, never been involved in this Therefore, the northeast region of Manchukuo during the power industry can be said that the history of Japanese aggression, the new entry This author studies the use of system analysis and the measurement method, by the logic of facts to sort out, while the data analysis related to the reduction of a more accurate history, so readers of this period the Northeast power industry has a more true, accurate impression, and it might sort out some lessons to be used for social development Full-text is divided into four The first part elaborates 9 • 18 Incident overview of Northeast Electric Power Development; the second part describes in detail the formation of Manchukuo Electrical C, L and its structure and operation; The third part is the full establishment of the Northeast Electric Power Industry The monopoly has done a detailed exposition; fourth part of the full power of the northeast business impact and relevance, and put forward concrete proposals and

Since Manchurian Incident took place and fake Manchukuo been built,northeast of china drop into Japanese he plunder of the northeast area of china is a hotspot issue in the local history In many research tasks about the history of fake Manchukuo ,the electric power industry in northeasten area is still unknown,no one set foot in this hence,the research of the electric power industry during the period of fake Manchukuo is a new cut-in point of the research in Japanese aggression he writer of this article use the measures of system analysis and computation research,through teasing the logic relations of the historical facts,meanwhile analysing relative datum to recover relatively clear history so as to give readers a real and exact picture of the northeasten electric power industry in this And writer conclude some valuable experiense to be used for reference in the society The whole text can be devided into four part one demonstrates the general situation of the development of the northeasten electric power industry before the Manchurian Incident taken part two introduce particularly on the construction and run of the Manchukuo electric power part three makes a material description of the monopolization after it was set to the northeasten electric power part four analyses the influence and real significance the Manchukuo eletricity had made on the management in northeasten area and put forward idiographic opinions and advices

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