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A Study on Cultivating Middle School Students' Innovation Ability by Combining the Thought of Advanced M

A New Research on Zhang Xueliang-- Taking Transition of His Thinking(1901--1936) as a Clue

1 Recreation of the Payment Process of Host-to-Host Company 银企直联”(Host-to-Host),2 Recreation of the Payment Process of Host-to-Host company ---- An Example of Company A -htm

Study on the re-creation of business's payment process based on the derect link between banks and enterprises——take company A as an example


1、Research on Process Reengineering of Corporate Payment Based on Bank-Company Direct Linkage2、Research on Process Reengineering of Corporate Payment Based on Bank-Company Direct Linkage-A Case of Company A

W For example

for example take Jiangxi for example 比如说江西吧。 take swimming for example 拿学游泳作比方for instanceTake me for 以我为例。take for instance the building of a house 拿盖房子作比方

1 Recreation of the Payment Process of Host-to-Host Company 银企直联”(Host-to-Host),2 Recreation of the Payment Process of Host-to-Host company ---- An Example of Company A -htm


take sth for example 如果是以某物为例,用上面的短语,如果是加从句,那就用“for example,"

1、Research on Process Reengineering of Corporate Payment Based on Bank-Company Direct Linkage2、Research on Process Reengineering of Corporate Payment Based on Bank-Company Direct Linkage-A Case of Company A

W For example

Study on the re-creation of business's payment process based on the derect link between banks and enterprises——take company A as an example


论文题目Dissertation zum Thema

The thought about sound value ——The significant changes in New Accounting Standards of China

The new major changes in accounting standards - the fair value of thinking

consideration(或者thinking) on the major changes in new accounting standards - the fair value什么样的论文?“……的思考”好么?好像不太正式啊。可以用“关于……的分析”,个人意见……



选择章节标题后,右键-段落-大纲级别设置成一级标题或二级标题。A Contrastive Study between English and Chinese Idioms(题目:二号,黑体,加粗,居中,除了英语小词外,其他单词首字母都要大写;另外:除了题目外,论文中所有英文的字体均采用“Times New Roman”)(学院、专业、学号、作者姓名、指导教师姓名(小四号宋体字,加粗),依次排印在论文题目下,上空二行,居中)【Abstract】 This paper centers on the different expressions of …… (英文摘要:上空二行;题目采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,加粗,置于粗体方括号【】内,顶格放置;随后的内容与前面的粗体方括号【】之间空一格,不用其他任何标点符号;采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,不加粗;单倍行距)【Key Words】 idiom; comparison; English; Chinese (英文关键词:题目采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,加粗,两个单词的首字母要大写,置于粗体方括号【】内,顶格放置;随后的内容与前面的粗体方括号【】之间空一格,不用任何其他标点符号,采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,不加粗,除了专有名词外,其他单词的首字母不大写,各单词之间用分号“;”隔开,分号之后空一格;最后一个关键词之后不用任何标点符号;单倍行距)(正文章节序号编制,章的编号:,,,…;节的编号:1,2…,1,2…;小节的编号为:1,2…小节以下层次,采用希腊数字加括号为序,如(i),(ii)…;之后再采用字母加括号,如(a),(b),…;每章题目左顶格,小四号字,加粗;每节(及小节以下)题目左顶格,小四号字,不加粗但要斜体;所有章节的题目都单独一行,最后不加任何标点符号)扩展资料英语论文题名方法①英文题名以短语为主要形式,尤以名词短语最常见,即题名基本上由一个或几个名词加上其前置和(或)后置定语构成;短语型题名要确定好中心词,再进行前后修饰。各个词的顺序很重要,词序不当,会导致表达不准。②一般不要用陈述句,因为题名主要起标示作用,而陈述句容易使题名具有判断式的语义,且不够精炼和醒目。少数情况(评述性、综述性和驳斥性)下可以用疑问句做题名,因为疑问句有探讨性语气,易引起读者兴趣。③同一篇论文的英文题名与中文题名内容上应一致,但不等于说词语要一一对应。在许多情况下,个别非实质性的词可以省略或变动。④国外科技期刊一般对题名字数有所限制,有的规定题名不超过2行,每行不超过42个印刷符号和空格;有的要求题名不超过14个词。这些规定可供我们参考。⑤在论文的英文题名中。凡可用可不用的冠词均不用。参考资料:百度百科-论文格式


Landscape Design of the Ground

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