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政府采购 Government Purchase Government Procurement 政府供应链管理 Supply Chain Management ---------------------------- 供应链管理环境下政府采购研究 Study of government procurement in supply chain management <<科技与管理 >>2005年01期 杨光华 , 许康 , 何康平 供应链管理为政府采购改革和发展提供新的思想和模式供应链管理环境下政府采购注重信息化、主动化、全过程的采购思想用集成式信息运作模式来解决政府集中采购供应链的复杂性采购计划、准时采购、供应商管理、信息技术为其实施的基础 -------------------- Government Procurement Summary Government Procurement of goods and services typically accounts for 10-15% of GDP for developed countries, and up to as much as 20% of GDP for developing In an attempt to harness this significant portion of the international economy, WTO members signed the plurilateral (only binding to WTO members who choose to sign) Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA) at the Uruguay Round in The agreement was based on the 1979 Tokyo Round government procurement Currently, there are 26 signatories, including Canada, the EU, the United Kingdom and the United S[1] The rest of the signatories are predominantly developed [2] 参考资料:希望能帮助你

政府采购 Government PurchaseGovernment Procurement 政府供应链管理 Supply Chain Management ----------------------------供应链管理环境下政府采购研究Study of government procurement in supply chain management<<科技与管理 >>2005年01期杨光华 , 许康 , 何康平 供应链管理为政府采购改革和发展提供新的思想和模式供应链管理环境下政府采购注重信息化、主动化、全过程的采购思想用集成式信息运作模式来解决政府集中采购供应链的复杂性采购计划、准时采购、供应商管理、信息技术为其实施的基础 --------------------Government Procurement SummaryGovernment Procurement of goods and services typically accounts for 10-15% of GDP for developed countries, and up to as much as 20% of GDP for developing In an attempt to harness this significant portion of the international economy, WTO members signed the plurilateral (only binding to WTO members who choose to sign) Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA) at the Uruguay Round in The agreement was based on the 1979 Tokyo Round government procurement Currently, there are 26 signatories, including Canada, the EU, the United Kingdom and the United S[1] The rest of the signatories are predominantly developed [2]The intention of the GPA is to ensure that government decisions regarding government purchases of goods and services do not depend upon where the good is produced or the service rendered, nor upon the supplier's foreign The GPA signatories' initial step in establishing this "non-discrimination" was to create a working group at the 1996 Ministerial Conference in Singapore to investigate government procurement All WTO members were represented in this working The Working Group on Transparency in Government Procurement examines questions such as: does a particular government publish the criteria upon which it bases its procurement decisions? Does it publish the opportunities for procurement so that all suppliers know about them? Does it encourage competition among potential suppliers? After investigating these questions and others, the working group will try to create policies to open competition for government Many countries place restrictions on government procurement of both goods and services for a variety of Some will do so to encourage domestic industry, though many developing countries have limited domestic service industries, and turn to foreign service providers as a Several developed countries would like to see the GPA become a multilateral Such a step would increase market opportunities for their own firms, allowing them to bid for foreign government purchases on a "level playing " The most vocal proponents of a multilateral GPA are the US and EU Proponents of a multilateral GPA also see it as part of a "good governance" agenda for the developing world - the more transparent procurement processes are, they argue, the less opportunity there will be for corruption and rent-seeking on the part of domestic governments and [3]While these countries hope for a multilateral GPA in the future, opposition to a multilateral agreement comes from several developing countries (particularly India, Pakistan and Egypt) and relief organizations, such as O[4] These parties see the opening of government procurement not as a way to gain a "level playing field," but rather as a situation in which developing and least developed countries are likely to lose ground to expanding industrial The developing countries and relief organizations fear that the growing industries of developing nations will be at a disadvantage if large and established foreign companies are allowed to bid for government contracts alongside their own domestic firms, leading to balance of payments In addition, other opposing countries cite government procurement laws as a restraint on their ability to address certain non-trade issues, such as the environment, ecolabelling, and human rights Currently, if a government has certain labor standards, for example, it may discourage human rights violations in the workplace by only purchasing from firms that meet their Such countries argue that if government procurement laws would eliminate their discretion in deciding similar matters, and labor standards and environmental protection, among other things, would ---------------------ProcurementPublic sector spending on goods and services across Scotland amounts to around £8 billion per Procurement guidelines govern the purchasing of these goods and services in areas such as IT and telecoms, health and education services and local The public procurement reform programme aims to drive up standards in the way the public sector procures goods and services to ensure that tax payers money is spent as wisely as

供应与采购是任何一个企业,尤其是制造型企业一个非常关键的问题,多年以来,商业竞争的三个首要重点一直是一致性质量、产品可靠性和缴获可靠性,企业如果不能满足这些要求,就很难在竞争中存活。但是,其他重点已经悄然发生了变化,90年代以来,低价格与新产品的推出速度变的越来越重要,尤其是低价格上升为第四重要的竞争重点。顾客的以上四个综合需要成为价值。对顾客而言,价值意味着以尽可能低的价格采购到高质量的产品。为了增加价值,企业必须改进那些顾客认为至关重要的产品性能标准,或则降低成本,或者两方面同时进行。在制造性企业中,制造成本是运营成本的主要因素。供应和采购是否合理将直接影响企业的制造成本,进而影响企业在市场上的竞争优势。对于大多数国有企业,长期以来,供应与采购部门没有受到足够的重视与控制,从而造成许多供应与采购部门的员工不能严格要求自己,无法抵抗许多不合理甚至不合法的yh,从而走上了犯罪的道路。当然,这些问题的出现不只是采购人员的责任,同样也有高层管理者的原因,由于目前绝大多数国有企业还没有真正建立起现代企业管理制度,致使许多高层管理者和一些采购人员置企业利益于不顾,私自收受供应商的贿赂,造成企业采购成本居高不下,国有资产大量流失。以我所在的上海电机厂为例。上海电机厂于1949年建厂,与我们伟大的共和国同岁,是国家的大型企业。从五十年代起,就成为全国制造汽轮发电机和大中型直流电机的重点骨干企业。上海电机厂的产品种类繁多,产品主要用于电站、冶金、矿山、机械、石油化工、船舶、科研、交通、水利、轻纺、水泥、造纸、制糖、市政等厂矿企业,为国民经济各行各业服务。可以说,上海电机厂曾经为我国的经济建设和现代化建设做出了巨大的贡献。这些辉煌对于上海电机厂来说已经成为历史,哈尔滨、东方、湘潭、沈阳等地电机厂异军突起,都在不断快速发展和赶超,已经追上了上海电机厂,甚至把他远远抛在了脑后。究其原因,上海电机厂的产品价格一般要高于竞争对手15%~25%,长期以来,这种不合理现象造成恶性循环,造成上海电机厂的巨大损失。上海电机厂目前年产值约10亿元人民币,采购资金大约占50%,既5亿元。可以说,原材料是电机厂的成本主要因素,如果原材料成本能够下降,将大大提高其产品在市场上的竞争优势。据初步估算,目前如果上电厂年产值10亿元人民币,净利润5000万元人民币,如果可以在原材料采购上 降成本压缩10%的话,既5000万元人民币,相当于再增加10亿元产值,可见,在原材料采购上有大文章可做。在供应链中,供应商是至关重要的环节,有时供应商的品质会直接影响总体成本。即使是已经成形的供应商,也需要时时监督,以免影响交货质量。不合格的供应商服务有可能造成严重的后果,如中断生产计划,增加存货成本,引发产成品的运送延误等。而良好的供应商关系则有可能带来企业的直接利益,如降低购买成本、降低运输成本、提高产品质量、改进产品设计、减少产品抵达市场所花时间、提高顾客满意度、减少存货成本、引进新产品新工序等,这些改进相关的收益也会得到提高。为此,上电厂准备采取以下措施对原材料采购加以控制: 一、采购部门所有员工进行思想教育和培训:教育员工与管理人员建立反腐倡廉的道德思想;培训员工在采购中的成本意识、商业意识和经济税务知识。采购人员不是拿着支票本 付钱就可以过过逍遥日子了,更要具备一定的技术知识,商业知识,对起伏波动的材料市场做出正确判断,懂得在狡诈的供应商中间周旋,讨价还价,一切以企业利益为重。通过对采购人员的教育,使他们从根本上认识到企业的存亡与采购人员的一举一动息息相关。同时,加大对采购部门的考核制度,从部门主管开始,层层落实,如果一个环节出了差错,则一同追究上级主管的责任,同时终止与该供应商所有的业务往来,同时对该采购员进行工资和奖金扣罚,严重的令其下岗。二、通过不同部门之间的相互监督来控制采购人员的行为,以前的采购人员与供应商订立采购合同,供应商直接凭合同到财务部领取货款,虽然财务部也有核价人员,但核价人员毕竟对市场上原材料供应情况不熟悉,难以作出有效的判断,形同虚设。而现在,厂部决定给财务部配备专业的核价人员。专业的核价人员不断的学习和掌握市场动态,通过信息网络以最快的速度了解最新的市场价格,再根据所掌握的信息对供应商的合同进行严格而规范的核价,凡高于市场平均价的10%的原材料,必须查明原因,经过公司成立的价格审核小组确认,存在特殊原因的,才可以购进。核价员和采购员会从相同目的和不同的出发点来看待原材料采购。核价员一旦发现价格问题,当即上报厂部领导,并将供货合同退回采购部门。而采购员如果发现有不合格供应商的给付款,则一同追究核价人员和财务部主管的责任,严重者令其下岗。这样一来,可以使采购部与财务部相互牵制,相互监督。三、不允许任何部门以任何理由对原材料和零部件进行指定。以前,某些零部件的供应商以不正当的手段联系设计部门,使技术人员在产品设计过程中对零部件供应商进行指定。例如,冷却器是直流电机上价值最大的零部件,其价值要占到总材料成本的30%以上。很多冷却器厂家为了分食这块市场,也展开了激烈的竞争。在价格、性能等条件不相上下的情况下,冷却器厂商为了保住自己的市场份额,在产品之外也做了许多努力,与技术人员和采购人员达成私下协议,这些高额的交际成本从何而来呢?最终还是落到了电机的成本上。上海电机厂曾经的一个最大的冷却器供应商,产品价格要高出其它同类产品的20%左右。现在,厂部专门召集有关商务、技术人员召开专题会,禁止以任何理由对任何原材料和零部件进行指定。还有些供应商为了推销自己的产品,找到电机厂的客户,要求客户在与上海电机厂签订订货合同上注明,要求上海电机厂采购其产品,针对这种情况,厂部决定,属于客户直接指定的供货商,上海电机厂要收其货款10%的配套费。四、与竞争对手不断联系以监督供货商。在电机行业中,不同的厂家所使用的原材料和零部件是相同的,因此,同一供应商经常同时是好几家电机制造厂的供应商。因此,要在同行业中经常联系以了解和监督相同的供应商的行为,如果发现在同样的付款方式,相同原材料和零部件的同一供应商,销售给其他电机厂的价格低于其销售给上电厂的,上电厂将拒付货款,并不再与其在今后发生业务往来。上电厂近期专门组织一些主要原材料和零部件的供应商认真学习和执行这一制度。五、与一些强大而重要的供应商建立战略联盟。目前,电机制造中使用的硅钢片在国内基本上来自武钢、宝钢、太钢,而这些硅钢板供货商的产品在市场上销路很好,供不应求。从某种意义上来说,电机厂的发展受到了这些供应商的限制,与这些供应上建立战略联盟尤为重要。针对这一情况,厂部决定,电机厂哪怕再缺乏资金、再困难都不能拖欠这些供应商的货款。另外,武钢、宝钢、太钢近年来都在上马大的工程项目,在这些项目中,电机设备是必不可少的。上海电机厂每次在这些项目招标中都以最有价格积极投标,并且在项目执行当中,都严格保质保量,按时交货,而且承诺在设备的安装调试和以后的售后服务中均积极主动。上海电机厂已经做好了充分的思想准备,为这些项目来制造电机是不准备盈利的,有时甚至要亏本。上电厂这样做的目的就是要保证硅钢片的货源不能因为市场的供不应求而受到影响。 六、对于外协的一些零部件,电机厂要指定供应商。以前,电机厂的零部件外协成本居高不下,有时甚至远远高于市场价和自己做的成本。针对这一情况,电机厂决定为这些外协加工力求寻找物廉价美的合格供应商,争取从原材料采购的源头就进行节约成本。从以上六点措施可以看出,上海电机厂准备严格控制原材料的采购成本,以降低电机价格。这些措施的事是将来一定会给上海电机厂带来巨大的经济效益。这些措施还不是很全面,在具体操作中也必将碰到一些新的问题,上海电机厂准备在以后的执行中不断修改和完善这些措施,不断向一些跨国公司学习先进的采购技术,力争尽早在市场上夺回曾经的辉煌。


政府采购 Government PurchaseGovernment Procurement 政府供应链管理 Supply Chain Management ----------------------------供应链管理环境下政府采购研究Study of government procurement in supply chain management<<科技与管理 >>2005年01期杨光华 , 许康 , 何康平 供应链管理为政府采购改革和发展提供新的思想和模式供应链管理环境下政府采购注重信息化、主动化、全过程的采购思想用集成式信息运作模式来解决政府集中采购供应链的复杂性采购计划、准时采购、供应商管理、信息技术为其实施的基础 --------------------Government Procurement SummaryGovernment Procurement of goods and services typically accounts for 10-15% of GDP for developed countries, and up to as much as 20% of GDP for developing In an attempt to harness this significant portion of the international economy, WTO members signed the plurilateral (only binding to WTO members who choose to sign) Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA) at the Uruguay Round in The agreement was based on the 1979 Tokyo Round government procurement Currently, there are 26 signatories, including Canada, the EU, the United Kingdom and the United S[1] The rest of the signatories are predominantly developed [2]The intention of the GPA is to ensure that government decisions regarding government purchases of goods and services do not depend upon where the good is produced or the service rendered, nor upon the supplier's foreign The GPA signatories' initial step in establishing this "non-discrimination" was to create a working group at the 1996 Ministerial Conference in Singapore to investigate government procurement All WTO members were represented in this working The Working Group on Transparency in Government Procurement examines questions such as: does a particular government publish the criteria upon which it bases its procurement decisions? Does it publish the opportunities for procurement so that all suppliers know about them? Does it encourage competition among potential suppliers? After investigating these questions and others, the working group will try to create policies to open competition for government Many countries place restrictions on government procurement of both goods and services for a variety of Some will do so to encourage domestic industry, though many developing countries have limited domestic service industries, and turn to foreign service providers as a Several developed countries would like to see the GPA become a multilateral Such a step would increase market opportunities for their own firms, allowing them to bid for foreign government purchases on a "level playing " The most vocal proponents of a multilateral GPA are the US and EU Proponents of a multilateral GPA also see it as part of a "good governance" agenda for the developing world - the more transparent procurement processes are, they argue, the less opportunity there will be for corruption and rent-seeking on the part of domestic governments and [3]While these countries hope for a multilateral GPA in the future, opposition to a multilateral agreement comes from several developing countries (particularly India, Pakistan and Egypt) and relief organizations, such as O[4] These parties see the opening of government procurement not as a way to gain a "level playing field," but rather as a situation in which developing and least developed countries are likely to lose ground to expanding industrial The developing countries and relief organizations fear that the growing industries of developing nations will be at a disadvantage if large and established foreign companies are allowed to bid for government contracts alongside their own domestic firms, leading to balance of payments In addition, other opposing countries cite government procurement laws as a restraint on their ability to address certain non-trade issues, such as the environment, ecolabelling, and human rights Currently, if a government has certain labor standards, for example, it may discourage human rights violations in the workplace by only purchasing from firms that meet their Such countries argue that if government procurement laws would eliminate their discretion in deciding similar matters, and labor standards and environmental protection, among other things, would ---------------------ProcurementPublic sector spending on goods and services across Scotland amounts to around £8 billion per Procurement guidelines govern the purchasing of these goods and services in areas such as IT and telecoms, health and education services and local The public procurement reform programme aims to drive up standards in the way the public sector procures goods and services to ensure that tax payers money is spent as wisely as

[1] 贺晓甫;浅谈煤炭企业物资管理的重要性[J] ;中国煤矿安全生产网;2009,(12)[2] 马琨;浅析煤炭企业仓库管理现状及发展趋势[J] 现代经济信息;2012年第2期[3] 秦晋丹 企业仓库作业现代化的重要性[J] 山西煤炭管理干部学院学报,2008 年02期[4]陈枫 煤炭企业物资供应管理体系的探讨[J ] 今日科苑2009年第12期 [5] 蔡秀芹 煤炭企业物资管理模式改革探讨[J ] 《魅力中国》,2011 ,(6) [6] 韩新春 煤炭企业物资集中管理模式浅析[J ] 企业导报,2012 第9期

1]何桢,车建国 精益六西格玛:新竞争优势的来源[J] 天津大学学报(社会科学版), 2005,(05) [2]王慧 战略采购[J] 山东纺织经济, 2006,(04) [3]何桢,岳刚,王丽林 六西格玛管理及其实施[J] 数理统计与管理, 2007,(06) [4]吴跃东 ,尹丽丽 战略采购关乎企业赢利能力[J] 上海经济, 2005,(05) [5]方贤水,薛丽莉 战略采购研究综述及启示[J] 商场现代化, 2006,(24) [6]吴虹飞,李向晟 论公司的战略采购及其构成[J] 浙江统计, 2005,(07) [7]邵敬中 ,张帆 节约60%成本的方法:战略采购[J] 中国企业家, 2003,(02) [8]浦杰 战略采购确实有效吗?[J] 现代制造, 2000,(10) 1]杜培枫 基于现代物流竞争战略的3PL[J] 山西财经大学学报, 2003,(02) [2]何桢,车建国 精益六西格玛:新竞争优势的来源[J] 天津大学学报(社会科学版), 2005,(05) [3]刘海霞 基于战略目标驱动下的企业并购战略选择[J] 商丘职业技术学院学报, 2007,(06) [4]刘建香 超循环理论在供应链联盟中的应用[J] 商讯商业经济文荟, 2006,(03) [5]阎海燕,2徐波 供应链管理环境中的制造柔性[J] 特区经济, 2006,(06) [6]边利,李自如,邓建 基于信息熵和密切值法的供应商选择与实证研究[J] 情报杂志, 2005,(11) [7]王慧 战略采购[J] 山东纺织经济, 2006,(04) [8]何桢,岳刚,王丽林 六西格玛管理及其实施[J] 数理统计与管理, 2007,(06) [9]公斌 酒店采购管理漏洞及解决方法的探讨[J] 中国市场, 2008,(41) [10]张群,来守林 CPFR技术在连锁超市的应用[J] 商场现代化, 2006,(28)



● 课程内容第一讲:采购和供应商管理的挑战有哪些? 采购管理的KPI指标有哪些? 三鹿事件? 采购管理的目标顺序应该如何? 沃尔码与宝洁如何做采购? 各种采购管理的目标差异 为什么采购部门‘老受气’? 如何建立采购绩效考核制度? 如何提升我们的采购职业能力? 第二讲:如何优化采购运作流程? 采购人员的职责与价值 采购都和哪些部门发生关系 采购的核心技能 如何优化采购结构 不同采购流程的选择 采购流程不合理的后果 如何合理化? 第三讲:如何做好供应商的分类管理? 采购分类的作用是什么? 原料、运作采购的分类? 分散采购好还是集中采购好? 同一物品的单一与多家战略 集团的集中采购与分厂采购? 如何处理瓶颈物品和日常物品? 第四讲:如何选对我们的采购供应商?我们应该如何选择供应商? 供应商选择流程和决策 供应商为何会报不同的价? 供应商的能力与积极性-应首选哪个? 第五讲:如何评估新供应商? 供应商评估评什么 不同类型供应商的评价侧重点 产品的现状及能力供应商的愿望 供应商的实力如何评估供应商的保障能力? 应该问谁?怎么问? 如何权衡调研结果?评估指标的权重分析 第六讲:如何防范合同的纠纷降低内部风险? 为什么会产生合同纠纷? 不同合同类型的纠纷 口头协议有效吗? 合同法的四项基本原则 合同将不得含以下条款? 不可抗力的合理性确定《国际贸易术语解释通则》 INCOTERMS 第七讲:如何定期评估供应商表现? 新供应商评估与现行供应商评估的区别有哪些? 绩效评估应该包括哪些内容? 谁应该参与供应商评估? 如何判断供应商表现的好与坏 供应商的改进方案 好供应商的奖励制定 表现不佳的供应商? 第八讲:如何做好供应商的日常管理? QA与QC的区别在哪里? 采购供应链日益脆弱的原因 不同采购类型的管理区别 服务性采购的日常管理 如何确保供应商的履约性? 采购价格与质量有无关系? 质量与价格的关系 如何提高抽样的准确性? 如何提高采购订单的稳定性? 如何提高生产、采购系统灵活性? 如何与供应商保持好日常关系 为什么要建立一定程度的积极性冲突? 如何建立良性的冲突? 如何做好供应商的风险管理? 主办单位:上海耀谷管理咨询有限公司 地点:上海浦东张江高科技园区蔡伦路333号浦东创新港


选题要求说明:  论文选题可以自拟,也可以参考学术堂后面给同学们的选题参考。依据学校毕业论文规则,选题必须符合专业范畴,要与其他相关专业区分开,选题最好局限在专业范围内,如果选题一开始就偏离专业,那么后面写的再好亦是徒劳。  选题最好选择自己熟悉的内容,最好和工作有所联系,这样在答辩时阐述就会较为充分,回答起来比较轻松一些。  选题最好选择资料比较多的,这样写作起来比较轻松,没有资料作为支撑的写作是非常痛苦的。最好在选题确定后论文写作前将选题报给指导教师,指导老师可以确定选题是否符合要求,资料是否比较充分。  选题参考:  1浅析标杆管理在采购绩效评估中的运用  2 浅析如何改进采购绩效  3 如何进行采购绩效评估  4 浅析改进采购管理绩效的方法  5简析采购定价方法在企业中的运用  6如何进行采购合同的制定  7 论采购合同的制定与管理  8浅谈采购主管如何选择降低成本战略  9如何通过采购谈判提高企业的采购绩效水平  10论采购绩效管理在采购管理中的地位和作用  11浅析优化采购流程对提高企业采购绩效的重要作用  12浅析物流绩效的改进与提升  13浅析第三方物流的管理策略  14浅析第三方物流  15浅析物流成本分析与控制


我写的《W公司采购管理问题与对策研究》,针对公司采购管理过程中出现的各种不良现象进行分析归类,就问题成因提出对策。首先介绍研究背景,即W公司产品及公司发展情况等,接下来对现有采购管理情况做大致介绍,包括采购流程以及采购部具体工作安排,之后对目前出现的采购问题以及成因做出了分析与总结。  论文要想高分还是不容易啊,开始也是没时间写,还是学长给的莫’文网,有专业的帮忙很快就搞定了

政府采购 Government Purchase Government Procurement 政府供应链管理 Supply Chain Management ---------------------------- 供应链管理环境下政府采购研究 Study of government procurement in supply chain management <<科技与管理 >>2005年01期 杨光华 , 许康 , 何康平 供应链管理为政府采购改革和发展提供新的思想和模式供应链管理环境下政府采购注重信息化、主动化、全过程的采购思想用集成式信息运作模式来解决政府集中采购供应链的复杂性采购计划、准时采购、供应商管理、信息技术为其实施的基础 -------------------- Government Procurement Summary Government Procurement of goods and services typically accounts for 10-15% of GDP for developed countries, and up to as much as 20% of GDP for developing In an attempt to harness this significant portion of the international economy, WTO members signed the plurilateral (only binding to WTO members who choose to sign) Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA) at the Uruguay Round in The agreement was based on the 1979 Tokyo Round government procurement Currently, there are 26 signatories, including Canada, the EU, the United Kingdom and the United S[1] The rest of the signatories are predominantly developed [2] 参考资料:希望能帮助你



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