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词典释义awake to意识到理解;领会;认识到;意识到;实现;将…变为现实;(所担心的事)发生,产生be conscious/aware of举例:过了一些时间她才意识到她处境的危险。It took her some time to awake to the dangers of her 我逐渐意识到我们的婚姻结束了。I gradually awakened to the realization that our marriage was

It needs the first part to be And it is a comapring (bi jiao ju xing)

conscious与aware的区别:1、aware 、conscious 都含有“意识到的”意思。 aware 侧重“感官所意识到的外界事物”,conscious 侧重“心理感知”。2、aware  : 意识到的;知道的;有…方面知识的;懂世故的 (Aware)人名;(阿拉伯、索)阿瓦雷conscious  : 意识到的;故意的;神志清醒的3、Conscious 短语应用:Conscious Heart 自觉心灵 ; 盲目心灵 ; 自发心魄 ; 自发心灵conscious mind 意识心 ; 识层的心 ; 意识心智 ; 神志清楚become conscious 醒悟 ; 恢复知觉4、aware短语应用:acutely aware 清醒地看到 ; 苏醒地看到 ; 复苏地看到 ; 意识到的Theft Aware 盗窃察觉 ; 防盗软件aware being 指有觉知的人参考资料:有道词典—aware  有道词典—conscious

the more conscious you become of a possible problem这样理解:you become more conscious of a possible problem这句话是the more, the better的句型,越来越的意思。句意:你就更能意识到可能存在的问题conscious的用法:conscious后常跟of或者that从句。She is conscious of her own She is conscious that she is in He was very conscious of his 他对自己的缺点十分清楚。 They were conscious of being 他们意识到被人监视。


知道 [词典] know; realize; be aware of; awareness; be conscious of; [例句]她知道你的意思。She knows what you

aware,知道的,意识到的,强调感官对外界事物的意识。conscious,有意识的,意识到的,一般指内心所意识到的。aware 侧重“感官所意识到的外界事物”,conscious 侧重“心理感知”。具体来说就是aware应该注重在实际的感官感受(例如感受到气温的变化),而sensible注重在精神上的、无形的(例如感受到老师的影响)。扩展资料:用法举例awareHe was aware of his 他意识到自己的错误。Yon can only humbug those who are not aware of your 你只能欺还不清楚你的伎俩的那些人。And we have to be aware of that, and not let it control 我们必须意识到这一点,而不是让它控制我们。I need not press the urgency of the matter on you, as I konw you are fully aware of it 我无需向你们强调此事的急迫性,因为我知道,你们自己对此完全了解。conscious The salesman is conscious of the fact that he must increase 销售员意识到他必须增加销售量。Or, should I say, a more conscious version of 不然,我应该说,我有了一种更清醒的认识。Except for the difference that he is conscious, and that is why he is 但是不同的是,他是有意识的,这是他为什么荒谬的原因。 They may not be conscious of it though, so their comments come across as complaints rather than 他们也许自己都没意识到,所以他们的意见听起来更像抱怨而不是请求。


wake up to:认识到; 意识到wake英 [weɪk];美 [weɪk]     醒来;唤醒;意识到; 航迹;守夜1、wake既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语; 用作不及物动词时,可表示自发醒来或处于醒的某种状态,接不定式作状语时,表示“醒来(发现、看出、听到)…”。2、wake用作不及物动词时,其主动形式常可表示被动意义。扩展资料:rouse,arouse,awake,wake这些动词均有“唤醒、醒来”之意。1、rouse较正式用词,用主动语态时,强调弄醒别人的努力,用被动语态时,指轻而易举地醒过来。可用于引申意义。2、arouse除表示一般的唤醒外,多作引申用。3、awake正式用词,常指觉醒、警惕的状态,也多用于比喻。4、wake普通常用词,指真正的醒来。即可作及物动词也可作不及物动词。


aware,知道的,意识到的,强调感官对外界事物的意识。conscious,有意识的,意识到的,一般指内心所意识到的。aware 侧重“感官所意识到的外界事物”,conscious 侧重“心理感知”。具体来说就是aware应该注重在实际的感官感受(例如感受到气温的变化),而sensible注重在精神上的、无形的(例如感受到老师的影响)。扩展资料:用法举例awareHe was aware of his 他意识到自己的错误。Yon can only humbug those who are not aware of your 你只能欺还不清楚你的伎俩的那些人。And we have to be aware of that, and not let it control 我们必须意识到这一点,而不是让它控制我们。I need not press the urgency of the matter on you, as I konw you are fully aware of it 我无需向你们强调此事的急迫性,因为我知道,你们自己对此完全了解。conscious The salesman is conscious of the fact that he must increase 销售员意识到他必须增加销售量。Or, should I say, a more conscious version of 不然,我应该说,我有了一种更清醒的认识。Except for the difference that he is conscious, and that is why he is 但是不同的是,他是有意识的,这是他为什么荒谬的原因。 They may not be conscious of it though, so their comments come across as complaints rather than 他们也许自己都没意识到,所以他们的意见听起来更像抱怨而不是请求。

wake up to:认识到; 意识到wake英 [weɪk];美 [weɪk]     醒来;唤醒;意识到; 航迹;守夜1、wake既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语; 用作不及物动词时,可表示自发醒来或处于醒的某种状态,接不定式作状语时,表示“醒来(发现、看出、听到)…”。2、wake用作不及物动词时,其主动形式常可表示被动意义。扩展资料:rouse,arouse,awake,wake这些动词均有“唤醒、醒来”之意。1、rouse较正式用词,用主动语态时,强调弄醒别人的努力,用被动语态时,指轻而易举地醒过来。可用于引申意义。2、arouse除表示一般的唤醒外,多作引申用。3、awake正式用词,常指觉醒、警惕的状态,也多用于比喻。4、wake普通常用词,指真正的醒来。即可作及物动词也可作不及物动词。

the more conscious you become of a possible problem这样理解:you become more conscious of a possible problem这句话是the more, the better的句型,越来越的意思。句意:你就更能意识到可能存在的问题conscious的用法:conscious后常跟of或者that从句。She is conscious of her own She is conscious that she is in He was very conscious of his 他对自己的缺点十分清楚。 They were conscious of being 他们意识到被人监视。

一般有三种表达法:realize(最常用)As soon as we realized something was wrong, we moved the children 我们一意识到出了问题,就立即把孩子们转移开了。be aware ofSmokers are well aware of the dangers to their own 吸烟者们都很清楚吸烟对其自身健康的那些危害。be awake toBut voters are awake to this 但是选民们觉察到了这一计谋。


I am well aware that this is a tough One should be aware of the fact that Their sudden attack made us more aware of the danger around She was not aware of having done She was conscious of her flat 这时跟be aware of 用法一样。He is conscious that He gradually perceived that his parents had been I can't perceive any difference between these I perceived a man enter the


People are flocking by hundreds to visit the 数以百计的人前来参观。But in no case will it take longer than 6 但绝不会超过6个月。She reckoned she had cut her cost by 她估计她减少了一半的费用。We must look beyond for signs of 我们应该把目光放远。Do not worry, I 'll call out the 不用担心,我会报站的。I know his name but I can't just bring it to 我知道他的名字,只是一时想不起来。He loves her from the bottom of his 他深深地爱着她。It is not polite to call a person 骂人是不礼貌的。They will accomplish their new project by this 他们将用这种办法来实现他们的新计划。unpleasantly sharp, pungent, or bitter to the taste or smell 味道或气味上令人不愉快的辛辣,苦的They calculate on a hundred people attending the 他们预计有100人出席会议。Try to fix me up an appointment for eleven tomorrow 请设法安排我明天上午11点进行一次会见。All in all it had been a great 从各方面来说,那都是极大的成功。I assure you they'll be perfectly safe with 我向你保证,他们和我们在一起十分安全。If you do not aim high, you will never hit 胸无大志,难达高峰。Better to have one eye than be blind [谚]独眼总比全瞎好。

I should be self-


conscious [ˈkɒnʃəs] 有意识的;意识到;aware [əˈweə(r)]意识到的;意识到; 知道最主要的区别在于:conscious强调内心的意识,偏精神,感觉方面而aware则是感觉器官接受,偏知道,发现从翻译角度,conscious翻译成意识,通常可以用“感觉到”替换 I suddenly became aware of (= started to notice) him looking at 我突然意识|感觉到他在看着我。aware翻译成意识到,通常可以用“发现”替换He was aware of his 他意识到|发现了自己的错误。

中文conscious英 [ˈkɔnʃəs] 美 [ˈkɑnʃəs] 有意识的翻译来自彩云小译简要释义 辅助记忆 双语例句 相关词汇有意识的;有知觉的(of);有意的;自觉的;清醒的;留神的同义词: aliveawakeknowingsensitivesensibleCET4CET6NPEETOEFLIELTSTEM4TEM8GRE辅助记忆 反义词unconscious / unaware / senseless / unintentional / 词源con + sci=know (知道) + 同源词science / scientific / conscience / conscientious / 补充『短语』be conscious of, 意识到双语例句 He's always been rather self-他一直很害羞。 a class-conscious trade unionist一个有阶级觉悟的工会会员 He was conscious of the rain pelting against the 他意识到大雨正重重地打在屋顶上。 Some young people who were easy-going and extroverted as children become self-conscious in early 一些年轻人孩童时脾气随和、性格活泼,刚进入青春期却变得害羞起来。 I don't think we ever made a conscious decision to have a big 我认为我们没有刻意决定要生很多孩子。

区别如下:1、conscious与aware 三个词都含有“意识到的”意思。conscious通常比较正式,强调内心的意识,而aware则是指通过信息,或者感觉器官意识的。2、aware 指“可用感官察觉到的(尤指可感觉到较复杂或抽象的事物)”。例如:I was aware of her solemn 我知道她很悲哀。3、conscious 侧重“心理感知”,内心情感方面,主观感受。例如: He is conscious of a sense of 他感到内疚。扩展资料:conscious例句:1、Smokers are well aware of the dangers to their own health 吸烟的人都知道吸烟对自身健康的危害。2、She was acutely aware of the noise of the city 她对城市噪音很敏感。3、They are politically very  他们政治上非常警觉。4、He should have been aware of what his junior officers were doing 他本应该清楚自己下级们的所作所为。5、He must have been aware that my parents 'marriage was breaking  他一定已经知道我父母的婚姻即将破裂。aware例句:1、Smokers are well aware of the dangers to their own health 吸烟的人都知道吸烟对自身健康的危害。2、She was acutely aware of the noise of the city 她对城市噪音很敏感。3、They are politically very  他们政治上非常警觉。4、He should have been aware of what his junior officers were doing 他本应该清楚自己下级们的所作所为。5、He must have been aware that my parents 'marriage was breaking  他一定已经知道我父母的婚姻即将破裂。

conscious有意识的有意识 [ yǒu yì shí ] 生词本基本释义 详细释义[ yǒu yì shí ]主观上意识到的;有目的有计划的:他这样做完全是~的。

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