关于内容: 1、一般概括性内容:课题标题、答辩人、课题执行时间、课题指导教师、课题的归属、致谢等; 2、课题研究内容:研究目的、方案设计(流程图)、运行过程、研究结果、创新性、应用价值、有关课题延续的新看法等; 3、PPT要图文并茂,突出重点,让答辩老师明白哪些是自己独立完成的,页数不要太多,30页左右足够,不要出现太多文字,老师对文字和公式都不怎么感兴趣; 4、凡是贴在PPT上的图和公式,要能够自圆其说,没有把握的坚决不要往上面贴; 5、每页下面记得标页码,这样比较方便评委老师提问的时候review 。关于模板: 1、不要用太华丽的企业商务模板,学术ppt最好低调、简洁一些; 2、推荐底色白底(黑字、红字和蓝字)、蓝底(白字或黄字)、黑底(白字和黄字),这三种配色方式可保证幻灯质量,个人觉得学术ppt还是白底好; 3、动手能力强的大牛可以自己做符合课题主题的模板,其实很简单,就是把喜欢的图在“幻灯片母版”模式下插入就行了。 关于文字: 1、首先就是:不要太多!图优于表,表优于文字,答辩的时候照着ppt念的人最逊了; 2、字体大小最好选ppt默认的,标题用44号或40号,正文用32号,一般不要小于20号。标题推荐黑体,正文推荐宋体,如果一定要用少见字体,记得答辩的时候一起copy到答辩电脑上,不然会显示不出来; 3、正文内的文字排列,一般一行字数在20~25个左右,不要超过6~7行。更不要超过10行。行与行之间、段与段之间要有一定的间距,标题之间的距离(段间距)要大于行间距。关于图片: 1、图片在ppt里的位置最好统一,整个ppt里的版式安排不要超过3种。图片最好统一格式,一方面很精制,另一方面也显示出做学问的严谨态度。图片的外周,有时候加上阴影或外框,会有意想不到的效果; 2、关于格式,tif格式主要用于印刷,它的高质量在ppt上体现不出来,照片选用jpg就可以了,示意图我推荐bmp格式,直接在windows画笔里按照需要的大小画,不要缩放,出来的都是矢量效果,比较pro,相关的箭头元素可以直接从word里copy过来; 3、流程图,用viso画就可以了,这个地球人都知道; 4、ppt里出现图片的动画方式最好简洁到2种以下,还是那句话,低调朴素为主; 5、动手能力允许的话,学习一下photoshop里的基本操作,一些照片类的图片,在ps里做一下曲线和对比度的基本调整,质量会好很多。windos画笔+ps,基本可以搞定一切学术图片。 关于提问环节: 评委老师一般提问主要从以下几个方面: 1、他本人的研究方向及其擅长的领域; 2、可能来自课题的问题:是确实切合本研究涉及到的学术问题(包括选题意义、重要观点及概念、课题新意、课题细节、课题薄弱环节、建议可行性以及对自己所做工作的提问); 3、来自论文的问题:论文书写的规范性,数据来源,对论文提到的重要参考文献以及有争议的某些观察标准等; 4、来自幻灯的问题:某些图片或图表,要求进一步解释; 5、不大容易估计到的问题:和课题完全不相干的问题。似乎相干,但是答辩者根本未做过,也不是课题涉及的问题。答辩者没有做的,但是评委想到了的东西,答辩者进一步打算怎么做。 建议 一、要对论文的内容进行概括性的整合,将论文分为引言和试验设计的目的意义、材料和方法、结果、讨论、结论、致谢几部分。 二、在每部分内容的presentation中,原则是:图的效果好于表的效果,表的效果好于文字叙述的效果。最忌满屏幕都是长篇大论,让评委心烦。能引用图表的地方尽量引用图表,的确需要文字的地方,要将文字内容高度概括,简洁明了化,用编号标明。 三、 1、文字版面的基本要求 幻灯片的数目: 学士答辩10min 10~20张 硕士答辩20min 20~35张 博士答辩30min 30~50张 2、字号字数行数: 标题44号(40) 正文32号(不小于24号字) 每行字数在20~25个 每张PPT 6~7行 (忌满字) 中文用宋体(可以加粗),英文用 Time New Romans 对于PPT中的副标题要加粗 3、PPT中的字体颜色不要超过3种(字体颜色要与背景颜色反差大) 建议新手配色: (1)白底,黑、红、篮字 (2)蓝底,白、黄字(浅黄或橘黄也可) 4、添加图片格式: 好的质量图片TIF格式,GIF图片格式最小 图片外周加阴影或外框效果比较好 PPT总体效果:图片比表格好,表格比文字好;动的比静的好,无声比有声好。 四、(注意) 幻灯片的内容和基调。背景适合用深色调的,例如深蓝色,字体用白色或黄色的黑体字,显得很庄重。值得强调的是,无论用哪种颜色,一定要使字体和背景显成明显反差。注意:要点!用一个流畅的逻辑打动评委。字要大:在昏暗房间里小字会看不清,最终结果是没人听你的介绍。不要用PPT自带模板:自带模板那些评委们都见过,且与论文内容无关,要自己做,简单没关系,纯色没关系,但是要自己做!时间不要太长:20分钟的汇报,30页内容足够,主要是你讲,PPT是辅助性的。 记得最后感谢母校,系和老师,弄得煽情点。
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尽管毕业论文中未必涉及“民族品牌”,但 参加论文答辩的学生必须对自己的毕业论文有“比较全面的熟悉”和“比较深刻的理解”,否则,就会出现尴尬局面。
毕业论文答辩ppt内容怎么写的解决方法如下:一、要对论文的内容进行概括性的整合,将论文分为引言和试验设计的目的意义、材料和方法、结果、讨论、结论、致谢几部分。 二、在每部分内容的presen tation中,原则是:图的效果好于表的效果,表的效果好于文字叙述的效果。最忌满屏幕都是长篇大论,让评委心烦。能引用图表的地方尽量引用图表,的确需要文字的地方,要将文字内容高度概括,简洁明了化,用编号标明。 三、1 文字版面的基本要求 幻灯片的数目: 学士答辩10min 10~20张 硕士答辩20min 20~35张 博士答辩30min 30~50张 2 字号字数行数: 标题44号(40) 正文32号(不小于24号字) 每行字数在20~25个 每张PPT 6~7行 (忌满字) 中文用宋体(可以加粗),英文用 Time New Romans 对于PPT中的副标题要加粗 3 PPT中的字体颜色不要超过3种(字体颜色要与背景颜色反差大) 建议新手配色: (1)白底,黑、红、篮字 (2)蓝底,白、黄字(浅黄或橘黄也可) 4 添加图片格式: 好的质量图片TIF格式,GIF图片格式最小 图片外周加阴影或外框效果比较好 PPT总体效果:图片比表格好,表格比文字好;动的比静的好,无声比有声好。 四、(注意) 幻灯片的内容和基调。背景适合用深色调的,例如深蓝色,字体用白色或黄色的黑体字,显得很庄重。值得强调的是,无论用哪种颜色,一定要使字体和背景显成明显反差。 注意:要点!用一个流畅的逻辑打动评委。字要大:在昏暗房间里小字会看不清,最终结果是没人听你的介绍。不要用PPT自带模板:自带模板那些评委们都见过,且与论文内容无关,要自己做,简单没关系,纯色没关系,但是要自己做! 时间不要太长:20分钟的汇报,30页内容足够,主要是你讲,PPT是辅助性的.。 记得最后感谢母校,系和老师,弄得煽情点。
借花献佛,最近也在准备,希望对你有帮助。毕业论文答辩中PPT制作也是一个很主要的进程,答辩即将到来,你筹备好了么?以下为收拾的一些毕业论文PPT制造的要点、构造和一些样本。大家需要对自己的论文选题、办法、结论、相关文献非常熟悉。 答辩每个人最多10分钟,最好限制在8分钟之内,讲明白后面幻灯片上的内容。 答复老师问题有理有据,由于是自己完成的,你理所当然最威望,但不能诡辩。 演示文稿尽量做得简洁、美丽、得体。答辩自负、表达流畅、有理有据。研究概述(1:一张幻灯片) 简明简要(一两句话)阐明: 研究背景 研究意义 研究目的 研究问题研讨框架(1) 研究的展开思路 和论文构造相关概念(1) 若有特殊专业或者要特殊解释的概念,可以说明。一般无须。研究综述(1) 扼要阐明国内外相干研究成果,谁、什么时光、什么结果。 最后很扼要述评,引出自己的研究。研究方法与过程(1-2) 采取了什么方法?在哪里展开?如何实行?主要结论(3-5) 自己研究的结果,条理清楚,简明简要。 多用图表、数据来阐明和论证你的结果。体系演示 若是体系开发者,则需要提前做好安装好演示筹备,在答辩时对主要模块作一演示1-2分钟。问题讨论(1) 有待进一步讨论和研讨的课题。致谢(1)PPT的制作上面的那位已经说了,我就说说陈述吧。这是我找到的论文陈述,你参考参考。各位老师,下午好!我叫xxxx,是xxxx班的学生,我的论文题目是《xxxx》,论文是在xxxx导师的悉心指点下完成的,在这里我向我的导师表示深深的谢意,向各位老师不辞辛苦参加我的论文答辩表示衷心的感谢,并对三年来我有机会聆听教诲的各位老师表示由衷的敬意。下面我将本论文设计的目的和主要内容向各位老师作一汇报,恳请各位老师批评指导。首先,我想谈谈这个毕业论文设计的目的及意义。作为计算机应用的一部分,图书销售管理系统对图书销售进行管理,具有着手工管理所无法比拟的优点,极大地提高图书销售管理效率及在同行业中的竞争力.因此,图书销售管理系统有着广泛的市场前景和实际的应用价值.其次,我想谈谈这篇论文的结构和主要内容。本文分成五个部分.第一部分是综述.这部分主要论述本系统开发的目的和意义,与业务相关的管理原理,以及与系统相关MIS系统开发原理与方法。第二部分是系统分析.这部分分析用户需求,进行调查研究和分析,目的是根据用户的需求和资源条件,以现状为基础,确定新系统的逻辑模型,即从抽象的信息管理角度出发,为使用户满意,系统应对哪些信息做怎样一些存储、变换与传递,具备哪些功能,从而明确系统应该做些什么。第三部分是系统设计.通过系统总体设计及详细设计对系统分析的结果进行整合,目的是要得到一个令用户满意的良好的实现方案。第四部分是系统实现.根据系统设计的内容,讨论了该系统对人员与平台的要求,以及数据库表结构的建立与数据输入,并进行应用程序设计与测试.第五部分是系统运行.这部分描述了系统操作使用的方法,进行一些系统测试,并评价了该系统.最后,我想谈谈这篇论文和系统存在的不足。这篇论文的写作以及系统开发的过程,也是我越来越认识到自己知识与经验缺乏的过程。虽然,我尽可能地收集材料,竭尽所能运用自己所学的知识进行论文写作和系统开发,但论文还是存在许多不足之处,系统功能并不完备,有待改进.请各位评委老师多批评指正,让我在今后的学习中学到更多。谢谢!
毕业论文答辩PPT模板.zip 免费下载链接:
演讲者把演讲的主要内容和层次结构,按照提纲形式写出来,借助它进行演讲,而不必一字一句写成演讲。其特点是能避免照读式演讲和背诵式演讲与听众思想感情缺乏交流的不足。 下面就是我给大家带来的 英语 演讲稿 范文 五篇,欢迎大家阅读!
英语 演讲稿范文 五篇1
good afternoon, teachers! first please allow me to introduce myself briefly.
my name is xie tianyuan. i am 17 years old. my birthday is jan. 1st . it’s just new year’s day. i come from id 13, grade 2 of junan no. 1 senior high school.
i am a cheerful teenager,so my hobbies is extensive. in my spare time i like playing table tennis and soccer.after school, i like to surf the internet or listen to music. i also will put into the reading to enrich my knowledge, in order to understand the world. i like reading and i often borrow books from the school library. i enjoy reading books because the books can make me happy and sunny every day.
then i will say sth. about my family. there are three people in my family,my mother,father and me. my father is a strict but kind man. he always puts his own heart on his business. my mother is a teacher. she does pretty well. no matter what they do, or how busy they are, they always give me their deep love. i love them, too.
as long as you work hard,there will be a harvest. this is my motto. i’ll follow this path and study hard.
that’s all. thank you.
Hi everyone,
My name is Dongqi Yang from china, I am horror to be here today and I am very happy to receive this award.
As you can imagine, as international students in Australia, the biggest challenge is English,
I remembered that when I come here first time, there is a party in the house of my home stay. During the time, they played jokes and they laughed all the time, do you know how embarrassed that is, everyone laughed except you. So I pretend to understand the joke in another party, I saw everyone laugh and I laugh too in 5 seconds later. My home stay was surprised about that and asked me “do you understand?”, and I answered “no”, “So why do you laugh?” ”because I do not want to be embarrassed”!
But as I receive this award today, I want to thank to them, because they encourage me to be involved with the committee rather than staying in at home, play computer and speak Chinese.
When I came to Wantirna College first time, I met liz collar who is international student coordinator. She is very kind to me, and she encourage me join SRC, I went to SRC meetings regularly all the time, but I didn’t even know what SRC was! That is the reason why I told her, I don’t want to go to SRC anymore. But she said “why not? You should go and you have to go!”I asked” why?” she said:” because I said so!”
But as ii receive this award today, I want to thank her. She helps me a lot.
Truth be told, I am not the best student in Wantirna College, but I appreciate this award and I will try my best in future.
I think I got 10 seconds left, I want to thank to Les and Vera who is my lovely home stay, thanks to Liz collar who is international student coordinator, I strongly want to thank to my mother, because she support me and gave me the opportunity to come to Australia. And thanks to Wantinran College, thanks to Australia and finally, thanks to everyone to be here tonight.
Have a great night.
Good morning/afternoon!
First thing first, I gotta say,wow,it's funny thing to be given a chance like that.Trurh be told,I really got a little bit nervous before I stand right here ,so called 'stage fright'.If you look specifically on me .You may find my hands shaking,pretty assembles the guy who suffered from Pakinson's disease,and legs wobbling ,like I caught so-called ball leg. Okay,let's stop going around the bush and get back to my topic today.I really like to talk a funny story I have just heard.
A lady called Lucy emigrated to United States several years ago.Her spoken English is not that fluent .And one day,she is just sitting on the couch with his U.S friends Mandy watching Sit-Com.A noise of bump had the attention of Mandy,which led her to go out of the house trying to figure out what had happened.Can you imagine that Mandy go straight out with merely a sweater.So Lucy shouted at her,"Lucy ,turn your clothes on." What suprised her most,beyond her wildest imagination, is that almost all the male in this country took their head out of the window.Admittedly,Lucy made a mistake here .The word spitted means Mandy is totally naked to the reason that male looked out of the window.The right sentence shall be,"put your clothing on."The story inspires you to take a careful look on the vast difference between eastern and western culture.
That's full of it,thank you for your time!
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!
I am glad to be here to share my opinions with all of you. My topic today is about Internet.
With the development of technology, more and more people are fond of using Internet. It is particularly popular among young people. Just like the coin has two sides, internet also has its own advantages and disadvantages.
First of all, the Internet has brought people great convenience in getting information, entertainment and contact with each other. As for our students, it is a useful tool when we meet problems. When we are tired, a piece of light music will help us relax. If we have free time, we can enjoy movies or interesting cartoons. What’s more, we can also watch live programs on the internet or see it later if we are not available at that time.
But there is also bad influence. Some of the young teenagers are addicted to computer games, and some even play games all night. Because of lacking in sleep, those students can not focus on in the class . As a result, they may fail in the exam. When they realize it is wrong to spend too much time playing games, it’s already too late.
I have remembered such a piece of news . An excellent student flunked (考试不及格) because he could not concentrate on his study for being too indulged in computer games. He spent nearly all the money on games, which was earned by his father's selling blood. When his father knelt down to beg him to return to school, he was too numb to show any regret.
The most serious harm of computer games come from their contents, which affects teenagers ' mental health. Many games involve violence, such as fighting and killing. When they enjoy the pleasure of success, a violent turn of mind is developed and rooted in them, which may induce future violent behaviour in their life.
So when computers' entertaining function is highly spoken of ,such a problem does deserve our serious concern.
In addition, long time's working before computer also does harm to health. The radiation from the computer can arose many uncomfortable feelings., like a headache, poor eyesight.
At last, people who are fond of making friends on line should also be careful. Many convicts use Internet as a way to cheat. Although it has many disadvantages , Internet has become an indispensable part of people's life in recent years. In my point of view, it’s wrong to blame Internet itself, it’s all depend on the way we use it. If we use it in a right way, it can be one of the best friends in our life.
That 's all , thank you !
Good afternoon, dear judges. Today my speech is “I love black-faced spoonbill.
On a beautiful winter day, I happened to meet the lovely spirit------
Black Faced Spoonbill, a type of migratory bird, which spends winter at Hong-Shu-Lin in my city every year. Covered with snow-white feathers, it has black legs and a black beak. Besides the blacks and whites, an amazing splash of yellow is under its neck. So elegant that I couldn’t help loving it at first sight.
With a big and spoon-shaped beak, it can clasp fishes easily, which makes it a powerful hunter in birds.
However, with human expansion and pollution, only around 20 x ones are living all over the world.
Like the eleven swan princes in Andersen’s Fairy Tale, the Black Faced Spoonbills have always been struggling to find a tiny rock which can offer them a momentary tranquility. Fortunately, they have found one in my beloved home. I would always hold them dearly to my heart and wish they would return with flocks of chicks in the following years, and singing……
Oh, I have a home, such a beautiful home, where I play and rest happily.
Oh, give them a home, such a wonderful home, where the spoonbills play all day.
Thank you very much.
英语演讲稿范文五篇相关 文章 :
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7. 大学英语演讲稿范文五篇
8. 五篇优秀经典英语演讲稿范文
9. 中学生英语演讲稿范文带翻译五篇
10. 出众英语演讲稿范文五篇
英语的使用范围非常广泛。全世界75%的电视节目是英语,四分之三的邮件是用英语书写,电脑键盘是英语键盘,英语的重要性不言而喻。下面就是我给大家带来的英文 演讲稿 优秀 范文 五篇,欢迎大家阅读参考!
Dear teachers and students,
Hello! Today, my topic is "protecting the environment and everyone is responsible".
Throughout the ages, earths mother has nurtured countless generations of children with sweet milk. She was beautifully decorated by her children. Now, however, the human race tormented her for its own sake. Man has only one earth; And the earth is facing a severe environmental crisis. "Save the earth" has become the most powerful voice of people all over the world.
Students, we are the small masters of the earth, environmental awareness is the important symbol of modern people. We should establish a sense of responsibility in The Times. Focus on the world and focus on the campus. To pick up the scraps of paper with a bent waist; Dont throw about; Take a few more steps, dont pass through the green belt, trampling green space. "It is incumbent on all of us to save resources and protect the environment. We need to start from now, start from our side, start small. Through our efforts, the sky of the motherland is bluer, the land is greener, the water is clearer. Whether it is the past, present, or future, whether it is family, country, or the world, the environment is always our friend, to be kind to our friends, to be kind to ourselves.
"There is only one earth", let us protect our homeland together.
everyone!Now I want to talk about a beatiful world!
When I was young,I always dreamed that I lived in a beautiful country. There were many flowers and trees around our city.We counld hear the birds singing and see the children dancing. The streets were clear and the the air was very fresh! How nice it was!But that only was a dream of mine!How I wish that it would be come true! So I think we should do something to protect our environment. Everyone should make a contribution to protect the environment.
Taking care of our environment is very important.Wherever you live,you can do something around your neighbourhood.
Have you ever thrown any litter onto the ground?Have you ever drawn pictures on public walls?Have you ever spat in a public place?Have you ever cut down trees?If your answers are "No",it means that you have already helped protect our environment.
It is our duty to keep our envionment clean and tidy. You might ask yourself,"Have I ever picked up some rubbish and thrown it into a dustbin?Have I ever collected waste paper or bottles for recycling?Have I ever planted any trees or flowers in or near my neighbourhood?"If your answers are"Yes",it means that you have already done something useful to improve the environment.
Now I want to say :39;s do our best to make our world more beautiful!
January first. The beginning of a new year. As far back in history as we can tell, people have celebrated the start of a new year.
The people of ancient Egypt began their new year in summer. That is when the Nile River flooded its banks, bringing water and fertility to the land. The people of ancient Babylonia and Persia began their new year on March twenty-first, the first day of spring. And, some Native American Indians began their new year when the nuts of the oak tree became ripe. That was usually in late summer.
Now, almost everyone celebrates New Years Day on January first. Today, as before, people observe the New Years holiday in many different ways.
The ancient Babylonians celebrated by forcing their king to give up his crown and royal clothing. They made him get down on his knees and admit all the mistakes he had made during the past year.
This idea of admitting wrongs and finishing the business of the old year is found in many societies at new years. So is the idea of making resolutions. A resolution is a promise to change your ways. To stop smoking, for example. Or to get more physical exercise.
Noise-making is another ancient custom at the new year. The noise is considered necessary to chase away the evil spirits of the old year. People around the world do different things to make a lot of noise. They may hit sticks together. Or beat on drums. Or blow horns. Or explode fireworks.
Americans celebrate the New Year in many ways.
Most do not have to go to work or school. So they visit family and friends. Attend church services. Share a holiday meal. Or watch new years parades on television. Two of the most famous parades are the Mummers Parade in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and the Rose Parade in Pasadena, California. Both have existed for many years.
Americans also watch football on television on New Years Day. Most years, university teams play in special holiday games.
For those who have been busy at work or school, New Years may be a day of rest. They spend the time thinking about, and preparing for, the demands of the new year.
Good morning ! Students, teachers. I’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is “I love English”. I hope you will like it.
As everyone knows,English is very important today. It has been used everywhere in the world. It has become the most common language on Internet and for international trade. If we can speak English well,we will have more chance to succeed. Because more and more people have taken notice of it,the number of the people who go to learn English has increased at a high speed.
But for myself,I learn English not only because of its importance and its usefulness,but also because of my love for it. When I learn English, I can feel a different way of thinking which gives me more room to touch the world. When I read English novels,I can feel the pleasure from the book which is different from reading the translation. When I speak English, I can feel the confident from my words. When I write English,I can see the beauty which is not the same as our Chinese...
I love English,it gives me a colorful dream. I hope I can travel around the world one day. With my good English, I can make friends with many people from different countries. I can see many places of great intrests. I dream that I can go to London,because it is the birth place of English.
I also want to use my good English to introduce our great places to the English spoken people,I hope that they can love our country like us. I know, Rome was not built in a day. I believe that after continuous hard study, one day I can speak English very well.
If you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable. So I believe as I love English everyday , it will love me too.
I am sure that I will realize my dream one day!
Thank you!
Good afternoon, ladies and Gentlemen. Today I’d like to begin with a story. We all know that Chinese, as a nation has a long history about 5000 years, and we feel very proud of our brilliant and splendid culture. Owing to that, my father always told me: “you would suffer loss if you don’t follow old people’s words.” Besides I was taught everyday to learn Peking Opera. If some boy who is about 16 years old sings Peking Opera in the classroom now, I’m afraid he will be laughed at. JAY’s “Qian Li Zhi Wai ”seems more popular to you.
So we may wonder does our tradition get out of the modern lifeAbsolutely not. What we need is just a peace of innovation. Here is a question:What is innovationInnovation was an ancient dream flying into the outer space; innovation today, is the amazing convenience and intelligence that a single mobile phone in your pocket could bring to you.
There is no more then a battle between tradition and innovation, which is the rain and water relationship, not only tradition like fish without water, again good innovation will also become the castles in the air, there wont be lasting vitality. Only both of them are perfectly together will bear fruits of success as well.
With the economic globalization becoming increasingly intensive, innovation has become one of central topics around the world. Many countries see it as the key to develop their economy. Our government, with no exception, regard it as " the soul of our nation." Based on advanced function system and excellent management, factories are booming and enhance overall national economy. Highly development of electronic commerce is also a significant factor for improving our living standards. The enlargement of our authority to the recruit of graduate and improvement of the conditions of scientists and skilled workers ......
From all above, innovation has already became a kind of habit. There is no doubt we would surprise the world by creating more and more amazing innovations taking advantages of not only our intelligence but innovation. I’m sure innovation has became one of the symbols in Chinese tradition and will be mark of our bright future!
Thanks for your attention. Thank you very much.
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