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应收账款管理Management of Account Receivable receivable is one of a series of accounting transactions dealing with the billing of customers who owe money to a person, company or organization for goods and services that have been provided to the customer. In most business entities this is typically done by generating an invoice and mailing or electronically delivering it to the customer, who in turn must pay it within an established timeframe called credit or payment terms.An example of a common payment term is Net30, meaning payment is due in the amount of the invoice 30 days from the date of invoice. Other common payment terms include Net45 & Net60 but could in reality be for any time period agreed upon by the vendor and client.While booking a receivable is accomplished by a simple accounting transaction, the process of maintaining and collecting payments on the accounts receivable subsidiary account balances can be a full time proposition. Depending on the industry in practice, accounts receivable payments can be received up to 10 - 15 days after the due date has been reached. These types of payment practices are sometimes developed by industry standards, corporate policy, or because of the financial condition of the client.On a company's balance sheet, accounts receivable is the amount that customers owe to that company. Sometimes called trade receivables, they are classified as current assets. To record a journal entry for a sale on account, one must debit a receivable and credit a revenue account. When the customer pays off their accounts, one debits cash and credits the receivable in the journal entry. The ending balance on the trial balance sheet for accounts receivable is always debit.Business organizations which have become too large to perform such tasks by hand (or small ones that could but prefer not to do them by hand) will generally use accounting software on a computer to perform this task.Associated accounting issues include recognizing accounts receivable, valuing accounts receivable, and disposing of accounts receivable.Accounts receivable departments use the sales ledger.Other types of accounting transactions include accounts payable, payroll, and trial balance.Since not all customer debts will be collected, businesses typically record an allowance for bad debts which is subtracted from total accounts receivable. When accounts receivable are not paid, some companies turn them over to third party collection agencies or collection attorneys who will attempt to recover the debt via negotiating payment plans, settlement offers or legal action. Outstanding advances are part of accounts receivables : If a company gets an order from its customers with advance agreed in payment terms. Since no billing is being done to claim the advances several times this area of collectible is not reflected in Accounts Receivables. Ideally, since advance payment is mutually agreed term, it is the responsibility of the accounts department to take out periodically the statement showing advance collectible and should be provided to sales & marketing for collection of advances. The payment of accounts receivable can be protected either by a letter of credit or by Trade Credit Insurance.Companies can use their accounts receivable as collateral when obtaining a loan (Asset-based lending) or sell them through Factoring (finance). Pools or portfolios of accounts receivable can be sold in the capital markets through a Securitization.[edit] Bookkeeping for Accounts ReceivableCompanies have two methods available to them for measuring the net value of account receivables, which is computed by subtracting the balance of an allowance account from the accounts receivable account. The first method is the allowance method, which establishes a contra asset account, allowance for doubtful accounts, or more simply, allowance, as the offset to accounts receivable. Allowance is a contra asset that offsets the accounts receivable account to derive the net accounts receivable depicted in the balance sheet. The amount of the allowance can be computed in two ways; through the analysis based on sales method and analysis based on accounts receivable method. The reason a contra asset receivable account is necessary is to adhere to the matching principle of accounting, which mandates that accrual basis companies match all revenues and expenses with the period in which expense, and crediting the allowance contra asset account. Once it has been deemed that a particular account is uncollectible, it would be necessary to take the account off a company's books by debiting allowance for doubtful accounts and crediting the associated accounts receivable account.The second method, known as the direct write off method, is simpler than the allowance method in that allows for one simple entry to reduce accounts receivable to its net realizable value. The entry would consist of debiting an uncollectible expense account and crediting the respective account receivable.For tax reporting purposes, the direct write-off method must be used; however, for financial reporting purposes, it is necessary to use the allowance method because it is a period's revenue with associated expenses-a fundamental concept of accounting known as the matching principle.应收帐款(Accounts receivable,又为应收账款)於会计原理上,专指因出售商品或劳务,进而对顾客所发生的债权,且该债权且尚未接受任何形式的书面承诺。该科目重点於对象为顾客,若非顾客,即撇开此科目适用。Factoring is a word often misused synonymously with accounts receivable financing. Factoring is a financial transaction whereby a business sells its accounts receivable (i.e., invoices) at a discount. Factoring differs from a bank loan in three main ways. First, the emphasis is on the value of the receivables, not the firm’s credit worthiness. Secondly, factoring is not a loan – it is the purchase of an asset (the receivable). Finally, a bank loan involves two parties whereas factoring involves three.OBS: In Europe the term Factoring typically mean accounts receivable financing. Here the correct word for this article is: American factoring.The three parties directly involved are: the seller, debtor, and the factor. The seller is owed money (usually for work performed or goods sold) by the second party, the debtor. The seller then sells one or more of its invoices at a discount to the third party, the specialized financial organization (aka the factor) to obtain cash. The debtor then directly pays the factor the full value of the invoice.ReasonA company sells its invoices, even at a discount to their face value, when it calculates that it will be better off using the proceeds to bolster its own growth than it would be by effectively functioning as its "customer's bank." In other words, it figures that the return on the proceeds will exceed the income on the receivables.Differences from bank loansFactors make funds available, even when banks would not do so, because factors focus first on the credit worthiness of the debtor, the party who is obligated to pay the invoices for goods or services delivered by the seller. In contrast, the fundamental emphasis in a bank lending relationship is on the creditworthiness of the small firm, not that of its customers. While bank lending offers funds to small companies at a lower cost than factoring, the key terms and conditions under which the small firm must operate differ significantly. Bank relationships provide a more limited availability of funds and none of the bundle of services that factors offer.From a combined cost and availability of funds and services perspective, factoring creates wealth for some but not all small businesses. For small businesses, their choice is slowing their growth or the use of external funds beyond the banks. In choosing to use external funds beyond the banks the rapidly growing firm’s choice is between seeking angel investors (i.e., equity) or the lower cost of selling invoices to finance their growth.The latter is also easier to access and can be obtained in a matter of a week or two, versus the six months plus that securing funds from angel investment typically takes. Factoring is also used as bridge financing while the firm pursues angel investors and in conjunction with angel financing to provide a lower average cost of funds than would equity financing alone. Firms can also combine the three types of financing, angel/venture, factoring and bank line of credit to further reduce their total cost of funds. In this they can emulate larger firms.As with any technique, factoring solves some problems but not all. Businesses with a small spread between the revenue from a sale and the cost of a sale, should limit their use of factoring to sales above their breakeven sales level where the revenue less the direct cost of the sale plus the cost of factoring is positive.While factoring is an attractive alternative to raising equity for small innovative fast-growing firms, the same financial technique can be used to turn around a fundamentally good business whose management has encountered a perfect storm or made significant business mistakes which have made it impossible for the firm to work within the constraints of a bank line’s credit terms and conditions(i.e, covenants). The value of using factoring for this purpose is that it provides management time to implement the changes required to turn the business around. The firm is paying to have the option of a future the owners control. The association of factoring with troubled situations accounts for the half truth of it being labeled 'last resort' financing. However, use of the technique when there is only a modest spread between the revenue from a sale and its cost is not advisable for turnarounds. Nor are turnarounds usually able to recreate wealth for the owners in this situation.应收账款保理,指企业将应收账款按一定折扣卖给第三方(保理机构),获得相应的融资款,以利於现金的尽快取得。Abstract: Account receivable is the fund that should be received from the purchasing or labor hiring entity for an enterprise’s sale of its commodities or products as well as its providing of labor service. Under the circumstances of market economy, using its credit standing to exert the labor benefaction is an unavoidable business behavior, which may be treated as a major method for enterprises to enlarge its business and raise its market share. However, by the influences of marketplace economic system and project management as well as engineering construction, the Account receivable increases rapidly year by year, so as to make the difficulties in enterprise’s capital turnover. Those hard situations even made the employees can’t get their full pay of the salary. By analysis of the cause and the advantages and disadvantages of it, this article introduced some way of how to minimize the Account receivable. 关键词key words:应收账款Account receivable;工程施工Engineering construction;合同管理The management of contracts摘 要:应收账款是企业因销售商品、产品、提供劳务等,应向购货单位或劳务单位收取的款项。在市场经济条件下利用自身的商业信用,施舍劳务是不可避免的商业行为,通过先施舍劳务可使企业更多地承揽业务、扩大市场份额,是企业提高市场占有率的必要手段。但是近年来由于市场经济体制及工程管理和工程施工过程中的种种原因,造成应收账款迅速膨胀,逐年增加,致使企业资金周转困难,甚至连工资都难以正常发放。本文分析了应收账款形成的原因及利弊,提出了如何减少应收账款的途径。 关键词:应收账款;工程施工;合同管理
一、加强现金流量管理的必要性 1997年亚洲金融危机导致大量企业破产,这些企业破产的原因有很多种,但是劫后余生的企业确有一个共同点——现金流量较为优良。统计资料表明:在发达国家,大约80%的破产公司从会计上看属于获利公司,导致它们倒闭的不是由于账面亏损,而是因为现金不足。在中国,银广厦、麦科特、郑百文等虚假财务报告舞弊案件相继暴光,使得人们对会计盈余质量产生了极大的不信任。忽然之间,一直不被人们重视的现金流量表成为整个证券市场关注的热点。 “损益”也是显示企业经营状态的重要指标,但损益是按权责发生制计算出来的(不象现金是按收付实现制计算的),利润有时确实可以编造出来,有时确实中看不中用,有利润不一定有相应的现金流入,只有那些能迅速实现的收益,也就是直接转化为现金的收益才是货真价实的利润。因为不论是偿还银行借款,还是上缴政府税款,要的是现金而不是账面上的收益。现金流量是企业的血液。缺乏血液,机体会病变甚至死亡。同样企业缺乏现金,没有偿债能力,最终就会倒闭。 综上所述,企业应该追求利润,更应该重视现金流量。 二、加强现金流量的日常管理与控制 1. 定期编制现金流量表和现金预算表 有些企业出于应付年报的需要,将现金流量表一编了事,并没有把现金流量表作为理财的有效工具。事实上,作为反映企业在一定时期内现金的流入和流出情况的现金流量表,能够说明企业一定时期内现金流入和流出的来龙去脉,反映企业一定时期的偿债能力、支付股利的能力、未来获取现金的能力以及企业的投资和理财活动对经营成果和财务状况的影响,有助于对企业整体的财务状况作出客观评价。因此,在实务工作中,企业应当每月编制现金流量表,并将事前的预测与事后分析相结合,即对现金流量完成情况进行事后分析,又在分析的基础上编制下期的现金预算表。只有把现金流量表作为日常管理、调度和控制现金的有效工具,现金流量才能被真正控制住。现金预算可按以下方法编制:先假定目前经营活动现金流量的结构百分比具有代表性(也可以三年或五年的平均数),根据目前有关数据和计划的销售额来预测未来的现金流入量与流出量。假定ABC公司,今年的销售额为1000万元,销售实际收到现金800万元,预计明年销售可增长5%,预计经营活动的结构百分比不会有大的变动,则ABC公司的销售收现比=销售收现÷销售额=800÷1000=80%,预计销售商品的现金流入=[销售额(1+预计销售增长率)]×销售收现比=1000(1+5%)×80%=840(万元)。假定ABC公司目前经营活动现金流入流出比(即流入÷流出)为1.4,购买商品和劳务支付的现金占经营活动现金流出的百分比为50%,则预计经营活动的现金流出=预计的商品销售收入÷经营活动现金流入流出比=1000÷1.4= 714万元,预计购买商品和劳务支付的现金=经营现金流出×购买商品和劳务支付的现金占经营活动现金流出百分比=714×50%=357万元。用同样的方法可以计算出其他项目的数额。 2. 加强对现金流入流出的动态管理与控制 在定期编制现金流量表和现金预算的基础上,企业还应从现金流入量与现金流出量两方面入手抓好对现金流量的动态管理与控制。抓现金流入量就是要开源,不断扩大销售渠道,提高市场占有率,千方百计提高销售收入,并尽快收回应收账款,不断降低应收账款占销售收入的比重;否则,即使有很高的销售收入,企业一样会陷入财务困境,甚至破产。如ABD公司近年产品销售不景气,公司召开销售会议,确定五个销售部每月应完成的销售任务为200万元,并与五个销售部门分别签订了各自的承包合同,承诺凡超过承包基数以上的部分按3%的比例兑现奖金,当然完不成任务没有奖金。会后,销售人员群情振奋,积极寻找客户,超额完成了任务。该公司的平均销售利润率为10%,随着销售的增长,企业利润和销售人员的奖金也随之增长。然而,该公司应收账款周转天数在考核前已接近一年,而该考核办法实施以后不到半年应收账款周转天数已急剧上升,已经超过了一年,面对供应部门要求大量进货的请求,该公司资金告急,偿债更加困难。虽然销售和利润都上去了,但资金越来越短缺。造成这种不良后果的原因是该公司对现金特性认识不足。如果将销售考核指标改为销售收入的回笼额,并按销售收入回笼时间的长短确定不同的奖金分配方法,回收速度越快,奖金越高,相信该公司的资金状况会有很大改观。 抓现金流出量就是要节流,要千方百计节约开支,不断降低成本费用支出。比如储备存货不但会增大进货成本、储存成本和缺货成本,而且会由于占用大量储备资金而造成资金短缺,使流动资金失衡。所以在日常的企业管理中,应努力将存货与销售成本的比重保持在一个合理的水平上,并力求使这个比重降低。 在现金流量的管理中,企业必须坚持现金流入量与现金流出量两手同时抓,两手都要硬。在开源节流的同时必须注重加快各种形态资金的周转速度,以不断降低资金成本,提高资金的使用效率,实现企业现金平衡和企业价值最大化。 三、 做好企业现金流量分析与考核 1.根据企业所处的不同发展阶段来判断现金流量的合理性。 评价一个公司的现金流量是否健康,首先应了解企业所处的生命周期。企业会经历萌芽期、成长期、成熟期和衰退期四个阶段。萌芽期的公司一方面需要从外部资本市场筹措大量资金,用于厂房的建造、设备的购置等前期铺底资金;另一方面,新产品的售价(为了尽快打入市场)、销售量都可能很低,从现金流量看,萌芽期的特征是负的经营活动现金流量、负的投资活动现金流量,巨额正融资活动现金流量。到了成长期,公司各种性质的现金流量与萌芽期基本一致,只是现金流量的绝对额相对减少了。经过一番艰苦的竞争,公司开始进入成熟期,其突出的特征是经营活动开始产生正现金流量,投资活动的现金流量也开始慢慢由负变正,最为明显的是,融资活动不再给公司带来净现金流入了,开始表现为净现金流出。最终公司将步入衰退期,这时候,经营活动和投资活动都产生巨额的现金流入,而融资活动的净现金流出也达到历史高位。在具体分析过程中,将从现金流量表中获取的数据与公司实际的生命周期进行比较,就可以清楚发现公司现金流量存在的问题了。当然,对公司前后几个会计年度的现金流量进行比较分析,可以看出现金流量的变动趋势,从而预测未来的现金流量。 2.重视经营活动现金流量的分析 掌握企业生存命脉的是经营活动产生的现金流量,它可以不断增加企业内部的资金积累,为企业扩大再生产、开拓新市场、偿还债务提供了坚实的资金支持。只有良好的经营活动现金流入才能增强企业的盈利能力,使企业保持良好的财务状况。此外,企业的发展也不能仅依赖外部筹资实现,厚实的内部积累才是企业发展的基础。如果经营活动的现金流量出现问题,就像我们人体正常的造血功能出现障碍,再多的输血也难以恢复到先前的身体状况一样,公司的财务健康最终肯定出现恶化。因此,经营活动产生的现金流量是整个现金流量表分析的重点。一旦经营活动的现金流入出现异常,其账面利润再高,其财务状况依然令人怀疑。 企业不仅应对经营活动现金流量总体情况进行分析,而且应进一步对经营活动现金流量结构的合理性进行分析。用来衡量经营活动现金流量结构的指标为:经营活动现金流量结构=(存货减少+经营性应收项目减少+经营性应付项目的增加)÷经营活动产生的现金流量净额。经营活动现金流量结构可以考察企业经营性债权债务管理产生的现金流量对经营活动现金流量的贡献。如果企业营业现金流量主要来源于主营业务收入收现能力的提高,说明现金流量质量较好;反之,如果营业活动现金流量主要得益于存货、经营性应收项目和经营性应付项目的贡献,则企业现金流量质量应当引起警惕。因为存货、经营性应收项目和经营性应付项目等对现金流量的贡献有限,而且容易遭受管理当局的人为控制。 3.运用基本的财务分析方法对企业的能力进行分析 为了分析企业收益质量的高低和现金流量的增减变动情况及其原因,企业应做好趋势分析、现金流量的结构及其增减变动原因的分析,以及通过计算分析一些常用的现金流量比率指标来全面地把握现金流量与企业的支付能力、偿债能力、收益质量等之间的内在联系。(1)现金流量趋势分析 趋势分析法也叫多期比较分析法,趋势分析根据比较资料的不同,还可进一步区分为现金流量项目趋势分析、现金流量比率趋势分析和现金流量结构百分比趋势分析;根据所比较基础的不同,可进一步区分为环基趋势分析和定基趋势分析。趋势比较分析能以基础数据为参照物,为评价企业某一特定时期的现金流量状况提供标准。还能通过观察分析现金流量的变动趋势来预测未来。因而趋势分析能够更客观、公正地对企业的财务状况作出评价。 (2)现金流量结构分析 现金流量表的结构分为三大块,即经营活动产生的现金净流量、投资活动产生的现金净流量、筹资活动产生的现金净流量。对企业而言,每种活动产生的现金净流量的正负方向构成不同,会产生不同的现金流量结果,进而会对企业的财务状况产生重要影响。现金流量结构分析包括现金流入结构、流出结构和流入流出比分析,同时流入流出结构的历史比较和同行业比较,可以得到更有意义的信息。通常,对于一个健康的正在成长的企业来说,经营活动的现金流量应是正数,投资活动的现金流量是负数,筹资活动的现金流量是正负相间的。 (3)相关财务比率分析 a.流动性分析。所谓流动性分析是指将资产迅速转变为现金的能力。企业真正能用于偿还债务的是现金流量,现金流量和债务的比较可以更好地反映偿债能力。反映流动性的财务比率主要有:现金到期债务比、现金流动负债比、现金负债总额比。 b.获取现金能力分析。获取现金的能力是指经营现金流入与投入资源的比值。反映获取现金能力的财务比率主要有:每股营业现金流量、主营业务收现比率、全部资产现金回收率。 c. 财务弹性分析。所谓财务弹性是指企业适应经济环境变化和利用投资机会的能力。这种能力来源于现金流量和支付现金需要的比较,现金流量超过需要,有剩余现金,则适应性强。因此,财务弹性的衡量是用经营现金流量与支付要求进行比较。反映财务弹性的财务比率主要有:现金派现率、现金股利保障倍数、现金满足投资比率。 d.收益质量分析。收益质量分析主要是分析会计收益和净现金流量的比例关系。从现金流量的角度来看,评价收益质量的财务比率主要有:营运指数、盈余现金保障倍数、营业现金稳定性。 营运指数是指经营活动现金净流量与经营活动应得现金的比值(=经营活动现金净流量÷经营活动应得现金),是较为理想的反映收益质量的财务比率。该指标小于1,说明收益质量不够好。有关计算该指标所需要的信息,可以从按间接法编制的现金流量表中提取。其中: 经营活动应得现金=经营活动净利润+非付现费用。 非付现费用=计提的资产减值准备+提取的折旧+无形资产摊销+待摊费用摊销 经营活动净利润=净利润-非经营收益 非经营收益=处置固定资产收益+固定资产报废损失+财务费用+投资损失或损益 盈余现金保障倍数是企业一定时期经营活动净现金流量与净利润的比值(=经营活动净现金流量÷净利润),可以反映出盈余的质量。该指标主要是用以揭示经营活动的净现金流量与当期净利润的差异程度,也反映了当期实现的净利润中有多少现金作保证。一般来说,当企业当期的净利润大于0时,该指标应大于1.但是,如果企业操纵账面利润,一般则没有相应的现金流量。这一指标对于防止企业操纵账面利润而给报表使用者带来一定的误导有一定的积极作用。如果发现有的企业账面利润很高,而经营活动的现金流量不足,甚至出现负数,应格外谨慎地判断企业的经营成果。 营业现金稳定性是企业计提的折旧费用与经营活动产生的现金流量净额的比值(=计提的折旧费用÷经营活动产生的现金流量净额)。该指标反映公司经营活动产生的现金流量的稳定性。指标越大,经营活动产生的现金净流量越稳定。该指标通常越大越好。 在对现金流量进行分析的基础上,企业还应将这些比率作为部门或企业经营管理者的业绩考核指标,使企业的经营管理者确实重视现金流量,从而通过现金流量的管理促进企业健康和可持续发展。 First, strengthen the need for cash flow management The 1997 Asian financial crisis led to a large number of business bankruptcy, bankruptcy of these enterprises there are many reasons, but the survivors of the companies do have one thing in common - the cash flow of more good Statistics show that: In developed countries, about 80% of bankrupt companies profit from the accounting point of view belonging to the company, resulting in the closure of their book is not due to loss, but because of insufficient cash. In China, the silver Guangsha, MACAT Zhengbaiwen false financial reports and other fraud cases came to light one after another, making the quality of accounting earnings have had a great deal of mistrust.Suddenly, attention has not been the cash flow statement has become the focus of attention throughout the stock market. "Loss" also shows the status of important business indicators, but the profit and loss accounts on an accrual basis is calculated (not as cash is calculated based on cash basis), the profits can be fabricated out sometimes, and sometimes did not see in use of a profit does not necessarily have a corresponding cash inflow, and only those who can quickly achieve the income, that is, direct the proceeds into cash is the real profits.Because whether it is to repay bank borrowings, or turned over to government taxes, want cash rather than on the proceeds of the book. Cash flow is the blood. Lack of blood, local experience of disease or even death. The same lack of cash, not solvency, will eventually collapse. To sum up, corporate profits should be pursued, but also should pay attention to cash flow. Second, to strengthen the day-to-day cash flow management and control 1. On a regular basis the cash flow statement and cash budget table For some companies to meet the needs of the annual report will be made up of a cash flow statement, cash flow statement is not as effective tools for financial management.In fact, as reflected in a certain period of time of cash inflows and outflows of the cash flow statement, to explain corporate cash inflow and outflow of a certain period of time in the dark, reflected in the solvency of an enterprise in a certain period of time, the ability to pay dividends, the future access the ability of cash and corporate investment and financial management activities on operating results and financial conditions, contribute to the overall financial situation of enterprises to make an objective evaluation.........答得不合适,自己去翻译吧
Autodesk Selects Emagia Enterprise Cash Flow Management Solution to Optimize Global Working...SANTA CLARA, Calif. -- Leading Design Software Company to Leverage Emagia Solution to Streamline and Bring Best Practices to Worldwide Cash Flow Processes Emagia Corporation, the leading provider of Enterprise Cash Flow Management(TM) solutions, today announced that Autodesk, the world's leading design software and digital content company, has selected Emagia Cash Inflow Manager(TM) to streamline and automate receivables management across its global operations. Autodesk expects to leverage the Emagia solution to drive significant operational efficiencies and cash flow improvements. "Autodesk's corporate objective is to deliver superior business performance across our worldwide business segments," said Andrew Miller, Autodesk Vice President of Finance and Corporate Controller. "Emagia offered us a next-generation cash flow platform to serve as one of the underpinnings for our consolidated receivables management operations." Autodesk will utilize the Emagia solution to gain end-to-end visibility into cash inflow and bring consistency to quote-to-cash processes such as dispute resolution and collections management. Emagia provides Global 2000 companies with tremendous benefits including rapid deployment and integration to back end systems, cash flow functionality based on best practices, and world-class customer support.更多Autodesk Selects Emagia Enterprise Cash Flow Management Solution to Optimize Global Working...SANTA CLARA, Calif. -- Leading Design Software Company to Leverage Emagia Solution to Streamline and Bring Best Practices to Worldwide Cash Flow Processes Emagia Corporation, the leading provider of Enterprise Cash Flow Management(TM) solutions, today announced that Autodesk, the world's leading design software and digital content company, has selected Emagia Cash Inflow Manager(TM) to streamline and automate receivables management across its global operations. Autodesk expects to leverage the Emagia solution to drive significant operational efficiencies and cash flow improvements. "Autodesk's corporate objective is to deliver superior business performance across our worldwide business segments," said Andrew Miller, Autodesk Vice President of Finance and Corporate Controller. "Emagia offered us a next-generation cash flow platform to serve as one of the underpinnings for our consolidated receivables management operations." Autodesk will utilize the Emagia solution to gain end-to-end visibility into cash inflow and bring consistency to quote-to-cash processes such as dispute resolution and collections management. Emagia provides Global 2000 companies with tremendous benefits including rapid deployment and integration to back end systems, cash flow functionality based on best practices, and world-class customer support.更多:中文用金山翻译就好。
企业会计制度设计准则 第一章总则第一条为了加强对公司货币资金的内部控制和管理,保证货币资金的安全,提高货币资金的使用效率,根据《中华人民共和国会计法》和《加强货币资金会计控制的若干规定(征求意见稿)》、《现金管理暂行条例》等法律法规,结合公司的实际情况,制定本制度。第三条本制度所称货币资金是指公司所拥有的现金、银行存款和其他货币资金。第四条本制度适用于公司的各职能部门和生产车间。第五条公司有关货币资金的收入、支付、保管事宜时,应遵循本制度的规定。第二章货币资金管理原则与依据第六条为了加强公司的资金管理,提高资金的使用效率,公司实施资金预算制度,资金预算的编制和审批严格遵循资金预算流程的规定。(一)公司根据实际情况,制定年度资金预算,对公司的资金管理工作起指导性作用。(二)公司根据年度资金预算和月度工作计划,编制月度资金预算,是公司月度资金管理的指令性标准。第七条公司财务部设资金管理岗,负责收集和各部门的月度资金收支计划,编制公司的月度资金预算,提交公司月度工作会议讨论批准。第八条批准后的月度资金预算是公司下月资金使用的准则,必须严格遵守。预算外资金的使用由使用部门申请,主管副总经理、总经理共同批准后,财务部方可。第九条货币资金业务的人员应当具备良好的职业品质,忠于职守,廉洁奉公,遵纪守法,客观公正,不断提高会计业务素质和职业道德水平。第十条单位应当按照规定的程序货币资金支付业务。(一)支付申请。单位有关部门或个人用款时,应当提前向审批人提交货币资金支付申请,注明款项的用途、金额、预算、支付方式等内容,并附有效经济合同或相关证明。(二)支付审批。审批人应当根据货币资金授权批准制度的规定,在授权范围内进行审批,不得超越审批权限。对不符合规定的货币资金支付,审批人应当拒绝批准。(三)支付复核。复核人应当对批准后的货币资金支付申请进行复核,复核货币资金支付申请的批准程序是否正确、手续及相关单证是否齐备、金额计算是否准确、支付方式是否妥当等。复核无误后,交由出纳人员支付手续。(四)支付。出纳人员应当根据复核无误的支付申请,按规定货币资金支付手续,及时登记现金和银行存款日记账册。第三章现金管理第十一条公司有关现金收支业务时,应严格遵守国务院发布的《现金管理暂行条例》及其实施细则与本制度的规定。第十二条财务部是公司会计核算、财务管理的职能管理部门,公司的现金收支和保管业务均由财务部统一。第十三条会计、出纳人员应严格职责分工,出纳人员的资格由财务部和企管部审查认可,现金的收入、支出和保管只限于出纳人员负责,非出纳人员不得经管现金。第十四条现金收入要当天入账,当天联系存入银行,禁止坐支。邮寄、邮汇的收、付款应有专门登记簿登记,记录汇款来源及汇款去向,经济业务事项、金额、转交和签收的事项。第十五条现金收入须由会计人员开出收据或发票,及时编制收款凭证,出纳清点现金后,在凭证上加盖“现金收讫”章后方可入账。第十六条现金付款业务必须有原始凭证,有经人签字和公司制度规定的有关负责人审核批准,并经会计复核、填制付款凭证后,出纳才能付款并在付款凭证上加盖“现金付讫”章后入账。现金付款的原始凭证必须是合法凭证,付款内容真实,数字准确,不得涂改。第十七条现金的使用范围(一)职工工资、津贴;(二)个人劳务报酬,包括稿费和讲课费及其它专门工作的报酬;(三)根据国家规定发给个人的各种奖金;(四)各种劳保、福利费用以及国家规定对个人的其它支付;(五)出差人员必须随身携带的差旅费;(六)结算起点1000元以下的零星支出;(七)中国人民银行确定需要支付现金的其它支出。第十八条为了认真执行有关库存现金限额的规定,并保证公司费用开支、公出借款和医药费报销等业务使用现金。凡一次借款或报销在2000元以上的,应提前一天告知财务部出纳人员,以便出纳筹款备付。第十九条任何个人不得私用或私借公款,凡因公需要借用现金,按照本制度借款报销的有关规定执行。第二十条公司应该按不同的币种,设现金日记账,出纳根据收付款凭证,按业务发生顺序逐笔登记现金日记账,做到日清月结,保证账款相符,发现差错应及时查明原因,并报财务部负责人处理。第二十一条公司财务部应按照开户银行核定的库存现金限额提取和保留现金,库存现金限额需要变动时,必须报经开户银行批准,从开户银行提取现金,应当写明用途。第二十二条在节假日、公休日期间,严禁存放大量现金,出纳人员应作好保险柜的安全管理工作。第二十三条提取一万元以上的现金时,财务部门应有两人以上同往,应使用本单位车辆。本单位车辆管理部门应保证财务部门提取现金使用车辆,提取现金在五万元以上时,应有保卫部门派员同往。第二十四条本制度禁止下列行为:(一)超出规定范围、限额使用现金;(二)超出核定的库存现金限额留存现金;(三)用不符合财务会计制度规定的凭证顶替库存现金;(四)编造用途套取现金;(五)与其它单位间相互借用货币资金;(六)利用账户替其它单位和个人套取现金;(七)将公司的现金收入按个人储蓄方式存入银行;(八)设立“小金库”或保留账外公款;第二十五条公司应当定期和不定期地进行现金盘点,确保现金账面余额与实际库存相符。现金盘点的方式方法见财物盘点制度。第五章银行存款管理第二十六条公司除了在本制度规定的范围内直接使用现金结算外,其它收付业务,都必须通过银行结算。第二十七条公司加强银行账户的管理,严格按照国家的规定开设和使用银行账户。(一)公司银行账户由财务部根据需要提出,报总经理复核,经法人代表批准后,方可开设和使用。(二)公司只开设一个基本户,不得在同一银行的不同分支机构开设银行账户。(三)公司银行账户只供公司经营业务收支结算使用,严禁出借账户供外单位或个人使用,严禁为外单位或个人代收代支、转账套现。第二十八条银行账户的账号必须保密,非因业务需要不准外泄。第二十九条公司财务专用章和个人章由会计和出纳分别保管,不准1人统一保管使用。印鉴保管人临时出差时由其委托他人代管。按规定需要有关负责人签字或盖章的经济业务,必须严格履行签字或盖章手续。第三十条对外支付的大额款项,必须按照公司规定的付款程序,经各级负责人逐级审核同意后,方可。第三十一条出纳人员应该逐笔序时登记银行存款日记账,每日终了结出余额。定期核对银行账户,每月至少核对一次,编制银行存款余额调节表,使银行存款账面余额与银行对账单调节相符。如调节不符,应查明原因,并报财务部经理处理。第三十二条银行存款发生收支业务时,对各项原始凭证,如发票、合同、协议和其他结算凭证等,必须由经人签字和有关负责人审核批准,财会人员复核填制收付款凭证,财务部经理审核同意后,方可进行收付结算。第三十三条建立健全支票领用登记制度。财务部必须设置支票领用登记簿,登记支票领用的日期、领用人、用途、金额、限额、批准人、签发人等事项。第三十四条对于确实无法填写支票金额的,在签发支票时,除加盖银行预留印鉴外,必须注明日期、用途和以大写金额书写的限额,以防止超限额使用或银行账户出现透支。同时还必须在签发支票时填写收款单位,个别确实无法填写收款单位的小额支票除外。第三十五条支票领用后,应在5天之内报销,以便财务人员及时核对银行存款。支票如在5天之内没有使用,应及时将未使用支票交回财务部。第三十六条公司应当严格遵守银行结算纪律,不准签发没有资金保证的票据或远期支票,不准签发、取得和转让没有真实交易和债权债务的票据。第六章资金报告第三十七条公司财务部向公司总经理及各副总经理每天上报资金流量日报表。(一)资金流量日报表,分现金和不同银行账户报告前日余额、本日收入、本日支出、本日余额等资料(附表一)。(二)银行存款支出日报表,分部门报告不同银行账号的前日累计未报销余额、本日新开额、本日报销额和本日累计未报销额,对于累计五个工作日没有报销的已开支票,要注明原因(附表二)。(三)大额收支日报表,按部门,报告银行账户、对方单位名称、收付款金额、收付款原因(附表三)。第三十八条公司财务部向公司总经理及各副总经理每月上报费用开支表。(一)费用开支月报表,分部门、按费用项目,报告费用开支的金额,并注明各部门和各费用项目的本月合计、本年合计,与月度资金预算差异超过20%的,要注明并说明原因(附表四)。(三)基建费用月报表,按不同项目,分费用类别,上报月初累计、本月发生和月末累计。(四)资金预算执行情况分析表,按部门分析资金预算的执行情况,超出20%的差异,需要说明原因。
摘要- Cobots是一类机器人的使用不断 无级变速发展高保真可编程 约束的表面。 Cobots消耗很少的电力 即使在提供高输出部队,其传输效率高众多的 传动比。 Cobotic变速箱也有能力 采取行动作为一个制动器或将成为完全免费。设计 和性能Cobotic手控制器,最近 发达国家六自由度触觉显示器,是审查。 这个装置表明,高动态范围和低功耗 消费实现的cobots 。彻底的比较 电源效率cobotic系统与传统的 机电系统提供。 三个关键要求机器人技术用于 假肢和康复是低体重,低功耗 消费和安全性。我们建议cobotic技术作为 传输架构,可以处理这些问题。 Cobots是机器人利用非完整约束 的指导车轮的相对速度有关的 机制的联系。阿cobotic传播是一个不断 无级变速器(无级变速器)之间的积极和消极 比率,可以涉及两个平移速度,两个 旋转速度,或旋转速度为平移 速度[ 1 ] 。我们最近推出了Cobotic手 控制器(图1 ) ,六自由度动力 合作机器人,并阐述其能力作为触觉界面[ 2 , 3 ] 。通过本论文中,我们表明, 机械结构和传输中使用 Cobotic手控制器处理所有三个以上 上述要求的假肢和机器人 康复。
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摘要In this paper, 建筑企业是项目业务导向型企业,施工项目是建筑企业经营生产的出发点和落脚点,是建筑企业利润的源泉施工项目管理的好坏决定着建筑企业的市场份额,只有占领了更多的市场份额,建筑企业才能不断的发展壮大,施工项目的管理是建筑企业研究的永恒课题,各建筑企业都非常重视,并投入了很大的精力进行研究,对施工企业来说,从理论上系统进行研究,并不断总结实践中的经验才能进一步搞好施工项目的管理,才能提高项目的效率,进而提高建筑企业的效益。Business oriented enterprise is building enterprise project, the construction project is the construction enterprise management production starting point and the foothold, is the source of building enterprise profit quality of the construction project management determines the market share of construction enterprises, only occupy more market share, construction enterprises to continuously develop, construction project management is the eternal subject of building enterprise research, the construction enterprise are all very seriously, and devote a great deal of energy to study, for construction enterprise, the system is studied theoretically, and summarizes the experiences of the practice to further improve the construction project management, to improve the efficiency of the project, and then improve the benefit of construction enterprises. 研究施工项目管理的特点,对于揭示施工项目管理的规律,诠释项目管理的内涵,具有重要的意义,施工项目管理作为工程项目管理的重要组成部分,是其全过程中一个非常重要的阶段,两者的广义特点有其相同之处,区别主要是管理的范围不同。Study the characteristics of the construction project management, to reveal the law of the construction project management, interprets the connotation of project management, has the vital significance, construction project management as an important part of project management, is a very important stage in the whole process, the general characteristics of the two have their similarities, main difference is the scope of the different management. 投标施工组织设计的施工方案如果无特殊规定,一般可表现方案的一定的选择性。一是对施工方案的评价、对比、选择,对已选定的施工方法合理性的论证;施工机械的选择,包括主要施工机械设备的类型、数量、功率等;主要项目施工方法:包括主导施工过程的施工方法,关键部位的施工方法及特殊部位的施工方法;冬雨委和特殊地理环境的施工措施,包括季节性和特殊地区的施工保证质量、安全的技术措施。Bid construction organization design of construction plan if no special provisions, the general scheme for performance of certain selectivity. One is evaluation, comparison, selection of construction schemes for selected construction method of rationality is proved; The choice of construction machinery, including the type, quantity, power of the main construction machinery and equipment, etc.; Main construction method of the project: including leading the construction process of the construction method, key parts of the construction method and construction method of special positions; Winter rain committee and the special geographical environment construction measures, including seasonal and special region construction, ensure the quality, safety technical measures. 它能实现项目的组织、计划、控制之间的联系,使这些活动的开展建立在一个共识的基础上,进而提高企业的工作效率。It can realize the organization of the project, plan, control, make these activities carried out to establish on the basis of a consensus, thus enhancing the working efficiency of the enterprise. 由于项目是一次性的,项目部也是一次性的,每一个项目部都是针对一个特定的工程项目而组建的临时管理机构,项目目标完成即工程完工,项目部也应随着解散,但项目部成员去向问题应明确的安置。它不同于企业内部的职能部门,有其独特的职能。Because the project is one-off, also a one-off projects, each project department for a specific project and form a temporary agencies, target completion of this project is completed, the project department should also be as dissolution, but should make clear where resettlement project department members. It is different from the enterprise internal functions, has its unique functions. 关键词:施工项目管理、规划、目标管理、项目结构分解Key words: construction project management, planning, management by objectives, the project structure decomposition
以下仅供参考:对不起啊 医疗保险制度和支付管理的病人提供急性胰腺炎日本 对此yoshida1,takada1忠*,Yoshifumikawarada2,原hirata3、石mayumi4,sekimoto5秀、野hirota6,Yasutoshikimura3,Kazunoritakeda7,isaji8机,koizumi9职能,otsuki10四位个体的舞台,**,matsuno11荣、任 外科部一、帝京大学医学院、2-11-1、官、Itabashi-谷,东京173-8605,日本 2野市医院、国务日本 3首部手术,札幌医科大学医学院、北海道、日本 4、重症护理署紧急医疗、名古屋大学医学研究所、日本名古屋 5department医护质量管理、经济学、京都大学医学研究所、日本京都 6departmentGastroenterological的手术,熊本大学医学科学研究所、熊本、日本 七部手术,医院组织全国仙台医学院、日本仙台 8hepatobiliary部、胸部外科手术胰腺、国务大学医学研究所、国务日本 9ohara医学院医院、福岛、日本 10部胃肠科、新陈代谢、环境卫生、职业大学、日本、医学院 北九州日本 11Gastroenterological科手术,台北医学大学研究生院、日本仙台 统称为"医疗费支付制度",包括提供医疗援助forspecified棘手的疾病. 因为急性胰腺炎的死亡率也很高,这是一个棘手的特定疾病. 以降低死亡率为各种疾病,包括急性胰腺炎、规格系统已通过政府费用治疗急性胰腺炎是全数由政府发出申请经费证明书,证明病人有无法解决的疾病. 关键字医疗系统--急性胰腺炎日本政府支付医疗保险制度体系! 引进 日本范围的医疗保障制度的普遍特点是医疗保险制度,以宪法为依据,以货币补贴的规定这个制度. 没有其他国家有这种医疗保障制度的特点. 该系统已使得日本无法实现和维持高水准医疗Atlow成本. 日本医疗保险制度的特点是其规定普遍医疗护理老人、支付医疗费 在日本,病人支付保费,与正常的收入水平.
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