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resource planning (ERP) systems attempt to integrate several data sources and processes of an organization into a unified system. A typical ERP system will use multiple components of computer software and hardware to achieve the integration. A key ingredient of most ERP systems is the use of a unified database to store data for the various system modules.The two key components of an ERP system are a common database and a modular software design. A common database is the system that allows every department of a company to store and retrieve information in real-time. Using a common database allows information to be more reliable, accessible, and easily shared. Furthermore, a modular software design is a variety of programs that can be added on an individual basis to improve the efficiency of the business. This improves the business by adding functionality, mixing and matching programs from different vendors, and allowing the company to choose which modules to implement. These modular software designs link into the common database, so that all of the information between the departments is accessible in real time.OverviewSome organizations — typically those with sufficient in-house IT skills to integrate multiple software products — choose to implement only portions of an ERP system and develop an external interface to other ERP or stand-alone systems for their other application needs. For example, one may choose to use human resource management system from one vendor, and the financial systems from another, and perform the integration between the systems themselves.This is very common in the retail sector[citation needed], where even a mid-sized retailer will have a discrete Point-of-Sale (POS) product and financials application, then a series of specialized applications to handle business requirements such as warehouse management, staff rostering, merchandising and logistics.Ideally, ERP delivers a single database that contains all data for the software modules, which would include:Manufacturing Engineering, Bills of Material, Scheduling, Capacity, Workflow Management, Quality Control, Cost Management, Manufacturing Process, Manufacturing Projects, Manufacturing Flow Supply Chain Management Inventory, Order Entry, Purchasing, Product Configurator, Supply Chain Planning, Supplier Scheduling, Inspection of goods, Claim Processing, Commission Calculation Financials General Ledger, Cash Management, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Fixed Assets Projects Costing, Billing, Time and Expense, Activity Management Human Resources Human Resources, Payroll, Training, Time & Attendance, Rostering, Benefits Customer Relationship Management Sales and Marketing, Commissions, Service, Customer Contact and Call Center support Data Warehouse and various Self-Service interfaces for Customers, Suppliers, and Employees Enterprise Resource Planning is a term originally derived from manufacturing resource planning (MRP II) that followed material requirements planning (MRP).[2] MRP evolved into ERP when "routings" became a major part of the software architecture and a company's capacity planning activity also became a part of the standard software activity.[citation needed] ERP systems typically handle the manufacturing, logistics, distribution, inventory, shipping, invoicing, and accounting for a company. Enterprise Resource Planning or ERP software can aid in the control of many business activities, like sales, marketing, delivery, billing, production, inventory management, quality management, and human resource management.ERP systems saw a large boost in sales in the 1990s as companies faced the Y2K problem in their legacy systems. Many companies took this opportunity to replace their legacy information systems with ERP systems. This rapid growth in sales was followed by a slump in 1999, at which time most companies had already implemented their Y2K solution.[3]ERPs are often incorrectly called back office systems indicating that customers and the general public are not directly involved. This is contrasted with front office systems like customer relationship management (CRM) systems that deal directly with the customers, or the eBusiness systems such as eCommerce, eGovernment, eTelecom, and eFinance, or supplier relationship management (SRM) systems.ERPs are cross-functional and enterprise wide. All functional departments that are involved in operations or production are integrated in one system. In addition to manufacturing, warehousing, logistics, and information technology, this would include accounting, human resources, marketing, and strategic management.ERP II means open ERP architecture of components. The older, monolithic ERP systems became component oriented.[citation needed]EAS — Enterprise Application Suite is a new name for formerly developed ERP systems which include (almost) all segments of business, using ordinary Internet browsers as thin clients.[citation needed][edit] BeforePrior to the concept of ERP systems, it was not unusual for each department within an organization to have its own customized computer system. For example, the human resources (HR) department, the payroll department, and the financial department might all have their own computer systems.Typical difficulties involved integration of data from potentially different computer manufacturers and systems. For example, the HR computer system (often called HRMS or HRIS) would typically manage employee information while the payroll department would typically calculate and store paycheck information for each employee, and the financial department would typically store financial transactions for the organization. Each system would have to integrate using a predefined set of common data which would be transferred between each computer system. Any deviation from the data format or the integration schedule often resulted in problems.[edit] AfterERP software, among other things, combined the data of formerly separate applications. This simplified keeping data in synchronization across the enterprise, it simplified the computer infrastructure within a large organization, and it standardized and reduced the number of software specialties required within larger organizations.Best PracticesBest Practices were also a benefit of implementing an ERP system. When implementing an ERP system, organizations essentially had to choose between customizing the software or modifying their business processes to the "Best Practice" function delivered in the vanilla version of the software.Typically, the delivery of best practice applies more usefully to large organizations and especially where there is a compliance requirement such as IFRS, Sarbanes-Oxley or Basel II, or where the process is a commodity such as electronic funds transfer. This is because the procedure of capturing and reporting legislative or commodity content can be readily codified within the ERP software, and then replicated with confidence across multiple businesses who have the same business requirement.Where such a compliance or commodity requirement does not underpin the business process, it can be argued that determining and applying a Best Practice actually erodes competitive advantage by homogenizing the business as compared to everyone else in the industry sector.[edit] ImplementationBecause of their wide scope of application within a business, ERP software systems are typically complex and usually impose significant changes on staff work practices.[citation needed] Implementing ERP software is typically not an "in-house" skill, so even smaller projects are more cost effective if specialist ERP implementation consultants are employed.[citation needed] The length of time to implement an ERP system depends on the size of the business, the scope of the change and willingness of the customer to take ownership for the project.[citation needed] A small project (e.g., a company of less than 100 staff) may be planned and delivered within 3-9 months; however, a large, multi-site or multi-country implementation may take years.[citation needed]To implement ERP systems, companies often seek the help of an ERP vendor or of third-party consulting companies. These firms typically provide three areas of professional services: consulting, customization and support.Data migration is one of the most important activities in determining the success of an ERP implementation. Since many decisions must be made before migration, a significant amount of planning must occur. Unfortunately, data migration is the last activity before the production phase of an ERP implementation, and therefore receives minimal attention due to time constraints. The following are steps of a data migration strategy that can help with the success of an ERP implementation: [4]Identifying the data to be migrated Determining the timing of data migration Generating the data templates Freezing the tools for data migration Deciding on migration related setups Deciding on data archiving [edit] Process preparationERP vendors have designed their systems around standard business processes, based upon best business practices. Different vendor(s) have different types of processes but they are all of a standard, modular nature. Firms that want to implement ERP systems are consequently forced to adapt their organizations to standardized processes as opposed to adapting the ERP package to the existing processes.[5] Neglecting to map current business processes prior to starting ERP implementation is a main reason for failure of ERP projects.[6] It is therefore crucial that organizations perform a thorough business process analysis before selecting an ERP vendor and setting off on the implementation track. This analysis should map out all present operational processes, enabling selection of an ERP vendor whose standard modules are most closely aligned with the established organization. Redesign can then be implemented to achieve further process congruence. Research indicates that the risk of business process mismatch is decreased by:linking each current organizational process to the organization's strategy; analyzing the effectiveness of each process in light of its current related business capability; understanding the automated solutions currently implemented.[7] [8] A disadvantage usually attributed to ERP is that business process redesign to fit the standardized ERP modules can lead to a loss of competitive advantage. While documented cases exist where this has indeed materialized, other cases show that following thorough process preparation ERP systems can actually increase sustainable competitive advantage.[9][10][edit] ConfigurationConfiguring an ERP system is largely a matter of balancing the way you want the system to work with the way the system lets you work. Begin by deciding which modules to install, then adjust the system using configuration tables to achieve the best possible fit in working with your company’s processes.Modules - Most systems are modular simply for the flexibility of implementing some functions but not others. Some common modules, such as finance and accounting are adopted by nearly all companies implementing enterprise systems; others however such as human resource management are not needed by some companies and therefore not adopted. A service company for example will not likely need a module for manufacturing. Other times companies will not adopt a module because they already have their own proprietary system they believe to be superior. Generally speaking the greater number of modules selected, the greater the integration benefits, but also the increase in costs, risks and changes involved.Configuration Tables – A configuration table enables a company to tailor a particular aspect of the system to the way it chooses to do business. For example, an organization can select the type of inventory accounting – FIFO or LIFO – it will employ or whether it wants to recognize revenue by geographical unit, product line, or distribution channel.So what happens when the options the system allows just aren’t good enough? At this point a company has two choices, both of which are not ideal. It can re-write some of the enterprise system’s code, or it can continue to use an existing system and build interfaces between it and the new enterprise system. Both options will add time and cost to the implementation process. Additionally they can dilute the system’s integration benefits. The more customized the system becomes the less possible seamless communication becomes between suppliers and customers.[edit] Consulting ServicesMany organizations did not have sufficient internal skills to implement an ERP project. This resulted in many organizations offering consulting services for ERP implementation. Typically, a consulting team was responsible for the entire ERP implementation including planning, training, testing, implementation, and delivery of any customized modules. Examples of customization includes additional product training; creation of process triggers and workflow; specialist advice to improve how the ERP is used in the business; system optimization; and assistance writing reports, complex data extracts or implementing Business Intelligence.For most mid-sized companies, the cost of the implementation will range from around the list price of the ERP user licenses to up to twice this amount (depending on the level of customization required). Large companies, and especially those with multiple sites or countries, will often spend considerably more on the implementation than the cost of the user licenses -- three to five times more is not uncommon for a multi-site implementation.[citation needed][edit] Customization ServicesCustomization Services involves any modifications or extensions that change how the out-of-the-box ERP system works.Customizing an ERP package can be very expensive and complicated. Some ERP packages are not designed to support customization, so most businesses implement the best practices embedded in the acquired ERP system. Some ERP packages have very generic features, such that customization occurs in most implementations. It is also often possible to extend the standard ERP package by purchasing third party software to provide additional functionality.Customization work is usually undertaken as bespoke software development on a time and materials basis.Customization can be further classified into: Core system customization or custom extensions in custom librariesCore system customization is where customers change the software vendors’ proprietary code. This means that the software will no longer be supported by the vendor for the particular function that was customized as the code would be modified to the customers need. The customers IT department will then normally support the code in-house or subcontract a consulting organization to do so.Custom extensions are where a customer build bolt on custom applications that run parallel to the standard system i.e. custom extended applications. Modules that are extended but core code not changed remain supported but the extensions will have to be supported by the customers IT department or subcontracted consulting organization[edit] Maintenance and Support ServicesMaintenance and Support Services involves monitoring and managing an Operational ERP system. This function is often provided in-house using members of the IT department, but may also be provided by specialist external consulting and services companies.[edit] AdvantagesIn the absence of an ERP system, a large manufacturer may find itself with many software applications that do not talk to each other and do not effectively interface. Tasks that need to interface with one another may involve:design engineering (how to best make the product) order tracking from acceptance through fulfillment the revenue cycle from invoice through cash receipt managing interdependencies of complex Bill of Materials tracking the 3-way match between Purchase orders (what was ordered), Inventory receipts (what arrived), and Costing (what the vendor invoiced) the Accounting for all of these tasks, tracking the Revenue, Cost and Profit on a granular level. Change how a product is made, in the engineering details, and that is how it will now be made. Effective dates can be used to control when the switch over will occur from an old version to the next one, both the date that some ingredients go into effect, and date that some are discontinued. Part of the change can include labeling to identify version numbers.Some security features are included within an ERP system to protect against both outsider crime, such as industrial espionage, and insider crime, such as embezzlement. A data tampering scenario might involve a disgruntled employee intentionally modifying prices to below the breakeven point in order to attempt to take down the company, or other sabotage. ERP systems typically provide functionality for implementing internal controls to prevent actions of this kind. ERP vendors are also moving toward better integration with other kinds of information security tools.[11]DisadvantagesProblems with ERP systems are mainly due to inadequate investment in ongoing training for involved personnel, including those implementing and testing changes, as well as a lack of corporate policy protecting the integrity of the data in the ERP systems and how it is used.DisadvantagesCustomization of the ERP software is limited. Re-engineering of business processes to fit the "industry standard" prescribed by the ERP system may lead to a loss of competitive advantage. ERP systems can be very expensive leading to a new category of "ERP light" solutions ERPs are often seen as too rigid and too difficult to adapt to the specific workflow and business process of some companies—this is cited as one of the main causes of their failure. Many of the integrated links need high accuracy in other applications to work effectively. A company can achieve minimum standards, then over time "dirty data" will reduce the reliability of some applications. Once a system is established, switching costs are very high for any one of the partners (reducing flexibility and strategic control at the corporate level). The blurring of company boundaries can cause problems in accountability, lines of responsibility, and employee morale. Resistance in sharing sensitive internal information between departments can reduce the effectiveness of the software. Some large organizations may have multiple departments with separate, independent resources, missions, chains-of-command, etc, and consolidation into a single enterprise may yield limited benefits. The system may be too complex measured against the actual needs of the customer.

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参考文献是论文写作中可参考或引证的主要文献资料,不仅为论文写作提供了方便,同时也丰富了我们论文的内容。下文是我为大家搜集整理的关于化学论文参考文献范例的内容,欢迎大家阅读参考! 化学论文参考文献范例(一) [1]管用时.导线内交变电流趋肤效应近似分析[J].邵阳高专学报.1994(03) [2]李海元,栗保明,____,宁广炯,王争论,杨春霞.等离子体点火密闭爆发器中火药燃速特性的研究[J].爆炸与冲击.2004(02) [3]谢玉树,袁亚雄,张小兵.等离子体增强发射药燃烧的实验研究[J].火炸药学报.2001(03) [4]张洪海,张明安,龚海刚,杨国信.结构参数变化对等离子体发生器性能的影响[J].火炮发射与控制学报.2004(03) [5]孟绍良.电热化学炮用脉冲电源及等离子体发生器电特性的研究[D].南京理工大学2006 [6]戴荣,栗保明,张建奇.固体含能工质等离子体单药粒点火特性分析[J].火炸药学报.2001(01) [7]赵科义,李治源,吕庆敖,段晓军,朱建方.电爆炸金属导体在Marx发生器中的应用[J].高电压技术.2003(10) [8]弯港.基于格子Boltzmann 方法 的流动控制机理数值研究[D].南京理工大学2013 [9]李海元.固体发射药燃速的等离子体增强机理及多维多相流数值模拟研究[D].南京理工大学2006 [10]王争论.中心电弧等离子体发生器及其在电热化学炮中的应用研究[D].南京理工大学2006 [11]成剑,栗保明.电爆炸过程导体放电电阻的一种计算模型[J].南京理工大学学报(自然科学版).2003(04) [12]李海元,栗保明,____.膛内等离子体点火及燃烧增强过程数值模拟[J].爆炸与冲击.2002(03) [13]龚兴根.电爆炸断路开关[J].强激光与粒子束.2002(04) [14]戴荣,栗保明,宁广炯,董健年.SPETC炮等离子体发生器自由喷射放电特性研究[J].兵工学报.2001(04) [15]刘锡三.高功率脉冲技术的发展及应用研究[J].核物理动态.1995(04) 化学论文参考文献范例(二) [1] 林庆华,栗保明. 等离子体辐射对固体火药燃烧速度影响的研究[J]. 弹道学报. 2005(03) [2] 李倩,徐送宁,宁日波. 用发射光谱法测量电弧等离子体的激发温度[J]. 沈阳理工大学学报. 2011(01) [3] 狄加伟,杨敏涛,张明安,赵斌. 电热化学发射技术在大口径火炮上的应用前景[J]. 火炮发射与控制学报. 2010(02) [4] 杨家志,刘钟阳,牛秦洲,范兴明. 电爆炸过程中金属丝电阻变化规律的仿真分析[J]. 桂林理工大学学报. 2010(02) [5] 郭军,邱爱慈. 熔丝电爆炸过程电气特性的数字仿真[J]. 系统仿真学报. 2006(01) [6] 苏茂根,陈冠英,张树东,薛思敏,李澜. 空气中激光烧蚀Cu产生等离子体发射光谱的研究[J]. 原子与分子物理学报. 2005(03) [7] 李兵,张明安,狄加伟,魏建国,李媛. 电热化学炮内弹道参数敏感性研究[J]. 电气技术. 2010(S1) [8] 赵晓梅,余斌,张玉成,严文荣. ETPE发射药等离子体点火的燃烧特性[J]. 火炸药学报. 2009(05) [9] 杨宇,谢卫平,王敏华,郝世荣,韩文辉,张南川,伍友成. 含电爆炸元件电路的PSpice模拟和实验研究[J]. 高压电器. 2007(06) [10] 郝世荣,谢卫平,丁伯南,王敏华,杨宇,伍友成,张南川,韩文辉. 一种基于电爆炸丝断路开关的多脉冲产生技术[J]. 强激光与粒子束. 2006(08) [11] 伍友成,邓建军,郝世荣,王敏华,韩文辉,杨宇. 电爆炸丝方法产生纳米二氧化钛粉末[J]. 高电压技术. 2006(06) [12] 林庆华,栗保明. 高装填密度钝感发射装药的内弹道遗传算法优化[J]. 弹道学报. 2008(03) [13] 王桂吉,蒋吉昊,邓向阳,谭福利,赵剑衡. 电爆炸驱动小尺寸冲击片实验与数值计算研究[J]. 兵工学报. 2008(06) [14] 林庆华,栗保明. 电热化学炮内弹道过程的势平衡分析[J]. 兵工学报. 2008(04) [15] 蒋吉昊,王桂吉,杨宇. 一种测量金属电爆炸过程中电导率的新方法[J]. 物理学报. 2008(02) 化学论文参考文献范例(三) [1.] 詹晓北, 王卫平, 朱莉. 食用胶的生产、性能与应用[M]. 北京: 中国轻工业出版社, 2003. 20-36. [2.] O'Neill M A, Selvendran R R, Morris V J. Structure of the acidic extracellular gelling polysaccharideproduced by Pseudomonas elodea[J]. Carbohydrate Research, 1983, 124(1): 123-133. [3.] Jansson P. E., Lindberg B, Sandford P A. Structural studies of gellan gum, an extracellularpolysaccharide elaborated by Pseudomonas elodea[J]. Carbohydrate Research, 1983, 124(1): 135-139. [4.] Morris E R., Nishinari K, Rinaudo M. Gelation of gellan–A review[J]. Food Hydrocolloids, 2012,28(2): 373-411. [5.] Kuo M S, Mort A J, Dell A. Identification and location of L-glycerate, an unusual acyl substituent ingellan gum[J]. Carbohydrate Research, 1986. 156: 173-187. [6.] 张晨, 谈俊, 朱莉, 等. 糖醇对结冷胶凝胶质构的影响[J]. 食品科学, 2014. 35(9): 48-52. [7.] Kang K S, Veeder G T, Mirrasoul P J, et al. Agar-like polysaccharide produced by a Pseudomonasspecies: production and basic properties[J]. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 1982. 43(5):1086-1091. [8.] Grasdalen H, Smidsr d O. Gelation of gellan gum[J]. Carbohydrate Polymers, 1987, 7(5): 371-393. [9.] 詹晓北. 结冷胶[J]. 中国食品添加剂, 1999, 2: 66-69. [10. ]孟岳成, 邱蓉. 高酰基结冷胶 (HA) 特性的研究进展[J]. 中国食品添加剂, 2008(5): 45-49. [11. ]Chandrasekaran R, Puigjaner L C, Joyce K L, et al. Cation interactions in gellan: an X-ray study of thepotassium salt[J]. Carbohydrate Research, 1988, 181: 23-40. [12.] Arnott S, Scott W E, Rees D A, et al. I-Carrageenan: molecular structure and packing ofpolysaccharide double helices in oriented fibres of divalent cation salts[J]. Journal of MolecularBiology, 1974, 90(2): 253-267. [13. ]Chandrasekaran, R., Radha A, and Thailambal V G. Roles of potassium ions, acetyl and L-glycerylgroups in native gellan double helix: an X-ray study[J]. Carbohydrate Research, 1992, 224: 1-17. [14.] Morris E R, Gothard M G E, Hember M W N, et al. Conformational and rheological transitions ofwelan, rhamsan and acylated gellan[J]. Carbohydrate Polymers, 1996, 30(2): 165-175. [15.] 李海军, 颜震, 朱希强, 等. 结冷胶的研究进展[J]. 食品与药品, 2006, 7(12A): 3-8.猜你喜欢: 1. 化学论文参考范文 2. 化学论文范文 3. 化学毕业论文范例 4. 化学毕业论文范文精选 5. 有关化学论文报告范文




















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提供一些室内装饰论文的参考文献,希望对您有所帮助。 [1] 李天鹰. 论新时期的室内装饰设计[J]. 黑龙江科技信息, 2008,(03) . [2] 胡涓涓,万翠蓉. 色彩在家具与室内装饰设计中的运用[J]. 家具与室内装饰, 2008,(01) . [3] 冯颀军. 浅谈室内装饰设计中的中式元素和传统意境表达[J]. 美术大观, 2007,(12) . [4] 王国胜. 浅析室内设计中的生态设计[J]. 无锡南洋学院学报, 2006,(04) . [5] 董秀梅. 室内装饰设计趋势分析[J]. 黑龙江科技信息, 2007,(05) . [6] 姜春云,周光标,熊辉. 浅谈室内装饰设计中的风格设计[J]. 有色冶金设计与研究, 2007,(01) . [7] 李远成. 室内装饰设计的理论及实践[J]. 建材与装饰(中旬刊), 2008,(03) . [8] 周卫. 浅析家具与现代室内环境设计的关系[J]. 正德学院学报, 2007,(01) . [9] 刘树老. 住宅户型与室内设计的新发展[J]. 家具, 2006,(01) . [10] Thomas.E.Wartenberg. 《 The nature of art 》 .Beijin Univercity Press, 2002, :8 . [11] Interior Space Of Asia And The Pacific Rim: A Pictorial Review .2003, .

(1)《现代室内设计与务实》 广东科学技术出版社 (2)《室内设计资料集》 中国建筑工业出版社 (3)《公共空间美化与装饰——娱乐、休闲》 江西美术出版社 (4)《休闲娱乐建筑设计》 中国建筑出版社 胡仁禄

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