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Bildungsroman, in a nutshell is the record of moral and psychological growth of young people in the process of the novel. "Emma"Austin is considered the most outstanding story about how the hostess is a mistake and get out into the RoadMoral perfection and emotional maturation process. However, in order to eJormeBucklye represented by critics that "loveMary "can not be called a Bildungsroman. In their view, growth of this genre of fiction should be involved in stepping away from homeOn the theme of a journey to find self, and "Emma," there is no related circumstances. After carefully reading and studying fictionAnd related theories, the author found that "Emma" is not only consistent with the definition of Bildungsroman, and the first and BucklyeStudents raised most of the novel features of the growth is consistent. Therefore, the focus of "Emma," the heroineGrowth experience will help grow the theme of first part of the paper elaborates the concept of Bildungsroman, and then analyze the three stages of growth Emma,With youth development theory from the perspective of psychological and social analysis of the growth of Emma, this validation of "Emma"Is a typical female Bildungsroman. The second part focused on four areas highlighting Emma AustinGrowth in the use of creative means. Austen from Emma's perspective to keep the story through to the inside EmmaHeart in the world of direct perspective, that is "internal perspective", to witness Emma's psychological maturation process. Meanwhile, AustinHas created a MLKnightel, y a father-like love, to always correct the mistakes Emma; withHarriets and ht, a naive and clueless companion to the idea of reflection Emma, Emma's epiphany addition, Austin has also arranged for a careful narrator to tell the reader can not Emma's own published third part from the feminist women's moral perfection and the angle of the Austin shaped figureEmma, the positive significance and limitations, that Emma's moral perfection is, and then the moral communityProgress closely related. Feminism in Jane Austen's "Emma" the initial signs, mainly in loveMa for their rights, control of the hero and heroine roles and mutual education between Emma distinctive for marriageSolution. However, the end of the novel, Austen seems to give up Emma's feminist ideology, her transmission into aPresident submissive wife image. This shift is an era in which Austen novel brought to the limits. The "Emma"As a typical female Bildungsroman of the 18th century so we did not, growth in the early 19th century women haveA more comprehensive understanding of the contemporary growth of young women has a profound reference.

317 评论


作为世界上最伟大的现实主义小说家之一的简·奥斯汀,她的作品《爱玛》别具一格,被公认为其最杰出的小说之一。这部作品描写的是女主人公爱玛在经历了一个个错误之后,抛弃幻想,获得自我,最后步入道德升华和情感成熟的痛苦过程。她的个性在不断发展并逐步成熟。本文运用心理学理论对作品《爱玛》的女主角爱玛的成长主题进行分析,使读者不仅对女主人公爱玛有了新的认识,而且更好地领略了简·奥斯汀天才的人物描写艺术。 本文共分为三部分。第一部分认为《爱玛》作为一部人物成长小说,女主人公爱玛的成长环境是以简·奥斯汀自己的生活经历和环境为原型构造的。奥斯汀的个人生活经历和社会环境在女主人公爱玛的成长过程中得到了印证和反映。第二部分探讨了爱玛在心理、社会和宗教意识方面逐步成长的过程。在心理上,在她的自恋和完美主义倾向经历了一系列的打击后,她逐步成长,开始认清自我。在宗教意识方面,爱玛经历了罪恶、忏悔、救赎和升华的成长过程。婚姻是个人生活和社会生活的结合。爱玛从最初拒绝婚姻,把婚姻看作是对自己个人生活的威胁到最后她接受婚姻和自己的女性身份表明了其在社会层面的成长。第三部分指出,在这部作品中,奥斯汀努力将现实主义的人物描写和严肃的道德主题结合起来。爱玛在三个方面的成长促使着她道德的成长。在爱玛走向成熟的过程中,由于她的无知,她屡屡失误:又由于她的失误,她经历着痛苦;她的痛苦促使她道德成长,而她道德成长的结果是最终获得幸福。当爱玛认识到她的错误并且看到由于她的错误给别人、同时也给自己带来伤害时,她最终承认了她的错误并且开始走向成熟。而她真正的成熟是在经历一定的道德成长过程后的道德升华。在她对自己的自负和虚荣进行了痛苦的反思后,她的道德得到升华。本文通过探讨在爱玛的成长过程中社会所赋予她的女性角色与她对社会的个人诉求之间的矛盾,指出当我们现代人在努力寻求自我认知,面临着爱玛在成长过程中所遇到的相同窘境时,我们应该学会自我定位和社会定位。在爱玛成长过程中,她的觉醒,以及自我向上的推动力启示我们,一个人在经历自我成长的过程中,必须学会不断从错误中总结经验,才能获得真正的成熟。

228 评论



157 评论



321 评论


A biludngsromna,in its simplest sense,is a novel about the moral and psychological growth of a young man or a young as JaneAusten's most complex and best novel,is about the herione's progress out of her errors onto moral and emotional critics,represented by JeromeBuckley,hold that Emma is not a bildungsroman for this genre has always been associated with the theme of the journey or quest,while Emma has ,by reading Emma and surveying related theories,it's found that Emma not only matches the criteria of a bildungsroman,but also fulfills most of the significant features of Buckley's definition of the bildungsroman,so a careful study of the heroine's growth is quitr necessary for the female adolescent development first chapter of the thesis explains the concept of bildungsroman in detail .analyses the three stages of Emma's growth and explores Emma's psychological development by means of developmental theory about adolescents .Thus Emma as a typical female bildungsroman is proved .the second chapter focuses on author's intentional arrangements of Emma's development from four aspects .In order to achieve the reader's understanding of Emma's growth ,Austen herself intentionally arranges the story to be observed through Emma's eyes,and uses "inside view "as a tool to interpret and witness Emma's psychological process of maturity .besides ,Austen arranges ,a reliable fatherly lover ,to correct Emma's faults ANF assess her value ,and thus to help Emma grow step by step .In addition ,Harriet Smith ,an innocent and mindless girl ,is arranged as a mirror to reflect Emma's thought and her final introspection .What's more,an unobtrusive narrator is also arranged to enable the reader to know the few part that Emma cannot tell by herself .the last part investigates the significance and limitation of this female development .From Emma's growth ,the upgrading of her morality is clear-cut ,which not only reflects the reality in England at that time ,but also conforms to the moral advance in that society .meanwhile ,the flame of Austen 's feminism can be seen from Emma's using her known to gain and exercise power ,form the education of the hero and heroine one another as moral equals ,and also from Emma's early independent attitude to marriage .But at the end of the novel ,Jane Austen ignores Emma's feminist thinking ,and transforms a dynamic self-assured lady into a conventional subservient wife ,which is due to Austen 's inevitable limitation at her time .The conclusion is drawn that the study of Emma as a typical female bildungsroman provides using insight into the development of a young lady in the late 18th and early 19th century ,whose life experience and psychology can be used as reference to the research on present female adolescents .

172 评论


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