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这是我从外国杂志上找来的,你可以参考下,要做修改的. Nowadays, it seems that everyone is looking things up on the Internet before trying them. In years past, people simply tried out a new restaurant in order to find out if they liked it or not. Nowadays, however, more and more people look for a local restaurant review before trying out a new place in town, and the information that they find can make the difference in whether or not they choose to try a different restaurant. How a Local Restaurant Review Can Help If people find positive reviews about a restaurant when doing an Internet search, they will often decide to try the restaurant out. Not only can a positive local restaurant review make someone want to eat at the establishment, but it can also give them tips about what to order, what time to go and how to dress. Because people like going into these places with a feeling of confidence that they know what is going on, a good local restaurant review can help to encourage someone who is on the fence about checking out a new place to give it a try. How a Local Restaurant Review Can Hurt Although local restaurant reviews can help restaurants to bring in business, they can also cause problems for business owners. A negative review that is left by an angry or unsatisfied customer can carry a lot of weight, and those who view review sites might not even notice all of the positive reviews that have been left if they see a review that is less than stellar. Restaurant owners who notice negative reviews about their restaurant on the Internet should work quickly to prevent any loss of business. By hiring a company like , these restaurant owners do not have to worry: will handle everything and will quickly and efficiently hide negative reviews.

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