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第一她在困难的时候敢于承担责任,虽然也有动摇,但最后仍然承担责任,比如她救了梅兰妮,她重振塔拉园,后来长期扶助阿仕莱一家等等. 第二她敢于去爱,无怨无悔,她的整个青春都在爱着阿仕莱,没有回报但她仍没有放弃努力,直到能力的极限为止. 第三知错能改,当她最后明白她之前所为是错误时,她马上象瑞德道歉,请求原谅. 总的来说,斯佳丽堪称锦帼不让须眉的奇女子,人中龙凤,难怪瑞德这样的牛人也拜倒在她的石榴裙下. 每次看《乱世佳人》,每次都有不同的收获。年轻时看,讨厌虚荣爱出风头的斯嘉丽, 喜欢纯洁善良的玫兰妮,不喜欢油腔滑调的瑞德巴特勒,喜欢温文尔雅的阿希礼, 喜欢南方如画的景致和田园牧歌式的生活,不喜欢北方的浮华和放荡。 后来看了多次之后,不由得对斯嘉丽敬佩起来,缘本是一个弱女子,任性而年青, 第一次结婚是一时的冲动报复,嫁给了不爱的男孩,让自己成为了年轻的寡妇。 第二次结婚是为了一家人的生存,抢走了妹妹的心上人,肯尼迪。 肯尼迪虽然是一个半老头子,却不是斯嘉丽的对手,面对她的冷酷和无情,他束手无策。 最终为了斯嘉丽差点遭受的侮辱去报复穷白人而被人击毙,不幸枉死。 却从未享受过斯嘉丽的一点爱。于是斯嘉丽再次成为寡妇,而且还是个有钱的寡妇。 在那个战火纷飞的年代,为了答应过阿希礼照顾玫兰妮的一句承诺,在北军就要攻占亚特兰大的时候, 斯嘉丽又果断地替玫兰妮接生,并找到瑞德冲破重重阻碍和关卡,回到了乡下老家--陶拉。 在又饥又饿之时,她又遭受了母亲病亡、父亲痴呆、家里被劫,一穷二白的多重打击, 她不屈不挠,带头种田干活,喝令妹妹下床摘棉花,并照顾玫兰妮和小波,支撑一家人的生计, 那时她顶多也不过是个二十来岁的小姑娘,本应是个在母亲怀里撒娇的小姑娘。 可是面对如此巨大的困难,她没有选择逃避,而是勇敢挑起家里的重担, 以常人难以企及的毅力抗争命运,每每看到斯嘉丽举着萝卜向天盟誓,决不愿让家人再受苦挨饿时, 我总是觉得拍片导演对光线和背景的运用是那么巧妙和艺术, 它那么生动地刻划了斯嘉丽渴望安定、渴望生存、渴望富裕的强烈而真实的内心情感。 我觉得那时的她,已完成了最艰难的嬗变,由一只丑陋的毛毛虫破茧而出变成了美丽的蝶,自由而高贵, 那时的斯嘉丽就像一个女神---渴望富有、并为此能不择手段的欲望女神。 我必须承认,对我来说,《乱世佳人》的吸引力之所以这么大,和克拉克盖博主演的瑞德巴特勒绝对有关系。 当然,费雯丽眯着那双像猫那样的绿眼,迷人而妖媚,同样也让人倾倒。 她是个让女人都能为之神魂颠倒的女人,她自私、冷酷、无情、聪明、不择手段、坚强, 却不乏善良、美丽、脆弱;她是一个高不可攀的女神,让许多女人都梦想着能像她那样, 集财富、美貌、能干、坚强于一身,让瑞德那样的男人能够为她而倾倒。至少我曾经就那样想过。 但我认为,瑞德给我们这些女性观众带来的却更多是对爱情和婚姻的甜美幻想, 他是那么潇洒倜傥,那么玩世不恭,那么自信过人,富有并充满了成熟男人的魅力, 该是多少女性心目中的偶像啊。 在这里,简单回闪斯嘉丽和瑞德相遇、相识、相爱的几个片段, 就能让人对瑞德爱我所爱,坚持自儿,富有个性的男性魅力印象深刻: 片段一:瑞德第一次见到斯嘉丽是在十二像树园的舞会上。斯嘉丽向所有的男士卖弄风情, 却发现瑞德正注意她,斯嘉丽向身边的女伴抱怨说:“他看我的样子,就像我没穿衣服” 可见瑞德给人的感觉不是温文尔雅,富有绅士风度,对世事的有种别人所不具备的强大洞察力和影响力, 表明了他与一般的南方男人不同点:现实、大胆而富有进攻性, 当他躲在客厅里偷听斯嘉丽大胆地向阿希礼表露爱慕, 但因遭到婉拒,她气急败坏地搧了阿希礼一个耳光,并砸碎了一个小花瓶时,他吹了一个口哨, 于是他被斯嘉丽指责为不是一个绅士,而他同时也反唇相讥斯嘉丽不是一个真正的淑女,让斯嘉丽气极。 俩人第一次相见就是一次爱情的交锋。 片段二:斯嘉丽因查尔斯病亡到亚特兰大散心,正在服丧的她,十分渴望能再度飞旋于舞池中, 表现了她在内心里对无拘无束、自由生活的向往和憧憬。 是瑞德看出了她的心思,并出重金替她撬开了那个压抑而沉闷的社会道德囚笼, 使她走上了和别的南方女人最不相同的命运之路。这正是斯嘉丽反叛旧的社会道德标准迈出的关键性一步, 而这一步,如果没有瑞德暗中巧妙的支持和安排,斯嘉丽是决不会踏出的。 如果没了这关健一步,那么日后那个能干、要强、并独挡一面的乱世佳人---斯嘉丽就决不会存在了! 片段三:瑞德为了帮助斯嘉丽重返故里,拼死弄了一辆马车,并帮助她把玫兰妮和小波抱到马车上, 同时一路历经辛苦,并在即将要到达的时候,瑞德看到许多南方兵前仆后继,视死如归, 深感震憾,并决定上战场,为保卫家园尽一份力。这时可以看出,为了心爱的女人,他能出生入死; 同样,面临家园被毁之境,他也是一个热血之人, 导演在这里才向我们描绘了一个深藏在平日玩世不恭外表下, 也具有一颗为荣誉甘洒热血之心的典型南方男性的形象。 在这里我们看到,虽然瑞德平日里非常精明、现实,但他骨子里其实还是一个南方人。 片段四:瑞特在经历了丧女之痛和斯嘉丽在精神上的背叛后,面对玫兰妮的之死,对一切都灰心失望至极, 回家收拾行李,返回自己的故乡,查尔斯顿。当愚蠢的斯嘉丽最后发现自己已深爱瑞德时, 才发现已最终失去了自己最心爱的人。瑞德最后走得十分干脆,让斯嘉丽深感懊悔。 直到这里,我们才听到那颗曾经为爱而柔软的心破碎的声音,同时也因为破碎而对斯嘉丽变得“冷酷无情”, 这里的瑞德才让我们感觉到,这个男人敢爱敢恨,处理事情十分干脆利落,极富男性魅力。参考资料:

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She is thinkful and every man love her?But she only loved that can justice she is a general lover or a special sentiment.

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Part of Scarlett's enduring charm for women is her feminism, though recent critics have pointed out that many events in the novel are degrading to women. There is Rhett's ravishing of Scarlett (after which Scarlett is shown to have enjoyed herself immensely), Scarlett's apparent need of a man to be happy (whether it's Ashley Wilkes or Rhett Butler), and Melanie's sweet but submissive character (who is much adored by everyone).On the other hand, there have been many defenses for this. First of all, Melanie is not offensive to women, she is simply a more traditional character. Many believe the 'rape scene' quickly becomes consensual (this theory is backed by the novel Scarlett, although it was not written by Mitchell). And again, Scarlett is an individual character, and her need for a man should not be interpreted as is by far the most developed character in Gone with the Wind. She stands out because she is strong and saves her family but is incredibly selfish and petty at the same time. She challenges nineteenth-century society's gender roles repeatedly, running a store and two lumber mills at one point. Scarlett is in some ways the least stereotypically feminine of women (in other ways the most), and the more traditional Melanie Wilkes is in many ways her foil. But Scarlett survives the war, several marriages, the birth of children, and even a miscarriage. Melanie, on the other hand, struggles with fragile health and a shy nature. Without Melanie Wilkes, Scarlett might simply be seen as harsh and "over the top," but beside Melanie, Scarlett presents a fresher, deeper female characterization; she lives a complicated life during a difficult period of of Scarlett's lines from Gone with the Wind, like "Fiddle-dee-dee!," "Tomorrow is another day," "Great balls of fire!" and "I'll never be hungry again!", have become modern between Scarlett and the actress who played her (Vivien Leigh) are striking:Both had strong career ambitions, and wanted little to do with motherhood. Both swore they would never again have a 's father was Irish, and her mother was French. Leigh's mother was Irish and father was Scarlett and Leigh were famed for their appearance, their heart-shaped faces, their unusual eyes, and petite body were reputed to be "difficult" in relationships.

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优雅,雍容华贵,倾倒众生,魅力四射,就是她,斯嘉丽·奥哈拉,塔拉农场的大小姐。 ——题记 刚刚拜读了美国著名作家米切尔的《飘》,被斯嘉丽传奇的经历所折服,被她的爱情故事所吸引,不过,我只能这样说,这个女人无可救药。她结过三次婚,一次为了气他心爱的人维希礼,和维希礼的妻子媚兰的哥哥,查尔斯结婚。在短暂的两个星期内,斯嘉丽从小姐,便成了别人的妻子;又过了两个星期后,就从别人的妻子,变成了寡妇。 在当时的社会里,寡妇相当于过着与世隔绝的生活,斯嘉丽不可以参加舞会,只能穿没有任何装饰的黑色衣服,而且不许笑……这些近乎苛刻的要求对斯嘉丽,这个生性爱娱乐的人来说,简直是折磨。。。 终于,她忍不住了,在瑞德·巴特勒船长的邀请下,她在众目睽睽下,又成了舞会的中心。当然,她为此也付出了代价,全城的人都在谴责她。这次,我有些同情斯嘉丽了。寡妇,不是罪过。凭什么不让人家跳舞,每个人都有自己的权利,只要觉得对得起自己的良心,我认为,一切都可以。或许吧,这就是社会背景。 南北战争,在历史课本中提到的并不多,我对这段历史也不甚了解。只知道,那次战争为美国的资本主义发展扫清了第二个障碍。读过《飘》之后,我对这段历史有了更深的了解。本书,通过对斯嘉丽的一生的叙述,向读者展示了一幅时代画卷,不,不仅是单纯的历史,更多的是这段历史对人的心灵上的影响。 因为战争的残酷性吧,斯嘉丽渐渐的被生活的棱角磨平了,她变了,变成了塔拉农场的女主人,变成了一个像她父亲一样的粗俗的人。但是,我感觉,她这时才成长了起来。她变得有责任心了。因为这个原因吧,她第二次结婚了,嫁给了她并不喜欢的弗兰克——她的准妹夫。或许吧,有些自私,有些恶魔,但是,一切都是为了塔拉农场。 巴特勒船长,这或许是斯嘉丽的最终的归宿吧,一个爱她的人。从一开始就出现的男人,了解斯嘉丽的秘密。。。 我还想说说斯佳丽的最爱——维希礼。维希礼也爱斯嘉丽,却最终没有在一起。这让我想到了泰戈尔的“世界上最遥远的距离是明明相爱却不能在一起”。为了家族的传统,这是懦弱还是什么,我不知道。。。 媚兰,我喜欢她。她拥有斯嘉丽没有的宽容,大度,善良,可爱。女人因可爱而美丽,我想,这句话是对的。。。 好像本来有好多话想说,可是,似乎又是那种只可意会不可言传的东西,推荐大家去看。 刚开始看的时候并不喜欢思嘉这个人物 觉得 她有点不太好,好像就是一直在耍心眼,勾心斗角的 但后来 随着情节的深入 我渐渐的喜欢上了思嘉——这位个性鲜明的女主角 她强烈的自尊,不肯服输的个性,倔拗的执着追求着自己的幸福。她美丽、坚强、乐观向上,对生活顽强抗争,从不屈服。对于她,我是不得不佩服的,佩服她的坚强,佩服她对土地的执着,佩服她能在那中环境下放下以前所受的教育下田干活,佩服她能不顾社会上的言论而开创自己的事业。 我希望我能像思嘉一样成为自尊自立的女性。 最令我记忆深刻的是:当亚特兰大被北方镇权占领的时候,思嘉没有抛下即将生产的媚兰,始终无微不至的照顾着她。尽管内心十分恐惧,但始终表现出沉静与勇敢。在半路上,瑞德抛弃了她,但思嘉并没有被严峻的现实吓倒,她带着媚兰、韦德、艾希礼的儿子以及小女佣上了路。思嘉在一路上都渴望着回到母亲的怀抱,而当她真正回到了家,面临的现实是:塔拉的荒凉,母亲的离去,父亲的心灵伤痕以及一大家子的生计。思嘉鼓起勇气,俨然以一位女主任的身份开始管理这个大家庭。她美丽、坚强、乐观向上,对生活顽强抗争,从不屈服。对于她,我是不得不佩服的,佩服她的坚强,佩服她对土地的执着,佩服她能在那中环境下放下以前所受的教育下田干活,佩服她能不顾社会上的言论而开创自己的事业。 就是她的这种不服输的勇气深深地感染了我,使我认识到:当一个人面临困难的时候,不能轻言放弃,应鼓足勇气去克服。同时我们应尊重自己的内心,努力追求自己的幸福,并为了自己的幸福付出努力。 这就是《飘》给我的人生启示。从下面一些故事中的情节可以清晰的看到Scarlett 的成长历程: _Scarlett认为自己爱Ashley,想得到他; _为了让Ashley妒忌,Scarlett与其他男人调情甚至随便嫁给了一个男人; _憎恶与Ashley结婚的表妹Melanie; _战争岁月与Melanie一起盼望Ashley平......2007-11-30 从下面一些故事中的情节可以清晰的看到Scarlett 的成长历程: _Scarlett认为自己爱Ashley,想得到他; _为了让Ashley妒忌,Scarlett与其他男人调情甚至随便嫁给了一个男人; _憎恶与Ashley结婚的表妹Melanie; _战争岁月与Melanie一起盼望Ashley平安归来; _处心积虑的想要帮助Ashley,小心翼翼的维护着这个男人的尊严,甚至嫁给一个糟老头为得到足够的金钱; _明白了Melanie的善良、宽厚与坚强,为她的离去而悲痛至极; _终于看清了Melanie与Ashley的感情,也看清了她对他的“爱”,并安慰丧妻的Ashley——她的朋友。 一个憧憬并执着追求爱情的女人—— 但虚荣与轻浮又一次次的让她被叛自己的内心。 一个固执的、简直是执拗的女人—— 也因此而没有意识到自己的真爱。 一个被物质的困乏吓坏的女人—— 拿自己的婚姻做物质交易,却从不自责。 当战争将一切浮华洗净,她也终于成熟起来。 从结局来看,Scarlett 意识到自己的所为只是一个可笑的执著与错误,但清醒的同时她也该为此付出代价 —— 她的真爱,Rhett Butler 在一次次被伤害后只身离去。 这个已经学会在困难面前从不放弃的女人想起了父亲的一句话,又给了自己新的希望 —— “Tomorrow is another day ” 。 但我不希望她还能得到幸福的结果 —— 我希望她是完整的。

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The first she at difficult of time presume to undertake a responsibility, although also have commotion, the end still undertake a responsibility, for example she saved the plum 兰妮 , she is heavy to flap tower to pull a park, helping the 阿仕莱 an etc. over a long period of time afterwards. The second she presumes to love, with no regret, one of her youth all Be loving the 阿仕莱 , have no repay but she still didn't give up an effort, until the extreme limit of[with] ability. The third's acknowledging wrong it can change, be her end understand she before for is a mistake, she right away the elephant 瑞 virtuous apology, the claim forgive. Total of to say, the 斯 beauty be rated as the 锦帼 let man of strange woman, in the person the dragon 凤 , no wonder that 瑞 virtuous and such cow person also grovels under her pomegranate skirt. See each time 《the chaotic beauty 》, have different results each young hour see, disliking the 斯嘉丽 that the vainglory love show off,Like the 玫兰妮 of the clean and pure docile, don't like virtuous Ba of glib 瑞勒 especially, like a rare gift of gentle and cultivated 阿 ,Like south such as the life of the beautiful scenery and the pastoral eclogue type draw, don't like a north of superficial with debauchery. Saw many times afterwards after and not from have to respect and admire to the 斯嘉丽 , the good luck is should be a young girl, intractable and young,The matrimony is a fit of impulse revenge for the first time, marry to love of boy, let the oneself become young widow. Matrimony for the second time is for the sake of the families' existence, rend away the younger sister's lover, Kennedy. Although the Kennedy is a half old man son, isn't the opponent of the 斯嘉丽 , facing her cruelty with heartless, he feel helpless. End the indignity almost suffered for the sake of the 斯嘉丽 make reprisals poor white man but is die by person's shot, having the misfortune to die unjustly. But never enjoyed 1:00 of the 斯嘉丽 to the 斯嘉丽 becomes widow again, and is still a rich widow. Fall thick and fast in that battle fire of age, for promising a rare gift of 阿 care is a commitment of the 玫兰妮 , at the north soldier will attack and occupy Atlanta of time,The 斯嘉丽 assists in childbirth for the 玫兰妮 resolutely again, and find out 瑞 virtuous break through the layer after layer bar and toll-gate, return to old house in country -- pottery to pull. At hungry and hungry of, she suffered a mother to die of illness again,the father is stupid,the home is rob, one the poor two whiteses flog heavily shot more,She is unyielding, taking the lead to farm stem to live, shouting command a younger sister to descend a bed to take off cotton, and look after the 玫兰妮 and small wave, prop up the families' living,That time she at most also just young girl about 20 years old, originally should be an acts in pettish in mother's bosom of young girl. But face thus a huge difficulty, she has no choice elusion, but the heavy load that the braveness takes a home,With ordinary people hard 企 and of the perseverance aggro destiny, see the 斯嘉丽 raise turnip toward God to pledge often, will never wish to let the family suffer hardship again to endure hunger,I always feel clapping a slice of director to the usage of the ray and the background is so skillful with the art,It depicted the 斯嘉丽 desire to stabilize,hope earnestly to exist so and vividly,the desire is wealthy of the heart emotion of the mightiness but true. I feel that time of she, have already completed the most difficult 嬗 to change, was broken the cocoon but by an ugly caterpillar to become beautiful 蝶 , free but noble,The 斯嘉丽 of the that time is like a fairy --- to hope earnestly full of,combine for this desire fairy that can stop at nothing. I have to admit, to me, 《the chaotic beauty 》of attraction of so so big, cover virtuous Ba of the 瑞 that the 博 star with Clark 勒 especially absolutely relevant fasten. Certainly, the fee 雯丽眯 wears that double to be like cat so of green eye, charming and seductive, the same also lets the person dump. She is let woman all ability is its heart in torment of woman, she is selfish,cold,heartless,cleverness,stop at nothing,strong,But don't lack docile,beauty,weak;She is a high can't climb of fairy, letting many women all dream of can be like her so,Gather wealth,beautiful looks,ability,strong in whole body, make the 瑞 virtuous so of the man can be she but have ever thought so at least. But I think, the 瑞 is virtuous to give us these female audiences to bring of more is to the sweet imagination of the love and the marriage,He is so handsome, living dangerously so, so self-confident lead a person, full of was filled with the magic power of the mature man also,Should be how much the idol in the female heart. Return to a few parts that the 闪斯嘉丽 is virtuous to meet,acquaint with,love each other and 瑞 in brief here,Can make the person virtuous to瑞 to love me love, persistence from son, be rich with the male magic power impression of the character deep: Part a:The 瑞 is virtuous to see the 斯嘉丽 for the first time is at 12 be like arboretum of dancing party 斯嘉丽 flirts and coquet toward all mans,But discover the 瑞 is virtuous being notice her, the 斯嘉丽 says toward the nearby female companion complaint:"He sees my appearance, be like me and don't wear clothes"It is thus clear that the 瑞 is virtuous to give the person's felling isn't gentle and cultivated, full of gentleman poise, have the classification the person to the current affairs have of the strong insight and influence,Expressed him with general southern man's differentia:Reality,courageous but full of aggression,When he hides in the living room to eavesdrop the 斯嘉丽 courageously toward 阿 a rare gift to show love,But because of encounter to turn down, she flustered and frustratedly 搧阿 the rare gift is a box on the ear, and pulverize a floret bottle, he blew a whistle,Hence he is blame by the 斯嘉丽 in order to isn't a gentleman, but his also rebuking with sarcastic remarks the 斯嘉丽 isn't a real fair lady, letting the 斯嘉丽 spirit pole. The person of a pair meet for the first time be a love to cross swords. Part two:The 斯嘉丽 dies of illness to relax by taking stroll in Atlanta because of checking the 尔斯 , is be in mourning of she, hoping earnestly very can once more fly 旋 in dance floor,Expressed her in the heart to unrestrained,the freedom live of look forward to and imagine. BE the idea that the 瑞 was virtuous to see her, and the heavy gold pried open that to suppress for her but depressed of social morals jailbird's cage,Make her walk up with another southern woman the road of the least same is exactly the decisive one step that the 斯嘉丽 rebels old social morals standard to exceed,But this one step, if have no 瑞 virtuous secretly skillful support and arrangement, the 斯嘉丽 steps by no means. If didn't this pass 健 one step, so in the days to come that ability,want to be strong and combine to block one chaotic beauty-斯嘉丽 of the noodles only to exist by no means! Part three:The 瑞 is virtuous for the sake of the help 斯嘉丽 comeback native district, putting together to die to make a wagon, and help her to embrace the 玫兰妮 and the small wave to the wagon,Experience successively a pain all the way in the meantime, and forthcoming time will arrive, the 瑞 is virtuous to see many southern soldiers heroic fighting, seeing to die if return,Feel keenly to shake, and decide last battlefield, the in defense of home offers a see at this time, for the sake of the beloved woman, he can be born into die; Same, face home is ruin of 境 , he is also a red-blooded person,The director just described a to embed to live dangerously outward appearance in normal times toward us here under,Also have an is sweet for honor to spread red-blooded of the south of the typical model male's image of the heart. We see here, although the 瑞 is virtuous in normal times in very smart,reality, he is inside and in fact a southern person is still. Part four:瑞 Especially Be experiencing the 丧 female's pain and the 斯嘉丽 after the spirit ascend of betray, face its dead of the 玫兰妮 , is all disappointed to disappoint to the pole to everythings,Go home to pack luggage, return an own home town, check an of 尔斯 .When the stupid 斯嘉丽 finally discovers the oneself has already loved deeply 瑞 virtuous,Just discover already end lost an oneself most 瑞 is virtuous to walk finally very simply, let the 斯嘉丽 feel keenly to regret. Until here, we just hear that have ever been the voice that the heart of[with] love but softness fall in pieces, also because of broken up but become"cold heartless" to the 斯嘉丽 ,The 瑞 here is virtuous to just let us feel, this man dares to love to dare to hate, handling an affair very simply and neat, enrich male magic power very much. 用金山全文翻译翻译的。

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