托福 作文 是托福考试中很关键的一个部分,也是我国考生的一大难点。想要拿到托福作文高分,有必要对托福作文题目有深化的研讨和理解,首要就是关于托福写作资料的了解。今日我就给大家介绍八个常考的托福写作论题观点,期望能够协助我们做好托福写作备考。
托福作文全能观点四:习惯与心思(风俗,习惯, 爱好 ,亲情,友情,爱情,乐趣)
托福作文全能观点五:成就感“sense of achievement”(成功,荣誉感,财富,自傲,动力 “motivation”(正面),压力 “pressure”(负面),荣誉感“sense of honor”)
托福作文全能观点六:环保(生态平衡,动物植物的保护,环境污染---水,空气,光,噪声,辐射......生态平衡 “ecological balance”,新时期下的托福作文题目)
托福作文全能观点七:经济(薪酬 ,收入支出,资金“fund”,出资 “investment”,节省 “save”,旅行 “tourism”,工作 “employment”,效益 “profit”,税收 “tax”)
精干:ability, capable, competent...
协作:cooperate, cooperative...
坚忍不拔:persevere, perseverance, persevering...
负责任:responsibility, responsible...
宽恕:tolerate, tolerant, tolerance...
在托福考试时,首要是时刻紧。要在半小时内完结400字左右的 文章 ;其次,在很短时刻内要根据标题想出几条支撑自个观点的理由,并将其有序地组织起来,构成文章,而且还要做到言语地道。所以考生很简单手忙脚乱。所以为了避免这种状况的发生,让考生在短时刻内完结一篇高质量的文章,把握一些窍门是很必要的,用的时分切忌生搬硬套,要灵活运用。在有限的时刻内,在确立了咱们要写的基地观点以后,就要想出几个分观点,敏捷定位,迅速进入写作状况。
比方:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Nowadays, people are putting too much emphasis on appearance and fashion. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
解这道标题,首要从自个动身,怎样好写,怎样简单写,去断定自个的基地观点。假如从disagree 的视点动身,要从哪几个分观点去论说大家并没有对表面和时髦putting too much emphasis 呢?考生在现场可能会抓耳挠腮,一时不知从何下手,这时咱们能够凭借10个分类去逐个验证。
首要,对时髦表面的重视能够协助咱们的Career preparation吗?重视表面,重视时髦反映一自个的日子品尝,自个气质会提高,进而导致大家的重视,这自然会为自个带来意想不到的作业时机,进而开展自个的作业。你能够举例,_ 即是因为往常对时髦的重视,重视表面,气质好,给人形象深入,而在 面试 中锋芒毕露,成功地得到一份好的作业。
第五个,幸福和情感。现代日子的压力越来越大,大家期望能够放松身心,对时髦和表面的重视,能够让大家的身心得到愉悦,减轻作业中的压力。大家仅仅凭借时髦来放松文娱自个,使自个的日子愈加精彩,并不是put too much emphasis。
托福写作教导 总结 了一些if的用法,我们考前看看
[Scenery]Sue has lost her watch. She think it may be at Ann’s house.
SUE: I think I left my watch at your house. Have you seen it?
(1) ANN: no, but I’ll have a look when I get home. If I find it, I’ll tell you.
If I find…., I’ll……
(2) Ann says: If I found a wallet in the street, I’d take it to the police.
If I found……, I’d(=I would)……..(而不是if I find, I’ll…..)
这儿两个语句有着不一样的意思,前者表明Ann觉得她有找到手表的实在也许性.因而才说if I find….., I’ll…..
而后者是彻底不一样的状况.在这儿Ann没有思考实在的也许性;她在虚拟这一个托福 作文 情形,并不认为真的能够在街上拣到手表.所以才说:if I found……,I’d……
if I do……….和if I did………的差异
用if+曩昔式(if I found / if you were / if we didn’t等) 表明虚拟的工作,而不是指曩昔时刻发作的工作:
What would you do if you won a million pounds?
I don’t really want to go to their party, but I probably will go. They’d be offended if I didn’t go
Sarah has decided not to apply for the job. She isn’t really qualified for it, so she probably wouldn’t get it if she applied.
I’d be very frightened if somebody pointed a gun at me.(而非if somebody would point)
If I didn’t go to their party, they’d be offended(而非if I wouldn’t go)
If …….would能够表明用来恳求或人做某事:
I would be grateful if you would send me your brochure as soon as possible.
“Shall I close the door?” “yes, please, If you would.”
Would(‘d) / wouldn’t用于语句的主句(不是if从句)
If you took more exercise, you’d (=you would) probably feel healthier.
Would you mind if I used your phone?
I’m not tired enough to go to bed yet. I wouldn’t sleep.
It would be a serious setback, if the talks were to fail.
If you should need more information, please telephone our main office.
If Alex had asked, I would have been able to help.
it would be a serious setback, were the talks to fail.
Should you need more information, please telephone our main office.
Had Alex asked, I would have been able to help
Had he not resigned, we should have been forced to sack him(不必hadn’t he…..)
再多说一下,在新托福写作中,期望我们举例的时分能够写实例,因为实例有它的特指性和唯一行,当然,假如实在你没有经历过,在举例虚拟一个场景的时分, if起头,就不要弄错了。
托福独立写作五段结构的让步式写 法
退让段,望文生义,就是退了一步的段落。例如,For further career success, is relate well to other people more important than studying hard at school? 选择了同意的立场,写完了三个同意的理由之后,能够再写一点退让段阐述一下反方的观念,即在学校学习好也很重要。写退让段的益处有很多,一是上文提及的最实践的用处---凑字数,二是从行文逻辑看,写一段退让段也能够展示考生思想的紧密性。只需时间允许,此种一举多得的做法为何不尝试呢?
但是,退让段写作也需求遵照一定的准绳。考生在写作时,应当依照三部曲停止:1)写出一个反方观念 2)停止一定水平的削弱 3)重申本人的观念。
1. 写出反方观念
这一步大多数同窗都做得不错,但是在提出反方观念之前,可再加上一些衔接词,例如admittedly, nevertheless等等。还拿之前拿到标题做例子,For further career success, is relate well to other people more important than studying hard at school? 总观念是同意,退让段写学习好也挺重要的。第一步引出反方观念时,应写:Admittedly, acquiring an excellent GPA is one significant proof of your ability, for "study" is one of the major tasks that students are supposed to fulfill in school.
2. 停止一定水平的削弱
这是大多数同窗会疏忽的一步。很多同窗在写退让段的时分,喜欢跳过第二步,直接重申本人的观念,但是这样的写法会显得逻辑上牵强,行文也显得僵硬。因而,在提出反方观念时要停止一定的削弱。例如在写完上文那句话之后,应加上:However, the outstanding scores only prove the intelligence of the student, while the EQ, largely reflected by how well you relate with others, plays an utmost significant role in the future career success.
3. 重申本人的观念
这一步十分重要,由于退让段的提出仅仅是小插曲,重要的还是本人的观念。切不可写了退让段,就忘了本人的立场,那样就是得失相当了。因而,在写完上面两句话之后,需求再加上一句,therefore, I still hold the opinion that relate well with others is more important than acquiring high scores in school.
is more important than reading books in order to understand the people and the world. Do you agree or disagree with the statement Use specific reasons to support your answer.
people like different friends. Others like similar friends. Compare the advantages of these two? kinds of friends. Which kind of friend do you prefer. Explain why?
they complete their university studies, some students live in their hometowns, others live in? different towns or cities. Which do you think is better ... living in your hometown or living in different towns or cities. Give specific reasons for your answer.
people believe that newspaper are the best source of news. Others think that the news is presented? better on radio or television. Which of these sources of news do you prefer? Use specific examples to? support your choice.
people learn best when a classroom lesson is presented in an entertaining , enjoyable way. Other? people learn best when a lesson is presented in a serious, formal way. Which of these two ways of? learning do you prefer? Give reasons to support your answer.
people say that the best preparation for life is learning to be cooperative. Others take the opposite? view and say that learning to be competitive is the best preparation. Tell which one you agree with and explain why.
people pay money for the things they want or need. Other people trade products or goods for? what they need. Compare the advantages of these two ways of obtaining things. Which way do you? prefer? Explain why.
people believe that growing up in a large family, with several sisters and brothers, offers? more advantages than disadvantages. Other people think that being the only child is more? advantageous. Write a short essay in which you discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each position. Explain which position you support.
people think studying in a university is worthwhile only because you can get a degree. Do you? agree or disagree with the statement? Give specific reasons to support your answer.
such as eyeglasses and the sewing machine have had an important effect on our lives.? Choose another invention that you think is important. Give specific reasons for your choice.
think that playing a game is fun only when you win. Do you agree or disagree with the? statement. Use specific reasons to support your answer.
research center is going to be established in a university. There is an argument whether to establish an agricultural center or a business one. Which do your think is better. Use specific reasons to support your answer.
are the people who live near us. In your opinion, what are the qualities of a good neighbor? Use specific details and examples in your answer?
people like to eat at home and prepare food for themselves, others like to eat outside in restaurants or foodstands. Which way of eating do you prefer.? give specific reasons and examples to illustrate your answer.
say that the world would be a better place now if the automobile had never been invented. Decide if you agree or disagree with this statement and give specific reasons for your decision.
people say that the best way to raise children is to encourage them to be independent thinkers. Others disagree and say that children need to be taught discipline in order to become successful. Using specific examples, discuss these two opinions. State which one you agree with and why?
people like to work or study at night, others like to work or study during the day. Which do you prefer-work or study at night or during the day? Give specific reasons and examples to illustrate your answer.
people like to study alone, others like to study with several people together. Which do you prefer-study alone or study with other people? Give specific reasons and examples to illustrate your answer.
people like to use computers to type letter, others like to write letters with a pen. Which do you prefer and why?
companies like to employ younger and enthusiastic people, other companies like to employ older and experienced people. If you were a boss, which kind of people do you like to employ. Give reasons and specific examples to illustrate your answer.
21.“It”s better to make wrong decision dm make no decision at all.“ Do you agree or disagree with the statement. Give reasons or specific examples to illustrate your answer.
people tend to work only for money, while others believe that people should enjoy what opinion do. Which opinion do you prefer? Explain why?
people tend to study a subject in a very intensive way over a short period of time, while others tend to study a subject constantly over a long period of time. What do you think is a better way of learning? Explain why.
the money invested into a university be used to improve the library or to improve the physical training facilities? What do you think? Why?
the money invested into a university library be used to buy books or to buy computer? What do you think? Why?
如果说,幸福是源自爱,那么无论爱与被爱,都会觉幸福......下面是我整理的以幸福为话题的作文,欢迎阅读。 与幸福同行 如果说,幸福是源自爱,那么无论爱与被爱,
有人说:幸福就是平平淡淡的过完一生。其实,幸福,是一种毫无杂质的情感。下面就是我给大家带来的幸福 议论文 800字,希望大家喜欢! 【篇一】幸福议论文800
托福 作文 是托福考试中很关键的一个部分,也是我国考生的一大难点。想要拿到托福作文高分,有必要对托福作文题目有深化的研讨和理解,首要就是关于托福写作资料的了