实用 功能Practical & Functional潮流 灵感Trendy & Inspiring文化 生活Culture & Life实用 功能家,是生活的积累和自我气质的展现。《瑞丽家居设计》,将饰家变成简单的事,让家住着舒心看着美丽,实在好用又真实温馨。在令人眼花缭乱的选择中、在层出不穷的流行里,让你收获最贴心的产品、最适合的风格、最实用的功能、最详尽的打造方案……精彩又踏实的家,不仅是展现于他人面前的理想画面,更是完全属于自己的居住之地Practical & FunctionalHome is the reflection of the life experience and character of those who live in it. RAYLI HOME simplifies home décor, and creates a comfortable, inviting, practical, and warm place to live. It helps you find the products and styles that are perfect for you, the most practical functions, and the most comprehensive solutions among the myriad of choices and ever-evolving fashion trends. A fabulous and pragmatic home both presents an ideal world in front of others and serves as a residence for its inhabitants潮流 灵感时尚的步伐总是千变万化、灵感叠现。装修和装饰家,同样是创意不断、新鲜创造的过程。《瑞丽家居设计》第一时间汇聚当下家居最in趋势、最热最top的潮流热点。展现设计师的台前幕后、最新产品灵感、最潮风格理念,以及其在居住生活空间的实际案例。从饰材到饰品,让最具灵感的元素极致发挥,呈现艺术创意,带来惊喜无限Trendy & InspiringFashion changes all the time and is never short of inspiration. Likewise, creative and original ideas keep emerging in home décor and furnishing. RAYLI HOME keeps track of the trendiest, hottest and best ideas in home furnishing. There are real cases showing the works, inside stories, new inspirations, latest avant-garde concepts and lives of designers. From materials to accessories, it explores the ultimate potential in the most inspiring elements, displays artistic innovation and creates endless surprises生活 文化优雅高品的生活,蕴涵着细腻精致的文化和智慧。《瑞丽家居设计》,展现潮流前沿,更细细考量家居生活的传统点滴,品味并弘扬文化经典。精确把握设计原味的同时,将文化内涵与生活智慧贯穿于细节与生活艺术之中,在布置、装扮家和生活的同时,带来全方位的审美提升和愉悦享受Culture & LifeIn life, it is the wisdom and sophistication in cultural appreciation that cultivates elegance and quality. While presenting the cutting-edge trends, RAYLI HOME learns and promotes cultural classics by taking a closer look at traditions in home and living. It seeks to accurately grasp original designs, and instill cultural understanding and life’s wisdom into the art of living. Through the renovation and decoration of the home, we are able to better enjoy and appreciate life in every respect
《瑞丽家居设计》是 《瑞丽》杂志社于2010年12月1日出版的杂志,2012年,荣膺“2011~2012中国报刊广告投放价值排行榜期刊30强” 2012年,在第7届亚洲品牌盛典上荣获“亚洲知名品牌奖”。
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伦敦沙宣美发学院创办人维达沙宣(Vidal Sassoon)于1928年出生于伦敦,是在逆境中奋斗而美梦成真的传奇人物。生於伦敦市的狭小巷弄中,他的童年颠沛流离