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首页 > 期刊论文 > 风光互补系统毕业论文设计

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我国具有丰富的太阳能、风能资源,并已经应用于许多领域。但不能避免的是,无论风力资源还是太阳能资源都是不确定的,由于资源的不确定性,风力发电和太阳发电系统发出的电具有不平衡性,不能直接用来给负载供电。为了给负载提供稳定的电源,必须借助蓄电池这个“中枢”才能给负载提供稳定的电源,由蓄电池、太阳能电池板、风力发电机以及控制器等构成的分布式风光互补发电系统能将风能和太阳能在时间上和地域上的互补性很好的衔接起来,形成分布式发电。1、 风力发电机风力发电机是将风力机的机械能转化为电能的设备。风力发电机分为直流发电机和交流发电机 。1)直流发电机。电励磁直流发电机。该类发电机分自励、它励和复励三种形式,小型直流发电系统一般和蓄电池匹配使用,装置容量一般为1000 w以下。永磁直流发电机。这种发电机与电励磁式直流发电机相比结构简单,其输出电压随风速变化,需在发电机和负载间增加蓄电池和控制系统,通过调节控制系统占空比来调节输出电压。由于直流发电机构造复杂、价格昂贵,而且直流发电机带有换向器和整流子,一旦出现故障,维护十分麻烦,因此在实际应用中此类风力发电机较少采用。2)交流发电机。交流发电机分:同步发电机和异步发电机。同步发电机在同步转速时工作,同步转速是由同步发电机的极数和频率共同决定,而异步发电机则是以略高于同步发电机的转速工作。主要有无刷爪极自励发电机、整流自励交流发电机、感应发电机和永磁发电机等。在小型风力发电系统中主要使用三相永磁同步发电机。三相永磁同步发电机一般体积较小、效率较高、而且价格便宜。永磁同步发电机的定子结构与一般同步电机相同,转子采用永磁结构,由于没有励磁绕组,不消耗励磁功率,因而有较高的效率。另外,由于永磁同步发电机省去了换向装置和电刷,可靠性高,定子铁耗和机械损耗相对较小,使用寿命长。2、太阳能光伏电池原理光伏电池是直接将太阳能转换为电能的器件,其工作原理是:当太阳光辐射到光伏电池的表面时,光子会冲击光伏电池内部的价电子,当价电子获得大于禁带宽度eg的能量,价电子就会冲出共价键的约束从价带激发到导带,产生大量非平衡状态的电子-空穴对。被激发的电子和空穴经自由碰撞后,在光伏电池半导体中复合达到平衡。3、蓄电池蓄电池作为风光互补发电系统的储能设备,在整个发电系统中起着非常重要的作用。首先,由于自然风和光照是不稳定的,在风力、光照过剩的情况下,存储负载供电多余的电能,在风力、光照欠佳时,储能设备蓄电池可以作为负载的供电电源;其次,蓄电池具有滤波作用,能使发电系统更加平稳的输出电能给负载;另外,风力发电和光伏发电很容易受到气候、环境的影响,发出的电量在不同时刻是不同的,也有很大差别。作为它们之间的“中枢”,蓄电池可以将它们很好的连接起来,可以将太阳能和风能综合起来,实现二者之间的互补作用。常用蓄电池主要有铅酸蓄电池、碱性镍蓄电池和镉镍蓄电池。随着电储能技术的不断发展,产生了越来越多新的储能方式,如超导储能、超级电容储能、燃料电池等。由于造价便宜、使用简单、维修方便、原材料丰富,而且在技术上不断取得进步和完善,因此在小型风力发电及光伏发电中铅酸蓄电池已得到广泛的应用。本文设计的智能型风光互补发电系统采用铅酸蓄电池作为储能设备。

325 评论


The point of this thesis is the design moderate breezes of the solar energy light 伏 system, the light repairs system with each other of solar energy light 伏 generates electricity the design of system to is divided into software design and hardware design, and the software design designs in the hardware software design includes:The load uses the calculation of electricity quantity, solar cell phalanx noodles radiation quantity of calculation, of[with] the calculation and twos of solar cell, storage battery dosage match mutually of excellent turn a design, solar cell phalanx install 倾 Cape of calculation, system circulate analytical etc. of[with] the estimate and the system economic performance of[with] hardware design includes:Load of choose a type and necessity of the design, solar cell and storage battery choose a type, the design of solar cell support, go against to change a machine to choose type and design, and control, measure the system choose type and electricity system to the large solar energy light 伏 , have to also have light 伏 battery phalanx the design of the field, defend the design that the thunder connects ground and go together with electricity system of design and assistance or back up the power supply choose type and the software design concerns complicated solar energy radiation quantity and installs 倾 Cape and system an excellent design calculation for turning, generally from calculator to complete of;Can also adopt the way for estimating under the sistuation that haven't that strict request. Scene's supplying again electricity system with each other can carry on system capacity with the electricity burden circumstance and resources condition according to the customer of the reasonable install, promise the credibility of system power supply then, and then can lower to generate electricity system to build matter what kind of it is environment with how of use an electricity request, scene's supplying again electricity systems with each other can make superior turn of system design project to satisfy the request of say, scene's supplying again electricity system with each other is the most reasonable independent power supply system.

264 评论


小型风光互补路灯控制器设计论文编号:JD570 包括原理图,论文字数:23372,页数:报告了风光互补发电技术中风能、太阳能的利用现状;(2)介绍了蓄电池的充

114 评论


This paper focuses on solar photovoltaic system design and scenery complementary system design. Photovoltaic power generation system design software design and hardware design, software design and hardware design in the first. Software design include : load consumption, solar cell array of surface radiation, solar cells, Battery amount of calculation and mutual match between the optimum design, solar array installation inclination, operation of the system of forecasting and system cost-effective analysis. Hardware design, including : the selection and load the necessary design, solar batteries and battery selection, Solar battery stent design, the inverter selection and design, and control, measurement system selection and design. For large-scale solar photovoltaic power generation system, we should also have the PV array market design, mine grounding design, distribution system design and support or reserve power supply selection and design. Due to a software design involves complex solar radiation, installation and system optimization angle design, is usually completed by the computer; In less stringent requirements circumstances, it can take estimation approach. Sightseeing complementary generating system users can load and resource conditions of system capacity in the rational allocation can guarantee the reliability of electricity supply systems, and can also lower the cost of power generation system. No matter what the environment is and how the electricity requirements, Sightseeing power system can make optimal system design programs to meet the user's requirements. It should be said that the scenery complementary generating system is the most reasonable independent power supply system.

283 评论


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203 评论


The focal point of this thesis is that solar energy only bends over the systematic design and design of complementary system of scene. The design of the solar energy solar cell system is divided into software design and hardware and designed, and software design is prior to the hardware to design. Software design includes: Calculation of the power consumption of load, calculation of radiation quantity the square matrix of the solar cell, calculation of solar cell, battery consumption and optimization design matching each other between the two, install calculation of the inclination, prediction of the systematic running situation and analysis of systematic economic benefits,etc. in square matrix of the solar cell. The hardware is designed and included: The selecting type of load and essential design, the selecting types of solar cell and battery, the design of the solar cell support, go against the selecting type of the becoming device and design, and control, measuring system selecting type and designing. As to the large-scale solar energy solar cell system, glazed to bend over battery square matrix design of field, prevent thunder earth design, distribution design and assist or spare selecting type of power and design of system from. Because software design involves the complicated radiation amount of solar energy, installs the design of inclination and system optimization to calculate, Generally finished by the computer; Can adopt the method estimated too on condition that require not very strict. Scene complementary electricity generation system can follow power consuming load situation and resource terms of user carry on systematic reasonable disposition of capacity, can that security system supply power dependability, can reduce fabrication cost of electricity generation system. No matter what kind of environment and how complementary electricity generation system can systematic design plan optimized most to make come requirement to satisfied with user with require scene by electricity. Should say, the complementary electricity generation system of scene is the most rational independent power system. 本人英语6级,一定可以的

135 评论


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