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1/48【题 名】基于multi-Agent的连锁企业物流配送【作 者】李爽【刊 名】集团经济研究.2007(07Z).-189-1892/48【题 名】连锁超市物流配送模式及其选择【作 者】贾兴洪【刊 名】商场现代化.2007(07Z).-141-1423/48【题 名】城市连锁起市配送中心的发展及其规划【作 者】李翠芝【刊 名】商场现代化.2007(07S).-124-1254/48【题 名】连锁商业配送中心规划决策分析【作 者】张毅[1,2] 李金辉[1] 邢占文[2]【刊 名】江苏商论.2007(4).-16-175/48【题 名】连锁超市物流配送控制新方法【作 者】顾淑红【刊 名】商业时代.2007(10).-17-186/48【题 名】农村连锁超市物流配送策略研究【作 者】杨国军 钟立群【刊 名】商场现代化.2007(05S).-48-487/48【题 名】浅议物流配送在药品零售连锁企业中的应用【作 者】赵兴艳【刊 名】中国市场.2007(2).-22-228/48【题 名】论新时期我国连锁零售企业现代物流配送管理【作 者】王颖【刊 名】商场现代化.2006(12Z).-161-1629/48【题 名】我国零售连锁业中协作型直通配送研究【作 者】但斌 孙家文【刊 名】商业经济与管理.2006(12).-14-1710/48【题 名】连锁门店选址与配送中心选择联合决策的f-MIGP模型【作 者】关志民 陈兆春【刊 名】控制与决策.2006,21(12).-1397-1401,140611/48【题 名】我国快餐连锁企业配送中心建设思路【作 者】刘致良【刊 名】特区经济.2006(10).-226-22712/48【题 名】问题与对策:我国连锁物流配送中心的建设【作 者】李曙明【刊 名】商场现代化.2006(07X).-92-9313/48【题 名】汽修连锁企业配送与相关财务会计问题的分析和思考【作 者】张岚【刊 名】财会研究(甘肃).2006(10).-38-3914/48【题 名】用SuperMap Object开发基于GIS的连锁店配送信息系统【作 者】尹涛【刊 名】计算机工程与设计.2006,27(17).-3189-319215/48【题 名】中式正餐连锁配送与其他业态业种连锁配送的比较【作 者】付岗 廖洪柳 王常红【刊 名】集团经济研究.2006(06X).-251-25116/48【题 名】连锁百货业:配送方式亟待改变【作 者】王彦嫣【刊 名】中国物流与采购.2006(9).-44-4517/48【题 名】考虑反向物流的连锁经营配送路径的优化设计【作 者】江玮璠 何建民【刊 名】合肥工业大学学报:自然科学版.2006,29(5).-609-61218/48【题 名】基于网格计算的商业连锁企业物流配送信息处理【作 者】伍汝祺【刊 名】商业经济与管理.2006(5).-32-3519/48【题 名】Voronoi分割模式下连锁企业物流配送系统的设计与实现【作 者】严洁云 石松 肖桂荣【刊 名】计算机应用.2006,26(5).-1202-120420/48【题 名】连锁企业物流配送策略分析【作 者】陈刚【刊 名】科技进步与对策.2006,23(4).-143-14521/48【题 名】连锁经营物流配送模式的选择【作 者】王杨【刊 名】集团经济研究.2005(12S).-156-15722/48【题 名】基于电子商务的连锁经营物流配送体系框架探讨【作 者】彭鸿广【刊 名】商业研究.2005(20).-203-20623/48【题 名】基于GIS的连锁企业商品配送服务【作 者】王远飞[1] 朱海燕[1] 叶雷[2]【刊 名】测绘科学.2005,30(5).-62-6424/48【题 名】2005年中国邮政在农村建7万处农资连锁配送点【作 者】无【刊 名】农药.2005,44(6).-253-25325/48【题 名】连锁经营商品配送发展研究——以成都市为例【作 者】向宏志【刊 名】西南民族大学学报:人文社会科学版.2005,26(2).-161-16326/48【题 名】7—11连锁便利店物流配送体系研究【作 者】许利华【刊 名】商场现代化.2005(2).-84-8527/48【题 名】讯宝科技部署WLAN企业移动解决方案——苏果连锁超市配送中心实现高效物流管理【作 者】无【刊 名】计算机与网络.2005(1).-50-5028/48【题 名】连锁经营的物流配送中心建设【作 者】张玉刚【刊 名】商业研究.2004(5).-168-17029/48【题 名】连锁超市配送决策支持系统的模型与实现【作 者】欧广宇 曹渠江【刊 名】上海理工大学学报.2004,26(3).-271-27430/48【题 名】试析我国连锁企业配送中心面临的问题及对策【作 者】欧阳泉【刊 名】价格月刊.2004(5).-35-3631/48【题 名】配送中心建设及服务创新——我国连锁企业经营战略【作 者】雷雯霏 王明明【刊 名】商场现代化.2003(12).-42-4332/48【题 名】突破瓶颈全面推进——双汇集团实施商业连锁配送系统体验【作 者】郭红【刊 名】商场现代化.2003(8).-10-1133/48【题 名】连锁书店配送系统的合理规划问题【作 者】吴赟【刊 名】出版发行研究.2003(4).-36-3834/48【题 名】论我国连锁经营配送中心的构建【作 者】陆淳鸿【刊 名】商业研究.2003(5).-153-15435/48【题 名】连锁经营企业配送中心建设关键问题的探讨【作 者】霍红[1] 霍岩[2]【刊 名】商业研究.2003(4).-56-5836/48【题 名】华夏陶瓷博览城南国连锁配送中心成立【作 者】无【刊 名】中国物流与采购.2003(4).-12-1237/48【题 名】我国连锁商业配送中心的沿革与发展【作 者】王焰【刊 名】商场现代化.2003(3).-19-2138/48【题 名】连锁业物流配送中心的问题及其对策【作 者】刘培松【刊 名】经济管理.2003(11).-76-7839/48【题 名】建好配送中心拓展连锁经营【作 者】邱坚【刊 名】江苏商论.2003(2).-14-1540/48【题 名】国内外连锁业配送中心的比较分析【作 者】徐杰 汝宜红【刊 名】交通企业管理.2002(9).-28-2941/48【题 名】论物流配送是连锁经营成功的关键环节【作 者】梁红岩【刊 名】生产力研究.2002(4).-50-5242/48【题 名】突破连锁配送瓶颈【作 者】王焰【刊 名】商业时代.2002(07A).-5-643/48【题 名】连锁经营与物流配送中心建设【作 者】韩晓莉【刊 名】商业研究.2002(6).-141-14344/48【题 名】全国经贸工作会议确定发展连锁经营、物流配送是今年重中之重【作 者】无【刊 名】中国物流与采购.2002(6).-8-945/48【题 名】连锁经营的商品配送模式分析【作 者】王文莲【刊 名】商场现代化.2002(3).-18-2046/48【题 名】超级专业店的连锁经营与配送中心的配置决策【作 者】龚树忠[1] 张闯[2]【刊 名】财经问题研究.2002(4).-69-7147/48【题 名】管好物流配送发展连锁经营【作 者】李志峰【刊 名】商场现代化.2001(7).-21-2248/48【题 名】配送是图书连锁经营的基础—关于上海图书配送跨越发展的启示【作 者】蔡国诚【刊 名】出版广角.2001(12).-53-54

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这个有3000吧! 自从二十世纪八十年代开始,现代物流率先出现于欧美等工业国家,并以其独特的魅力受到全球工商界企业的青睐,得到了迅猛的发展,被誉为企业发展的“加速器”和二十一世纪的“黄金产业”,成为新兴的经济增长点。现在,在世界各国,越来越多的企业不惜巨资投向现代物流企业,同时现代物流企业也成为了全球金融投资家关注的重点行业之一。现代物流,炙手可热。 在钢铁产品流通领域内,现代物流意味着包括钢材在内的生产资料和生活资料等所有物质资料从供给者到需求者的物理性活动,是为了满足消费者需求而进行的对原材料、中间库存、最终产品及相关信息从起始地到消费地的有效流动及存储的计划、实施与控制的过程。现代物流强调的是这个过程的有效流动与存储,以及信息及管理在物流中的作用。 我国钢铁行业物流现状 我国钢材流通领域的物流产业与欧美等发达国家相比,从总体来说,还是处于比较落后的状态,主要是存在以下五个方面的不足: 物流产业起步较晚 各自为战,尚未建立全国范围内的物流体系 基础配套设施等硬件条件差 经营管理理念和方法不先进 现代物流的认识和理论研究还有待提高 在看到我国钢铁流通领域内物流产业的不足之处的同时,我们也要看到经过各个方面不懈努力取得的进步和成绩。现在,我国钢铁行业及钢材流通领域的现代物流基本上是处于良性循环的蓬勃发展趋势之中。 大型钢铁企业纷纷兴办物流公司,利用自身雄厚的人力、物力资源,打造出享誉我国钢铁流通领域内的物流企业品牌。从1982年开始,鞍钢就设计并实施了众多的大型技改项目的物流解决方案,累计运输和管理进出口物资总值高达300多亿元人民币,积累了丰富的现代物流经验。鞍钢物流业的发展是立足在其自身的四大优势基础之上的:一是在许多港口的费率是同类企业中最低的;二是与许多船舶公司、航空公司已经建立了良好的伙伴关系;三是与海关、商检部门有良好的合作,通关能力十分强;四是具有良好的品牌和信誉,这也是鞍钢发展物流业的最大资本。目前,辽宁省内许多企业已表示出浓厚的与鞍钢物流企业合作的愿望,其中三家企业已通过鞍钢国贸国际货运有限公司做成了生意。 中小型钢铁企业也不甘心失去发展现代物流的有利契机,同时希望通过现代物流的强力推动,缩短与大型钢铁企业间的距离。莱钢根据企业物流的现状,在物流优化和整合上大做文章,以便降低企业物流成本,提高企业的综合竞争能力。为此,莱钢专门成立了“现代物流管理部”,负责莱钢物流的优化与整合工作;聘请物流专家对莱钢的物流进行诊断,制定物流优化整合方案,指导企业进行现代物流管理创新;建立物流优化与整合的数字模型,将各个生产企业的原燃料采购、生产过程的半成品转移及产品销售至用户的全过程进行系统优化,以从更大范围内优化企业生产成本,实现莱钢物流管理的整体创新。 网上招标与采购,是钢铁产品与钢材流通领域内迈向现代物流的实质性一步。“中国钢铁联合采购招标系统”自2001年10月在国内冶金行业正式推出后,发展势头十分强劲。这一系统可以提供全程进行网上发标、加密投标、截标、网上解密开标的招标采购平台,并且采用了用户IC卡系统和先进的复合数字加密技术。如今,通过“中国钢铁联合采购招标系统”已累计实现网上采购额亿元。2002年1月,北京首钢新钢有限责任公司通过“中国钢铁联合采购招标系统”网上发布9大类48个标书,采购品种规格共有200多个,价值达到8258万元,之后举行网上开标,实施采购,参加网上投标的供应商有76家。现在,越来越多的供应商以钢铁企业网上招标采购为契机,积极参加网上供应行列,进入这一网上大市场。 相比国外企业差距明显 在我国,钢铁系统物流产业的发展毕竟还才起步,从整体上看,还不能适应钢铁生产和钢材贸易发展的需要,物流企业在规模、效益、物流技术和管理水平等方面与国外物流企业相比,还存在很大的差距,面临着许多亟待解决的问解,主要表现在以下八个方面: 钢铁行业的物流缺乏整体规划,各环节没有理顺,物流布局不合理,物流成本很高,物流方式单一,物流市场无序竞争,导致物流业整体效益不佳。 专业化程度不高,业态发展不平衡,企业“大而全”、“小而全”的现象较为普遍,专业化程度低,物流运输、仓储的现代水平较低,物流中心和配送中心的建设在规模和发展速度上都还不适应现代物流的要求。 物流系统效率低下,物流成本居高不下,主要表现在运输时间、储存时间、基础设施劳动生产率等三个方面。 物流基础设施不匹配,物流技术装备水平低,物流中心和配送中心的建设规模和发展速度都不适应现代物流的要求。我国的钢铁企业多数都是计划经济下的产物,条块分割、多头管理的传统经营管理模式的影响根深蒂固,导致各种物流基础设施的规划和建设缺乏必要的协调,因而配套性、兼容性差,导致系统功能不强。 物流系统一般技术水平低,装备落后。在仓储设施方面,第三方物流企业拥有的仓库70%是普通平房仓库,现代化立体自动化仓储设施比例较低,具有冷藏、保鲜、气调的仓库更少。在使用的搬运工具中,人工搬运车、手推叉车和普通起重设备占到70%以上,而可视屏叉车等现代化的搬运工具却很少采用。第三方物流企业拥有的运输车辆中,普通车辆占到70%以上,现代化的箱式货柜和集装箱拖头及特种运输车辆却很少。 物流专业人才短缺。物流人才是钢铁系统的物流业发展的关键,也是物流企业成长的保障。而我们钢铁企业或钢材流通领域的物流管理和人才培养,都还相当滞后,没有形成适应我国现状的物流理论和现代物流管理体系,物流人才培育比较困难。 标准化建设滞后。物流是跨地区、跨行业的运作系统,标准化程度的高低不仅关系到各种物流功能、要素之间的有效衔接和协调发展,也在很大程度上影响着物流效率的提高。物流器具标准不配套,托盘标准化没有推行,严重影响了物流的效率。 信息化程度低,现代营销和经营水平不高。目前不少从事钢材贸易的经营企业,大多还处于电话联系、手工操作、人工装卸较低层次的运作阶段。而在现代物流系统中,物流信息并不局限于单个企业的内部,需要在相关企业进行广泛的交换。在相关交易者之间进行网络连接,零售企业向批发企业或厂商发出的订货信息会同时发往物流企业,从而实现即时交货。但现在绝大多数的钢材贸易商是依*纸媒体的信息传递,这显然是无法实现钢材的现代物流。 尽管我国刚刚起步的钢铁流通领域内的物流企业还存在诸多问题,然而其发展的前景十分广阔,有着巨大的发展潜力和成长空间。随着我国经济的持续发展、市场经济的逐渐成熟、全球经济结构调整及产业的不断升级,这都将使我国钢铁行业的物流业的地位和作用发生深刻的变化,物流业必须成为促进我国钢铁工业和钢材贸易蓬勃发展的重要载体。 Since the 20th century, the beginning of the 1980s, modern logistics first appeared in Europe and the United States and other industrial countries, and its unique charm by the global business enterprises favored by the rapid development Hailed as the development of enterprises "accelerator" and the 21st century "gold industry," and become a new point of economic growth. Now, the nations of the world, more and more enterprises at Juzidouxiang modern logistics enterprises Meanwhile modern logistics enterprises have become the global financial investors concerned about one of the key sectors. Modern logistics, hot. In the circulation of steel products, Modern logistics means including steel, means of production and means of subsistence all material information from supplier to the demand - Rational activities, in order to meet consumer demand for the right raw materials, intermediate stock, the final product and related information from the consumer to start to the effective flow and storage of the planning, implementation and control of the process. Modern logistics emphasis of this process is efficient, effective flow and storage, and information management and logistics in the role. China's steel industry logistics situation of China's steel domain to the logistics industry and Europe and the United States and other developed nations, Generally speaking, or at a relatively backward state, is primarily the following five aspects of the inadequate : Logistics Industry late start fighting each other, yet to establish a nationwide system of logistics supporting infrastructure such as hardware poor management philosophy and methods are not advanced modern Logistics understanding and theoretical research remains to be seen in the increase in China's steel circulation within the logistics industry shortcomings in the meantime, We have to see that through all aspects of the unremitting efforts made progress and achievements. Now, China's iron and steel industry and steel circulation of modern logistics is basically a benign cycle in the vigorous development trends. Large iron and steel enterprises have set up logistics companies, using its abundant human and material resources, The building of China's steel circulation reputation in the field of logistics enterprises brand. From the beginning in 1982, when the volume on the design and implementation of a large number of major technology projects logistics solutions, total transport and import and export goods and materials management worth more than 300 billion yuan, has accumulated a wealth of experience of modern logistics. Angang development of the logistics industry is based on its own foundation of the four major advantages : First, in many ports rate is the lowest among similar enterprises; Second, with many shipping companies. Airlines have established a good partnership; Third, customs, commodity inspection departments have good cooperation. clearance capacity is very strong; 4 is a good brand and reputation, it is also Angang development of the logistics industry in the largest capital. Currently, many enterprises in Liaoning province have expressed strong with Angang logistics enterprises desire to cooperate these three enterprises have adopted international cargo Angang ITC Ltd. made a business. Small and medium-sized iron and steel enterprises have not reconciled to losing the development of modern logistics of the favorable opportunity, also hope that through modern logistics of promoting strong, with large steel shorten the distance between enterprises. Laigang logistics enterprises under the current situation, the logistics optimization and integration of a big fuss about the logistics enterprises in order to reduce costs, enhance the comprehensive competitiveness. To this end, Laiwu Steel established the "Modern Logistics Management," responsible for the logistics of Laigang optimization and integration; hire experts on the logistics of the logistics Laigang diagnosis, develop integrated logistics optimization program, direct enterprises in modern logistics management innovation; the establishment of logistics optimization and integration of numerical models, all of the original production enterprises fuel procurement, production process and the transfer of semi-finished products to the customer sales process for system optimization, from the greater scope to optimize production costs and achieve Laigang the overall logistics management innovation. Online bidding and procurement, steel products and steel circulation towards modern logistics substantive step. "China's steel joint procurement tender system" since October 2001 in the domestic metallurgical industry following the formal launch of development momentum is very strong. The system can provide full Internet Hair, encryption tender, the tender closing, the online decryption opening a tender for the procurement platform, and the use of IC card system and advanced composite digital encryption technology. Today, the "Chinese steel joint procurement tender system" has realized a total online purchases 450 million yuan. January 2002. Beijing Shougang Steel new limited liability company through "Chinese steel joint procurement tender system," published online September 48 largest category of bids , procurement specifications varieties were more than 200, the value of million yuan, to be held after the opening of the Internet, implementation of the procurement, participate in the online bidding vendors are 76. Now, an increasing number of suppliers to the steel business online bidding for the opportunity to actively participate in the ranks of online suppliers, Internet access to the big market. Compared with foreign enterprises, an obvious gap in our steel logistics system, after all, the development of the industry will also start from the overall perspective, still unable to meet steel production and steel trade development needs of logistics enterprises in terms of scale, efficiency, logistics technology and management standards with respect to foreign logistics enterprises, there is a wide gap between faced many pressing to resolve the question of solutions, mainly in the following eight areas : the iron and steel industry, logistics lack of overall planning, the segment did not straighten out, the logistics of irrational arrangement, the high cost of logistics, logistics means of a single, disordered competition in the logistics market, logistics industry as a whole led to poor efficiency. The degree of specialization is not high, Business uneven development, enterprises, "large and all-embracing", "dumbbell" of a common phenomenon, and Low degree of specialization, transport and logistics, warehousing modern low level. logistics centers and distribution centers in the construction scale and the pace of development has not yet adapted to the demands of modern logistics. Inefficient logistics system, the high cost of logistics, mainly in the transport, storage time, infrastructure such as labor productivity in three aspects. Logistics infrastructure does not match, the logistics technology and equipment, the low level logistics center and distribution center of the scale and speed of development of modern logistics do not meet the requirements. China's iron and steel enterprises are mostly under the planned economy product fragmentation, overlapping management and the traditional management patterns of deep-rooted, led to various logistics infrastructure planning and construction of a lack of the necessary coordination, thus compatibility and coordination poor, lead to the system function is not strong. Logistics systems generally low level of technology, equipment behind. Storage and warehousing facilities, the third party logistics warehouse owned 70% ordinary cottage warehouse, Stereo modern automated storage facilities a lower proportion is frozen, refrigeration, air conditioning fewer warehouses. In the use of the removal tool, manual handling car, pushing a forklift and the general lifting equipment accounted for more than 70%, and can screen forklift handling and other modern tools has been rarely used. Third-party logistics enterprises owned transport vehicles, ordinary vehicles accounted for more than 70%, modern box-type containers and container tractors and special transport vehicles were few. Shortage of logistics professionals. Steel logistics personnel system is the development of the logistics industry is seen as a key logistics enterprises grow protection. Our steel or steel circulation field of logistics management and personnel training, are also considerable lag, not suitable to the status of China's logistics theory and modern logistics management systems, logistics personnel training more difficult. Standardization lag. Logistics is a trans-regional and cross-sectoral operating system, the level of standardization is not only related to various logistics functions, elements of an effective interface between the development and coordination, has also significantly influenced the logistics efficiency. Logistics support equipment standards, standardization tray is not implemented, a serious impact on the efficiency of logistics. A low degree of information technology, modern marketing and operating level is not high. Many in the steel trade enterprises, are still in the telephone links by hand. Artificial handling low-level operational phase. In modern logistics system, the Logistics Information is not confined to a single enterprise's internal, In related businesses need a wide-ranging exchange. In related transactions between network connectivity, Retail enterprises to manufacturers and wholesale enterprises or orders issued by the information will also be sent to the logistics businesses, thereby achieving prompt delivery. But now, the majority of the steel traders according * permits the transmission of information to the media, it is impossible to achieve the steel of modern logistics. Although China has just started the flow of steel in the field of logistics enterprises still have many problems, However, its development prospects are very broad and has tremendous potential for development and growth space. With China's sustained economic development, the market economy gradually mature, the global economic structural adjustment and the industry has been escalating and This will make China's iron and steel industry, the status of the logistics industry and the role undergoing profound changes, logistics industry must be the promotion of China's iron and steel industry and steel trade to flourish the major carriers.

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