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divorce damages systemDivorce damages system is the spouse of one spouse against the law the legitimate rights and interests of others, led to the breakdown of the marriage at the time of divorce, the spouse at fault for the innocent spouse suffered material and moral damage to bear civil liability legal 28, 2001 for implementation of the revised "Marriage Law of the People's Republic of China" provisions of the new system of divorce 46 of the Act provides that: as a result of bigamy, cohabitation with others in the spouse, domestic violence, abuse, abandonment of family members as a result of divorce, the innocent party has the right to claim is adapted to the new situation of China's adjustment to divorce the relationship between the needs of new situations, reflecting the wishes of the broad masses of the people and is conducive to safeguarding the legitimate marriage, the protection of the innocent party's legitimate rights and interests of the innocent party of sanctions damages the system reflects the country's economic and social development have entered a new period after the marriage and family relations of the practical establishment of a divorce damages is to strengthen the socialist legal system, improve China's legal system needs a divorce is a divorce under the new circumstances to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties needs of the judiciary to make laws damages the establishment of the system, is of great practical significance, it reflects the essential requirement of the obligations of marriage, a marriage party a clear commitment by the moral obligations and responsibilities of marriage; marriage for the innocent party's legitimate rights and interests provided legal protection Effectively curbed bigamy, cohabited, and other illegal acts, and thus achieve the maintenance of marriage and family stability and social stability of purpose; improve its legislation to make marriage law from a different perspective on marriage violated the rights of the regulation violations, norms and sanctions As a result, China's divorce legislation more scientific and feasible, and with the international community into line with , civil liability for damages shall be constituted at the same time there is a legal offense, the fact that there is damage, there is a causal relationship, there are four elements of subjective fault. To assume responsibility for damages is the fault of the principle of attribution of responsibility for violations and the fact that damage to the causal link between presumed to as a civil liability for damages and relief measures for divorce, the main function is to fill the damage, mental Wei Fu, prevention and sanctions damages the legal reasons, including bigamy, cohabitation with others in the spouse, domestic violence, abuse, abandonment of family members as a result of divorce, and so damages claim is limited to the main body of the innocent damages the exercise of the right to request time, in favor of the author, not only can be made at the time of divorce, or after a divorce, but the statute of limitations to 1 basis of the Supreme People's Court "on the application of the several issues (a)" of Article 30 provides that in reality the exercise of the right to request a divorce damages should distinguish between the following circumstances:First, in line with the "Marriage Law" Article 46 provides that the innocent party to the People's Court as a plaintiff's damages request must be filed with the divorce proceedings at the same time, that is, claims to be in the clear, the people's court ruling in divorce Together to make a the People's Court accepted the divorce cases have been associated with the rights and obligations of the parties in writing inform the parties, not the plaintiff's request, as for the right to give up on and lose the right to claim plaintiff in the divorce proceedings, even made a request for damages, but the ruling People's Court allowed the divorce, the parties request the right to exist as a result of the loss can not be the basis of , in line with the "Marriage Law" Article 46 provides that the innocent party as a defendant in divorce cases, if the defendant agreed to a divorce, in divorce proceedings for damages; If the defendant does not agree to divorce, which is not based on prejudice against The request for compensation, after a divorce can be on this year filed a separate , the innocent party as a defendant in divorce cases, the first trial was not based on the "Marriage Law" Article 46 provides for damages at the request put forward by the second instance, should be the people's court mediation, conciliation fails, the parties may, after a divorce During the year further assume the main responsibility for damages can only be illegal and result in the implementation of legal divorce, the spouse at regard to divorce damages the application process, the new "Marriage" author believes that divorce damages not only apply to the administrative procedures for registration of divorce, but also in the process of divorce , based on the private nature of the marriage law, divorce, the couple agreed that the administrative cases, if the two sides on the issue of damages divorce agreement has been reached, the law should respect the will of the parties do not have to intervene; if the two sides on the issue of divorce damages can not reach an agreement , Through divorce proceedings, the people's court ruling in accordance with the damages should include physical damage and mental , civil liability for damages should be the way Jiancai property and responsibility of non-responsibility of the property in two damages by the amount of the couple consult if they fail to reach consensus, at the discretion of the damages payment of the way, I believe that the couple may be consulted if they fail to reach consensus, the people's court damages should in principle be a one-time payment. If there is a one-time payment difficulties can be paid in of installments, the right to request, the court may order the obligation to provide collateral or guarantee the signing of the contract guarantee to guarantee payment short, divorce damages in the Chinese system of divorce as a measure of relief system is to protect the legitimate rights and interests of a marriage party needed a final damages the establishment of a system so that no-fault divorce when one spouse to be in material compensation, fully embodies the "Marriage Law" on the side of the victims of concern and , China's divorce compensation for the damage is still a lack of practical experience, in theory, many related issues can not form a unified opinion, the legislative inevitably order for the divorce damages the system more fully to fill the moral damage, to console the injured party to fill the loss of property, the function of sanctions innocent party in a divorce damages the way of evidence, as well as damage to the spirit of the solatium provisions in areas such as the need to further supplement And the increase in judicial practice and in-depth study of the theory, China's divorce compensation for damage to the system will become more perfect marriage of the legitimate rights and interests of the parties will be more comprehensive protection.

287 评论





















226 评论






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现行编排规范对英文人名如何标注未作明确要求,英文人名的标注较为混乱,有标注全名的,有标注时将名缩写、姓不缩写、保持原来顺序的,还有在姓、名之间加圆点的,后者是我国翻译作品中,中文书写外国人名经常采用的一种方式。其实,标注英文人名是有章可循的,在国外学术着作的参考文献中,关于人名的标注已约定俗成为一种统一的格式,即英文参考文献标注作者姓名时,要求姓在前、名在后,姓与名之间用逗号隔开,姓的词首字母大写,其余字母不大写;名用词首大写字母表示,后加缩写符号圆点,缩写符号不可省略。由于欧美国家人的姓名排列一般是名在前、姓在后,在标注时必须加以调整。如Georg Paghet Thomson,前面两个词是名,最后一个词是姓,应标注为Thomson,G. P为什么要如此标注呢?笔者认为有以下原因。




对于复姓情况,如Jory Albores-Saavedra等,在引用标注时,应将复姓全部写出,即Albores-Saavedra, J对于姓前带有冠词或介词的情况,如带有Mac,Le,Von,Van den等,标注时不能省略,应同姓一起提到前面标注,如Mac Donald,La Fontaina,Von Eschenbach,Van den Bery等。这里有个有趣的现象,对于北欧人常见的姓Van den Bery,如Van的词首字母大写,表示它是姓的一部分,标注时应与姓一起前置;如果作者姓名书写为Graham van den Bery,其中van的词首字母v没有大写,则表示它不是姓的一部分,姓Bery前置时,van den仍留在原来的位置,并且不可缩写或省略,标注为Bery,G. van den.另外,对于“姓名+学位”的情况,标注时一般把“学位”删去,不要将其误认为姓或姓的一部分.







在标注原文献名及作者时,原文献多指论文集或与之类似的著作,英文标注习惯上在编着者名前加词首字母大写的介词In,作者姓名前后次序不作调整,名缩写为词首大写字母,后加缩写符号圆点,姓完整标出,不缩写。作者后加编者一词的缩写形式及缩写符号圆点,词首字母大写,外加圆括号,如标注为In S. Weil(Ed.),如示例[3].然后斜体标注原文献题名,后加注出版年,起至页码的缩写形式pp.和析出文献的起至页码。当原文献有两位或两位以上作者时,作者姓名同上述情况一样,前后次序不作调整,分别标出,编者一词缩写用复数形式Eds.,如In L. Eedering,& P. Leseman(Eds.)。



出版地和出版社(商)是参考文献的重要内容,标示版权信息,不可遗漏或省略。我国一部着作一般由一家出版社负责出版发行,出版地一般也就比较明确为出版社所在的城市。国外情况就比较复杂了,由于市场经济高度成熟,语言通用程度高,着作权被普遍保护等原因,一部着作可能由不止一家出版社(商)合作出版发行,出版地也可能在不同国家的不同城市。当出版地有两处或两处以上、出版社(商)有两个或两个以上时,应当一一标出,中间用斜杠分开。如Amsterdam/Philadephia:Ben-jamins,又如Den Haag:Sdu/DOP出版地一般是出版社(商)所在的城市,标注城市名,不可标注为国家名。






























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