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Concerning bankruptcy liquidation accounting elements reconstruction Abstract: the enterprise bankruptcy law (try out) "prescribed in paragraph 1 of article 3:" the enterprise due to poor management caused serious damage, unable to repay debts that are due, in accordance with the provisions of the bankruptcy ". The bankruptcy liquidation of law refers to economic ruin the liquidation of a debt to legal system, and duration of operation condition and different accounting elements. This article analyses current particularity of bankruptcy liquidation accounting subject setting, Accounting elements of the problems existing in the research, Then in bankruptcy liquidation accounting object changes under the condition of the accounting elements and its influence on the basis, to reconstruct the bankruptcy liquidation accounting elements on the system, bankruptcy liquidation of assets assessment are discussed. Will the ordinary liquidation and company bankruptcy liquidation, therefore, the difference of the bankruptcy liquidation accounting method is inevitable and conventional accounting is different, so in practice to do some analysis. Keywords: bankruptcy liquidation, The accounting elements, Settlement of assets and liabilities, Clearing the net profit or loss 就这些了,你可以慢慢看哦。我有些标点可能打错了 请多多包涵啊

192 评论


会计专业毕业设计毕业论文参考题目 序号 题 目 1 论内部控制 2 论内部控制 3 WTO对我国会计制度的影响研究 4 网上银行管理信息系统初探 5 商业银行风险管理研究 6 我国遭受反倾销的现状:原因及对策 7 论金融经济的风险防范 8 WTO对我国商业银行发展战略转变研究 9 WTO对我国企业发展战略转变研究 10 WTO对我国会计制度的影响研究 11 WTO对我国企业发展战略转变研究 12 加强会计电算化管理,促进网络财务的实现 13 论我国稳健货币政策 14 论内部控制题 目 美国会计危机与会计准则的'制定 会计电算化的应用 上市公司会计信息失真的原因、危害及治理对策 企业对应收帐款的处理意见 浅谈会计失真 企业信用评估 上市公司股利政策分析 试论当前财务会计报告的改革与发展 金融工程 债转股 浅谈涉外企业的财务核算问题 浅议企业内部控制 关于国有商业银行不良资产处置若干问题的思考 论知识经济对财务会计的影响 论财务管理在企业运营中的作用与意义 对发展我国会计电算化工作的探讨 关于合并会计报表若干问题的探讨 关于会计诚信有关问题的研究 析风险投资 上市公司利润操纵分析与实证 浅谈中外合资企业财务信息化建设 内部会计监督制度的加强与完善 浅谈会计信息的披露 论会计行业与会计人员的监管 关于会计诚信有关问题的研究 浅析中小企业财务管理现状 浅论内部控制 上市公司财务指标的分析和调整 建立一套会计系统的思考 论加强物流管理,提高企业效率 会计信息的市场管制 论应收账款融资 优化公司治理结构下的企业会计内控制度 公司清算的审计和会计问题 盈余管理初探 分析性复核的运用 企业内部控制设计 浅析影响我国管理会计应用的环境因素 成本控制若干问题的探讨 论银行会计的内部控制 论商业银行法律制度 真实的财务数据对企业经营的重要性 居民投资方式的研究 论会计人员的后续教育

355 评论


Concerning bankruptcy liquidation accounting elements reconstruction Abstract: the enterprise bankruptcy law (try out) "prescribed in paragraph 1 of article 3:" the enterprise due to poor management caused serious damage, unable to repay debts that are due, in accordance with the provisions of the bankruptcy ". The bankruptcy liquidation of law refers to economic ruin the liquidation of a debt to legal system, and duration of operation condition and different accounting elements. This article analyses current particularity of bankruptcy liquidation accounting subject setting, Accounting elements of the problems existing in the research, Then in bankruptcy liquidation accounting object changes under the condition of the accounting elements and its influence on the basis, to reconstruct the bankruptcy liquidation accounting elements on the system, bankruptcy liquidation of assets assessment are discussed. Will the ordinary liquidation and company bankruptcy liquidation, therefore, the difference of the bankruptcy liquidation accounting method is inevitable and conventional accounting is different, so in practice to do some analysis. Keywords: bankruptcy liquidation, The accounting elements, Settlement of assets and liabilities, Clearing the net profit or loss

329 评论


Analysis of the effect of the impairment of assets on the profit - to regulate behavior analysis under the new accounting standards based on listing Corporation

96 评论


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