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首页 > 期刊论文 > 办公自动化系统的研究论文英文版

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With the development of information technology , oa ( office automation ) system plays a more and more important role in enterprise " s daily work 随著信息技术的发展,办公自动化系统在机构的日常工作中发挥著越来越重要的作用。

Modern oa ( office automation ) system in this thesis aims at knowledge management and information integration with workflow automation 本论文提出了现代办公自动化系统,它是以知识管理和信息集成为主要目标,以工作流程自动化为手段实现的办公自动化系统。

Computer was invented in 1946 , in the recent 10 years ; the apppcation of puter was perated into society ' s different fields day by day , for example management , oa ( office automation ) and so on 计算机于1946年问世,近10年来,计算机的应用日益深入到社会的各个领域,如管理、办公自动化等。

With the diversification , ppcation and efficient requirement of modern official business , the oa ( office automation ) has developed fast and been used in many fields . as the result , it promotes the enterprise and work department development at high speed , raises labor productivity and petitive strength 随著现代办公的多样化、复杂化以及对办公的高效率要求,办公自动化快速的发展起来并且应用范围日益广泛,对于推动企业和工作部门的整体快速发展、提高工作效率、增强竞争实力起到至关重要的作用。

Apppcation engineering development will build all kinds of apppcation system , pke digital pbrary , modern distance education system ( work education system ) , resources databases , oa ( office automation ) and vod ( video on demand ) system etc . if it is spread and used , it will improve the efficiency of the management , and extend the school running abipty 应用工程建设是校内各种应用系统的建设,包括数字图书馆、现代远程教育系统、资源库建设、办公自动化、视频点播系统等,它的推广使用将大大提高校内管理效率,扩大办学能力。管理工程建设的原则是以人为本,关键项目有信息化意识建设、安全管理和管理创新等。

116 评论


1、 asp+sql计算机系办公自动化网站建设(任务书+论文+程序+翻译) 2009-04-10 23:28

系统2009-04-11 02:29 247,296 外文资料翻译.doc2009-04-14 17:2... 类别:毕业设计 大小: MB 日期:2009-04-14 2、 基于工作流技术的检察院办公自动化系统的研究与设计 摘 要 随着信息化应用的深入,推进政府部门政务工作的自动化、网络化以及电子化已是大势所趋。目前,以传统客户/服务器模型设计的办公自动化系统,己不能很好地满足网络办公的需求和充分融合新技术,进... 类别:毕业论文 大小: MB 日期:2008-05-14 3、 delphi+sql办公自动化系统(开题报告+论文+程序+答辩ppt) 中文摘要办公自动化系统企事业单位办公管理人员日常工作的调度、安排、计划。文件撰写、归档、调用、传真、打印等提供充足的信息和快捷的查询手段.其开发内容主要包括后台数据库的建立和维护以及前端应用程序的开发... 类别:毕业设计 大小: MB 日期:2008-05-10 4、 asp+sql基于WEB的办公自动化管理系统(论文+程序) 摘 要随着信息技术的飞速发展和日趋激烈的商业竞争,企业已不再满足于独立、零散的办公自动化应用,企业需要的是协同工作、综合、集成化的解决方案。而网络是解决由于物理距离造成的信息交流不畅、协商沟通不便的... 类别:毕业设计 大小: MB 日期:2008-05-08 5、 信息工程学院网上办公自动化系统 【内容提要】 办公自动化(OA-Office Automation)系统,是利用先进的电子信息技术和现代化办公设备构成的人机信息处理系统,辅助管理人员进行各种办公活动.办公自动化的目的,是应用电子信息... 类别:毕业论文 大小: MB 日期:2007-10-28

153 评论


job stream technology that the official document circulation job stream realizes; 3. Have analysed the definition and characteristic being not a business type job stream, the stream working by wandering about with the official document carries out contrast , suggest that the job comes true coming the stream being able to wander about by expanding an official document , expand mainly from two aspect go along, one being to increase the function that form Shan Zi defines, two is the definition increasing condition and the function wandering about; Principle having introduced stream data describe that expansion working, priority sheds having introduced that the key technology- - being not that the business type job stream comes true- works from the definition form Shan technology and self definition supporting condition to wander about; 4. Have analysed the definition and characteristic that the business type job stream , have flowed to carry out a contrast and by the fact that two is similar to a job with at the head, suggest that the stream contact with business is rapid and intense since the business type works but have no way to adopt Shan making the business form customarily since definition form Shan technology, the key that the person realizes is page of face for development expand the action working , page of face inner accomplishes the actual business activity in development; On the basis introducing the job stream data describe that expansion part's, concentrate on having introduced the key technology- - that the business type job stream realizes- owing to Asp. Page of Net mother form board base kind and common consumer control. At present be Office Automation System's turn to try working already in Xiang Fan City jail information management system , working effect is fine. The practice certificate job stream technology has applied to classification in Office Automation System , the pattern, moreover the maximum field has improved handling official business anxiously expecting public institution not only for anxiously expecting public institution having provided one kind of late-model modern times handling official business efficiency, besides, paper spends a nothing handling official business having economized the cost expense, have also, accelerated enterprise inside information delivery and have communicated with.

337 评论


办公自动化系统是人机信息系统,是办公自动化技术与管理科学、行为科学、组织理论等相融合,贯穿到办公活动的各个方面,并对这些方面产生一系列影响之后形成的系统,其目的是尽可能充分利用信息资源,提高办公质量和办公效率。 办公自动化系统是一种人机信息系统,具有一般信息系统的共性。同时,由于办公过程和办公活动具不有确定性,人在系统中应始终处于主导地位。办公的主体是办公人员,设备只是服务于人的技术手段。建立办公自动化系统后,人的办公活动和社会组织的办公过程已离不开设备的运行,而是与其结合在一起形成一个统一的系统。建立办公自动化系统的目的并不单纯是提高办公效率或减少办公人员,而首先是为了提高办公质量,在提高办公质量和办公效率的基础上,通过各种决策模型及时提供辅助决策的信息,以实现科学管理和科学决策。此外,办公自动化系统是一个开放式的系统。在设计和建立系统时,应充分考虑和社会环境的连接。办公自动化系统的功能与办公室自动化的功能概念上存在差别。办公室自动化功能通常指办公室中配备具有自动化功能的设备,这些设备能使某些办公活动自动化或实现某个单位业务的自动化处理;而办公自动化系统则是在办公室自动化功能的基础上发展起来,以办公自动化技术为主体,同人、组织、制度、环境等相结合的完整的系统。

91 评论


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    1、 asp+sql计算机系办公自动化网站建设(任务书+论文+程序+翻译) 2009-04-10 23:28 系统2009-04-11 02:29 247,

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