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1、building matcrial

2、construction materials

3、material of construction

4、stroitelnye materialy

5、structural material

建筑材料表:list of building materials

建筑材料库:building material banks

建筑材料行:building material dealer

349 评论


1.绪 论选题背景从穴居人到现代社会,人类经历的不仅仅是时代的变迁,文化的进步,就连建筑行业也是发生了翻天覆地的变化,由洞穴(公元前25000年前)——泥砖房(公元前8000年)——多姆斯(公元前500年)——城堡(公元3世纪)——町屋(公元9世纪)——土楼(宋元时期)——公共住房(现代社会),随着材料和造型的改变,人们对建筑物的要求也越来越高,既要求经济、又要求适用、还要求美观。近年来的建筑行业发展尤为迅猛,随着科学的进步,建筑行业由传统模式变为了现在的开放管理,也变得越来越科技化,比如装配式建筑、BIM技术等。BIM(Building Information Modeling)即建筑信息模型,它是通过数字化技完整一致的、具有逻辑性的建筑信息库[4]。BIM技术最初是由Autodesk公司在2002年提出的,主要是为了帮助实现建筑信息的集成,从建筑的规划设计、招投标、施工、竣工验收、后期的保修期直至项目终结,所有的数据都可以转化为一个三维模型。BIM应用技术的发展如此快速,还有一个很重要的原因,它可以有效的提高工作效率,减少生产成本,缩短建筑周期,可以将利益最大化。因此BIM应用技术在未来必将会是每个建筑人必须拥有的一个技能。毕业设计是展示和提升高校建筑工程专业学生BIM应用技能水平和综合素质的新途径和新方法,是培养高素质复合型、应用型建筑工程人才的重要途径。本项目的任务是使学生在准备阶段、招投标阶段和施工阶段掌握建筑工程中的BIM技术,针对BIM技术在实际工程项目各个阶段的应用,使学生具备应用BIM工程建模和BIM的能力深化设计,以巩固自己的专业知识,丰富自己的视野,拓展自己的思维,提高问题分析和解决问题的协调能力,为今后的工作做好必要的准备。 BIM技术在国外的发展美国的BIM研究与应用都位居世界前列。目前美国大部分建筑项目已经开始应用BIM技术了。此后,各种BIM协会都陆续出现,各种BIM标准也出台了。BIM技术在西方国家发展得很好,尤其是英国。到目前为止,英国的BIM技术应用正在以全世界最快的速度增加。到2013年3月出台了PAS1192-2标准。这一标准是英国政府建设战略的一部分,以加强工程交付管理和财务管理为目标,其主要目的是整体上把公共部门建设费用的支出减少近20%-30%。据2015年NBS(Nationalbuilding Specification)调查报告显示,英国政府到2025年为止将白天释放33%的培养产业指标。缩短建设初期费用和人寿周维护费用,建设更新工程50%工期,温室气体排放量50%,建筑材料进出口贸易50%。英国国家广播公司(NBS)从2010年开始进行“国家BIM调查(NationalbiMSurvey)”,以约1000名建设、工程和测定领域的建设产业从事者为对象进行在线调查。这份关于的调查到现在已经是第5年了。调查结果显示,英国政府2011年发表BIM推进政策白皮书后,经过4年左右的努力,效果显著。图 美国BIM倡议 工程项目概况及设计要求笔者的毕业设计题目为“乌审旗沙尔利格小学综合教学楼及周转宿舍的建模表现”。本项目建筑面积平方米,基地面积平方米,地上4层(局部3层),建筑总高米(从室外地坪至坡屋顶二分之一处),框架结构(局部钢框架),屋面防水等级1级,耐火等级二级,抗震设防烈度为7度。该设计采用BIMMAKE或Revit结合图纸进行土建模型的创建,模型创建过程中可以将BIMMAKE模型无缝导入到Revit中,不建议反向导入。通过BIMMAKE能够简单快速的进行土建模型创建,一键处理模型重面,快速绘制跨度间的梁板,能够做深化设计进行快速砌体排砖。采用广联达专业机电BIM软件MagiCAD2020 for Revit2019(以下简称MC) ,结合图纸完成案例工程机电模型建立,模型中包含但不限于机电各专业管线、管件、附件、设备、支吊架(不少于两个专业)。 根据机电管线配色方案(配色为常规配色或自定义)为机电管线、附件、设备进行配色; 根据综合管线排布原则对所建机电管线进行管线综合排布调整; 利用MC机电管线交叉快速处理功能对交叉碰撞管线优化处理; 利用MC碰撞检查对优化调整完成的机电管线进行碰撞检查,对存在碰撞位置再次进行优化调整,直至管线间不存在碰撞;利用MC孔洞预留和开洞功能对机电管线穿土建墙体进行孔洞预留开洞;利用MC碰撞检查对所建模型进行整体碰撞检查,包含机电各专业之间,机电与土建之间的检查,对存在碰撞位置进行调整优化,直至不存在碰撞。通过导入土建与机电模型,在虚拟现实设计平台VDP进行效果和交互处理,同时对项目概况、实施过程等进行适当介绍,最后通过BIMVR进行展示;在VDP中对机电专业某个系统的局部进行动画运行模拟,对土建结构局部进行施工动画模拟,对重要节点的施工工艺模拟。也可采用LUMION软件对模型进行漫游渲染。本次设计主要采用了实际操作的方式,通过对乌审旗沙尔利格小学综合教学楼及周转宿舍的建模表现这一课题的研究让笔者对于BIM应用技术具有初步的认识,清楚BIM建模的每一个过程,将书本上的概念转化为实际中的应用。图 建筑立面图模型的创建 模型创建的前期准备 毕业设计本身就是一个难度大、工程量大的作业,而且此次笔者的设计还是关于BIM的建模与表现,难度更是不小。笔者在此之前从来没有接触过BIM这一方面,这方面的软件更是不清楚,而且专业相关的软件,只有CAD有一点点的基础,这次设计甚至连要用哪个软件都不清楚,所以这个课题对笔者来说真的是很困难的。所以在做这个毕业设计之前,做了很多的准备。先是对任务书进行了初步研究分析,同时又跟着老师学习了一段时间的机电建模,还从图书馆借阅相关的资料,以及上网搜素相关的视频资料等。在觉得自己对任务书有了一定的了解之后才开始做建模。建模之初需要先进行安装软件于BIM技术的建模与表现配套软件,主要软件有以下几个:1)广联达BIMMAKE;2)广联达MagiCAD 2020 for Revit 2019、3) 虚拟现实设计平台VDP、BIMVR;4)Revit 2019;5)Microsoft Office Word、PowerPoint、Project;6)其它 BIM 相关软件 图 软件安装示意图在软件安装的同时,笔者先进行资料的处理,一个是图纸的处理,另一个是关于族的处理。笔者的这套图纸中主要包括建筑图纸、结构图纸、暖通图纸、水施图纸、电气图纸。笔者需要把每个专业的图纸都分割好,顺便将图纸中多余的内容去掉,这样方便后期建模时图纸的导入和建模。族用汉语意思来讲就是聚集,而Revit里的族也是如此,Revit里的族有很多种,包含了建筑物的每一个构配件,这些构配件的族都聚集在一起就形成了一个完整的建筑物。而族的创建也是十分复杂的,在此次设计中就不过多描述关于族的创建,故直接使用系统中自带的族。在软件安装完成后就可以开始建模,笔者打开Autodesk Revit 2019软件,并且新建一个项目样板(项目样板是建立项目的基础设置,它就像一个模子,由多种族构成,在项目样板的基础之上,才可以建立一个完整的项目),进入到正式的绘图页面。进入界面之后,我们需要进行一个很简单的操作,那就是将项目浏览器和楼层平面图例分开(笔者习惯将楼层平面图例放在左边,项目浏览器放在右边)。用鼠标将项目浏览器拖至Revit 右边界面边缘处,这样方便我们在后期的模型建立。 图 Revit界面图图纸比例设置完成后,可以在我右侧项目浏览器中,看到四个方向,"东,西,南,北"可以随意选择其中一个。然后打开立面图绘制页面,进入立面图绘制页面以后,点击“确定”按钮,系统将自动切换图像页面。进入立面绘制页面后,需要根据建筑物的楼层数、层高,绘制多条标高线条,在菜单栏的“建筑”的选项中,选择“标高”工具,绘制标高。绘制标高时,笔者是从左向右绘制。标高的说明就会出现标高线条的右方,由右向左画标高时,标高的说明就会出现标高线条的左侧,绘制完标高后,我们需要选中标高线,这时就可以看到在没有显示标注的一侧会出现一个小方框,此时可以点击这个小方框,点击过后这一侧也会出现标注。注意绘制的时候,Autodesk Revit会自动显示提示线条,使标线长度保持恒定。按照设计楼层,绘制完成标高后,我们点击标高的名称。以及标高的数据,需要将标高命名为F1,F2...。这样我们就完成了标高的建立,完成标高后,我们就可以开始绘制轴网。由于笔者的图纸在进行轴网绘制时采用“拾取”的方式时,轴网比较混乱,不容易拾取,也为了减少失误,提高效率,故采用手动绘制轴网的方式。因为该套图纸的轴网左右不对称,故在绘制之前需要先将轴线间的距离分别计算出来。在Revit窗口右侧的项目浏览器中,选择楼层平面中的“F1”点击进行确定。我们会进入到一楼平面的绘图页面。我们可以在上方的选项卡菜单中,选择“建筑-轴网”,大家可以在四个方向范围里的空白处开始绘制轴网。在绘制轴线时,单击空白区域,之后进行水平拖动或垂直拖动,这样我们就绘制成功了第一条轴网,在绘制轴网时,我们一定要注意要垂直或者水平进行拖动,而且在绘制轴网时从左向右,从下向上绘制,这样我们就可以保证轴网的标注是正确的,以免发生不必要的错误。接下来我们可以重复做上述工作,绘制余下的轴网。绘制余下轴网是一定要注意轴线与轴线之间的距离。我们也可以在绘制成第一条的时候选择复制或者阵列,随便设定一个距离,等画完所有的轴网后,再进行修改距离,注意修改距离的时候,先选中一个轴线,修改左侧的距离,再选择下一根轴线,同样修改左侧的距离,直到全部修改完。我们完成一个方向的轴网绘制后,可以对轴网的长度进行统一的调整,任意点击选中一个轴线。会发现在轴网的数字标注下方会出现一个小的空心圆圈,鼠标指向空心圆圈并出现一条虚线可以连接到所有的轴线时,我们可以拖动空心圆圈直到到达自己需要的长度后,停止拖动,这时所有的轴线都已经被拉长了。完成一个方向的轴网绘制后,我们重复以上操作完成其他方向的轴网绘制,但是我们需要在绘制完第一条的轴网后将名称需要修改为A,确定第一条轴线的名称之后,其后的所有轴线就会自动根据第一条的规则进行依次标注,逐步绘制多条轴线后,即可完成轴网的绘制。绘制轴网完成后,我们需要调整一下轴网的位置,一定要将轴网放置于四个立面标志的方向里,如果不在四个方向里会影响我们三维图的视角,我们需要将其移动至轴网之外(注意,这四个方向都是有两部分,一定要将其都选中后再进行移动)。轴网和标高一旦完成,我们就开始绘制基础,柱子或其他结构。 图 Revit方向截图 模型创建阶段我们建立模型时可以按照以下顺序:基础——结构柱——结构梁——结构板——墙——楼梯——门窗——坡屋顶——给排水——消防——电气——暖通。结构模型和建筑模型建立阶段在建立基础之前我们一定要反复阅读图纸,做到充分理解图纸,理解业主的意思,再确定基础的材料、形状、埋深,然后开始建立基础模型。建立基础模型,需要先导入CAD 图纸,再按照基础形状载入族(笔者的图纸中大部分为坡型柱下独立基础,还有少数的筏板基础),然后复制创建新类型,进行编辑。最后将编辑好的基础放置在图纸的相应位置即可,放置好之后可以再去三维图里测量下基础底的标高是否为米,标高快捷键为EL。基础模型相比较其他的模型是比较简单的。图 基础模型接下来我们就可以进行结构柱的建立,各专业模型建立的过程都是类似的,第一步导入CAD图纸(或者选择链接CAD),将图纸与轴网对齐,快捷键AL。第二步,观察图纸中柱子的类型,主要包括截面尺寸,高度,配筋,箍筋间距等。确定好各类柱子之后就可以开始载入柱子的族,为现浇混凝土矩形柱且混凝土强度等级为C30。第三步就可以创建新的类型,将47种框架柱的信息全部编辑完成。第四步就可以开始绘制柱子,为了减少工作量,笔者采用了简便的方法,先在楼层平面F1中导入了基础顶至柱平面图,在绘制柱子时修改了柱顶的偏移量,比如KZ22,标高为——,可以在图纸至屋顶柱平面图中找到KZ22的位置,在F1中找到KZ25的对应位置,绘制时分别将柱底偏移量和顶部标高修改为8350和16150就可以了,这样在绘制时能少导入几次图纸,提高工作效率。 图 柱表和柱子图例绘制完柱子时一定要注意底部偏移量,如果不修改柱子底部的偏移量,基础会跑到柱子下边,或者基础与柱子不在一个平面,偏离原来基础的位置,所以一定要特别注意。绘制完柱子之后也要在三维图里测量一下基础底标高,柱底标高和柱顶标高。以防止柱子或基础发生偏移。柱子绘制完之后我们可以开始建立结构梁的模型。我们先导入结构梁的平法施工图,然后使用快捷键AL分别对齐轴网,对齐后我们可以看到柱子的截面图,可能会影响我们的绘制,所以我们调整一下视图可见性,将结构柱取消选中就可以将柱子隐藏。 图 视图可见性从图纸中我们可以知道,这里的梁为现浇钢筋混凝土梁,混凝土强度等级为C30。我们可以先在插入/载入族中找到现浇混凝土梁—矩形,载入之后,我们在右边的项目浏览器中选中其并单击右键,选择新建类型。按照图纸中的编号将所有的梁都进行创建,创建完成后再进行数据的编辑,梁的数据编辑比较简单,只需要编辑梁高和梁宽。然后按照位置将其绘制上去即可。 图 结构框架展示在绘制门窗时使用 了“HiBIM土建”,这个软件可以直接将门窗转化出来,不需要一个一个的建立模型再放置在合适的位置,而且可以很好的协调墙门窗之间的连接性。首先需要我们把CAD图纸链接进来,再提取门窗的一些数据。最后转化即可生成。 图 墙门窗转化最后再绘制其他建筑构配件即可,此时土建模型就建立完成。机电模型的建立 机电模型我们可以从给排水开始,首先还是要熟读图纸,理解图纸中的每一个细节,要做到充分理解图纸。然后开始建立模型。 导入CAD图纸,快捷键AL对齐,然后在右侧的项目浏览器中,我们将找到族--管道--给水,选择“复制”,将出现一个给水系统2,然后双击将其选中,并将其命名为“供水系统”,然后打开“材质”选项,添加新材质,并将其命名为供水系统1(由于供水管干管的设计,垂直管采用钢塑复合压力管,支管采用pp-r管。为了区分支管、主管和立管,所以我们将其命名为给水系统1),并修改颜色为绿色或修改编号为“0、255、0”。修改过之后就可以选择在一个空白的地方画一段管道,由于视图可见性和视图范围,可能会导致作者看不到绘制出来的管道,此时可以先将左边的楼层平面选项卡中规程修改为协调,如果不显示,则可以观察视图可见性中“管道、管件”是否为选中状态,将其选中,最后一个视图范围,视图范围共有四项,分别是顶部、剖切面、底部、标高。这里一定要注意:上下剖切面必须在两限制范围内,且上剖切一定要高于下剖切!这几项都改之后我们绘制的管道就可以显示出来了。这时我们选中我们刚才绘制的管道,点击管道属性栏下方选择系统类型为“给水系统1”,然后点击编辑类型--管段和尺寸--新建一个材质为PSP钢塑复合压力管,压力。点击确定后我们还需要载入管件的族,包括弯头、三通、四通等水管管件。其他管道的创建也是如此。创建完成之后就可以开始管道的绘制。绘制过程中我们一定要注意管道的标高和管径。水平管道的绘制修改过标高和管径之后沿着图纸中的管线绘制即可。立管的绘制需要先修改管径,然后选择管道的标高,确定一下立管的高度,偏移量再次修改,修改完成后双击应用,立管就绘制完成了,我们也可以在三维图里确定一下。如管道JL—1,该管道的最低处标高为。管道最高处标高在—之间,我们结合各种因素将其确定为(如果后期绘制其他管件附件有影响时,可以再修改),在绘制时我们选择立管的位置,并将其第一个偏移量修改为-1700,从-1700绘制后再将其偏移量修改为14500-(-1700)=16200,再双击应用,立管就绘制成功了。然后我们再安装管道附件,舆洗池,大便池,小便池等卫生器具。暖通专业和电气专业的绘制皆和给排水专业类似。按照此法绘制即可。 图 机电模型展示 图 机电模型展示

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Abstract: In the modern construction of concrete plays an important role, but the concrete cracks are more common. This article analyzes the causes of concrete cracks is proposed measures to control and prevent the cracks, and curing of the concrete problems early. Key words: concrete crack; cracks; Cracks; conservation First, micro-cracks in concrete Cracks in reinforced concrete structures is to work with. Rather, the hardening process of concrete in the condensation, there exist micro-cracks, because the concrete in the cement and aggregate changes in temperature and humidity conditions to produce the volume of non-uniform deformation, and they bonded together and can not free-form deformation, so the formation of mutual restraint stress; Once the cement and aggregate constraint between the stress is greater than the bond strength and tensile strength of cement itself, will produce micro-cracks. Second, the causes of concrete cracks Concrete cracks are the result of the development of micro-cracks. Concrete cracks for many reasons, for its part, considered to be bound by the deformation of concrete due to tensile stress than the material's sake. 1. Optional inappropriate material defects and the formation of cracks. Expired cement, aggregate excess mud, with active SiO 2 , high alkali cement, limestone aggregate, cement hydration heat and so on. 2. Construction of mishandling the formation of defects and cracks. Plastic concrete sink, was the top bar of the resistance, the formation of cracks along the reinforcement; concrete vibration is not dense, there cellular, easy to form the starting point for a variety of stress fractures; concrete mixer, transit time is too long, so that water evaporation, causing low slump concrete pouring, making the concrete volume in the mesh irregular cracks; rapid drying of concrete made when the initial curing of concrete contact with the atmosphere in the irregular mesh surface cracks; early form removal, concrete not yet established sufficient strength to impose its own components in the actual gravity load, prone to all kinds of stress cracks. 3. Because of the force components, deformation and crack formation of defects. Center tension; center compression; bending; shear; by punching; beam concrete shrinkage and temperature deformation; plate of concrete shrinkage and temperature deformation; in reinforced concrete, the tensile stress is mainly borne by the reinforced concrete is exposed stress. In plain concrete or reinforced concrete on the edges if the tensile stress within the structure there shall be to rely on concrete to bear. General design requirements in both the tensile stress does not appear or appear only very small tensile stress. However, the maximum temperature of concrete in construction to the operation of the cooling period of steady temperature, often caused by a large concrete internal tensile stress. 4. Because of environmental factors affect the formation of defects and cracks. Mainly temperature and humidity changes, the brittleness of concrete and uneven, as well as unreasonable structure, failure of raw materials (such as alkali-aggregate reaction), template deformation, differential settlement of foundation. Concrete dissolution cycles many times by the freeze, the stress generated in the concrete, and promote the development of existing cracks, loose structure, surface cracks, surface spalling or overall collapse. Third, measures to control and prevent the cracks 1. Of cement, water, aggregate, admixtures, reinforcement materials, the improper selection of the formation of cracks on the entry of raw materials must be in accordance with national standards for strict inspection and acceptance of the approach to prevention, where the unqualified use of defective materials shall be , or reduce the level of test use; of these have occurred due to improper selection of materials defects or cracks in concrete produced must be observed in detail for the long term (due to some problems take a while to find), carefully identify its causes and Quality of the problem, study and formulate their treatment and reinforcement. This is because once occurred due to improper material selection, quality problems, often with the universal reason. 2. As long transport time of concrete mixing, pouring too fast, the vibration is not real, it is improper construction joint, move the template the formation of cracks and other reasons can follow the "concrete order" strict implementation of concrete mixing, transport, pouring, vibration pound set and the old concrete construction joint connection. Templates, and form removal, and conservation requirements to prevent, the occurrence of such cracks in the component have been, but also distinguish the type of component, component of the force characteristics of the site where the cracks and the extent of serious cracks were commonly used in concrete cracks reinforcement measures or by filling concrete, steel anchor reinforcement, and even stick steel reinforcement, prestressed reinforcement remedial measures. 3. Due to dry weather, the initial maintenance is not good, the early cold concrete and large changes in temperature and humidity of the cracks were used to enhance the natural hardening process of concrete Results conservation, conservation of heat storage, the use of air-entraining agent to uniform distribution of air bubbles inside the concrete, measures such as temperature expansion joint repair reserved. Severe cold components, some should be removed, some should be reinforced before being used. 4. Because the components have to withstand loads too wide cracks, reasonably designed to prevent the emergence of these cracks; cracks have been too broad component appears to be reinforced by strengthening measures. 5. The foundation of unequal settlement of large cracks too broad and reasonably in the design of the building when checking in the use phase of the settlement to prevent the emergence of these cracks, these cracks have occurred on the structure, to use ground-based control measures proper handling of the foundation, then building the structure reinforcement measures adopted to solve. 6. On the environmental conditions and changes in the use of the crack occurred, according to different properties to different control measures, such as: (1) the use of temperature and humidity changes during the formation of cracks, usually difficult to eradicate, to adopt the protection of reinforced concrete measures to reduce atmospheric humidity changes of the component is appropriate; (2) The cracks resulting from repeated freezing and thawing, in addition to defects and damage has been formed in part to be reinforced or reinforced, but should add insulation on the cold concrete measures; (3) The corrosive medium in the resulting defects and damage a large area, in addition to corrosion and damage should be removed by the site to be reinforced or reinforced, shall use the acid water glass slag cement concrete or concrete overlay to protect; (4) damage due to earthquake seismic structural measures should be adopted to prevent; have been generated by the earthquake damage is not severe earthquake damaged buildings may refer to repair and reinforcement of the solution to the problem. In addition, temperature control and improved from the constraints of the two aspects. Used to improve the aggregate gradation, with a dry hard concrete, mixed with mixture, add air-entraining agent or a plasticizing agent measures to reduce the amount of cement in concrete; water when mixing concrete or gravel with water cooling to reduce the concrete pouring temperature; hot days when the pouring of concrete pouring to reduce the thickness of heat by pouring level; in the concrete laying pipes, pass into the cold water temperature; set reasonable removal time, the surface heat when temperatures plunged to avoid dramatic concrete surface temperature gradient ; Construction of Concrete Blocks and long-term exposure to surface or thin-walled structure, insulation measures taken in the cold season. Measures to improve the constraints are: a reasonable parting block; to avoid excessive fluctuations basis; reasonable arrangements for the construction process, to avoid the excessive height and long-term exposure to the side. In addition, to improve the performance of concrete and improve the crack resistance, enhance conservation, to prevent surface shrinkage, in particular, to ensure the quality of concrete is very important to prevent fractures, special attention should be avoided through the cracks, appears to restore its structural integrity is difficulties, so the construction should be to prevent the occurrence of cracks in the main cross-cutting. Fourth, early curing of concrete Practice shows that cracks in concrete common, most of the surface cracks of different depth, mainly because of the temperature gradient caused by the sudden drop in temperature in cold areas are also easy to form cracks. Therefore, the concrete surface of the insulation to prevent early cracking is particularly important. From the viewpoint of thermal stress, thermal insulation should meet the following requirements: (1) prevent the concrete and the concrete surface temperature difference between inside and outside the gradient, to prevent surface cracks; (2) to prevent the concrete super cool, should try to try to make concrete the construction period of not less than the minimum temperature on the stability of the temperature of concrete used; (3) to prevent cold and old concrete to reduce the constraints between the new and old concrete. Early curing of concrete, the main purpose is to maintain proper temperature and humidity conditions in order to achieve the effect of two aspects, one of the concrete from adverse temperature and humidity deformation of the invasion, to prevent the harmful shrinkage and shrinkage. On the one hand to smooth the cement hydration in order to meet the design strength and crack resistance. V. Conclusion Cracks in concrete above the relationship between the various effects of the theory and practice discussed, although the academic cracks in the concrete and calculation methods are different theories, but for specific advice for prevention and improvement measures more unified, but in practice of effects are good, concrete construction depends on our seeing much comparison, more analysis after problems, and more sum up, with a variety of preventive treatment measures, concrete cracks are completely avoidable.

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