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Our country in the foreign contract's law is suitable the aspect to make the law with the world to be the same general, mainly has established two principles, namely meaning autonomous principle and closest relation principle, but compares with the related international convention and other country's legislation, in our country existing legislation the related foreign contract law suitable stipulation existence sense of principle is too strong, and lacks the feasibility insufficiency, thus needs to further consummate to it.

238 评论


In this paper, first, the concept of the most significant relationship principle and relevant indicating the full points and the most significant relationship principle established process; Secondly with typical cases put forward the principle most closely the emergence and development; Once again the most significant relationship principle expounded the specific application, especially focusing on the use of foreign contract areas; Finally, from the legislation of the guidelines and puts forward the specific terms legislation in our country the principle of private international law in China's legislative situation, and the status of judiciary. Meanwhile, in the analysis of domestic and foreign applicable conditions, serious consideration this principle, proposes the effective countermeasure, favors to better use. Based on balance and protecting the interests of the most closely contact, promote the principles system and in-depth explore for purpose, through the analysis of the present situation and the most significant relationship principle of thorough research will help the development of private international law country, thus can very good protection of foreign contract relationship party's legitimate interests, promote international civil association international economic relations the smooth development, also be helpful for one country economy development and the rejuvenation of the ethnicities. The most significant relationship principle itself is flexible and open, this makes it can along with the development of society, to achieve continuous self-improvement substantial justice in providing the most powerful safeguard, foreign-related contracts to exert its function field.

89 评论


密切联系原则是美国冲突法革命的一个重要成果,这项原则的产生可以说是20世纪最富有价值和最实用的一个国际私法理论。该理论的提出,不仅对英美侵权冲突法造成了巨大的变革,同时也对现代大陆法系侵权冲突法的立法造成巨大影响。同样的我国法学界也对这一原则表示认可,并在立法上对该原则进行适用。所以说该原则对我国也有着巨大影响。一、最密切联系原则的历史渊源“最密切联系说”是指在选择某一法律关系的准据法时,要综合分析与该法律关系有关的各种因素,从而确定哪一地方(或国家)与案件的事实和当事人有最密切的联系,就以该地方(或国家)的法律作为该法律关系的准据法。该原则起源于美国的司法案例,美国纽约州首席法官富德在审理“奥廷案”及“贝科尔诉杰克逊案”中引入了“重力中心地”,“关系聚集地”这样的概念,以取代传统的“契约缔结地”、“履行地”等单一标志确定准据法的方法。而在1971年以里斯为代表出版的《第二次冲突法重述》中,他将富德提出的“重心中心地”和“关系聚集地”概念加以归纳总结,概括为“最密切联系原则”并主张在处理涉外民商事案件,应当适用这一原则。从时间维度来看,里斯的“最密切联系原则”的思想渊源可以追溯到19世纪40年代的近代国际私法之父萨维尼的“法律关系本座说”。萨维尼认为:“每一种法律关系,根据其自身的特性,都与某一法律制度相联系,而其所在 ,也就是该法律联系的所在,即是该法律关系的本座。而萨维尼所提出的“本座”相当接近于里斯的“最密切联系”。可以说“最密切联系原则”是对“法律关系本座说”的一种扬弃。二、最密切联系原则在我国的适用目前,最密切联系原则在我国适用范围很广,主要适用于涉外合同领域,但又不限于于此。1985 年颁布的《中华人民共和国涉外经济合同法》第 5条、1986 年通过的《中华人民共和国民法通则》第 145 条、1992 年通过的《中华人民共和国海商法》第 269 条和 1999 年通过的《中华人民共和国合同法》第126 条都采取了相同的立法模式,规定在当事人没有根据意思自治原则选择适用于当事人之间合同关系的法律时,法院则可以根据与当事人具有最密切联系的法律解决当事人之间的合同纠纷。除了涉外合同,最密切联系原则在涉外婚姻家庭领域;解决国籍、营业的冲突;住所的确定和多法域国家准据法的确定等都有相关法律适用了最密切联系原则。三、我国对最密切联系原则适用的不足我国冲突法立法尚属创制和发展阶段,整体水平尚待提高。在最密切联系原则的适用上存在缺陷。我认为这一不足主要是存在两方面问题:第一,最密切联系原则本身存在弊端最密切联系原则灵活度太高,缺乏确定性。虽然可以更适应多变的环境,但也会产生过分随意的危险。而且最密切联系原则给法官的自由裁量权太大,使得无法排除法官的地域偏见,容易扩大法院地法的适用范围。而且最密切联系原则更适合于判例法国家,因为判例法国家给法官的自由裁量权更大,而在成文法国家,它的适用存在很大的限制。第二,我国在适用上存在的缺陷,我国法律很多条文都有规定可以适用最密切联系原则,从司法实践来看,由于最密切联系原则本身没有提供必要的严密而精确的分析方法,而且我国现有立法在接受最密切联系原则时没有对它加以必要的限制,这就使得司法实践的统一性将受到很大影响。法律依据:《中华人民共和国涉外民事关系法律适用法》 第六条 涉外民事关系适用外国法律,该国不同区域实施不同法律的,适用与该涉外民事关系有最密切联系区域的法律。

94 评论


摘要:In the field of private international law, the most closely linked to the principle is an extremely important principle, which appears in the world have had a wide-ranging effects, received the majority of national legislation and practice. However, the principle of flexibility also gives judges more discretion, which may lead to the judge in the case when dealing with the phenomenon of abuse of power, resulting in the most closely linked to the principle of operation of a number of drawbacks. Therefore, we should handle the discretion of the judge's question, the most closely linked to the principle of further improved to maximize its private international law in a positive effect.关键词:Private International Law Most closely linked to the principle of Discretionary power

110 评论


摘要 In the private international law domain, the closest relation principle is a great importance the principle, its appearance has around the world had the widespread influence, was under the majority national legislations and the practice support. But this principle's flexibility also entrusted with judge the big freedom to decide after deliberation the power, thus possibly caused judge when handled the case presents phenomenon which the authority abused, created in the closest relation principle operation some malpractices. Therefore, we must deal with judge decides after deliberation the power freely the issue, enables the closest relation principle to further obtain the consummation, maximum limit displays it in the private international law positive role. 关键词 The private international law closest relation principle decides after deliberation the power freely

264 评论


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