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毕业设计:Graduation Project它包括以下几个方面:封面、目录、摘要(个别学校要求摘要有中英文两种语言的摘要)、绪论、正文、结论、致谢词、参考文献、附录。各部分字数、选用字体及字体大小各学校有相应的规定。最后,学生需要通过答辩。

341 评论


嗨 找个简单 我正好做过这个 翻译如下:The mountainous region cities occupy our country area to be very big a part, holds the very important status in the city. As a result of the special terrain landform, had decided the land on slopes construction has the rich landscape style and the ecology layout resources. But because lacks to the land on slopes ecological environment full understanding and system's land on slopes cities landscape theory instruction, causes adaptation differ in thousands of ways land on slopes ecological environment request which the land on slopes cities landscape construction acts as circumstances permit with difficulty, thus has caused “the constructive destruction” or “the destructive construction”; Causes the land on slopes landscape original bright individuality and the local characteristics vanishes gradually. This article from land on slopes aspects and so on construction and environment interaction and organic synthesis carries on the discussion, has been different with the flat land construction from the land on slopes line of sight's angle comparative analysis mountainous region construction the design idea, the design thought and the design technique. At the same time, unified the author graduation project, the system elaborated the multi-dimensional mountainous region architectural design view. Emphasized the use primitive land on slopes environment carries on the visual analysis, acts as circumstances permit to unfold the mountainous region city unique landscape charm.

150 评论


毕业设计<名>graduation project 1. This article introduced the customer system management system realization method. 本文介绍了客户管理毕业设计的实现方法.2. Andworked at an insurance company my graduation field work. 我在家保险公司进行我毕业设计.3. This project is my graduation design. a sub - item of my tutor's. 此项目为本人的毕业设计. 是导师项目下的子项目.4. This graduation design is about project management's new critical chain method. " 本毕业设计是对项目进度管理新技术关键链法的研究.5. This graduation project's topic is on - line auto sale management system management system.本次毕业设计的题目就是网上汽车销售管理系统. 网络释义: 1. graduation design2. Graduate Project3. graduation thesis4. Graduation Project

269 评论


In the 20th century, bridge construction technology evolved and was fueled by the Industrial Revolution. At the turn of the century, steel bridges were riveted together, not bolted; concrete bridges were cast in place, not precast; and large bridge members were built from lacing bars and smaller sections, not rolled in one piece. Plastic had not yet been invented. Construction techniques such as post-tensioning, slurry walls, soil freezing, and reinforced earth walls had not yet been conceived. Surveying was performed mechanically since infrared, optical technology was still 75 years away. Bridge construction is changing as the new millennium begins. New construction techniques and new materials are emerging. There are also new issues facing the bridge building industry relative to the research needs associated with these new techniques and materials. LONG-SPAN BRIDGES Suspension Bridges While suspension bridge building was conducted at a modest pace throughout the 20th century, an unprecedented number of spans of remarkable record lengths were built in the Far East and Denmark. Both the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge in Japan and the Great Belt Bridge in Denmark were completed in 1998. The Akashi Kaikyo Bridge is the largest suspension bridge in the world, with a span of 1991 m, and the Great Belt Bridge is the second largest, with a span of 1624 m. While spans lengths have increased nearly fivefold during the course of this century, they may have reached their physical limits with today’s materials. Research will be necessary to develop the new, ultra-high-strength steel wire or carbon fiber wire required to build the longer main suspension cables that will make it possible to increase span lengths to beyond 2000 m. As we enter the new millennium, rehabilitation and ongoing maintenance of the existing suspension bridges must continue as well. Recent rehabilitation measures for the main cables and suspension systems of these bridges have uncovered degradation through corrosion and hydrogen embrittlement. Research is needed to determine the remaining useful service life of suspension bridge cables and what measures can be taken to slow or halt the degradation process. Transportation in the New Millennium 2 Other components of long-span bridges, existing and new, are being revolutionized as technology moves forward. Advances in deck technology are producing stronger, lighter decks. Orthotropic and exodermic decks are becoming increasingly popular on long-span structures as a means of reducing dead load. Bearings, joint systems, and seismic retrofitting components are becoming increasingly efficient as more large-scale testing facilities are built.在20世纪,桥梁施工技术,是由进化而来的 工业革命。随着新世纪的到来,钢桥受到铆接在一起,而不是 螺栓、混凝土桥梁被扔在的地方,不是预制、大型桥梁成员 从系酒吧和小的部分,不卷在一块。塑料尚未 发明了。制作等施工工艺、浆墙、土壤冻结, 加筋土墙尚未怀了孕。测量进行机械 自从红外、光学技术仍然是75年。 大桥建设是新千年开始转变。新建筑 技术和新材料正在浮出水面。也有新的解决面临的桥 建筑行业的相关研究的需要,这些新技术 材料。 大跨度桥梁 悬挂的桥梁 虽然悬索桥建设进行了整个20速度不快 世纪,前所未有的跨越了卓越的长度是建在记录 远东和丹麦。双方在日本明石海峡大桥正式通车,伟大的带桥 在丹麦是在一九九八年完成。这个明石海峡大桥正式通车是世界上最大的悬架 在这个世界上,与桥梁的m,1991年是中国的第二大带桥, 用一段1624)。 虽然已经增加了近5倍长度的跨世纪的过程中, 他们已经达到了他们的物理极限与今天的材料。研究将 必须发展新的、ultra-high-strength钢丝、碳纤维丝要求 建立了悬索,将不再主要可能增加到跨度的长度 超出2000米。 当我们进入新千年、康复和持续的维护现有的 悬索桥必须继续。最近的戒毒措施为主要 电缆悬架系统与这些桥梁发现退化 氢脆腐蚀,。研究还剩下的 寿命悬索桥电缆和什么措施可以减缓或 停止退化的过程。 在新千年的运输 其他组件的大跨度桥梁,现有的和新的,正在发生了革命性的变化 技术的进步。提出了在甲板上技术生产强的,更轻的 甲板。正交各向异性和exodermic牌是大跨度越来越受欢迎 作为一种手段,降低结构自重荷载。轴承、联合系统和抗震能力 越来越多的有效成分是更大规模的测试设备 建造。 50分!!~~谢谢 参考资料:我的大脑

248 评论


Abstract In recent years, with the construction of new urban areas and the acceleration of urban redevelopment, a large number of houses completed and put into use. These houses in the use of functional and quality will improve over the previous few years, the urban construction and raising the level of the people live and make a contribution. However, the construction quality of the product not only by the construction, design, construction, property management and other factors, but also by the quality of personnel, material quality, geological conditions, climate, time, and many other complex factors. From the all-round quality of the five factors affecting the project that people, materials, machinery (Machine), methods and environmental analysis of five areas discussed, while the whole process of construction of the Project at all stages of the design phase, bidding phase, construction phase (construction Preparation phase of quality control, quality control of the construction process) and completion of a sub-item on each and every process in the construction process management methods of quality control, quality inspection requirements, precautions, preventive measures such as quality problems to conduct a comprehensive Discussed, and proposed methods of quality control management and control points, the quality of the entire construction project to achieve the established objectives. Keywords: engineering; quality; projects; construction; acceptance; quality standards; technical measures; products.

282 评论


毕业论文的英文翻译是thesis,音标是英 [ˈθi:sɪs]   美 [ˈθisɪs]  。


1、There is no empirical evidence to support his thesis.


2、How well does this thesis stand up to close examination?


3、He has finished his thesis.


4、She's finished writing her thesis.


5、Please write an abstract of this article 〔 thesis 〕.


The article has a clear-cut thesis and arguments, but lacks reasoning.


110 评论



265 评论


工科毕业设计,这个一般来说 要求严格的话需要写开题报告,然后,答辩,由几个老师来看题目的可行性与工作量。毕业设计是教学过程的最后阶段采用的一种总结性的实践教学环节。通过毕业设计,学生可以综合应用所学的各种理论知识和技能,进行全面、系统、严格的技术及基本能力的练习。通常情况下,仅对大专以上学校要求在毕业前根据专业的不同进行毕业设计,对中等专业学校的学生不作要求。毕业设计不同于毕业论文,它的组成部分不只是一篇学术论文,我们拿“机械毕业设计”举例:随着科技发展的进步,各大高校对机械毕业设计的内容提出了一定的要求,2004年以前设计内容一般包括:毕业设计图纸+说明书(毕业论文),2005年以后国家教育部门提出新的要求,结合工厂需求加入了三维设计,模拟仿真,及程序分析研究。其中包括:毕业设计图纸(三维“UG ,PRO/E,CAM,CAXA,SWOLIDWORD”+CAD二维工程图)+开题报告+任务书+实习报告+说明书正文。这足够的说明了做一份优质的毕业设计是要付出相当的努力!高等学校技术科学专业及其他需培养设计能力的专业或学科应届毕业生的总结性独立作业。要求学生针对某一课题,综合运用本专业有关课程的理论和技术,作出解决实际问题的设计。毕业设计是高等学校教学过程的重要环节之一。相当于一般高等学校的毕业论文。目的是总结检查学生在校期间的学习成果,是评定毕业成绩的重要依据;同时,通过毕业设计,也使学生对某一课题作专门深入系统的研究,巩固、扩大、加深已有知识,培养综合运用已有知识独立解决问题的能力。毕业设计也是学生走上国家建设岗位前的一次重要的实习。一些国家根据学生的毕业设计,授予一定的学衔。如建筑师、农艺师、摄影师等。中国把毕业设计和毕业考试结合起来,作为授予学士学位的依据。


232 评论



346 评论


  • 建筑翻译论文题目

    广告、公示语的翻译较为好些。 可以写广告,这方面的论文已经很多了,所以参考的东西较多而别的,虽然题目也不错,但是相对而言参考的资料少,写起来很难。 可以在学校的

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  • 建筑设计毕业设计论文题目

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  • 建筑设计杂志

    1、《世界建筑》:是国家一级杂志,中国建筑科学类核心期刊,介绍国外的建筑思潮和理论、建筑设计、城市设计、景观建筑作品和进行建筑评论的专业刊物; 2、《建筑创

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