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【 abstract 】 the emergence of new media and development for the development of the press plays a big role, both provides technical support for traditional media, and for the source of news and information, the spread of news, news report way, such as diversity and richness has opened up a broader , in the context of the new media have appeared in the media and its practitioners ethics problems: news reports untrue, lack of humanistic spirit, journalists too subjective intervention, this paper in the first half of 2015 a few quite controversial events in media ethics as an example, the integrated use of case research method of content analysis and comparative analysis, summarized the context of the new media ethics problems in the media, trying to explore the context of the current new media causes and countermeasures of these problems.【 key words 】 the new media;Journalism ethics;News ethics;Professional ethics;Responsibility consciousness

256 评论


In the modern human resources management,salary administration is very important is the important factor and motive power of sustainable development for the whole state-owned businesses to build scientific and reasonable salary system and give full play to the effect of the encourage and restrain of salary system .Firstly, this article researches the current situation of the turn technology raising questions and analysing them meticulously according to the questionable survey and data collection we think that it is unreasonable for the Salary structure design and difficult for the act of check-up system and flat for the satisfaction of the combine the correlation theory of salary administration with the physical truth and reseach job evaluation,improving salary structure,performance appraisal construction and flexible last,we summarize auxiliary operation management measures and methods of implement performance appraisal and elastic welfare design salary structure performance assessment

96 评论




Speech recognition is the task of converting speech into text.


This essay is to analyse how the era influences corporate cultures, and to give suggestions on the building of corporate cultures.


Our text achieved the possibility above.

105 评论



130 评论


Internet banking is the latest in the field of e-commerce service mode , with the rapid development of information technology , the traditional sense of the banking sector will be lopsided , a new Internet banking use Internet technology to provide customers with convenient and efficient service . Making it a world trend , but also the traditional legal system had a huge impact and the network itself, resulting in the virtual network and quickness Bank in its operation process will encounter traditional banks do not have the special risks , and these risks exist for the online banking market development, the development of China's financial industry has an adverse effect , essentially restricting banks' long-term development of the network , therefore, how to prevent risks and regulatory network of domestic and foreign banks have become an important research topic . Given China's economic development status and relevant foreign experience, the appropriate legal online banking supervision is conducive to the formation of a relatively fair competition environment conducive to better meet international challenges. This paper attempts to respect online banking regulatory model , model legislation on issues such as imputation principle be explored and make some humble opinion . Keywords: attribution discipline and self- regulatory model

249 评论


  • 学位论文中英文摘要要求

    研究生学位论文撰写格式规范 1 内容要求 1.1 题目 题目应恰当、准确地反映本课题的研究内容。学位论文的中文题目应不超过25字,并且不设副标题。 1.2 论文

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  • 毕业论文摘要中文转英文怎么弄

    写论文摘要时以一般现在时为主。 介绍背景知识时,要用一般现在时,例如: Speech recognition is the task of converting

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  • 论文范文带中英文摘要的

    Abstract: Human resources are strategic resources for the modern enterprise ①, e

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  • 论文范文中英摘要

    Abstract: Human resources are strategic resources for the modern enterprise ①, e

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  • 论文中摘要的英文

    译文:abstract 英['æbstrækt] 释义: adj.纯理论的;抽象的;抽象派的 n.摘要;抽象;抽象的概念;抽象派艺术作品 v.摘要;提取;抽象化

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