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France is the most visited country in the world. It has everything that you could ever want to see on your holidays: a great city like Paris, good beaches, more monuments than any other country, lovely nature, incredible mountain scenery; need I go on? France is also a very pleasant place to stay. It has good food, great wines and people enjoy their lives. And the best thing is, maybe apart from Paris, living in France does not have to be expensive. The North of France consists of the flatlands around the town of Lille and the Channel. The area will remind visitors in many ways of Belgium and the Netherlands. The Grand' Place in Lille for example is a lot like that of Brussels. Paris, the city of light and its surroundings are one of the most visited areas. Paris is without a doubt one of the most beautiful cities on the planet. West of France is turned towards the Atlantic Coast. In the north Normandy & Brittany have rolling hills, sandy beaches and quiet little harbour towns. Normandy & Brittany have a more rugged coast and many neolithic sites. It has quite a distinct atmosphere from the rest of the country; you can still sense the Celtic origin of the region and its inhabitants. The eastern part of France consists of the Alsace, Lorraine, Franche Comt?and Burgundy regions. The landscape has rolling hills and many beautiful cities, such as Metz, Strasbourg, Nancy and Dijon. This region produces many famous wines, including magnificent pinot noirs and chardonnays valued the world over, as well as the famous "Yellow wine" from the Jura mountain vineyard. The Center of France is in many ways the most quiet part of France. But the great treasure of this region is the Loire valley , with many great castles and beautiful towns. Chartres with its famous cathedral and Tours rate among the most beautiful French cities. The South with its lovely nature, good food, roman ruins and of course the Riviera draws a lot of visitors every year. Towns like Orange, and Arles but also big cities like Marseille and Toulon are must sees. The Provence is dotted with pleasant small villages. In the South west of France the Dordogne is one of the most quintessential French regions. The valley is so pretty, the towns are so cute and the food is so good, that it is hard to believe that the people who live here go somewhere else for their holidays. The Languedoc has its own language and culture. In the south of the Languedoc you find the Pyrenees, a great mountain range separating France from Spain, where you can hike and ski. The towns of Toulouse and Montpellier are nice and the medieval town of Carcassone is a top destination.

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269 评论


I plan to visit France this autumn with my am 15 years old this year and I am very inerested in different culture ,espcially between China and think chinese is a difficult language and French is the most beautiful language in the I want to visit Louvre Museum,it has so many paintings that I am very excited,than I'd like to watch Tower Eiffel,it is famous hope this trip could help me learn more about the culture of France.

101 评论


当法国跟英美国家一样么?法国的小费不是必须的,当然如果你很满意对方的服务 可以自己酌情给一些小费表示感谢尤其现在经济萧条 很多法国人下馆子都不给小费了 我一般只在常去的管子给2-4欧小费表示感谢如果在室内购物 的确不还价 尤其是品牌店 法国品牌店都是全国统一定价 所以不还价 不过如果逛集市 还是可以还价的 不过一般这些地方的非农业产品质量都不好 买些蔬果或者奶酪还是挺物廉价美的 也可以还价 其他需要注意的 不要随地吐痰 不要乱丢垃圾 法国人在外面产生了垃圾(鼻涕或者食物包装纸)如果不能马上扔掉都会先放包里或者先拿着 公共场合说话千万不要大声 这点让法国人神烦 国人到法国还跟在自己家一样 饭馆隔空对喊 或者大街街头直接对话街尾 在法国一定要低声说话 离得远走进了再说 去餐馆一般不要催 法餐大多节奏都很慢 不像中国一坐下就上菜单然后马上点菜上菜 既然来旅游 就慢慢来 感受下法国节奏

143 评论


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