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《雾都孤儿》是狄更斯第二部长篇小说。这位年仅二十五岁的小说家决心学习英国现实主义画家威廉•荷加斯(William Hogarth,1697一1764)的榜样,勇敢地直面人生,真实地表现当时伦敦贫民窟的悲惨生活。他抱着一个崇高的道德意图:抗议社会的不公,并唤起社会舆论,推行改革,使处于水深火热中的贫民得到救助。正因为如此,狄更斯历来被我国及前苏联学者界定为“英国文学上批判现实主义的创始人和最伟大的代表”。对此,我有一些不同的见解:文学艺术是一种特殊的社会意识形态,它必然是社会存在的反映。但是,我们决不能把反映现实的文学都说成是现实主义文学,把“现实主义”的外延无限扩展。事实上,作家运用的创作方法多种多样,因人而异,这和作家的特殊气质和性格特点密切相关。狄更斯的创作,想象力极为丰富,充满诗的激情,他着意渲染自己的道德理想,处处突破自然的忠实临摹,借用一句歌德的话:它比自然高了一层。这和萨克雷、特洛罗普等坚持的客观。冷静、严格写实的方法有显著的区别。

228 评论





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95 评论


《David ·section wave 》BE 19 century England criticize realism master more of a representative the novel which has a strong autobiography color, more the use "the history and experience of little David's oneself", never little aspect review and tallied up own living road, reflected his life philosophy and morals article passes host the joys and sorrows of male David's whole life, announcing to public multi-layerly at that time a social true feature, outstanding earth's surface now money's corrosion to the marriage, family and the society of the formations of a series tragedy are what money causeses in the virtuous the mother who cheat to marry David is a her property;Loving the's eloping is through can not stand peculiarly come-on;The gram is a pain and sufferings, the despair of the sea isn't the bad result that the money results in mean mean person's hopings also in the money to lure a next move to tread the degenerative, coming to a shameful end of imprisonment for life the is setting out from the thought of humanitarianism, exposing the crime of money, uncovering the beautiful purdah of"Victoria peaceful times" thus, presenting to conceal afterward social true in the person up, David ·section wave the poured into the author's all strenuous efforts his orphan in spite of, ages suffer of various whet difficult and sad, be still he struggles unyieldingly after becoming adult, all expressing a small pota to look for the painful process of exit in the capitalism greatly bitter and big and difficult taste David of[with] the human life happiness and the warmth behind, what to depend is he sincerity, keep a rate of character, actively heading up of spirit, and to the heart of the person's clean and pure friendly is also the ideal female whom the author puts forth effort to current and outside beautiful looks, and then have endocentric virtue, since the fortitude and resilience doesn't pull out ground to protect to is subjected to the old father that the rare bullies, and then supports David of bitterness of suffering the end and David combine, is "thought and aim of consistent", this kind of perfect marriage makes the novelistic coda ocean overflow one parties happiness and hope of of them are more a the ideal incarnation of the propertied class humanitarianism and of this kind of thought more the is personal of career's ising friendly and bad is an always thinks being placed in is subjected to the common run of people of oppressing the position, its teachings the virtuous thoughts and feelings is by long odds in those ruler, exactly according to this kind of conviction, in the novel many common run of peoples if the fisherman opens up a fruit to lift, sea , though house poverty if wash, have never been subjected to an education, have one truly plain, docile of heart, with full of of the suggest blessing and it make for become fresh and clear contrast.

101 评论


实再现经典名著 在原创能力普遍衰竭的今天,无数电影人将目光投向经典名著,拙劣的改编者往往对原著伤筋动骨,既伤害了先人又贻误了后代,更有不少投机取巧者只把名著的架子拿来,装的是自己的货色,这样的改编实际上是移植和借用。在过去20多个《雾都孤儿》电影版本中,童党头目“费金”均被描绘成一个十恶不赦的大 ... 据悉,为还原19世纪30年代英国伦敦的风貌,主创人员研究了大量当时伦敦的地图和 ...雾都孤儿》. 以电影绘制动态油画 由大师解读名著经典.

165 评论


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    对当时社会的控诉,写的就是狄更斯小时候 关于狄更斯和他的小说艺术,心里早有一些想法,趁写这篇前言之便,说出来,就正于广大狄更斯爱好者。 狄更斯生于英国朴茨

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