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新能源汽车充电桩检测标准介绍1.国家标准2011年国家标准主要分为三个方面:通用要求、交流与直流、充电机与BMS通信,具体如下:《GBT 电动汽车传导充电系统 第1部分:通用要求》;《GBT 电动汽车传导充电用连接装置 第1部分:通用要求》;《GBT 27930-2011 电动汽车非车载传导式充电机与电池管理系统之间的通信协议》。其中2011标准是基于2006年的充电桩标准GBT 20234-2006,完善接口说明,统一直流充电协议,是目前在运营的充电桩和电动汽车标准。2015年国家标准同2011标准一样,也从以下三个方面:通用要求、交流与直流、充电机与BMS通信来规定。但是,2015标准修正和补充了2011标准中不足,其主要是为了解决了车与桩兼容性问题,和解决使用中的安全问题。保证充电流程都是“唯一”的,让每个充电桩与电动汽车都可以安全可靠的充电。2.能源局标准,也称为行业标准,主要有以下两个:《NBT 电动汽车充电设备检验试验规范 第1部分:非车载充电机》;《NBT 电动汽车充电设备检验试验规范 第2部分:交流充电桩》。主要规定了交/直流充电桩的充电功能、通信方式、安全防护、电磁兼容等检测方法与检测要求,是目前市面上投入运营的充电桩必须过检的权威标准。3、国家电网标准国家电网标准,也称为企业标准,主要有以下两个:《QGDW 1591-2014 电动汽车非车载充电机检验技术规范》;《QGDW 1592-2014 电动汽车交流充电桩检验技术规范》。

216 评论


A foundation has the extensively applied realm, is key figures building, large bridge, deep wharf of water and sea the petroleum terrace main foundation form that etc. recent years, a 基 engineering quantity problem influence building structure of the case of the normal usage and safety is a lot construction of the stake have the concealment of the height and the construction quantity of the stakes contain a lot of indeterminations factor, seeing from the angle of a quantity of 基 examination, the method and meanses of the improvement examination, the credibility that the exaltation examination work quantity and examinations assess the result, have the important meaning towards the quantity and safeties that insure an engineering of 基s, is also a research heat of 基 realm to order it a. The low contingency reflect a function with main method is to examine a body structure integrity, if a body blemish position judgment, construction the stake grows to check to settle sex to estimate the etc. with the concrete strength grade, making use of to measure glint a curve signal rows to break a body quantity accurately, expeling the engineering 隐 to suffer from, carrying on the evaluation to the quantity of the stake of 基 . This text to the Kelvin not the glint a new method of low contingency of the flexible material a body of line complete sex examination carried on the research. Build up the new model of the Kelvin non- line flexible material an a 维 of the problem motion;Give square distance of the control dynamics of the body, make use of a 维 not the line flexibility originally 构 the relation deduce a stalk toward dint and stalks toward emergency relation, putting forward a 维 not the line flexibility undulates new calculate way of problem;Adopt the FORTRAN language establishment procedure, the number imitates a speed( or move, acceleration) to respond to a form of the timing curve;Exist an establishment of 基 of problem to rise various form database to the integrity finally, is hereafter used for a complete sex examination service. And low contingency glint a method;A body integrity examines 2 phrases

106 评论


XL-942/XL-943便携式充电桩检测设备可进行充电电能计量误差检定、通讯协议一致性试验及传导充电互操作性测试,全程可实现自动化测试。测试项目包括以下标准规定的项目:《JJG 1149-2018电动汽车非车载充电机检定规程》测试项目《JJG 1148-2018电动汽车非车载充电机检定规程》测试项目《GB/T 》传导充电互操作性测试项目》《GB/T 34658-2017》通信协议一致性测试项目》《营销智用〔2018〕45号 国网营销部关于印发进一步加强电动汽车充电设备质量评价工作方案的通知》试验项目等

166 评论


A foundation has the extensively applied realm, is key figures building, large bridge, deep wharf of water and sea the petroleum terrace main foundation form that etc. recent years, a engineering quantity problem influence building structure of the case of the normal usage and safety is a lot construction of the stake have the concealment of the height and the construction quantity of the stakes contain a lot of indeterminations factor, seeing from the angle of a quantity of examination, the method and meanses of the improvement examination, the credibility that the exaltation examination work quantity and examinations assess the result, have the important meaning towards the quantity and safeties that insure an engineering of , is also a research heat of realm to order it a. The low contingency reflect a function with main method is to examine a body structure integrity, if a body blemish position judgment, construction the stake grows to check to settle sex to estimate the etc. with the concrete strength grade, making use of to measure glint a curve signal rows to break a body quantity accurately, expeling the engineering to suffer from, carrying on the evaluation to the quantity of the stake of . This text to the Kelvin not the glint a new method of low contingency of the flexible material a body of line complete sex examination carried on the research. Build up the new model of the Kelvin non- line flexible material an a of the problem motion;Give square distance of the control dynamics of the body, make use of a 维 not the line flexibility originally 构 the relation deduce a stalk toward dint and stalks toward emergency relation, putting forward a not the line flexibility undulates new calculate way of problem;Adopt the FORTRAN language establishment procedure, the number imitates a speed( or move, acceleration) to respond to a form of the timing curve;Exist an establishment of of problem to rise various form database to the integrity finally, is hereafter used for a complete sex examination service. And low contingency glint a method;A body integrity examines 2 phrases

285 评论


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