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谈判能力在每种谈判种都起到重要作用,无论是商务谈判、外交谈判,还是劳务谈判,在买卖谈判中,双方谈判能力的强弱差异决定了谈判结果的差别。 对于谈判中的每一方来说,谈判能力都来源于八个方面,就是 NO TRICKS 每个字母所代表的八个单词——need, options, time, relationships, investment, credibility, knowledge, skills. NO TRICKS中的“N”代表需求(need)。对于买卖双方来说,谁的需求更强烈一些?如果买方的需要较多,卖方就拥有相对较强的谈判力,你越希望卖出你的产品,买方就拥有较强的谈判力。 NO TRICKS中的“O”代表选择(options)。如果谈判不能最后达成协议,那么双方会有什么选择?如果你可选择的机会越多,对方认为你的产品或服务是唯一的或者没有太多选择余地,你就拥有较强的谈判资本。 T代表时间(time)。是指谈判中可能出现的有时间限制的紧急事件,如果买方受时间的压力,自然会增强卖方的的谈判力。 NO TRICKS中的“R”代表关系(relationship)。如果与顾客之间建立强有力的关系,在同潜在顾客谈判时就会拥有关系力。但是,也许有的顾客觉得卖方只是为了推销,因而不愿建立深入的关系,这样。在谈判过程中将会比较吃力。 I代表投资(investment)。在谈判过程中投入了多少时间和精力?为此投入越多、对达成协议承诺越多的一方往往拥有较少的谈判力。 C代表可信性(credibility)。如果潜在顾客对产品可信性也是谈判力的一种,如果推销人员知道你曾经使用过某种产品,而他的产品具有价格和质量等方面的优势时,无疑会增强卖方的可信性,但这一点并不能决定最后是否能成交。 K代表知识(knowledge)。知识就是力量。如果你充分了解顾客的问题和需求,并预测到你的产品能如何满足顾客的需求,你的知识无疑增强了对顾客的谈判力。反之,如果顾客对产品拥有更多的知识和经验,顾客就有较强的谈判力。 S代表的是技能(skill)。这可能是增强谈判力最重要的内容了,不过,谈判技巧是综合的学问,需要广博的知识、雄辩的口才、灵敏的思维…… 总之,在商业谈判中,应该善于利用“NO TRICKS”中的每中力,再加上NO TRICKS。

116 评论


噢 还有就是 目前我在学的ABC天芐欧美外教口语的老师要我明白 就是想将英语学好是轻松的;必然要有一个适宜的学习空间与闇练口语对象,老师水平是关键 纯正欧美口音(非东南亚)很重要,不间断逐日练习口语 1 on 1家教式教学才能有更.好.的学习成效~课程结束后同样要重复复习课堂录音档,把所学知识融会贯通。如果真的无口语交谈的人的情况 那么就到可可或BBC取得课余学习材料阅读,多问多听不知不觉的口语就培养起来,学习成效是必定突飞猛进的。我记得以前上口译课的时候说到了翻译中会出现的问题,譬如是音译,意译还是组合在一起音译当然是比较简单的,意译的话就要考虑到语境的变化,双方文化的差异以及习惯的影响商务英语通常比较正式,那么从单个的词到整句话的组合都有很多讲究了,譬如英文都是you咯,但翻译过来肯定是您或者贵公司,这是文字。其次是态度,整段文字都是有态度的,大多的应该是温和中有坚定,略有agreesive,特别是谈判时候的语境更为复杂。第三呢还有文化背景造成的差异,这就是翻译中都会碰到的问题了这个题目吧可以较泛的谈,那么每一点呢就都不用太深入,只要结构清楚可能好写一点。或者抓住其中一个点发散开,个人prefer这一种,找资料的时候比较有针对性。你跟导师商量一下吧

107 评论


商务谈判精华--团结出版社 石永恒 商务谈判==刘文广 张晓明 编著 出版社: 高等教育出版社 国际商务谈判 白远编著其他:中国人民大学出版社;

215 评论


Business Negotiation is the economy in all types of business, in order for the two (or more) in line with the views of the negotiations carried out consultations. The talks include not only the content of business products, including capital, technology, information, services, commodities such as supply and demand in the talks, negotiations and transfer of technology, investment talks and so on. Through business negotiations with the aim of changing the relationship between each other and exchange views, with a view to reach a collaborative process with the demand. This is a more complicated process, it is necessary to determine the respective rights and interests, but also to consider the other benefits, therefore, business negotiation game as if, in confusion in the fighting, but also the common joint, which is both contradictory and The reunification of both individual and the overall interests lie. How can we remain invincible, is the pursuit of business objectives. The success of the business negotiations the two sides are negotiating the excellent use of language arts. This paper is the main focus of the study from the talks the language of business communication and the arts to explore business negotiation skills.

300 评论


Cultural Conflict between China and Western Countries and Our Policy in Inter-cultural Business Negotiation Abstract Nowadays the cooperation and relationship between countries have become closer and closer because the tendency of the world’s economy globalization become stronger and stronger. With the ongoing of China opening and reform policy, and success in entry WTO, the relationship between our country and other countries in the world will also become closer and closer. Various inter-cultural negotiation become more and more frequent, so about different cultures much attention is paid by business men in the inter-cultural negotiation. There are many aspects that affect the factors of cultural conflict, such as: thought, ideology and time etc. Therefore, correct understanding of cultural conflict between China and western countries becomes more and more important. And only when we make a good understanding and recognition correctly about the different cultures between our country and western countries can we have a better policy in business negotiation, and serve the socialist market economy. Key words: culture difference; business negotiation; countermeasure

343 评论


  • 商务谈判谈判论文参考文献

    商务谈判精华--团结出版社 石永恒 商务谈判==刘文广 张晓明 编著 出版社: 高等教育出版社 国际商务谈判 白远编著其他:中国人民大学出版社;

    彼岸之澄 3人参与回答 2023-12-11
  • 商务谈判论文的参考文献

    商务谈判精华--团结出版社 石永恒 商务谈判==刘文广 张晓明 编著 出版社: 高等教育出版社 国际商务谈判 白远编著其他:中国人民大学出版社;

    他们的快乐 3人参与回答 2023-12-06
  • 优秀商务谈判论文参考文献


    满天星RF 3人参与回答 2023-12-06
  • 商务谈判论文参考文献合集

    Cultural Conflict between China and Western Countries and Our Policy in Inter-cu

    cindyhouse0221 3人参与回答 2023-12-06
  • 商务英语谈判论文参考文献

    参考文献在论文中发挥着重要的作用 ,但往往被许多作者、编辑、读者忽视。下面是我带来的关于商务英语毕业论文文献的内容,欢迎阅读参考! [1]范晓红.从《金色笔记》

    catcat654321 3人参与回答 2023-12-10