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创业学 作者:(美)杰弗里蒂蒙斯,小斯蒂芬斯皮内利New Venture Creation by Jeffry A. Timmons, Stephen Spinelli (2006)你用google搜索New Venture Creation,资料多的很,我就不替你找了.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 1 University of Alberta School of Business Department of Strategic Management and OrganizationORG A 631, lec X1 New Venture Creation and OrganizationInstructor: Prof. Lloyd Steier Term: Fall 2006 Office: 4-20E BUS Time: Thursday: 6:30-9:30 Office Hrs: Drop in, or by appointment Classroom: 4-13 BUS Tel: e-mail: lsteier@: COURSE OUTLINE Readings In past years I have used the text by Timmons and Spinnelli (see below) as required reading. This year a combination of price considerations, availability of quality readings elsewhere, and an inclusive approach to creating a curriculum; have prompted me to suggest the text as a recommended reading only. New Venture Creation: Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century, 6thedition, Jeffry A. Timmons & Stephen Spinelli, Jr., Irwin, 2003, ISBN 0-07-249840-4 Additional reading materials will be either distributed in class or available on-line through Blackboard (). VenturePrize Business Planning Competition has an excellent resource section on their website: year my intent is to highlight a series of key topics commonly addressed in entrepreneurship courses and have groups research individual topics and suggest a list of required and recommended readings. A link to the library’s entrepreneurship resources is posted on the course website and is a good place to start. Selections must be available in full text from library databases. These lists should include 3-4 required readings as well as 6 or 7 recommended readings. The first group’s reading list is due . All other group lists are due September 21. Full bibliographic information should be emailed to on or before the due date. Links to the readings will then be posted on the course website. Each group is expected to facilitate discussion on the day the topic is presented, and, ALL students are expected to come to class having both read the required readings as well as prepared to participate in the discussion. Broad Topics: •The re-emergence of small enterprise and role of innovation and entrepreneurship in economic development and societal wealth creation. •The entrepreneurial process •Opportunity recognition and screening ORG A 631 New Venture Creation and OrganizationPage 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 2 •Business planning (including elements of a business plan, “selling” the plan and screening) •Mobilizing Financial Resources I-- Family, Friends, Banks, Angels •Mobilizing Financial Resources II- Sophisticated Angels, Venture Capital, IPO’s •Mobilizing Resources other than Financial (. HR, innovative organizational designs) •Acquisitions and Harvest Course Description The course concentrates on the development of a new enterprise and the management of an existing small business. Cases and materials developed especially for the course and projects on managing their own business enable students to assess the opportunities, risks, and capabilities necessary for entrepreneurial success. The course emphasizes managerial and strategic problems during the early years of business formation and growth. It also emphasizes the interface between theory and practice. IntroductionThe personal and financial rewards of founding or managing a successful small business have always been obvious. However, the study of small business is also important at a number of other levels. For example, recently much attention has been directed to the vital role of small firms in economic development and diversification. Research in a variety of industrialized countries has further established that small firms have re-emerged as significant creators of new jobs. In an era where the terms "downsizing, re-structuring and outsourcing" have become the norm, small business is playing a new and vital role. This course is designed for individuals who are interested in exploring entrepreneurship and small business management as a career option. While the content is aimed at those who are interested in founding or managing an enterprise, this course will also be useful for those who will work with the small business sector in roles such as accountant, lawyer, banker, consultant, economic development officer, etc. Additionally, as many large firms are attempting to nurture the "entrepreneurial spirit" within their ranks, the course content has many applications to large organizations; for example, many publicly traded firms as well as large privately held firms (including family firms) have identified entrepreneurial renewal as their biggest challenge. Course ObjectivesUsing theory, cases, and examples drawn from the instructor's research, this course aims to introduce students to the process of entrepreneurship and small business management. Specific objectives include to: 1. assist individuals in ascertaining their own entrepreneurship potential; 2. develop an understanding of the small business environment in Canada, with particular emphasis on Alberta-based firms; 3. provide a framework for identifying and evaluating small business opportunities; 4. provide a framework for assessing new ventures; 5. provide an understanding of the fundamental elements of strategic planning, with particular emphasis on the business plan; 6. develop an understanding and appreciation of the challenges inherent in the various growth stages of a firm; 7. enhance students’ communication skills in written work, collegial group activity, class discussion and presentations. ORG A 631 New Venture Creation and OrganizationPage 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 3 Assessment Students will be assessed based upon their performance in class and in carrying out the following assignments. (Each assignment is discussed in more detail later.) Weight1. Participation (in class, readings, resume, journal) 10% 2. Idea Generation / Elevator Pitch 10% 3. Profile of an Entrepreneurial Firm 20% 4. Business Plan Assessments 20% 5. Business Plan 40%TOTAL 100% Assignments 1. Journal (optional) I would like you to maintain a personal journal for the duration of this class. You may make as many entries as you wish (some people do so on a near-daily basis) however I expect a minimum of two entries per week (approximately 24 entries, 8-10 pages). Generally these journal entries should be a record of your thoughts, experiences, and feelings within the context of this class. Examples of common themes you may wish to explore include: reflections on entrepreneurship as a career, potential business ideas, course topics, etc. All entries must be dated. You are encouraged to use a computer however handwritten submissions on loose-leaf will be accepted (for this assignment only) provided they are neatly written and collated. 2. Idea Generation/Elevator PitchThe entrepreneur is able to see and act upon ideas and opportunities to which others are seemingly blind. Course members should be continually looking for new venture ideas. This assignment is intended to provide an opportunity for you to generate an idea that has the potential to be successful within the context of your experience and environment. Each student is required to produce an idea for a new venture. A succinct one page summary is required for the idea/opportunity. You may wish to further explore this idea in your business plan. (ONE PAGE ONLY! No title page. Name at top right corner.) Each student will present their idea in an in-class “elevator pitch” format. Presentation must be LESS THAN 2 MINUTES. ORG A 631 New Venture Creation and OrganizationPage 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 4 3. Profile of an Entrepreneurial Firm(See separate assignment description – available on BlackBoard.) Before beginning this assignment it is imperative that you participate in the September 7 class, at which time the ethical issues related to interviewing external sources will be examined. Before conducting any interview, you must sign a student agreement, which indicates your compliance with university policies, and you must obtain a signed consent form from your interview subject. 4. Business PlanA major requirement of this course is the preparation of a "dehydrated" business plan (approx. 15 pages not including appendices). Two business plan templates are available on Blackboard. These are only samples and suggestions. has links to several business plan samples and templates on their resource page. You are encouraged to do this assignment individually however I will allow teams of two providing there is a compelling reason to do so. Although students are encouraged to develop their own ideas, it is not unusual for class members to develop plans for others. This will be discussed further in class. Multiple copies of the plan will need to be provided when it is submitted. The exact number will be discussed in class. 5. Business Plan AssessmentsAssessing ventures is also a critical component of the course. Examples wherein this skill is useful include: 1) enhancing ability to evaluate opportunities, 2) developing personal business plans, 3) acting in consultative roles, 4) making investment decisions. After the in-class presentations each student will be required to complete two business plan critique/assessments wherein they identify the major strengths/weaknesses/key success factors associated with the proposed venture. Maximum length is 2 pages for each assessment. The two assessments should be separate documents (do not staple together) with your name appearing on each. The authors of the business plan will receive copies of the assessments. Note: This should not be construed as an intimidating assignment. Most entrepreneurs constantly seek feedback regarding their ventures. No business plan or venture is perfect. We can all benefit from constructive feedback. ORG A 631 New Venture Creation and OrganizationPage 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 5 ORG A 631 Class Readings and PreparationThis list of dates is provided with the intent of helping you track readings, assignments, and speakers. It does not represent a complete list of topics and is subject to modification as the course evolves. DateTopic Reading Assignments I. Introduction Overview/Review Course Outline Re-Emergence of small enterprise The Entrepreneurial Process & Ideas Introduce: “Firm Profile” Assignment Ethical issues related to Firm Profile Assignment The Verger Generic Opportunities Video Case: "Lip Sync" The Verger (read in class) II. Opportunity, Ideas and Founders Review of Core Concepts from Strategic Mgmt. Liabilities of Newness Where do new businesses come from? Hayseeds in Cyberspace Rich at Warp Speed Discuss Firm Profile Assignment Guest Speaker: Jim Gibbon of Amber’s Brewing (Crafting a Plan & Early Stage Venture Creation) Visit a bookstore, buy a magazine (or book) relevant to course. READ IT. SHARE IT. TRADE IT. Visit VenturePrize website & Student Business Plan Competition website. 1stgroup reading list due SEMINAR: The re-emergence of small enterprise and role of innovation and entrepreneurship in economic development and societal wealth creation VenturePrize, TEC Edmonton, EDE Guest Speaker: David Hardy, CEO Club Fit (serial entrepreneur) 3-4 Readings as posted. All other group reading lists due No formal class. Students are encouraged to participate in the 40thAnniversary celebration of the MBA program, 5:30-8 pm, at the Royal SEMINAR: The entrepreneurial process SEMINAR: Opportunity recognition and screening 3-4 Readings as posted. 3-4 Readings as posted. Poster Presentation – in class Guest Speaker: Ed Rudzitis (serial entrepreneur) Firm Profiles and Posters DueORG A 631 New Venture Creation and OrganizationPage 5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 6 Oct. 19 III. Creating Successful Business Plans Elevator Pitches / Idea Generation Summary/Discuss Ideas Elements of a Successful Business Plan Idea Generation Due Sample Templates of Business Plans SEMINAR: Business planning (including elements of a business plan, “selling” the plan and screening) Business Plan Assessment and Due Diligence Strategic Mimicry and Evolution: WestJet: Share Offering/Business Plan; Flying High 3-4 Readings as postedHow to Write a Great Business Plan. IV. Mobilizing Resources SEMINAR: Mobilizing Financial Resources I-- Family, Friends, Banks, Angels The Often Neglected Familial Sub-Narrative of Entrepreneurship & Family Advantage The New Venture Team 3-4 Readings as postedVariants of Agency Contracts SEMINAR: Mobilizing Financial Resources II- Sophisticated Angels, Venture Capital, IPO’s Business Plans – Review Progress Entrepreneurship and the Evolution of Angel Financial Networks 3-4 Readings as posted. V. Strategy, Organization and Growth SEMINAR: Mobilizing Resources other than Financial Collaboration, Networking and Social Capital Networking & Angel Investors Venture Capital & Deal Structuring Questions re: Business Plans Guest Speaker: Jolene Ali, Sweet Momma 3-4 Readings as and Extended Networks… Business Plan Presentations – may continue beyond scheduled class time (to be decided in class) Copies of Bus Plan are due when you give SEMINAR: Acquisitions and Harvest 3-4 Readings as posted. Bus Plan Assessments DueHard copies of business plans must be provided at the time they are presented. The additional copies are needed for student assessment purposes. ORG A 631 New Venture Creation and OrganizationPage 6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 7 Policy about course outlines can be found in Section (2) of the University Calendar. (GFC 29 SEP 2003) The University of Alberta is committed to the highest standards of academic integrity and honesty. Students are expected to be familiar with these standards regarding academic honesty and to uphold the policies of the University in this respect. Students are particularly urged to familiarize themselves with the provisions of the Code of Student Behaviour (online at ) and avoid any behaviour which could potentially result in suspicions of cheating, plagiarism, misrepresentation of facts and/or participation in an offence. Academic dishonesty is a serious offence and can result in suspension or expulsion from the University. (GFC 29 SEP 2003) ORG A 631 New Venture Creation and OrganizationPage 7

175 评论


Evaluation of the optimum induction gap for the GEM-MIGAS Original Research ArticleNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 600, Issue 3, 11 March 2009, Pages . Mir, . Rhodes, . Schooneveld, . Concei�0�4�0�0o, . Maia, . Veloso, . dos Santos Show preview | PDF (201 K) | Related articles | Related reference work articles 2Structure–function studies of the G-domain from human gem, a novel small G-protein FEBS Letters, Volume 580, Issue 25, 30 October 2006, Pages 5959-5964Yarden Opatowsky, Yehezkel Sasson, Isabella Shaked, Yvona Ward, Orna Chomsky-Hecht, Yael Litvak, Zvi Selinger, Kathleen Kelly, Joel A. Hirsch Show preview | PDF (787 K) | Supplementary content | Related articles | Related reference work articles 3Tanzanite as conflict gem: Certifying a secure commodity chain in Tanzania Original Research ArticleGeoforum, Volume 41, Issue 1, January 2010, Pages 56-65Richard A. Schroeder Show preview | PDF (234 K) | Related articles | Related reference work articles 4GEM simulation methods development Original Research ArticleNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 478, Issues 1-2, 1 February 2002, Pages 452-459V. Tikhonov, R. Veenhof Show preview | PDF (381 K) | Related articles | Related reference work articles 5BoNus: Development and use of a radial TPC using cylindrical GEMs Original Research ArticleNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 592, Issue 3, 21 July 2008, Pages 273-286H. Fenker, N. Baillie, P. Bradshaw, S. Bueltmann, V. Burkert, M. Christy, G. Dodge, D. Dutta, R. Ent, J. Evans, R. Fersch, K. Giovanetti, K. Griffioen, M. Ispiryan, C. Jayalath, N. Kalantarians, C. Keppel, S. Kuhn, G. Niculescu, I. Niculescu, et al. Show preview | PDF (1819 K) | Related articles | Related reference work articles 6Progress on large area GEMs Original Research ArticleNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 628, Issue 1, 1 February 2011, Pages 182-186Marco Villa, Serge Duarte Pinto, Matteo Alfonsi, Ian Brock, Gabriele Croci, Eric David, Rui de Oliveira, Leszek Ropelewski, Hans Taureg, Miranda van Stenis Show preview | PDF (1022 K) | Related articles | Related reference work articles 7Properties of the GEM, double GEM and GEM+MGC combination Original Research ArticleNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 443, Issues 2-3, 1 April 2000, Pages 375-385T. L. van Vuure, F. D. van den Berg, C. W. E. van Eijk, R. W. Hollander Show preview | PDF (395 K) | Related articles | Related reference work articles 8Development of thick-foil and fine-pitch GEMs with a laser etching technique Original Research ArticleNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 608, Issue 3, 21 September 2009, Pages 390-396T. Tamagawa, A. Hayato, F. Asami, K. Abe, S. Iwamoto, S. Nakamura, A. Harayama, T. Iwahashi, S. Konami, H. Hamagaki, . Yamaguchi, H. Tawara, K. Makishima Show preview | PDF (623 K) | Related articles | Related reference work articles 9Atmospheric gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) over a coastal/rural site downwind of East China: Temporal variation and long-range transport Original Research ArticleAtmospheric Environment, Volume 45, Issue 15, May 2011, Pages 2480-2487Zhijia Ci, Xiaoshan Zhang, Zhangwei Wang, Zhenchuan Niu Show preview | PDF (1306 K) | Supplementary content | Related articles | Related reference work articles Highlights�7�8 Elevated GEM levels were observed at a coastal/rural site downwind of East China. �7�8 GEM showed high levels in cold seasons and low levels in warm seasons. �7�8 GEM showed peak levels in daytime and low levels in late night and early morning. �7�8 Complicated patterns of GEM transport from different source regions were recorded. 10The PANDA GEM-based TPC prototype Original Research ArticleNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 628, Issue 1, 1 February 2011, Pages 204-208L. Fabbietti, H. Angerer, R. Arora, R. Beck, M. Berger, P. Bühler, M. Cargnelli, S. Doerheim, J. Hehner, N. Herrmann, C. H�0�2ppner, D. Kaiser, B. Ketzer, K. Mladen, V. Kleipa, I. Konorov, J. Kunkel, R. Lalik, M. Lang, Y. Leifels, et al. Show preview | PDF (697 K) | Related articles | Related reference work articles 11Pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution in rats of an oligodeoxynucleotide phosphorothioate (GEM 91) developed as a therapeutic agent for human immunodeficiency virus type-1 Original Research ArticleBiochemical Pharmacology, Volume 49, Issue 7, 30 March 1995, Pages 929-939Ruiwen Zhang, Robert B. Diasio, Zhihong Lu, Tiepu Liu, Zhiwei Jiang, Wayne M. Galbraith, Sudhir Agrawal Show preview | PDF (1639 K) | Related articles | Related reference work articles 12Chordal co-gem-free and (P5,gem)-free graphs have bounded clique-width Original Research ArticleDiscrete Applied Mathematics, Volume 145, Issue 2, 15 January 2005, Pages 232-241Andreas Brandst�0�1dt, Hoàng-Oanh Le, Raffaele Mosca Show preview | PDF (232 K) | Related articles | Related reference work articles 13Further studies of the GEM photomultiplier Original Research ArticleNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 442, Issues 1-3, 11 March 2000, Pages 68-73A. Buzulutskov, A. Breskin, R. Chechik, G. Garty, F. Sauli, L. Shekhtman Show preview | PDF (301 K) | Related articles | Related reference work articles 14Charge transfer of GEM structures in high magnetic fields Original Research ArticleNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 535, Issues 1-2, 11 December 2004, Pages 330-333S. Roth Show preview | PDF (296 K) | Related articles | Related reference work articles 15Short induction gap gas electron multiplier (GEM) for X-ray spectroscopy Original Research ArticleNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 573, Issues 1-2, 1 April 2007, Pages . Mir, R. Stephenson, . Rhodes, . Schooneveld, . Veloso, . Dos Santos

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