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美国更崇尚的是秩序与纪律,另外几项写出来肯定会被屏蔽因此,美国不是那么的赞成英雄主义,因为个人英雄主义绝对会危害整个社会的秩序,最后令每一个个体承担后果。蜘蛛侠、超人等只是反应美国社会对法律不够完美的一点异议,但是这并不意味着美国人一心盼望英雄虽然法律不够完美,但是遵循法律是大多数美国人所需要的。比如辛普森案,地球人都知道他杀了他老婆,但是没有证据,美国法律无法制裁他!事实上,这并没有导致美国人的愤慨,因为他们知道,如果今天可以没有证据惩罚一个罪犯,明天就可以没有证据而冤枉一个公民。也因此,超人等电影只是美国人的YY而已,真有超人出现,他们会感到恐怖,因为,超人他们凌驾于法律之外,一旦他们没有自律,则无可约束!综上,美国人的行为遵循的是法律原则和XXX原则,他们依据他们的信念行事,因此,至少在当年美国,不存在英雄主义关于战场上的英雄主义,美国人作战是基于责任和信念——务必完成任务。由此产生的英雄关于西部时期的英雄,因为没有法律或者法律不够完善,能够保护善良人的骑士也就成了英雄,那是特定历史时期早就的另外有一点,敢于反抗暴 政的,在美国人心中也是英雄

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在爬满甲骨文的钟鼎之上,读祖国童年的灵性;在布满烽火的长城之上,读祖国青春的豪放;在缀满诗歌与科学的大地之上,读祖国壮年的成熟…… 我想说又不愿说,我也曾看到祖国的孱弱,在圆明园烧焦的废墟之上,我看祖国是一滩血;在邓世昌勇猛的“致远舰”上,我看祖国是一团火。但我的祖国没有沉没,在亚细亚的东部,用宽厚的臂膀,挽起高山大海,将炎黄子孙揽于怀中,用茅草和土砖修复残缺的岁月,用野菜和稀粥喂养饥饿的生活。中山先生,在黑夜里开始规划治国方略,毛泽东,在贫瘠的土地上,支撑民族的血肉与骨骼;邓小平,把饱经沧桑的瞳仁放大,指引多灾多难的祖国,从世纪的风雨中神奇地走过! 沿着黄河与长江的源头,漂流而下,过壶口,闯关东,走三峡,奔大海。在河西走廊,华北平原,我看祖国的富饶与辽阔,看祖国千里马般日夜兼程的超越;在长江三角洲、珠江三角洲,看祖国崇高与巍峨,看祖国繁荣的霓虹灯日夜闪烁,灿若银河…… 给我肤色的祖国,给我智慧与胆略的祖国。尽管在乡村,还有辍学孩子渴望的目光;尽管在城镇,还有下岗女工无奈地诉说,但我知道,更有改革的浪潮迭起,冲破旧的观念,旧体制的束缚,迎来新世纪磅礴的日出! 这是一个除旧立新的祖国。这是一个沸腾上升的祖国;这是一个如日中天的祖国。我的话语多得成一部历史,我的话语多得可组成一片星河,但是说得最多最动情的一句,便是——腾飞吧祖国、祖国吉祥,吉祥祖国。 滔滔的江水,滚滚的黄河,连绵不断的山路,都属于我们伟大的祖国。祖国的山川雄奇,祖国的河水秀逸,祖国的胸怀无比广阔. 当侵略者的铁碲践踏我们美丽山河的时候,每一个有良知的中国人脸上流着泪,心中淌着血。为了心中神圣不可侵犯的祖国,他们在黑暗中摸索,在屈辱中抗争. 闻一多拍案而起,横眉冷对暗杀者的手枪;吉鸿昌高挂写有“我是中国人”标语的木牌,走在一片蓝眼睛、黄头发的洋人之中;张学良,杨虎城将军为了挽救民族危亡,毅然发动了西安事变…… 英雄长已矣!古往今来,一曲曲悲歌,一个个惊天动地泣鬼神的故事,都讲述一个简单而朴素的信念,祖国在我心中. 正是这千千万万的赤子,才撑起了我们民族的脊梁,祖国的希望;正是他们,在自己的“今天”,用满腔的热血,谱写了无愧于时代的《义勇军进行曲》,才使得我们今天的共和国国歌响彻神州,那么气势磅礴,那么雄壮嘹亮。 再翻开五千年的历史,我发现祖国的生命精髓长城——那道伤痕,记载了多少沧桑,又表现得如此顽强,那是一种标识,更是一种力量,一种精神,一种向往!长江——那是祖国的脉搏吧!跳跃着永不枯竭的悸动,挥洒着无边无际的情伤。黄河——那是祖国的血液,沸腾着、沸腾着,奔涌着,奔涌着,无力不摧,昂着向前,何等的自信和骄傲啊!五岳——那是你的手掌,指着苍凉的天,戳着悲怆的地,怒斥着丑陋的奸佞…… 耻辱和不幸已经成为过去,中华民族迎来了新的辉煌。改革开放二十多年来,在广大劳动人民的辛勤耕耘下,无论军事、科技、政治、体育,我们都取得了长足的进展。刚刚结束的雅典奥运会上,体育健儿凭借自己的“十年磨剑”,使中国首度跃身体育强国之列。五星红旗一次次高高飘扬在雅典的上空,雄浑激昂的中华人民共和国国歌让无数的华夏儿女心潮澎湃,热泪盈眶。 “祖国在我心中”,简简单单的六个字,道尽了多少中华儿女的心声。正是因为有这样一颗中国心,革命先烈抛头颅,洒热血,奥运健儿奋勇拼搏,屡创辉煌,而每一个炎黄子孙看到迎风飘扬的五星红旗都会热血沸腾,壮志激昂。 我们现在的幸福生活是革命烈士的血换来的,看到胸前飘飘扬扬的红领巾,在我心里,便有了这样一条信念,祖国就是妈妈,国家重于小家,长大后用双手把她建设的更强大。 祖国有广阔的疆土,有辉煌的历史,有漫山遍野的宝藏,有山川五岳秀丽的风光。思想的野马在奔驰,我用我的心描绘着祖国妈妈,她飘散的长发是千百条悠然流贯的河川,她硬朗而峭拔的脊梁是连绵不断的山峰,而她明亮的眼睛则是洞庭的水,西湖的波吧! 祖国是东方的明珠,是亚洲腾飞的巨龙,是远方地平线上初升的太阳。祖国在你心中,在我心中,在我们大家心中!

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295 评论


英雄主义 就是 先人后己 有献身的精神

106 评论


"A man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed, is he." - the old man and the seaPersonal attention-seeking means everyone is longing for his ability to get others to his attention, the 1899 was born in America, his life character, brave, strong combative have a strong tendency of personal heroism. In Europe, gun battle. In the African jungle to catch ferocious beast, in the ring to master the challenge. Also in his fiction is full of war, fighting, love sport, and tourism. The author of the character of his works is the old man and the sea ", in this work embodies a confident, daring to challenge the fate of courage, show the fighting spirit. This work was huge, even as the church , Hemingway's works in many so-called "heroics" composition, more is the bursting of the emotion, Hemingway other piece like "the sun also rises," "A farewell to arms", "short fiction works", the "garden of Eden", "A Movable Feast" etc, can say "and" personal attention-seeking "almost touch on can then consider the topic. If the old man and the sea ", the following reference analysisOutstanding performance:One is to human life. Look! The roar of the shark, aggressive resembles, but not a ChuiMu into the old man! Old man with despair, hunger in battle, heart always in silently thoughtfully: people were not born to overthrow. It is one of life's tenacity and strong embody!2 is the ultimate meaning of life works. Consider, old man with hunger, cold, dark, don't say to work by a fishbone empty? Man is completely cut off line is easy, but he has no! He is in trouble with the strong competition in battle,! YuSiWangPo rather too obstinate. Old man and the sea and in the volatile, completed the people's life force. Here is the success in said: "life is born, the brilliance of itself, not in a dead results - - - - - - - - the heel in cardiac alive!Three QuanZhu work is the concept of "success". The win on the material can be secular sense of success, but not necessarily successful life. If the life as a business to succeed, then, the life first should be perfect personality. Xiang is a loser, but he is recognized as the hero, Liu, but still seized by one as "surabaya rogue". If the solemn, farewell to the significance of human works embodies the spirit of America's western values and. Adventure and heroics usually for the beauty of the old man, San Diego small fishing boat to upload the mayflower "in" the same spirit, namely: can I failed, but you destroy me, I always strive for a breakthrough. Reason: the nationality of works for the works of a is the work presents a new dialogue between man and nature. "The old man and the sea" dialogue ", is weak and strong, loneliness and noise, winning and losing dialogue, it is different from the dialogue with the island, Crusoe is some life. Shark, the sea is spoiled, and the spirit of land for long. People in turbulent waves, and in living in the region, is absolutely called?6 is the product of work is personified. This course should brush, chicheng frankly. As is known to all, Hemingway's life in nature, good adventure. Challenge vitality He thought, no power of life. He hates to human desires, lust, and love, he often bypass the crowd around, magical place hunting, war, piao sentiment. Because of this, he mentally alone in the sea as fighting with the old man of sharks. However, he was born, until picked a secular evil theory with empty, only to double fishbone tube rifle issued a warning to the is a novel, but also can take it as a fable. Hemingway sing out here to humans fighting spirit stubborn. The novel is optimistic note and the end. Through the boy will once again with a new man, to fight and a new , of course, we should also realize that as a bourgeois individual Hemingway's limitations. He neither see, see the way society, the strength of the masses, he is in a weak foothold to personal struggle spirit came. Consequently, he failed to hero is only the hero. The old man and the sea "optimism is wide dark a glimmer of the air, and throughout the is a melancholy throughout the old man is a real image, or if the employee is but a critics say a laborer appearance of Hemingway's intellectuals? We think that is a - the true image of laborer, though, may be slightly. The writer is a true to his characters will simply as his mouthpiece. If Santiago only cosmetic of Hemingway, this novel won't have such power of moving. Santiago's thoughts and feelings and not beyond him such a laborer of thoughts and feelings. He in the boundless sea battle with fish, fish that will both as the enemy and as a brother's mood, should be understood and experience. In Hemingway's this old man is not a profound social content, but are faithful and the old man Santiago is a writer Ernest Hemingway's shadow. His son Gregory Hemingway wrote in a memoir, "Hemingway's hero is Hemingway himself, or his best." This is right. We work in some of the many characters are seen writers of his own shadow. But, in the novel "the old man and the sea", we felt in the thoughts and feelings with Hemingway, Santiago is more closely together, he loves him, sing praises to him, he entered the ", "the old man in the sea, feeling and sentiment is he to experience. In a sense, and from a certain Angle, the old man is Hemingway incarnation. But this is not to say ahead of us is a real art image that YiJiuErLiuNian, Hemingway published "the sun also rises," in this novel, he expressed in the first world war, the part of the American young intellectuals deep despair of reality. He therefore "lost generation" of the identity of the representative by notice, and some people will this novel as a "lost generation" declaration. Since then, he has been in his life and society. He attended the struggle against Spain franco. His works have exposed in the dark, capitalism had antifascist enthusiasm. His sympathy for China's Anti-Japanese War. He is a serious, right-minded writer. But, he always can not out of the circle, and individualism, never get rid of pessimism. Although "lost generation" as a literary genre in in the 1930s has collapsed, after the age from thought, said Hemingway is still a "lost". From the surface, Hemingway is a made great achievements, Fraser shatter his reputation, status, money. He is bold and unconstrained, open-minded, generous. But another Hemingway that he didn't see the real human way. And, as in war, it had a few times impaired his health. And he is old, writing more and more difficult. His heart is depressed, YiYu, doleful. In the boundless hugecrowd struggle, ups. The old man and the sea "is his soul essence of certain things. He not only in the old Santiago's body to his life on the feeling, also be the heroic man to motivate yourself as the to his son, Hemingway later in writing up has less easily. "The past is a water Wells, and now have the water pump.... he is no longer poet..., he became a workman, blame your destiny, sigh he's going into * entangles! � times first-come-first-served basis of dam Lei if ⊙ based Ge He lie � * his genius and back, which gives birth to a masterpiece (refers to the old man and the sea"), although not quite, but the scale, insight, and full of love and truth." Anyway, we can agree on the subject, because love, because of the ground with object close together, is the novel can obtain some achievements and can move one of the important reasons. -- but generally he is getting on in writing. So he had to say such words: "I wrote the book. I can't finish line." "I've been in this damned desk before... but I can't write out. It's not written. You know, I can't." His son say: "he always tries to win. He was lost, the". He's an old friend Malcolm, says: "if he can't write, he didn't want to live." In 1961, with a rifle bullets ended his life. I'm afraid I can't just explain for disease, it should also praised his old Santiago heroism another expression. However, we can also be considered that in the boundless huge crowd to struggle, the individual heroes who toil in a bell, their personal power loss after all, just to see more hope.

142 评论


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