Since entering the 21st century, because of the country's policy to encourage China's small and medium-sized private enterprises have been an unprecedented development, both in quantity and quality are a great leap forward. Their work in promoting national economic growth, stimulating an increase of national income is playing an increasingly large role in the national economy occupies an increasingly important position. In such a market economy, the traditional concept of cost control can not adapt to the modern idea of the cost, the cost of a modern enterprise content control to reduce costs not just in isolation but should be based on the overall strategic objectives and corporate external environment, from the costs and benefits Comparative cost-minimization to find. In China's accession to the WTO, China's large enterprises to directly face the fierce competition from international companies. China's enterprises to be competitive in this environment to seek survival and development, it is necessary to enhance their cost control, strengthen the concept of modern cost control. Cost Management Cost control is an important aspect of cost control in our country the status of business because of rising prices of means of production, enterprise assets significantly increased the cost of production, and many enterprises Chen cost control out of control, a serious waste of energy, so that product cost losses increase. The cost of traditional small and medium enterprises find it difficult to adapt the control model of an increasingly competitive market environment. For example: production equipment and outdated technology, poor quality of raw materials, transportation management, manufacturing process to produce a large number of defects, scrap, resulting in the mass loss is enormous and so on. The traditional cost control is to adapt to large-scale industrial revolution the emergence of the generation and development, with the global pace of economic integration, information technology, continually updated, companies are facing unprecedented competitive pressures. Enterprises are trying to find a better method of cost control in order to more accurately calculate product costs and cost control requirements of the system function better. In this context, emerged the modern cost control, whether in concept or in the means, the costs are related to traditional control systems have significant differences. In this paper, an analysis of the object is a clothing company, clothing company behind the cost of control system, lax accounting organizations, accounting methods are not quite right, the production cycle of the product cost control is not sufficiently rigorous, high production costs, leading to the competitiveness of enterprises is not strong. Narrow the scope of cost control, focusing only on pre-control, lose sight of its birth control. Accounting management functions can not play well. Which could prompt the use of new methods of cost control. In this paper, A First on the company's operating situation, and pointed out that the existence of A Company in the many issues surrounding the production process and different aspects of cost control for a number of issues that exist for the rationalization of solutions put forward to strengthen cost control measures, pay attention to the details of cost control, overall cost control task, the modern advantages of cost control, and integrated to clarify all aspects of modern cost-control issues need to pay attention to a scientific cost accounting systems, advanced means of control, and ultimately to achieve technological innovation to enhance the effect of cost control, cost control products do a good job in all phases of work. From the source gatekeeper, approving the report of layers, layer upon strict screening, the first time to provide cost data. Fundamentally reduce product cost, control cost-effectiveness of A to enhance the market competitiveness of enterprises. So that it can wave in the market place.
(四)运输环节信息化程度很低。在物流发达的国家信息化程度普遍很高,然而我国物流企业的信息化程度低,信息化水平相对落后,对物流运输的实时监督难以实现,导致物流运输信息很分散,无法进行跟踪货物,来保证货物的安全,相关信息的堵塞,不利于向不同部门之间信息的传递;此外,有的物流企业没有将GPRS 熟练运用于运输车辆上,使得物流企业无法确定车辆位置及运输情况,突发情况难以应对,车辆运输专用过度,空车返回的情况经常发生,没有将可以重复利用的材料和客户退换的货物带回本企业,降低车辆利用程度的同时,降低了运输效率,增加了物流企业的运输成本。
(一)加强仓储技术的运用,提高管理水平。首先,RFID 技术可以对货物的盘点、分拣、移库进行统一调度,由终端来接受反馈的数据,实时控制货物的进出,操作简单降低了库存管理的难度,很大程度上节约了人工成本,提高了出入库产品信息记录的准确性;其次,要培养仓储人员的管理水平,做到加强仓储的合理性降低货物堆放的毁损率;最后,加强货物的安全防范,认真仔细地做好各项保护措施,防患于未然。RFID技术的成熟运用是物流企业在技术方面的重要发展,可以动态的监督货物的出入管理提高工作效率。由于仓储是物流的首要环节,提升货物在库的.安全性,才能很好地保证后续环节的正常进行,所以提升仓储技术显得尤为重要。
物流业作为近年来的新兴服务行业发展迅速,然而物流成本过高是人们逐渐开始意识到的理由。下面是我为大家整理的企业物流成本控制论文,希望对大家有帮助。 供应链视角下企
中小型企业产品成本控制一、 产品成本的概述 (一)、产品成本,成本控制概念 1.产品成本 工业的生产过程,既是产品的生产过程,又是活劳动和物