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203 评论



120 评论


不用紧张的,老师一般提问的问题都是,你论文中的题目,有的是论文中表述不太清晰的,有的是分析的不够完善的。当然也有论文外的,那就看这个导师对这部作品的理解了,一般这种题目都是发散思维的,只要咱们深入分析了解透彻了这部作品就能应对的。 祝成功!一定没问题的!

217 评论


你好!1. 关于建筑的一些基本词汇及解释(英文)如下:Arcade-A row of arches or columns that create a covered walkway. Beam- A horizontal piece of structure supported at both ends. Balcony- A small porch that sticks off a building above ground level. Bay window- A window that projects out from a building ( if it is only on an upper floor, it’s called an ORIEL WINDOW ). Bracket- A piece of wood or stone used to hold up another building part, such as a cornice, balcony, lintel or sill. Cantilever- A piece of building structurethat is only supported on one end. Column- A vertical piece of structure that supports a beam. Cornice- The molding that projects out from the top ofa building. Dome- A rounded roof, with a circular base, shaped like an arch in all directions. Dormer- A window that sticks out from a roof to provide more light and air. Facade- The outside “ face” of the building. Gable- The end of a roof shaped like a triangle. Gazebo- An outdoor, open-air structure used for relaxing. Keystone- The center stone in an arch. Lintel- The piece of structure over a door or window opening, which supports the weight of the wall above it. Ornament- Any decoration on a building that has no structual purpose. Pediment- A small gable over door or window. Quolns- Large stones that wrap around the corner of a building. Roof- The top of a building which protects the inside from the weather. Sill- The piece of the structure under a window or door opening. Skylight- A window in the roof. Stoop- A short set of steps up the front door of a building Structure- The parts of the building that supports weight; a building’s skeleton. Window- An opening in a wall that lets in light and air. 2.有一个英文网站,关于建筑词汇的,很不错:希望能对你有所帮助!祝论文写作顺利!

335 评论



83 评论


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