Video-sharing sites since entering the country, the popularity of the rapid and positive development. Video-sharing sites commercialization of the problem also caused widespread concern. At present, China's most video-sharing sites have not yet profitable, profit has become a model of video-sharing site facing the important issues. This paper attempts by the video-sharing site of the understanding, from the website operators and marketing mode, the video sharing site's understanding of profit and the profit model of innovation to explore. Through the video sharing site characteristics of thinking, a model of its marketing and profitability model analysis. Video-sharing sites to guide service providers through active marketing strategy, the profitability of innovative models to complete site's revenue, to achieve the profit target site. So as to promote China's video sharing site and the whole industry to actively develop the Internet industry, China's Internet video look forward to the healthy, harmonious and cultural progress, China's cultural industry and the prosperity and development.
短视频盈利模式分析论文好写吗中国短视频的盈利模式分析作者:杨传红 徐 苇 李艳楠来源:《中国新通信》 2018年第22期 一、短视频介绍 移动短视频是近几年出现的新事物,并没有十分明确的概念,但可以从移动短视频的发展和自身特点进行概念的初步界定。在播放持续时间上,一般指在五分钟之内的视频。从传播路径来看,它是一种基于移动互联网传播的形式,是新时代人类娱乐方式由互联网部分转至移动互联网的产物,同时也是社交行为与信息传递方式的一种延续。在表现形式上,它能够快速美化编辑,并可以随时随地分享至主流社交平台。纵观国内短视频市场,一方面移动手第 1 页高压真空泵多少钱-中德科技-欢迎来电咨询高压真空泵-找中德,我司主营:旋片真空泵,螺杆真空泵,罗茨真空泵等泵类产品及真空泵配件,厂价直销,质量过硬。欢迎来电咨询合作点击立即咨询,了解更多详情咨询广东中德科技制泵有.. 广告机的出货量剧增以及网络的普及为短视频市场提供了合适的生产土壤。另一方面消费者网生代行为由互联网到移动互联网的转变加速了短视频市场的扩张。各大企业和投资平台因为移动互联网的独特环境和变现能力将大量资金和精力投放到短视频中来,并已经构成了生产传播的完整链条,既有专门做内容的机构,也有专门做平台的机构,又有既做平台又做内容的机构。内容机构以中央电视台、人民日报、新华社为主流媒体代表。平台类机构以抖音、今日头条、快手、腾讯、火山小视频等,这类机构只做平台不做原创内容。另外一种就是以梨视频为代表既做内容又做平台的短视频平台
郑淑蓉. 试论我国商务网站的赢利模式.经济问题,2003蒋水林. 电子商务盈利模式日趋成熟. 人民邮电,2005吴琦. 电子商务代表网站及业务模式分析. 通信世
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