AbstractThe famous hometown of overseas Chinese there are many, is also a member of Wuyi. FDBWA overseas overseas Chinese there are many, including many talents, the political arena Hero, scientists, their enthusiasm and the development of the motherland prosperous and education, donor contributions to the motherland for his hometown to make a great contribution. FDBWA overseas celebrities, overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese affairs management information system development, is aimed at better with the overseas Chinese to domestic and foreign exchanges, the development of overseas resources building the prosperity of overseas Chinese this paper, the exposition on the FDBWA overseas celebrities, overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese affairs management information system outlined in the development, technical characteristics, principles and method of application, fully demonstrated the superiority of the ASP technology side. This paper also describes the FDBWA overseas celebrities, overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese affairs management information system operational processes, SQLSERVER2000 the database structure and composition of the management pages; application of the system, to implement modern management of overseas Chinese resources, to guide the rational application of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Rural economic development, but also for the leadership of the Chinese celebrities to provide the information to better mobilize the enthusiasm of overseas Chinese, overseas Chinese to build a words FDBWA overseas celebrities, overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese affairs management information system; ASP; SQLserver2000;
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