My favorite book is Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, the text is really the hero's reasoning ability I envy. In normal times, some of his little reasoning can also be shaken Watson. Let me talk about a big case on the bar, blood character study, episode heavily at this stage, Holmes used his superhuman ability, with the help of a doctor Watson solved one by one a mystery. But the result made me unexpectedly, that murderers enough to let me sympathize. But I am most interested in Korean Holmes's reasoning, his extraordinary ability to detective in the history of it can be considered a miracle. I think he is not only very chic, bold, solemn, but without losing the unique British gentleman demeanor, so that I adore. Here is not to say, this is not masterpiece with its infinite charm in the history of literature has made its rightful place is in people's hearts released eternal glory. 【
不太清楚你老师的要求.不知道与影视有关的如何?这几年翻拍了不少福尔摩斯的电影电视~~比如,神探夏洛克,大侦探福尔摩斯,基本演绎法,恩,还有名侦探柯南......比如说,福尔摩斯延续至21世纪的魅力还有,福尔摩斯的世界观,华生研究过的,或者福尔摩斯中的刑侦科学,什么凝血阿,易容啊~~~or福尔摩斯的两性观~~~~艾琳 埃德勒~~那位女士~~要不直接研究下柯南道尔爵士~~阿~~你最好还是把原著通读一遍~~这么好看的书~~~看完你的灵感就源源不绝了~~呵呵
先把它看一遍 然后找找中国同类书籍 做一个文学的比较研究既省事又不怕出错,关键是这种方法现在比较热,会给人眼前一亮的感觉。而且中国人读国外的推理小说 先天的优势就在于文化的差异。以中国人的眼睛看,就叫“多视角”。如果还觉得麻烦,就去期刊网搜搜相关论文。你是哪个学校的?
福布斯首先是个集团。其次是个人,全名是史提夫·福布斯,是福布斯集团总裁 。最后是福布斯先生经营的世界上最著名的财经杂志《福布斯》。所以说福布斯有三个含义。福布斯