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2 accident reason analysis Analysis of gas boiler room the cause of the accident, there are two possible: boiler ontology explosion, boiler room to explode gas explosion concentration and explosions. Boiler blast furnace body, because be in, or flue gas mixture in explosive existence, when achieved by fire or explosion limit, boiler heat ignites causing accidents in itself. This point and the national norm of building fire system that conform to the relevant provisions. The actual current boiler product has considered safe production measures to avoid it. Qualified gas boiler itself has the explosion-proof process design, such as burner in abnormal situation automatic stop, self-control device also stop output fuel, Gas boiler combustion system higher automatization, including the gas pressure is high, low limit alarm protection, when the control logic where step does not meet the conditions set start corresponding interlock protection. Avoid the boiler exploded possibility, but still ontology exist above another possibility, can avoid? How to avoid it? Three measures In fact in design, according to the boiler design code "and" automatic fire alarm system design code "GB50116-1998 etc standard, we have taken the following measures: Natural gas pipelines valves, meter, may occur gas leak place, boiler room may produce gas storage product area [relative density , it is to be in commonly roof area in these areas], all equipped with combustible gas concentration measurement alarm device, according to combustible gas concentration situation give out sound and light alarm signal and start exhaust fan, when leakage accident concentrations reach explosion limit of the lower limit 50% [this value for reference only], but also immediately close natural air intake duct total intake solenoid valves. In the boiler room and a natural gas pipeline in and out of the room, the incident, but also with the smoke exhaust fan combustible gas alarm interlocking (start). Electrical, instrument by cable selection TongXin, not less than mm2 minimum section. Gas radiation tube tube top or the nearby, the lightning rod should be installed above the pipe jacking tip should be not less than 3m, and its scope of protection tube top above not less than 1-m. Gas pipeline should be static grounding device that, when pipeline as metal materials, and lightning protection or electrical engineering protective grounding wire connected, the measured resistance R more than 4 Ω. In pipe joints, such as the bend, flange, valve and pipe with good place cannot metal contact, also with metal soft line will be both ends jumper. In the boiler room and a natural gas pipeline in and out of the room door, window take pressure measures. According to the explosion and fire dangerous environment electrical device design specification "the laws bar, accord with one of the following conditions may, when the explosion danger area: devin in item 3, in the process of production use fire equipment near, A combination of these several measures can clearly, electrical equipment selection for the explosion. At the same time according to the explosion and fire dangerous environment electrical device design specification "the laws bar, accord with one of the following conditions may, when the explosion danger area devin: the first 2 items, and the highest possible flammable explosive chroma does not exceed 10% of the lower limit, Close air intake duct natural total intake solenoid valves, concentration exceed 10% of the lower limit explosion limit, boiler room near the roof area are gas storage product area, so lighting lamps and lanterns and switch choosing is explosion-proof type. 4 conclusion In gas boiler room electrical design, lighting choose explosion-proof lamps, other part adopts the explosion-proof type. references [1] boiler design standard. GB50041-1992. [2] explosion and fire dangerous environment electrical device design standard. GB50058-1992. [3] the code for fire protection design of buildings. GB50016-2006. [4] automatic fire alarm system design standard. GB50116-1998.

265 评论


: with the development of social economy, buildings, structures the diversity of applied materials, all kinds of industry and the development of science and technology, flammable material increased, together with people living environment and lifestyle changes, increasing the risk of fire, fire, the fire caused the number of casualties and economic loss increase gradually. Fire is harmful to human survival as the enemy of, more and more attention by people. With the increasing of the high-rise building, fire hidden trouble increase. Once the fire, and will be of the lives and property of the people do great harm, so people begin to seek a kind of early detection method of fire, in order to control and extinguish fire, reduce loss, and safeguarding the safety of the introduction of the development of science and technology, electronic technology to become effective means of the safety aspects of, many, many of the safety aspects of electronic products, is the life of people's right-hand man. This design using single chip computer technology with A/D conversion chip constructed A flammable gas detection alarm. When environment flammable or poisonous gas leak, when gas alarm detect combustible gas concentration reach the point of alarm Settings, flammable gas alarm will be issued a warning signal to remind workers to take security measures. This paper firstly introduces the design flammable gas detection alarm the main way and the advantage of single-chip microcomputer system; And then introduced the flammable gas detection alarm design process, and the hardware and software design of the system, and gives the software program design detailed steps, including each module of the program design and the whole system commissioning and simulation steps, the design USES MQ-2 gas sensor as flammable gas the signal acquisition tools, the collected simulation voltage quantity after ADC0809 into digital signals. Single chip ADC0809 collection to the digital signal after calculation, if combustible gas concentration reach the point of single chip set alarm when will drive LED and a buzzer issued a warning signal. In no RanQiTi, some unknown risk, alarm can human control key change fire alarm initial value.

165 评论


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