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中小企业物流成本控制策略 摘要:我国生产企业长期以来一直是重生产、轻流通,导致物流成本巨大。面对着竞争程度的加剧,以及第一利润和第二利润的逐渐衰竭,物流作为第三利润源泉及“降低成本的最后边界”,己受到越赖越多的企业的关注。如何降低企业物流成本增强企业效益,以及如何加强对其的成本控制是企业的管理者面临的一个重要问题。本文首先从物流成本的概念、特征及其影响因素等基础理论入手,提出了企业物流成本控制过程中存在的问题,最终结合企业的实际情况寻找到了有效的物流成本控制策略。关键词:物流;成本;控制策略目 录第1章引言... 研究背景... 研究目的... 研究方法... 国外研究现状分析... 国内研究现状分析... 5第2章物流成本管理理论综述... 企业物流成本的涵义与构成... 物流成本管理的作用... 物流成本管理的基本原理... 物流战略... 物流成本... 物流质量... 物流服务... 物流标准化... 物流效益... 物流网络规划... 11第3章中小企业物流成本管理存在的问题... 物流信息化程度及管理落后... 企业物流信息化程度落后... 物流成本管理方法落后... 物流供应链成本过高... 运输费用过高... 包装费用过高... 存货商品储存费用较高... 传统的物流成本核算存在不足... 14第4章物流成本控制问题实例分析... 装卸搬运费用过高... 运输费用没有得到有效控制... 缺乏完善的物流管理体系... 15第5章中小企业物流成本管理的策略... 提高中小企业对物流成本控制的认识... 构建物流成本控制核算体系... 现代物流信息系统的构建... 物流外包... 绿色物流战略... 18结束语... 19参考文献... 20

292 评论


[1]. Hospital li cost accounting method of application and cost analysis [D] Beijing university of Chinese medicine, 2002,. [2] by bashan. The hospital drugs of a modern logistics management [D] the tianjin university, 2004,. [3] LvSuRong. Based on the theory of homework cost industrial [6] WangXiaoLi. The hospital economic cost accounting [D] zhengzhou university, 2006,. [7] WangAiWu. Manufacturing enterprise logistics cost ABC measurement [D] changsha university of science and technology, 2006,. [8] YangHaiQing. The hospital clinical departments cost benefit analysis [D] the first military medical university, 2006,. [9] guoping zhang based on ABC's workshop. Production cost accounting system design [D] dalian university of technology, 2006,. [10] WangDi. Based on the activity-based costing method in university education cost accounting of [D] dalian maritime university, 2007,. [1] JinYi. Single disease [J] cost accounting discusses anhui health professional technology institute, 2006, (6),. [2] SunGuiChun. Shallow to negotiate with the small and medium-sized enterprises in China cost control [J] the north, 2010, economic (18). [3] WuGuoHe of economic management in hospital. The application of cost accounting and the present and future [J] ranked, 2010, (12). [4] MaFengYun. According to the hospital cost accounting problems and solutions [J] financial measures (academic edition), 2009, (). [5] ChenXiangRong. Financial personnel learning and ability of the growth [J] financial (academic version), 2010, (12). [6] ChenJuan. The hospital financial system extension and implementation effect explore [J] accounting communications, 2009, (29). Contact details QQ 1098270167 [7] SangShengJuan, LiuPing, JiangWenWei. The activity-based costing method in the hospital cost accounting discussed the application [J] accounting communications, 2010, (11). [8] willow, FengZeYong, moody's YangBin. Well, human resource management, and control the cost of hospital [J] chongqing medical, 2009, (). [9] ZhangPeiLin, ZhuXiuFang, YanWeiHua, ZhangYaLi, LuXiaoQin, rakwar. Since the establishment of our country hospital cost control development [J] chongqing medical history, 2009, (). [10] GengGongXia. The hospital internal cost accounting the problems and countermeasures of contemporary economic [J], 2009, (16).

170 评论


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277 评论


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