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At present the domestic construction trash converting into resources use's proportion is relatively low, is creating the resources waste simultaneously also the pollution of the environment. This article discussed the construction trash concrete classification and the composition, has analyzed the construction trash composition and has the reason. Summarized the domestic and foreign construction trash converting into resources present situation from the policies and regulations and the processing technology two aspects, and analyzes its trend of development, had expounded our country carries out construction trash converting into resources the importance and the necessity. Introduced some domestic and foreign construction trash converting into resources processing method. Question which exists in view of the construction trash use, put forward some feasible proposals. Summarizes through the induction, carries on the analysis to each building trash output estimate method, proposed that each kind of estimate method's applicable scope, was the construction trash output estimate has provided a more thorough analysis and the basis. To the construction trash output and in its influencing factor's relationship analysis's foundation, proposes the use immediate data forecast output computation relationship. Introduced that the domestic and foreign each building trash converting into resources way, carries on the detailed elaboration take the waste wood and the waste concretes as the example. key word: Construction trash; Using; Converting into resources; Processing method; Way

96 评论



121 评论



117 评论


Abstract: nowadays the percentage of the utilization of construction waste in China is relatively low, which pollutes the environment while causing the waste of resources. This article discusses about the specific classification and composition of construction waste and analyzes the composition and the course of it. The article generalizes the present conditions of the recycling of construction waste home and abroad in both aspects as policy and regulation, workmanship and technology while analyzing the trend of development therefore luminating the importance and necessity of promoting the recycling of construction waste in China. It introduces some disposition methods of recycling of construction waste home and abroad and proposes some viable advices for the existing problems in the recycling of construction waste. 晚上在翻

268 评论


As the degree of air pollution in recent years China's increasing severity, people began to realize that the atmospheric pollution hazards and began to reflect, to environmental damage from extensive mode for the cost of economic development has not been able to continue. The atmospheric environment if continue to be very serious pollution, the development of human society will cause inestimable losses. Change the mode of economic growth, control of air pollution, protect the atmospheric environment is imminent. Taking Xinle city as an example, through the data collected from Xinle City, the current pollution situation is very serious, at the same time, according to people in the past on air pollution control experience combined with the local reality put forward the view of their own, starting from the legislative means, economic means, ideological education and so on, in order to provide suggestions for the to solve the problem of local air pollution.(毕业大学生真泛滥啊.............

359 评论


  • 本科毕业论文要不要写英文摘要


    倆宝麻麻 5人参与回答 2023-12-07
  • 本科毕业论文英文摘要放在哪


    伯妮新娘 8人参与回答 2023-12-11
  • 本科毕业论文摘要写英文


    甜甜的今天 7人参与回答 2023-12-07
  • 本科毕业论文英文摘要多少字

    字数要求 本科论文字数一般在5000字以上即可,一般6000-8000字比较合适,过长或者过短都是不合适的,本科论文一般不会有什么特别高的要求,发表普刊就可以,

    暮光绝恋 8人参与回答 2023-12-09
  • 本科毕业论文摘要要英文翻译吗

    这个不用全部翻译的,只要选择自己需要的内容翻译。 翻译的外文文献可以是一篇,也可以是两篇,但英文字符要求不少于2万。选定外文文献后先给指导老师看,得到老师的确认

    美多多lady 4人参与回答 2023-12-09