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首页 > 期刊论文 > 毕业论文翻译汽车车牌识别系统

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翻译如下:Intelligent Transportation Systems is the world's leading-edge transportation research, automatic license plate recognition systems in intelligent transportation system as an important technology, a combination of image processing, pattern recognition, a number of automation technology, now widely应用. Car vehicle license plate is clear-cut and precise, the only sign. License plate recognition system can automatically determine the effective extraction plate and the image data and accurately identify the characters on the plate. The system a complete license plate recognition. Include image preprocessing and character recognition in two parts. Image Pre-processing, first of all to have access to the license plate image using the histogram to enhance the principle of widening the contrast of images, making images appear more clearly, and then binary image processing to lay the foundation for follow-up; then Binarization image after the horizontal and vertical scanning to determine the exact location of license plates, and then based on a priori knowledge and the method of progressive scan and normalized partition plate characters; the last use of each character as a number of features extracted in order to character value identification. Character recognition part of the image after pre-treatment using a template matching method and BP neural network method comparison, came to the conclusion that the correct license plate characters

134 评论


Intelligent Transportation Systems is the world's leading-edge transportation research, automatic license plate recognition systems in intelligent transportation system as an important technology, a combination of image processing, pattern recognition, a number of automation technology, now widely应用. Car vehicle license plate is clear-cut and precise, the only sign. License plate recognition system can automatically determine the effective extraction plate and the image data and accurately identify the characters on the plate. The system a complete license plate recognition. Include image preprocessing and character recognition in two parts. Image Pre-processing, first of all to have access to the license plate image using the histogram to enhance the principle of widening the contrast of images, making images appear more clearly, and then binary image processing to lay the foundation for follow-up; then Binarization image after the horizontal and vertical scanning to determine the exact location of license plates, and then based on a priori knowledge and the method of progressive scan and normalized partition plate characters; the last use of each character as a number of features extracted in order to character value identification. Character recognition part of the image after pre-treatment using a template matching method and BP neural network method comparison, came to the conclusion that the correct license plate characters.

283 评论


Intelligent Transportation Systems is the world's leading-edge transportation research, automatic license plate recognition systems in intelligent transportation system as an important technology, a combination of image processing, pattern recognition, a number of automation technology, now widely. Car vehicle license plate is clear-cut and precise, the only sign. License plate recognition system can automatically determine the effective extraction plate and the image data and accurately identify the characters on the plate. The system a complete license plate recognition. Include image preprocessing and character recognition in two parts. Image Pre-processing, first of all to have access to the license plate image using the histogram to enhance the principle of widening the contrast of images, making images appear more clearly, and then binary image processing to lay the foundation for follow-up; then Binarization image after the horizontal and vertical scanning to determine the exact location of license plates, and then based on a priori knowledge and the method of progressive scan and normalized partition plate characters; the last use of each character as a number of features extracted in order to character value identification. Character recognition part of the image after pre-treatment using a template matching method and BP neural network method comparison, came to the conclusion that the correct license plate characters

333 评论


Intelligent transportation system is the world frontier of transportation research, the automatic identification system in intelligent transportation system as an important technology, combined with the image processing and pattern recognition, automation technology, now etc widely car license plate is clear, accurate, the only sign. Vehicle plate recognition system can automatically judge effectively extract and the image data and accurate license plate recognition of the system is put forward a complete vehicle plate recognition method. Mainly includes the image preprocessing and character recognition in two parts. Image preprocessing, to obtain the first vehicle images using the principle of image histograms enhancement of contrast, widening image appears more clearly, the binary image processing for the follow-up work foundation, Then in binary image on the horizontal and vertical scans determine the accurate location, then license to manufacture progre ive-scan prior knowledge and the method and the normalized character, Finally by using the method of extracting characters like several characteristic value in order to character recognition. In character recognition, the image preprocessing after using the template matching method and the BP neural network, and the correct character.

311 评论


车牌识别系统是 以汽车牌照为特定目标的专用计算机视觉系统,车牌识别系统不光在停车场有应用,在交通领域的作用更是非常的大,可以说是智能交通系统的重要组成部分,是高 科技的公路交通监控管理系统的主要功能模块之一。它可以广泛应用于交通的流量检测,交通控制与诱导,机场、港口、小区的车辆管理,不停车自动收费,闯红灯 等违章车辆监控。车牌识别系统不光可以用在停车场等场所,还可以装在道路上,还可以识别道路上行驶的被盗车辆,当然这需要警方建立起一个被盗车辆数据库,再把这个数据库连 接到监控系统上来,一旦监控到被盗车辆可以第一时间通知警方,为警方的侦破工作提供帮助,这一系统在车辆安全防盗领域,也具有广阔的应用前景。基于它的作 用,以及现在各种停车场和交通领域存在的各种问题,比如随着城市人口的增加,车辆也必然会增加,那么带来的问题也会随之增加,而这些问题有的仅仅靠人力来 解决是不可能的,所以车牌自动识别系统被越来越普遍的使用,是与社会的发展和人们的生活需求息息相关的。

116 评论


AbstractThe research and application of vehicle LicensePlate Recognition (LPR) technology has been a major concerned issue of modern transportationdevelopment. And it is also a key constraints factor of intellectualization andmodernization of transportatioin system. This paper attempts to present a newmethod to locate (或position或recognize根据你要表达的意思选一个) license plate based on color and mathematical morphology. The newmethod locate(同上) license plate by three steps: to process by image morphology atthe first; and then to divide color; finally, to generate and divide area. The experimenthad promising results indicate that the algorithm is efficient and fast especiallyperforms well on morphological procession. Moreover, the paper presents a newmethod to recognize characters based on template matching in order to recognizecharacter of license words: license plate location; licenseplate character recognition; template matching某些专有名词可能不是太准确。有不妥,欢迎追问全人工,希望采纳

171 评论


A license plate recognition system can be divided into three steps: license plate detection, character segmentation and character recognition. License plate detection by the tilt, light, pollution, such as the impact of the algorithm more complex. A number of license plate detection algorithm proposed in recent years, but most of them have less than, and not in a complex environment to achieve real-time identification of license plates. Edge detection algorithm with the shooting affect change, when the edge of the clear license plate can not successfully detect the license plate. Color and texture comprehensive feature detection accuracy is better, but the light effects are very obvious, and the algorithm complexity is high, the effect is not. Morphology license plate detection algorithm, it is vulnerable to the impact of the class of license plate characters, the detection speed is relatively slow. Lack the ability to adapt to these detection algorithms have shortcomings because the algorithm. In this paper, the representative of the Boosting algorithm AdaBoost algorithm, which is a construct accurate classifiers adaptive learning algorithm, through a combination of multiple features to construct accurate classifiers, the final completion of the license plate this paper, the license plate recognition technology, details of the license plate location, character segmentation, feature extraction and character recognition method, and the license plate location and license plate recognition based on the AdaBoost algorithm, the results show that the AdaBoost algorithm significantly improve the stability and accuracy of license plate detection.

204 评论


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