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试论跨国公司知识产权战略管理的若干问题[知识产权] 参考资料: 目录 一、跨国公司知识产权战略管理概述1 二、跨国公司知识产权战略管理的特点1 (一)战略的全局性1 (二)管理的规范性2 (三)以专利战略为核心2 (四)实施策略的多样性2 (五)以高新技术为主要阵地3 三、我国企业知识产权战略管理存在的问题3 (一)跨国公司的知识产权战略对我国的影响3 1.跨国公司大量涌入,国内企业产权竞争压力迅速上升3 2.跨国公司知识产权的范围不断扩大,权利内容不断深化4 3.技术壁垒成为跨国公司保护知识产权的新趋势4 4.跨国公司滥用知识产权,阻碍国内企业自主技术创新5 5.跨国公司对我国的知识产权诉讼明显增加5 (二)我国企业知识产权战略管理存在的问题及原因6 1.存在的问题6 2.主要原因7 四、开放条件下我国企业知识产权战略管理的构建思路8 (一)以鼓励和促进国内企业自主创新为出发点8 (二)有效限制和消除外资企业的知识产权滥用9 (三)建立基于我国技术标准的新体系10 (四)增强知识产权意识,设立专门知识产权管理机构10 (五)国内企业组成战略联盟,加强行业间合作10 五、结语11 参考文献12 致谢13记得采纳啊

130 评论



218 评论


Europe and the United States Anti-diluted trademark and its significance in China[Abstract] With the development of the times, for trademark infringement of a complex situation, "confusion" is no longer the only form of trademark infringement, trademark to dilute the protection of trademarks in particular the protection of well-known trademarks has put forward higher Requirements. The United States is the world's anti-trademark protection legislation and judicial downplay the most advanced countries, the paper to weaken against the . trademark protection system as the entry point of the Island of the . law and federal anti-dilute the anti-dilute the main content of the Bill, and faded in the form of Finds that the . trademark system weakened against the judicial practice, and on the EU's trademark anti-desalination system and China's trademark protection against dilute the status quo on the international art trade mark weakened against the Chinese system of reference. Key words: well-known trademarks, trade faded, the Federal Anti-diluted bill我改了,还有吗?

184 评论


On the Anti-dilution System in the US and Europe and the Reference to China AbstractWith the transition of times, trademark infringement has evolved into a complex stage. "Confusion" is no longer the only form of trademark infringement. The dilution of trademark has put forward higher requirements to trademark protection, in particular, to the protection of well-known trademarks. The United States is the country which has the most advanced legal system and anti-dilution trademark protection system. This thesis takes the anti-dilution trademark protection system as an entry point, illustrating the contents, the forms and the cognizance of the States Anti-dilution Act and the Federal Anti-dilution Act respectively, as well as the practice of these acts. And also, it emphasizes on the EU's trademark anti-dilution system and the present status of this system in China, aiming to discuss the reference, to China, of those advanced systems in the worldKey wordsWell-known trademarks, trademark dilution, the Federal Trademark Dilution Act

273 评论


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