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企业的核心价值体现在以下四点: 从公司的角度来讲,我们的事业是关乎人民生命健康的特殊事业,所以我们在工作中必须保持对人民生命健康高度负责的态度,以真诚、专注、勤奋之心赢得客户,赢得机遇。从员工的角度来讲,我们要严于律己,履行首问负责制,对自己的工作尽心尽力,同时注重维护集体和公司的利益,以主人翁的姿态勇担重任、面对困难。 从公司的角度来讲,虽然我们取得了一定的成就,也有着广阔的行业前景,但仍然面临着很多的压力和危机。所以我们要有强烈的忧患意识,时刻保持创业初期的激情和不断进取的精神,增强企业抵御风险的能力,实现企业的战略目标。从员工的角度来讲,我们要积极进取,不满足于固有成绩,要追求进步,注重学习与提升,勇于挑战自我和超越自我。 从公司的角度来讲,强有力的执行力一直是九州通的核心优势,企业的发展对执行力的要求也将越来越高。所以,我们要形成令行禁止、言必行、行必果、雷厉风行的执行力文化,形成有决策、有落实、有监督、有反馈的良性管理机制,从而增强九州通在新的市场环境下参与竞争和合作的综合实力。从员工的角度来讲,我们要做到反应迅速,行动及时,高效率、高质量完成工作,超越组织期望,日常行为规范化和职业化。 从公司的角度来讲,家文化是我们的传统文化精髓,包容与共进是企业前进的内部保障,高级人才的引进、人员本土化和企业的一系列整合并购,也都需要融合。所以,我们要通过关爱等举措来提高员工的满意度,通过打造和谐团队来增强组织的凝聚力,通过搭建成长平台来吸引和留住优秀人才,从而最终实现我们共同的事业与梦想。从员工的角度来讲,我们要有良好的协作精神,积极融入团队,乐于与团队成员分享经验和成果,主动为他人提供帮助,怀着阳光的心态面对同事和客户。

119 评论


With the deepening of China's market economy development and the gradual improvement of health care reform, as the pharmaceutical distribution industry also will usher in its high-speed development period, but the competition between enterprises has become increasingly motivated. Competition among modern enterprises is essentially the competition of human resources. Human Resources is to promote the rapid development of the most important business resource, is the enterprise, "the first resource." Members how to effectively mobilize the enthusiasm of business and creative potential, to continually improve the level of performance to achieve corporate strategic goals, and no companies are very concerned about. Kyushu Fujitsu is engaged in pharmaceutical distribution companies in the group of companies, pharmaceutical distribution companies in China's leading enterprises. Founded in 2000 to 2007, a 45% compound annual rate of growth, but business growth in 2008 downward trend began, faced with a crisis, including the backbone of the talent shortage crisis; personnel appointments Budang crisis and turnover crisis. To resolve these crises, the first performance management system is to solve the optimization problem. In response to the crisis, good performance management system optimization, this can have literature research, survey interviews, comparative research and case study method of Kyushu through the performance management system to analyze the situation, the performance management system to find the key problem , and corresponding measures of improvement. Performance management system optimization measures include the establishment of performance-oriented corporate culture, performance plan optimization, optimization of performance indicators, performance monitoring optimization, performance optimization of communication, performance evaluation of the main results of the application of optimization and performance optimization. Through the above measures can improve the optimization of Kyushu's performance management system, stimulate the enthusiasm of the staff and the creative potential for transfer to enterprise crisis. But also to the pharmaceutical distribution industry, human resources management to provide references. 九州通医药公司Kyushu Medical companies绩效管理Performance Management体系优化System optimization

199 评论



165 评论


With China's market economy system of further development and medical system reform, the gradual improvement as pharmaceutical circulation industry will hold its high-speed development, but the enterprise competition between also more and more enterprise competition between human resources of the competition. Human resource is to promote the fast development of enterprises is the most important resources, is the enterprise "first resources". How to effectively motivate enterprise member's enthusiasm and creative potential, continuously improve enterprise's performance level to realize the strategic target, is any enterprise are very concerned about the problem. Jiuzhou tong company is engaged in pharmaceutical circulation of enterprise group company, is China pharmaceutical circulation enterprises the leading enterprise. Since the establishment in 2000 to 2007, every year by 45% of the compound rate of growth, but from the start of 2008 enterprise growth is on the decline, facing a series of crisis, including backbone talent shortage crisis; Talent employment undeserved crisis and personnel loss crisis. To solve the crisis, the brunt is to solve the problem of the optimization of the performance management order to cope with the crisis, completes the performance management system, this paper can optimize work literature methodology, investigation interview law, comparative research and cases of kyushu organum the performance management system are analyzed, and find the performance management system of key problems, and put forward the corresponding optimization countermeasures. Performance management system optimization countermeasures including establish with performance oriented enterprise culture, performance plans, the optimization of performance indicators of optimization, performance monitoring and the optimization of performance communication and the optimization of the performance evaluation of subject optimization and performance result applied that through these optimization measures can improve kyushu tong company performance management system, arouse the enthusiasm of the employees and creative potential, make enterprise crisis for transferring. But also to the pharmaceutical circulation industry the management of human resources providing reference : jiuzhou tong pharmaceutical companies, performance management, system optimization

161 评论


翻译如下,请指正!请专业人士翻译的!With the deepening of China's market economy development and the gradual improvement of health care reform, as the pharmaceutical distribution industry also will usher in its high-speed development period, but the competition between enterprises has become increasingly motivated. Competition among modern enterprises is essentially the competition of human resources. Human Resources is to promote the rapid development of the most important business resource, is the enterprise, "the first resource." Members how to effectively mobilize the enthusiasm of business and creative potential, to continually improve the level of performance to achieve corporate strategic goals, and no companies are very concerned about. Kyushu Fujitsu is engaged in pharmaceutical distribution companies in the group of companies, pharmaceutical distribution companies in China's leading enterprises. Founded in 2000 to 2007, a 45% compound annual rate of growth, but business growth in 2008 downward trend began, faced with a crisis, including the backbone of the talent shortage crisis; personnel appointments Budang crisis and turnover crisis. To resolve these crises, the first performance management system is to solve the optimization problem. In response to the crisis, good performance management system optimization, this can have literature research, survey interviews, comparative research and case study method of Kyushu through the performance management system to analyze the situation, the performance management system to find the key problem , and corresponding measures of improvement. Performance management system optimization measures include the establishment of performance-oriented corporate culture, performance plan optimization, optimization of performance indicators, performance monitoring optimization, performance optimization of communication, performance evaluation of the main results of the application of optimization and performance optimization. Through the above measures can improve the optimization of Kyushu's performance management system, stimulate the enthusiasm of the staff and the creative potential for transfer to enterprise crisis. But also to the pharmaceutical distribution industry, human resources management to provide references. 九州通医药公司Kyushu Medical companies绩效管理Performance Management体系优化System optimization

359 评论


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